Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

January 12, 2015

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners of

Columbus, Georgia was held at the office of the Columbus Water Works on Monday,

January 12, 2015, at 1:30 p.m., the following Commissioners being present:

Carole Rutland

Karl Douglass

Reynolds Bickerstaff

Sanders Griffith

Mayor Teresa Tomlinson

The Board welcomed new Board member Mr. Sanders Griffith to the meeting.

This being the first meeting of the New Year, election of Officers was in

order. The following Officers were nominated:

Office 2015

Chairman Carole Rutland

Treasurer Karl Douglass

President Steve Davis

Secretary Emory E. Blount

Following discussion, a motion was made and second to elect the above

Officers for the calendar year 2015. Motion carried.

Receipt of the Minutes of the regular meeting on December 8, 2014, was

acknowledged by the Board and approved as written.

Vic Burchfield advised the Board that Frank Burch, an employee of the Columbus

Water Works for 32 years was retiring. During his employment, he served in the

capacity of Information Database Specialist in the Information Services

Department. Frank was unable to attend this meeting. However, the following

Resolution will be presented to him:

A Resolution

Whereas, Franklin L. Burch, Jr., has been an employee of the Columbus Board of

Water Commissioners since February, 1982 is retiring; and,

Whereas, Franklin L. Burch, Jr., has served in the capacity of Information

Database Specialist in the Information Services Department with the Columbus

Water Works; and,

Whereas, Franklin L. Burch, Jr., has performed in an outstanding and productive

manner throughout his thirty-two years of service;

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Board of Water Commissioners of the

City of Columbus, Georgia, on behalf of all the people of the City, hereby

publicly expresses appreciation and heartfelt thanks to Franklin L. Burch, Jr.,

for his diligent and faithful service on behalf of the Columbus Water Works;


Be It Further Resolved that this resolution be spread upon the official minutes

of this Board this twelfth day of January 2015, and that the Secretary of this

Board be directed to furnish copies of this resolution to the said Franklin L.

Burch, Jr., and to the Clerk of Council of Columbus, Georgia.

______________________________ _______________________________






The Board acknowledged the Resolution for Mr. Burch.

Jeremy Cummings introduced Jack Dozier former Executive Director of the

Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP). Mr. Dozier was present at

the meeting to present the following awards:

? The Collection System Excellence Gold Award was achieved in recognition of

our outstanding operation of the Wastewater Collection System during calendar

year 2014.

? The Outstanding Operation of a Water Distribution System in the category of

over 50,000 customers was awarded for the calendar year 2014.

? Jason Martinez was inducted into the Golden Manhole Society for his

contributions and efforts to the betterment of individuals associated with

collection systems and the operation of such collection systems.

The Board congratulated the above recipients for their outstanding service and


The Financial Report for the month of December including Ft. Benning was

provided to the Board. Motion was made and second to approve the reports.

Motion carried.

Joey Murphy presented the following information on CWW?s Meter Change-Out and

Automated Meter Reading (AMR) Program and Monthly Meter Reading Conversion

Program, which are precursors to the Customer Information System Replacement.

He stated each of these projects will have a direct impact on every customer in

Columbus. The projects are outlined below:

Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) and Meter Change-Out Historic Timeline

? Late 1990s ? Meter Change-Out program revamped Touch Read Pilot Project

? 2003-2005 ? Meter Change-Out Program modified to include Backflow

Prevention. AMR Pilot on industrial and commercial routes

? 2005-2006 ? Route based change-out with AMR technology (panhandle routes)

? 2011- ALL meter replacement ? New installation with AMR capabilities

? 2014 ? Escalation of AMR program (CIS precursor)

Components of the AMR Meter Reading System

? Meters

o ?Cash register? for CWW

o Visual reading capability

? Encoders

o Enables meter reading to be communicated remotely

? RE (Radio Frequency) Modules (Meter Interface Unit ? MIU)

o Allow meters to be read from a distance

o No physical contact required, RF systems send a signal to a meter reading


? Handhelds and Meter Reading Software

o Collect and analyze data

? Meter Software

o Facilitates migration to billing system and business analytics

? Customer Information System/Billing Software

o Customer is billed for the ?consumption? used from meter reads

AMR Benefits

? Optimizes Meter Reader Efficiency

o Reduce overall meter reading time allowing for monthly meter reading

o Maximizes meter reading success rate/accuracy

? Reduces potential safety concerns and solves reading problems for vaults,

fences, cars on meter boxes, etc.

