Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members


A Community Mental Health / Developmental Disabilities / Addictive Diseases



P.O. Box 5328

2100 Comer Avenue (706) 596-5582

Columbus, GA 31906 FAX (706) 596-5589

NHCSB Meeting Minutes for February 10, 2014

DBHDD ANNUAL AUDIT ACCEPTANCE: Review of a letter from Robert Dorr, Chief

Audit Executive, DBHDD, stated New Horizons financial statements for the fiscal

year ending June 30, 2013 were accepted as presented. Mr. Shorter inquired

about the recommendation of a ?Schedule of Cash Flows.? Valerie responded

that the audit contained cash flow information and indicated she would contact

Mr. Dorr for clarification.

GRANT APPLICATION STATUS REPORT: The Grant Funding Update was reviewed

outlining SAMHSA, HUD, and other grant submissions. A SAMHSA Grant providing

comprehensive, residential substance abuse treatment, prevention and recovery

support for pregnant and post-partum women will be submitted by March 31,

2014. The Social and Emotional Learning Challenge, part of a study

collaborative, application is due March 21. Also due in March, Promoting Safe

and Stable Families application for Muscogee and Stewart counties. The 21st

Century Grant, to enhance our Project Success program by providing

opportunities for academic enrichment to students attending low-performing

schools, was submitted in January. The NIH Natural Experiments to Advance the

Health of People with Severe Mental Illness, submitted in November, is

pending. We have been accepted to the FQHC Look-Alike, and hope to improve our

relationship with Valley Healthcare that could open up opportunities for higher

billing rates, pharmacy discounts, and other competitive funding. Updates on

other funding/grant applications will be provided as opportunities


LEGISLATION CONCERNING CSBs: Legislation recommending the need for closer

governing of CSBs and their Boards is pending, and it appears that some form of

the bill will be passed. Specific areas mentioned in the bill include:

Composition of the CSB Governing Board, Departmental Powers, CSB Executive

Directors, CSB Powers, Duties, Responsibilities, and Functions, and the

Commissioner?s Emergency Powers to Operate a CSB. The major change in the

composition of the board would require elected officials (three in our

catchment area) to serve on the Board. The Commissioner continues to voice his

support of CSBs and his goal to maintain a partnership.


information on our Integrated Healthcare program, BetterLife. Grant

Scarborough, MD and Pamela Shaw-Grant, CNP provide services for consumers?

physical and mental health needs. Groups focus on smoking cessation,

wellness, nutrition, and exercise. Referrals to other providers are scheduled

as needed and case managers are onsite to assist with transportation, picking

up medications, and other needs. The program offers a holistic approach that

will have a significant impact on consumer?s lives and lifespan. We are in

discussion with Dr. Scarborough on ways to expand the program beyond the life

of the grant. Kittye Crockett added that this integrative approach been a

long time coming as one of the primary goals when planning the HHS building was

to bring agencies together under one roof for continuity of care, but that plan

never quite came together.

REBRANDING: Because our name, New Horizons Community Service Board, is

lengthy and does not really reflect what we do, Sherman approached the Board

with the idea of changing the name to New Horizons Behavioral Health. Other

CSBs have removed Community Service Board from their name and many have changed

the name completely. Board members in attendance agreed that a name change

was a good idea and Nancy Schroeder asked how much the change would cost.

Sherman responded that a cost analysis would be developed and shared with the


Serving Residents of Chattahoochee, Clay, Harris, Muscogee, Quitman, Randolph,

Stewart and Talbot Counties

For 24-Hour Emergency Services Call (706) 323-0174 or Toll Free (800) 241-3659

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Board members were reminded that an article entitled

?Community Service Board may get new oversight? was included in their packets

for informational purposes.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Leland Johnson informed the Board that his last day at the

Region office is April 30, 2014. Intensive Case Management will be expanded

in the Region as part of the ADA settlement agreement. He commended New

Horizons leadership on building reserve funds and stressed the importance of

having extra funds available for unexpected expenses. He thanked Andrea

Winston for her presentation on Integrated Healthcare at the recent Provider

Meeting. He announced ongoing discussions with New Horizons on creating a

four-bed DD respite facility. In reference to pending legislation requiring

elected officials to serve on the Board, he indicated that the Regional

Planning Board currently has elected officials serving and their participation

has proved to be very helpful. He added that DBHDD is moving towards more

Performance-Based contracts.

Nancy Schroeder raised concerns about the lengthy wait time (14 hours) at the

Medical Center Emergency Room when trying to get help for a family member in


Sherman responded that she has a meeting planned with Bradley Center staff and

would address Nancy?s concerns.

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:20


EXECUTIVE SESSION: At 4:23, the Board went into Executive Session.


Wesley Shorter


Serving Residents of Chattahoochee, Clay, Harris, Muscogee, Quitman, Randolph,

Stewart and Talbot Counties

For 24-Hour Emergency Services Call (706) 323-0174 or Toll Free (800) 241-3659


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