Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Meeting Minutes

Date: August 24, 2011 - Place: CHD - Health & Human Services Bldg. LDR


Presiding: H. Banks Carroll, M. D.

Attending Members: Isaiah Hugley, Mrs. Brenda Dozier, Carlos Wise, M.D.,

William DeNamur D.M.D.

Absent Members: Todd Jarrell, M. D.

Others Present: Dr. Beverley Townsend, Judy Tucker for Mayor Tomlinson, Steve

Gunby, Ed Saidla, Pam Middleton, Pam Fair, Christy Kuriatnyk, Kathy Nickerson,

Carol Popwell, Secretary

Agenda Topic Discussion Decision Responsibility

I. Call to order Dr. Carroll called the Columbus Board of Health to

order at 1:00pm. None None

II. Approval of Minutes Dr. Carroll asked board members to review the

revised minutes from the June 22, 2011 meeting. The revision consists of names

of who made the motion and seconded for the GASB 54 vote. Dr. Carroll asked for

a motion to approve the minutes. A motion was made by Dr. Wise seconded by Dr.

DeNamur and approved by all members present.


III. Excused Absences Dr. Carroll stated there is one Excused Absence for the

meeting, Dr. Jarrell. Dr. Carroll asked for a motion to approve the Excused Absence. A

motion was made by Dr. DeNamur seconded by Mrs. Dozier and approved by all

members present. None

IV. Financial Report Dr. Carroll called on Pam Middleton to present the

financial report to the Board.

1) From the June 2011 report, the expenses from FY11 were less that the

expenses from FY10. Also the amount of fund balance used during FY11 is less

than FY10.

2) The next report is July 2011, this is the beginning of our new year,

FY12, the expenses are less than same time last year.

Larry Young, CPA from Albright Fortenberry will come to the November meeting to

discuss the audit.

Budget on target for one (1) month of operation, based on the adjustments

relevant to the planned furlough days.



V. New Business Dr. Carroll called on Ed Saidla. Mr. Saidla discussed:

1) Since we did not meet in July, a fact sheet was mailed to each board

member to approve the purchase of Video Conference Equipment which listed the

full dollar amount granted by the USDA. USDA is the funding source for the WIC

program, they have allocated money to put in video conference capability in our

Health Departments, particularly because of the rural nature of our health

district; this equipment is to be used to provide tele-nutritional information,

it will allow for staff training opportunities without having to travel and in

the future using it for tele-medicine. The total amount of the system is

$286,000.00; this includes the hardware, set up and training for 17 sites (16

health department and Fort Benning) throughout the district.

2) Equipment purchase of a replacement ID Badge Printer using MMRS

funding to be utilized by The Medical Center, cost $3,078.00.

We have already received confirmatory votes from the majority of the board


Dr. Carroll asked for a motion to approve the purchase of the ID Badge

Printer. A motion was made by Mrs. Dozier seconded by Dr. Wise and approved by

all members present.



VI. District Health Director?s Report Dr. Carroll called on Dr. Townsend is

to give the Director?s report. Dr. Townsend presented the following;

1) She attended the District Health Directors meeting in Atlanta last

Thursday, August 18, 2011. Dr. Fitzgerald is looking at a model from Alabama,

in regards to their financial standpoint and ideas on how they sell their

public health.

2) The GA Board of Dentistry has concerns regarding duties of dental

hygienist requiring direct supervision of a Licensed Dentist. The duties

performed by dental hygienist working for public health does not apply to this


3) We are waiting on the final approval from the State office for the

appointment of our District Clinical Nursing position.

4) Effective October 1st, the state will cut 15% of the GIA monies to be

in compliance with the Governor?s request to balance the budget. This will be

phased in over a 7 year period, with 15% each year for 6 years, then 10% for

final year 7.









VII. Presentation Dr. Carroll called on Kathy Nickerson to present information on the

Dental Health Program. None


VIII. Adjourned

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by Dr. Carroll,


None None

Columbus Board of

Health NEXT


Respectfully submitted by: Carol Popwell,

Secretary SEPTEMBER 28, 2011

1:00 PM



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