? Capability to provide value added data: leak, reverse flow and tampering

Status of AMR Deployment

As of January 2015, we have 35,333 meters that have AMR capabilities. This

represents 51% of our total meter population and 49% meters remaining.

AMR Long Term Project Goals

? System wide AMR capabilities by 2020

? Reading Cycle ? Converting to monthly reading (2015)

? Fixed area network evaluation (2016-2017)

o Review deployment of fixed area network

o Review partnering with other utilities (Network sharing)

? Employee Development (Ongoing)

o Meter Reading Training

o Meter Reading Reorganization

Monthly Meter Reading Transition

? Based on the results of the AMR program, CWW is positioned to leverage this

technology to begin Monthly Meter Reading while maintaining our current meter

reading staffing levels.

? After discussing the AMR/Meter Change-Out Program, Board Member Reynolds

Bickerstaff stated he was concerned about combining services or having someone

else read our equipment. ?We have some of the best technicians and staff here

and I would hate to delegate that to someone of lesser quality in our area of

work?. Treasurer Douglass asked if we thought about using Automated Meter

Reading for other counties/Ft. Benning. Mr. Murphy responded yes. He stated

there was an ongoing pilot project where we are installing meters for Ft.

Benning using our AMR technology but being read by Flint Energy. Board Member

Sanders Griffith asked if there was any concern that this would be obsolete by

2020. Mr. Murphy responded yes. He advised that we are trying to manage the

risk with our current technology. The E900 Series meters have encoders that are

compatible with AMR and AMI.

Billing & Meter Reading History

? 1960?s/1970?s

o Meter Reading ? Quarterly

o Customer Billing - Quarterly

? 1980?s/1990?s

o Meter Reading ? Bi-Monthly

o Customer Billing ? Bi-Monthly

? 1996/1997

o Meter Reading ? Pilot Monthly Reading (Internal & Contracted Readers)

o Customer Billing ? Monthly

? 1998 to 2015

o Meter Reading ? Bi-Monthly (+/- 60 day cycle)

o Customer Billing ? Monthly (1/2 of consumption)

? 2015

o Meter Reading ? Monthly (+/- 30 day cycle)

o Customer Billing ? Monthly (total consumption)

Monthly Meter Reading ? Benefits

? Simplification of the Billing Process ? Easy to Understand

o Consumption and billing are closer aligned (30 days), allowing customers more

control to budget for service

o Matches billing practices of other utilities (gas, power, etc.)

? Leaks and other plumbing issues identified in a timely manner which will

reduce a customer exposure to high bills.

? Improved Customer Interaction ? positions meter reading data to be readily

available giving customers a better opportunity to adjust usage

? Long-Term Customer Enhancements

o Budget Billing

o Automated Alerts

o Web Access

? Major Precursor to the Customer Information System (CIS) Deployment which is

currently funded and schedule for replacement in 2015/2016

o CIS has exceeded its useful life (+ 20 years old)

o CIS limited long term support options

o CIS customization difficult to carry over to new CIS platform without

significant long term cost

? Improve Customer Service Experience

o Potentially reduce negative customer service experience related to current

billing practices (cut down on confusion)

o Improved response time to meter malfunction and other customer issues

o Additional customer interfacing platforms including web portals with new CIS


? Well positioned for Fixed Area Network/AMI (Automatic Meter Information)


o Current metering infrastructure is turnkey from AMR to AMI

o AMI capabilities will be a functional requirement of new CIS system

o Leverage meter reading information to enhance customer service. Real time /

near real time data available to customer (current meter reading, consumption

usage patterns, final reads/billing, etc.).

