Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Minutes for January 14, 2015

Region 6 Planning Board Meeting


Irene Cheyne, Chair


Sharon Herbert


David Kitchens


Jim Risher, Vice Chair


Katherine McHan


Amy Kuhns


Glynda King, Secretary


Geraldine Jackson


Beverly Garland


Angela Craig



Cathy McGill


Tommy Allen


Lavonne Harn


Marlene Rozell



Sheila Mallory


Julia Chibbaro


Betty Cason


Sandra Smith


Neydi Belmonte


Jackie Begg


Keith Brown


Mary Jo Page


Sher?londa Walker


Joni Jones


Frank Dunford


Tiffani Stacy


Edward Barnwell


Janet Wyche


Bill Sawyer


James Robert Andrews


Dave Miller


DBHDD Staff:

Valona Baldwin

Developmental Disabilities-Regional Services Administrator

Melinda R. Brooks

Regional Planning Board Support Services


Keri Lara

Family and Individual Support specialist from Meriwether County

Lisa Jenkins

Muscogee County


Call to Order

Irene Cheyne, Chair

Board members, DBHDD staff, and guests were welcomed. A moment of reflection

was shared by Lee Hubbard.

Everyone introduced himself or herself. Today?s guests are Keri Lara, consumer

advocate from Meriwether County and Lisa Jenkins from Muscogee County.

The minutes of the November 12, 2014 meeting were reviewed. Two corrections

were made?Angela Craig and Beverly Garland were both present at the meeting via

conference call. MSP to accept the minutes as corrected.

Guest Presentation:

Family Advocacy?Helping Families Apply for Waivers

Keri Lara

Beverly Garland

Ms. Lara is a long-time volunteer advocate working with individuals with

developmental disabilities and their families. During the past year alone, she

has assisted over 100 families apply for waiver services. Ms. Lara has two sons

with autism.

In assisting individuals and families, Keri?s goal is to help individuals with

developmental disabilities develop person-centered life plans and secure DBHDD

financial assistance to help realize these plans. Ultimately the goal is to

help individuals with DD increase self-determination and improve independence.

Keri commented that there is a lot of misinformation about waivers. An example

is the misconception that families in need must be poor in order to qualify for

a waiver.

Keri encourages primary caregivers to make a plan and get organized early. She

assists primary caregivers in creating a large notebook of important records

and documents that evidence the individual?s needs. The idea is to have a

portable, comprehensive, and up-to-date account of the individual?s life. The

life notebook becomes essential for accessing information needed for waiver

applications, emergencies, etc. Specific information that should be in the

notebook includes records of medical events, documentation of diagnosis,

records of professional visits?doctor, dentist, counselor, etc., record of

personal accidents, injuries, and illnesses, information about needs related to

feeling safe and secure, lists of medicines, and service provider

documentation. Creating a life notebook can be very stressful for caregivers so

helping with this task is an important advocacy role.

Keri discussed the differences between the NOW and COMP waivers. The New

Options Waiver (NOW) provides up to $25,000 in annual support for individuals

who do not need 24 hour care. Comprehensive Support Waiver (COMP) provides

support greater than $25,000 annually. The COMP waiver is also used for

individuals transitioning from institutions to the community. Individuals

interested in applying for a waiver need to contact the Region 6 office.

In the waiver application, it is helpful to include support letters from

teachers, friends, pastors, doctors, local officials, pharmacists, etc. This

helps strengthen the individual?s statement of need.

When seeking services for an individual, caregivers are often told that

services are not available. Keri encourages caregivers to respond by saying

?Thank you. Can you please put that in writing for me, so that I can further

research and understand where I need to go from here??

Keri shared that caregivers should reach out to their communities. The Georgia

Council on Developmental Disabilities, Parent2Parent of Georgia, support

groups, and community groups may be helpful.

Beverly Garland, board member, shared her son?s notebook with the board. Her

son?s notebook contains many photos, documentation of medical needs, care

provider information, (doctors, dentists, etc.), diagnoses documents, long term

goals, treatment plans, and family traditions that help her son feel secure.

Keri was enthusiastically thanked by the board for her excellent presentation.

Beverly was thanked for sharing her son?s life notebook.

Contact information for Keri is 706-977-9413 or 706-507-0083 and

Report on Leadership Council Meeting with DBHDD Commissioner Berry

Irene Cheyne

Three members of the statewide Leadership Council?Glynda King, Region 6, Jean

Logan, Region 3, and Irene Cheyne, Region 6?met with DBHDD Commissioner Berry

and executive staff on November 24, 2014, to discuss the reorganization of

DBHDD and the future of the six Regional Planning Boards and the statewide

Leadership Council.

A written summary of the meeting was distributed to board members. Glynda King

read the summary aloud. Highlights from the meeting include a discussion of

organizational changes, the importance of DBHDD maintain local presence, the

importance of the local and regional voice in DBHDD planning, DBHDD?s continued

commitment to advocacy input, and the need to expand and improve DBHDD

messaging, especially user-friendly, online information for individuals with

disabilities and caregiver.

Two other documents presented to Commissioner Berry were distributed to Region

6 board members?The Importance of Community Advocacy and Center for Advocacy: A

Vision Statement.

