Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Memorandum

TO: Mayor and Councilors
Date: 1/10/2006 12:00:00 AM
TO: Mayor and Councilors
1/9/2006 5:03:00 PM
THRU: Isaiah Hugley, City Manager
FROM: Rick Jones, AICP, Director of Planning
Subject: 1347 Warm Springs Road

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Concerning the request for a Certificate of Occupancy for 1347 Warm Springs

Road, the subject property is zoned Light Manufacturing/Industrial (LMI).

Under the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), Office, Business and

Professional services, such as Tax Services, are not allowed in this zone.

They are allowed in the Uptown (UPT), Central Riverfront (CRD), Neighborhood

Commercial (NC), Residential-Office (RO), Commercial-Office (CO), General

Commercial (GC), and the Special Activity and Technical Center (SAC) zones. The

reason for this action was to keep like uses in the appropriate zoning

classification. Tax Services (Office, Business and Professional services) were

not considered to be a light industrial/manufacturing operation.

Under the previous zoning ordinance, the property was also zoned light

manufacturing (M-1), with the exception that "Offices for services, businesses,

and professions", were an allowable use. This change became effect March 1,

2005. According to Inspections and Code, the applicant at this address did not

request zoning verification until last week.

The Planning Department makes every effort to work with our citizens when

problems of this type arise. Had the applicant requested information prior to

her investment in the property, we would have advised her of the options

available for this property.

Should Council find that uses of this type were inadvertently omitted from the

adoption of the UDO, there is a provision under Section 12.7.1 that provides

the right to impose such development standards as they existed prior to the

effective date of the UDO ordinance. The Planning Department, with proper

notification to the City Manager and the Council, believes it can handle this

administratively, or it action can be taken by the direction of the Council

itself. The City Attorney has been requested to review this action further,

for final determination.
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