Monthly Meter Reading ? Customer Impact

? With our current billing methodology, customers have 30 days of usage

outstanding at any given point in time

? Converting to monthly reading will require customers to have a one time

?catch-up? to pick up the outstanding usage

Monthly Meter Reading ? Deployment Strategy

? Planning and preparing for this conversion has been paramount

o Conversion Committee ? multiple representatives from Customer Service,

Accounting/Billing, Meter Maintenance, Communication and Information Services.

This group has been tasked with developing the overall project plan including:

? Initiation ? objectives, scope and responsibilities

? Planning ? defining and refining best course of action(s)

? Execution ? coordinating resources

? Monitoring & Control ? ability to react and adapt during deployment

? Close Out

? Communication Plan ? One of the main drivers for a successful transition will

be a comprehensive communication/public relations strategy. Media Marketing

and More, Inc. (Marquette McKnight), along with our conversion team, have been

tasked with the development and deployment of this critical component.

? Project Messaging

o Scripted response for all staff and Board members to have in hand when

talking with customers along with establishing a stakeholder/speaker bureau so

that we can go out to the community and actually have discussions about what

this conversion means.

o Focus Group development and facilitation ? Assess comprehension, evaluate

reactions and test messaging

o Media Campaign ? Television, radio and newspaper

o Website and Social Media

? Website integration of messaging

? Social media utilization of messaging

? Facebook

? YouTube

Monthly Meter Reading ? When to Start?

? The plan is to stagger the deployment over a 2-month period

o Route Numbers 78 ? 160 in April 2015

o Route Numbers 1 ? 77 in May 2015

o Reading entire system by June 1st

? By staggering the deployment, CWW will be able to better respond to the

projected upswing in customer interactions related to the change

? Customer Service/Call Center staff will be augmented for this conversion

period for any customer that has an issue.

Why April/May?

? April and May are historically lower consumption periods and will have the

least negative impact on our customers.

? The residential average billed usage for this timeframe is 7 ccf which

equates to +/- $45.00

Customer Impact

? Since this project will have a financial impact to our customers

o A standard payment plan option has been developed which will spread the

outstanding balance over a 3-month period

o Supervisory staff authorized to work with individual customers if standard

payment plan need additional adjustments due to hardships

Next Steps

? Committee meeting weekly to discuss open items and adjust accordingly

? Communication Plan items:

o Messaging ? Scripting and layouts

o Focus(s) ? test messaging and incorporate feedback

o Media Campaign Kick-Off week of March 9th

? Update Board ? Highlight Communication items from Marquette McKnight at

February meeting

After a lengthy discussion, the Board acknowledged Mr. Murphy?s Report.

President Davis provided the following items of information to the Board:

? Gwen Ruff was selected to serve on the MidTown, Inc. Board of Directors for


? Email from Dick Norman commending Jason Martinez and his crew for all their

help in solving his underground water issue.

? Gwen Ruff and Paula Goble received an email from Betsy Covington, President &

CEO, Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley, Inc., for giving her the

opportunity to speak at CWW?s Resource Advisory Group.

The following Division Reports were provided to the Board:

? Customer Service Report ? Linda Sanders

? Meter Maintenance Report ? Joey Murphy

? Engineering Report ? Kevin White

? Field Services Report ? Jeremy Cummings

? Information Services, Environmental Compliance and WQM Report ? Vic Burchfield

? Communication, Security, Community/Corporate Events Report ? Becky Butts

? Strategic Planning and Employee Services Report ? Savonne Monell

? Water Resource and Managed Maintenance Report ? Lynn Campbell

There was no discussion.

The regular meeting adjourned and senior staff and the Board went in Executive

Session to discuss a legal matter concerning the Georgia/Florida lawsuit.

Upon coming out of Executive Session, the Board and staff went back in the

regular meeting. There was no action taken.

The meeting adjourned.


Emory E. Blount, Secretary


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