Sharon Herbert read The Importance of Community Advocacy aloud to the Board.

The key message of this document is that ?Community advocacy is about

empowering stakeholders?consumers, families, advocates, public and private

providers, public managers, and community leaders to bridge the gap between

philosophy and reality.?

David Kitchens read Center for Advocacy: A Vision Statement aloud to the Board.

The proposed Center for Advocacy is a metaphorical gathering place with DBHDD

in which stakeholders work together with DBHDD staff to harness the energy,

experience, and passion of the public. The work of the Center might include

needs assessment; volunteer recruitment, placement, and training; grass roots

innovation and natural supports development; consumer, family, and community

education; project-specific financial resource development; social marketing;

resource advocacy; and model program replication. The goal of the Center is to

build the power of the community to serve DBHDD in a low-cost, inclusive, and

effective way.

Commissioner Berry suggested that another meeting be held in late January or

early February.

Behavioral Health Planning and Advisory Council Report

Jim Risher

Amy Kuhns

The most recent meeting of the Behavioral Health Planning and Advisory Council

was held on January 13, 2015.

At that meeting, Commissioner Berry made a presentation titled ?Out of the


Commissioner Berry provided a historical perspective of institutionalization in

Georgia. In 1842, Central State Asylum opened its doors. At one time, this

asylum housed 13,000 patients. In 1921 Gracewood opened its doors, and by 1972

Georgia had seven mental health hospitals.

Over the past 25 years, there has been a shift away from institutionalization.

This Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 articulated the desire for people

with disabilities to live in the least restrictive environment possible.

Because Georgia has been slow to deinstitutionalize, there have been several

legal challenges to Georgia?s institutionalization. These challenges include

the Olmstead decision (1999) that found that individuals should not be

segregated from society when deemed ready to integrate into the community,

These legal challenges have underscored Georgia?s need to better serve people

with disabilities.

Commissioner Berry has heard from the legislature about the many complaints it

receives about DBHDD services. The Commissioner feels that these complaints

about DBHDD services are well founded and that improvement in DBHDD services is

absolutely necessary. Thus the reorganization of DBHDD is intended to focus on

the goal of ?easy access to high quality services.?

The CEO of Value Options (DBHDD?s new Administrative Service Organization),

Jason Beardan, commented to the BHPAC that they were focusing on data-driven

decision making with transparency and accountability.

Amy reported on children and adolescent services. Matt Yancy is the Child and

Adolescent Director for DBHDD. The 2015 Care Academy at Stone Mountain has the

theme of ?Embracing Transition? with a primary focus on children 16-25 years.

School-based mental health services are being discussed. Amy is a member of a

subcommittee that is preparing a survey of school councelors about school

mental health and substance abuse services. Georgia Shape, an initiative, is

studying the relationship between childhood mental health and obesity. Seven

day crisis respite services have been reinstated for children between 5 and 8

years old to give both caregivers and the child a break to deescalate a crisis


Mental Health Day at the Capitol will be held on January 20. Amy encouraged

board members to attend and wear green in support of mental health.

DBHDD Organizational Changes Update

Valona Baldwin

Valona announced the recent appointment of Dan Howell as the director of

DBHDD?s Developmental Disabilities division. Monica Parker has been appointed

at the director of DBHDD?s Behavioral Health division.

DBHDD has a target date of March 1, 2015, to start operating under the new

organizational structure. This means that by our Board?s March meeting we

should have an organizational chart that provides authority and accountability


Developmental Disabilities Information Update

Valona Baldwin

Valona reported that some waiver amendments became effective December 11, 2014.

These include a 2 percent increase in provider reimbursement for most services,

and the identification of nursing as a stand-alone service, instead of a

service under Community Living Support (CLS) services.

Valona announced that planning for a COMP waiver rewrite is currently taking

place. Community forums to gather citizen input on how the COMP waiver can be

improved will be held throughout the state. The first community forum is at the

Columbus Trade and Convention Center on January 26, 2015. Board members are

welcomed and encouraged to attend.

2017 Annual Plan Process

Irene Cheyne

Deputy Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald told Irene in an email that it is important

to move forward with the 2017 annual planning process. Based on this

recommendation, Irene presented a proposed flow chart for Region 6?s 2017

annual planning process.

MSP to accept the 2017 Annual Planning Process flowchart as presented. (David

Kitchens/Geraldine Jackson)

Irene distributed several summary documents of results from our recently

completed citizen involvement efforts including community forums, community

survey, and provider input.

Board members divided into small groups to review the summary documents and

suggest priorities for the 2017 Annual Plan. Each group summarized their

results for the board and the group worksheets were collected.

Irene requested volunteers for the next step in the planning process?Joint

Review and Determination Committee. This step involves meeting with Region 6

staff to determine the priorities for 2017. David Kitchens, Beverly Garland,

and Jim Risher volunteered. Additional volunteers are welcome.


Irene Cheyne

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, from 1-4 p.m. at the

Upson County Senior Center.

MSP to adjourn the meeting at 4:02 p.m.

Minutes recorded and submitted by Melinda R. Brooks and reviewed and revised

by Irene Cheyne


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