Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

April 10, 2012 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Commissioners Attending: Beverly Kinner, Billy Kendall, Eva Smith, Frazer

Loomis, Linda McLemore, Rev. Peggy Myles, Brenda Storey, Chris Consoletti,

Elaine Tarpley, Elliott Waddell, Jane Holcombe, Jo Fike, Kate Canella, Robert

Nobles, Stacy Poydasheff, Karon Henderson

KCBC Staff Attending: Gloria Weston-Smart, Beth Wilson

Ex Officio Attending: John Brent, Travis Landrum attended for Dr. James Worsley

Excused Absence: Frazer Loomis

CALL TO ORDER/ WELCOME- Chairperson Karon Henderson called the meeting to order.

APPROVAL OF MNUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 14, 2012 MEETING-Karon Henderson asked for

approval from the minutes for February 14, 2012 meeting, Dr. Billy Kendall

motioned and the minutes were unanimously approved.

TREASURE?S REPORT- In the absence of Frazer Loomis, Gloria Weston-Smart

presented the financial reports including the summary of profits for the 25th

Anniversary Motorcycle Ride.

SPECIAL ENFORCEMENT- OFFICER POOLE- Officer Poole of Columbus Consolidated

Government Special Enforcement gave a report on ticket eligible infractions in

his department.

PRESERVING OUR LEGACY MEDIA CAMPAIGN- WRBL representatives Carlos Williams and

Pegi Taylor gave a presentation on the Preserving our Legacy campaign. The

campaign will be funded by the Mildred Miller Fort Grant and will begin airing

on July 1, 2012.


25th Annual Going Green Motorcycle Ride March 24, 2012- Karon Henderson, John

Brent, Robert Nobles and Gloria Weston-Smart gave an overview of the event.

All said event was fun and an overall success. It was announced there was an

event in Lagrange that took away from potential riders from Columbus.

25th Annual Awards Luncheon May 10, 2012- Dr. Billy Kendall reminded

Commissioners of the May10, 2012 Awards Luncheon. He announced that we will

honor past Edna Kendrick Award winners and past Chairpersons of the

Commission. He encouraged Commissioners to purchase their tickets for the

luncheon, as well as sponsor a student. A 25th Anniversary reception will be

held at the Botanical Garden of Columbus at 6pm. All award honorees and

Commissioners are encouraged to attend. Commissioners are encouraged to bring

a dish to the event. The final committee meeting concerning the Awards

Luncheon will be held April 25, 2012 at 2pm at Greystone Properties at

6001River Road Suite 401.

April 28,2012 Prescription & over the counter drug take back, personal paper

shredding, 10:00am-2:00, Wal-Mart Airport , Thruway, Columbus Public Library,

Macon Road- The Commissioners were reminded of the April 28, 2012 drug take

back and paper shredding project and were encouraged to sign up to volunteer

for a 2 hour shift.

Nominating Committee Report- Beverly Kinner announced that seven Commissioners

were eligible for rotating off the board. And of the seven, four Vanessa

Lewis, Billy Kendall, Elliot Waddell, Darlene Hughes have decided to be

reappointed. We will have three vacancies, and three individuals have been

contacted as possible replacements. Beverly asks to submit any potential

candidates to her as soon as possible. The slate for the 2012-2013 Executive

Board are: Beverly Kinner -Chairperson, Greg Paul -Vice Chairperson, Frazer

Loomis -Treasurer, Eva Smith -Secretary.

2012-13 Tentative Calendar- The tentative calendar was emailed to Commissioners

prior to meeting. Karon Henderson asked that everyone please review and chose

a project in which to volunteer.


The next Commissioners meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 12,2012, Columbus

Technical College Rover Wright Building, 4600 River Road, Contact Gloria Dodds


April 25, 2012 final meeting for Awards Luncheon, Greystone Properties, 6001

River Road Suite 401

Reservations for the Awards Luncheon , $25 adults, $15 students

Coupons for free water- Karon asked Commissioners to take a few of the coupons

for free water while shopping and return to the KCBC office.


VI. ADJOURN- The meeting was adjourned by Karon Henderson.


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