Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item # 1

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting

May 12, 2015

Agenda Report # 110

TO: Mayor and Councilors

SUBJECT: Police Office - FY15 Public Safety Reserve Request

INITIATED BY: Police Office / Finance Department

Recommendation: Approve a resolution transferring $1,349,104 of the FY15

Public Safety Vacancy Reserve for the Police Department to the Police

Department?s General Fund Budget to fill 17 of the 37 vacant positions an

utilize the remaining balance for capital and equipment.

Background: The FY15 Budget for the General Fund which was approved on June 17,

2014, and included $1,889,900 as a Public Safety Vacancy Reserve. The Police

Department has requested to fill 17 of the 37 vacant positions totaling

$629,243 and per Ordinance #14-25. The Police Department has also requested to

utilize the remaining funds totaling $719,861 for items detailed on the

attached list. The council must approve utilization of the Public Safety

Vacancy Reserve. The total reserve allocated to the Police Department was

$1,349,104 for 37 positions.

Analysis: The FY15 Public Safety Vacancy Reserve was established to set aside

the funding for vacant Public Safety positions in the Police Department, Fire

Department, Muscogee County Prison, and the Sheriff?s Office and to transfer

necessary funds with approval from Council.

Financial Considerations: The request is made to fill 17 of 37 vacant

positions in the Police Department and utilize the balance of the funds for

items detailed on the attached list.

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement: No annual fiscal impact.

Legal Considerations: Council approval is required per Ordinance #14-25.

Recommendations/Actions: Approve a resolution transferring $1,349,104 of the

FY15 Public Safety Vacancy Reserve for the Police Department to the Police

Department?s General Fund Budget to fill 17 of the 37 vacant positions an

utilize the remaining balance for capital and equipment.


ITEM Unit Cost Quantity Total

Polygraph Replacement Machines 4,000.00 2 8,000.00

Video Recording System 5,000.00 1 5,000.00

Eye 3 Body Cameras 375.00 75 28,125.00

Download cradle & software for body cams 4,800.00 1 4,800.00

Digital Storage System - P&E (1 yr storage/100 cameras) 11,600.00 1 11,600.00

X26P Tasers 1,083.18 52 56,325.36

Tag Reader Systems 20,125.00 2 40,250.00

Rechargeable Stinger Flash Lights 89.00 192 17,088.00

Chevrolet Tahoe Pursuit SUV 28,000.00 5 $140,000

Technology Package for 1 Pursuit SUV & Paint 25,700.00 1 $25,700

Pickup 4X4 4 Dr. for P&E 27,000.00 1 27,000.00

Unmarked Units 18,377.00 5 91,885.00

Pursuit Vehicles 25,515.00 4 $102,060

Technology Package & Push Bar 24,500.00 4 $98,000

Investigative 3D FARO Crime Scene System 63,960.00 1 63,960.00

TOTAL 719,793.36


NO. ______

WHEREAS, Columbus Council approved the FY15 Operating Budget on June 17, 2014;


WHEREAS, the FY15 Public Safety Vacancy Reserve was established at $1,889,900;


WHEREAS, the FY15 Public Safety Vacancy Reserve balance allocated to the Police

Department is $1,349,104; and,

WHEREAS, in accordance with Ordinance #14-25, the Police Department appeared

before Council on May 12, 2015 and requested funding for 17 of the 37 vacant

positions and utilize the balance of the funds for capital and equipment; and,


That the Police Department is hereby appropriated up to $1,349,104 for the 17

of the 37 vacant positions and funding for the capital and equipment itemized.

The appropriate amount will be transferred from the Public Safety Vacancy

Reserve to the Police Department.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held

the _________ day of _____________ 2015, and adopted at said meeting by the

affirmative vote of

_____________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting __________.

Councilor Buck voting __________.

Councilor Henderson voting __________.

Councilor Huff voting __________.

Councilor Turner Pugh voting __________.

Councilor Woodson voting __________.



Tiny B. Washington, Clerk of Council , Mayor


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