Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item # 2

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting

April 23, 2013

Agenda Report # 59

TO: Mayor and Councilors

SUBJECT: GMA Direct Lease Program Master Lease Agreement

INITIATED BY: Pamela Hodge, Finance Department

Recommendation: Approval is requested to enter into a Master Lease with the

Georgia Municipal Association to provide a mechanism to finance capital


Background: In 1990, the Columbus Consolidated Government entered into a lease

pool agreement through GMA to provide low interest, short term financing for

capital equipment. The lease pool was a viable option during the budget

process each year and the city took advantage of this program until 2008 when

the program ended. GMA currently offers a direct lease program to

municipalities. A master lease agreement is required and a supplemental lease

will be executed for approved equipment.

Analysis: GMA offers participants low interest installment leases for the

acquisition of essential government equipment such as garbage trucks, fire

trucks, ambulances, computer systems, etc. The payment terms are flexible with

no up-front fees, no required down payments, no prepayment penalties, and no

final ?balloon? payments.

Financial Considerations: The lease payments were included in the Debt Service

Fund in the FY13 budget for the acquisition of garbage trucks, dozers, and

grab-alls for the Integrated Waste function.

Legal Considerations: The GMA Direct Lease program complies with Section

36-60-13 of the Official Code of Georgia, state leasing statute.

Recommendations/Actions: Approval is requested to enter into a Master Lease

with the Georgia Municipal Association to provide a mechanism to finance

capital equipment.



A resolution to authorize and direct the execution and delivery of

certain lease documents pertinent to a lease between the Georgia Municipal

Association, Inc. and Columbus, Georgia Consolidated Government (?the City?);

to provide a statement by legislative findings and intent; to provide an

effective date; and for other purposes.


Section 1. The City finds that the leasing of certain property

pursuant to a Master Lease (the "Master Lease") with the Georgia Municipal

Association, Inc. is essential to operation of the governmental functions of

the City. The execution and delivery of such documents as may be necessary to

effectuate these purposes is authorized.

Section 2. The City Manager of the City is hereby authorized and

directed in the name and on behalf of the City to execute and deliver the

Master Lease in substantially the form presented to this meeting, with such

changes and additions as shall be approved by the officer who executes the

same, and such other documents as shall be deemed by such officer to be

necessary or desirable to effect the purposes hereof; and such execution shall

constitute conclusive evidence that the executed document has been authorized

and approved. The aforesaid officer is further authorized to do all things

necessary or appropriate to effectuate the purposes hereof

Section 3. This action shall be effective immediately.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

23rd day of April, 2013 and adopted at said meeting by the affirmative vote of

______ members of Council.

Councilor Allen voting __________.

Councilor Henderson voting __________.

Councilor Huff voting __________.

Councilor McDaniel voting __________.

Councilor Turner Pugh voting __________.

Councilor Woodson voting __________.



Tiny B. Washington, Clerk of Council , Mayor


The undersigned hereby certifies that I am the Clerk of Columbus,

Georgia Consolidated Government (the "City"); that the attached hereto is a

true copy of the Resolution duly and finally enacted or adopted by the

governing body of the City at a meeting duly held on April 23, 2013 at which a

quorum was present and acting throughout, and that it has not been rescinded or

modified and is now of full force and effect.

GIVEN under the seal of Columbus, Georgia, this 23rd day of April, 2013.





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