Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An Ordinance amending the Zoning Atlas of the Consolidated Government

of Columbus, Georgia; this amendment changes certain boundaries of a district

located at 5114 Buena Vista Road from SFR2 (Single Family Residential 2)

District to GC (General Commercial) District.


That the Zoning Atlas on file with the Planning Department be, and the same is

hereby amended by changing 3rd of an acre of the following described property

from SFR2 (Single Family Residential 2) District to GC (General Commercial)


1\11 that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the state of

Georgia and County of Muscogee, and being known and designated as part of Lot

Numbered (2}. in Block Lettered "B", of ADDITION TO EASTWOOD HEIGHTS

SUBDIVISION, as shown by a mar or plat of said subdivision recorded in Plat

Book six (6), page 178. in be office of the clerk of the Superior Court of

Muscogee County, Georgia, said tract or parcel hereby conveyed being more

particularly described within the following metes and bounds. to? wit:

Beginning on the southern line of the Buena Vista Road a~ an iron stake located

one hundred sixty-two and two tenths (162.2) feet northwesterly, from the

southwest corner of the intersection of be Buena Vista Road and Patricia Drive

Bound from said beginning point-running northwesterly, along the southern line

of said Buena Vista Road, one hundred fifty-seven (157) feet to an iron stake

located at the northwest corner of said Lot '2; thence southerly along the

western line of said Lot '2, one hundred thirty-two and seventy-four

one-hundredths (132.74) feet; thence running easterly. Parallel to the southern

line of said Lot '2. Ten (10) feet; thence running southerly parallel to the

western line of said Lot '2. one hundred (100) feet. more or less, to the

southern line of said Lot '2; thence running easterly, along the southern line

of said Lot '2. one hundred thirty-one and ninety-five one-hundredths (131.95)

feet to a point which is twenty (20) feet westerly from the southeast corner of

said Lot '2; thence running northeasterly, along a straight line. two hundred

three (203) feet, more or less. to the beginning point. Said tract or parcel of

I and hereby conveyed comprises all of said Lot '2, EXCEPT those parts thereof

conveyed off by Carl A. Belisle to John Byron Herritt by deed dated November

21, 1956, and recorded in Deed Book 594. folio 135, and by Carl A. Bellsle to

Hrs. Lois Johnston Tomblin by deed dated January 12. 1967. and recorded in Deed

Book 1100. folio 1B2, said deed book references beinq as to these in the office

of the aforementioned Clerk, and be Right of Way Deed recorded at Deed Book

3411 folio 305 in said Office. Located thereon is house 5114 Buena Vista Road.

according to the present numbering of houses.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

13th day of October, 2009; introduced a second time at a regular meeting of

said Council held on the day of , 2008 and adopted at said meeting

by the affirmative vote of members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting _______

Councilor Anthony voting _______

Councilor Baker voting _______

Councilor Barnes voting _______

Councilor Davis voting _______

Councilor Henderson voting _______

Councilor Hunter voting _______

Councilor McDaniel voting _______

Councilor Pugh voting _______

Councilor Woodson voting _______

_______________________________ _____________________________



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