Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



WHEREAS, Columbus, Georgia Consolidated Government (the ?Plan Sponsor?)

established Columbus Consolidated Government Employees? 457 Deferred

Compensation Plan (?the Plan?) for the benefit of its employees and their


WHEREAS, Plan Sponsor is establishing or has established a Custodial account

for which AIG Federal Savings Bank serves as Custodian;

WHEREAS, the Plan Sponsor desires to authorize individuals holding certain

positions with the Plan Sponsor to act on behalf of the Plan;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the fullest authority has been invested in

any individual (each an ?Incumbent?) holding a position identified below

according to the title of the position (each a ?Designated Position?) for the

duration of the period (the ?Incumbency Period?) in which such Incumbent holds

the Designated Position; that each Incumbent is empowered during his or her

Incumbency Period to execute any documents that AIG Federal Savings Bank

requires relevant to the opening or maintaining of an account for the Plan; and

that each Incumbent is empowered during his or her Incumbency period to take

any and all action deemed by any Incumbent to be proper in connection with said

account, including, but not limited to being empowered to give written or oral

instructions to AIG Federal Savings Bank with respect to account transactions.

Human Resources Director_____ Finance Director_____________

Designated Position Designated Position

Reather Hollowell _______ Pamela Hodge____________________

Current Incumbent Name (Print) Current Incumbent Name (Print)

_____________________________ _____________________________

Current Incumbent Signature Current Incumbent Signature

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the responsibility and authority to take

whatever actions and to execute whatever instruments that may be necessary or

convenient for the day-to-day transactions and plan operations is granted to

the person or persons in the positions identified below:

Payroll Supervisor___________ Retirement Manager___________

Designated Position Designated Position

Debra Sellers________________ Shirley Mathis_______________

Current Incumbent Name (Print) Current Incumbent Name (Print)

_____________________________ ______________________________

Current Incumbent Signature Current Incumbent Signature

Assistant Human Resources Director

Designated Position

Iris Jessie__________________

Current Incumbent Name (Print)


Current Incumbent Signature


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

22nd day of March 2016, and adopted at said meeting by the affirmative vote of

______ members of Council.

Councilor Allen_____________.

Councilor Baker_____________.

Councilor Barnes____________.

Councilor Buck______________.

Councilor Davis_____________.

Councilor Henderson_________.

Councilor Huff______________.

Councilor Pugh______________.

Councilor Thomas____________.

Councilor Woodson___________.

_________________________________ ____________________________________



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