Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



July 28, 2009

The Greater Columbus Golf Authority held the scheduled monthly meeting at Bull

Creek Golf Course. Members present were Aubry Burt, Michael Silverstein, Nancy

Wilkeson, Floyd Washington, Carl Williams, Richard Hagler and Rudy Allen.

Rhudine Nelson and Rev. Willie Hill had an excused absence. Staff members

present were John Milam and Steve Brown.

Minutes of them June 23, 2009 meeting were approved as presented. Motion made

by Michael Silverstein and seconded by Floyd Washington.

Old Business

No old business.

New Business

First Tee Lease. A meeting is scheduled Monday, August 3rd with Blake Melton,

Chairman of the First Tee, Richard Hagler, Chairman of the Greater Columbus

Golf Authority and John Milam, Director of Golf to discuss the future of the

First Tee. It is believed that the First Tee will not fulfill their lease.

Nan Hopkins, with the support of the seniors at Godwin Creek, is willing to

give it a go. The Kirven & Yancey Foundations have committed $10,000 a year to

support the course. It will take approximately $60,000 annually to run the

course. Godwin Creek will receive no financial help from the city for

operations. The authority members have authorized Mr. Milam to go ahead with

Nan Hopkins if the meeting on the 3rd of August proceeds as expected.

CSU Lease. Mr. Jay Sparks, Athletic Director for CSU, has suggested to Richard

Hagler that CSU would like to renegotiate their lease agreement to utilize the

driving range with Bull Creek. The current term of the lease is 7-years at

$15,000 per year with a $500 increase every year. It was noted that Bull Creek

maintains the driving range (cutting the grass, fertilizing, raking the trap

and ball pick up). Mr. Sparks would like no payment at all. The authority

board is sympathetic with CSU, but our hands are tied. We have an obligation

to the City and do not wish to change the terms of the contract. Mr. Hagler

will notify Mr. Sparks with the boards? decision.

Saturday/Sunday/ Holiday Rates. John Milam brought to the attention of the

authority members that this past July 4th holiday, twenty-seven carts were

rented at $4.00 each. These golfers were either volunteers, employees,

authority members or trade labor. The course looses too much money when

prime-time carts are not available to the general public. All carts (104) were

rented before 8:30 AM. If the above group of golfers wants to play before noon

on Saturdays/Sundays/or holidays, they will have to pay the going cart rate if

they desire to ride. No guests will be allowed to play during prime-time for

cart fee only (they now must pay green fees, too). Michael Silverstein made a

motion to adopt the cart fee rate for Saturday/Sunday/Holiday play. Nancy

Wilkeson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. It will be effective

September 1st.

Membership Rates. It was suggested to John Milam that out-of-county residents

should pay more for green fees than in-county residents. It was noted that

citizens of Muscogee County do not pay any tax directly or indirectly to run

the operations at Bull Creek. The money is generated by the users of the

course. After some discussion, the authority members decided to table this


New Saturday Rates. Bull Creek has a new Saturday rate for play beginning

after 12 p.m. Twenty-five dollars will cover greens and cart for 18 holes.

Web Site Update. The web site has been updated and had 2,279 hits last so far.

Superintendent Report by Steve Brown

Aeration of the East Course was three weeks ago. Oxbow Creek was aerated last

week and the West Course will be done the first week of August. Fertilizer was

applied on July 6th and 7th and should last approximately 8-10 weeks. A growth

regulator has also been applied. Steve mentioned that the fairways have not

been dragged since applying the growth regulator. The greens are in the best

shape ever.

Steve is pleased with the Toro equipment. Steve has set the speed on the

mowers so our operators (prison labor) of the equipment cannot ?speed? on the

fairways. The tractors have had their controls adjusted to prevent speeding.

Bull Creek currently has two prison vans. The third van needs a new motor.

Parks & Recreation will look into getting another van for transporting our

prison crew.

Godwin Creek

See report under New Business, First Tee lease.

Director of Golf

Mr. Milam distributed the fiscal year ending reports for Oxbow Creek and Bull

Creek. Oxbow Creek did better this past year than previous years. Revenues

were $230,000 plus $150,000 from the general fund less expenses of $456,000,

less $11,508 from cost allocation and less $41,927 from debt services which

comes to a year-end net operating loss of $22,897. Bull Creek is about the

same as the past five years. Revenues were $1,285,665 less expenses of

$1,366,371, less cost allocation of $36,675 and less debt services of $18,172

giving Bull Creek a year-end net operating loss of $25,853.

Expenses for Oxbow Creek are $3,000 less and $13,000 less for Bull Creek

compared YTD ?09 than YTD ?08.

Floyd Washington asked about sirens being installed to warn golfers of severe

weather in the area. Bull Creek has signs posted that the golfers play at your

own risk. If sirens were installed, the course assumes the duty to forewarn

the golfers and puts the course at a liability.

Richard Hagler adjourned the meeting at 4:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Wilkeson, Secretary


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