Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




FEBRUARY 21, 2012

The regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called to

order at 9:06 A.M., Tuesday, February 21, 2012, in the Council Chambers,

Government Center, Columbus, Georgia. Honorable Evelyn Turner Pugh, Mayor Pro

Tem presiding.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner Pugh were Councilors

Mike Baker, Jerry ?Pops? Barnes, Glenn Davis, Berry Henderson, Bruce Huff,

Charles E. McDaniel, Jr., and Judy W. Thomas. Councilor R. Gary Allen arrived

at 9:07 a.m. Councilor Evelyn Woodson arrived at 9:12 a.m. City Attorney

Clifton Fay, Deputy Clerk of Council Sandra Davis, Administrative Technician

Shondell Duncan and Court Reporter Thomas A. Savage were also present.

*** *** ***

ABSENT: City Manager Isaiah Hugley was not in the Council Chambers during the

proceedings. Clerk of Council Tiny B. Washington was absent.

*** *** ***


Mayor Teresa Tomlinson as the appellant, present with Counsel- Attorney Kirsten

Stevenson and Attorney Alan Snipes from the law firm of Page, Scrantom,

Sprouse, Tucker & Ford.


Mr. Little J. Lynn- Former employee of the Muscogee County Prison as the

appellee, present with Counsel- Attorney Stacey Jackson

---------------------------------------*** ***



The appeal of a Personnel Review Board action in the matter of Little J.



Attorney Stevenson, came forward to outline the reasons that Mr. Little J.

Lynn was terminated from his employment as lieutenant with the Columbus

Consolidated Government as a lieutenant of the Muscogee County Prison to

include but not limited to: The violation of State and local policies that

apply to employees working in the Muscogee County Prison, use of rank to

channel thousands of taxpayers? dollars to the female correctional officer he

was having an affair with, officers were intimidated and denied fair treatment,

the preferential treatment of Correctional Officer favorable to him and the

compromised safety of the correctional officers under his supervision.

Attorney Stevenson spoke of the Columbus Consolidated Government Policy

with regards to the prohibition of sexual harassment whether the advancements

of the manager are welcomed or unwelcomed, as well as, the violation of the

Georgia Department of Correction?s Policy that prohibits favoritism towards

employees under a person?s chain of command. The failure to report the

relationship that developed between Mr. Lynn and Correctional Officer Angela


In conclusion, Attorney Stevenson expounded on the overtime afforded to

Correctional Officer Askew by Mr. Lynn and the denial of other Correctional

Officer?s request for overtime. The recommendation is to uphold the firing of

Mr. Lynn as a Lieutenant at the Muscogee County Prison to avoid future

dysfunction and to keep the prison safe and secure.

At this time, Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh provided a breakdown of the time

frame provided for the appeal hearing before the Council and is listed as


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then called attention to Ms. Shondell Duncan

from the Clerk of Council?s Office, who is the timekeeper for this proceeding.

Opening Statement by Appellant and Appellee ? 10 minutes each.

Presentation of Appellant?s Case ? 60 minutes.

Short Break

Presentation of Appellee?s Case ? 60 minutes.

Short Break

Rebuttal by Appellant and Appellee - 10 minutes each.

Closing Statement by Appellant and Appellee ? 10 minutes each.

*** *** ***


Attorney Stacey Jackson, approached the rostrum to speak of the reason

that has been outlined in a letter from then Interim Warden David Hamrick to

Mr. Lynn dated November 18, 2011 with regards to his termination. It was

Interim Warden Hamrick?s opinion that Mr. Lynn violated the policy with regards

to sexual harassment. The focus should be on that issue and not the opposing

counsels? presentation of employees coming forward to testify about claims of

intimidation; the firing was not for that reason.

Attorney Jackson plans to present that over fifteen years of employment,

Mr. Lynn has not received one disciplinary action against him. He spoke of the

Personnel Review Board?s decision to return Mr. Lynn to work. The

recommendation is to look at the decision based upon progressive discipline,

due to the City?s Policy and the Georgia Department of Correction?s Policy,

termination is an option and not mandatory. Once Mr. Lynn was terminated and

when the Personnel Review Board overturned it, Mr. Lynn was suspended for sixty


without pay and this was acceptable and just.

In conclusion, Attorney Jackson asked that Mr. Lynn be allowed to accept

the ruling from the Personnel Review Board for the sixty days suspension

without pay and return him to his previous place of employment.

*** *** ***


The following employees of the Columbus Consolidated Government were

called to the witness stand to be sworn in and to provide testimony to include

but not limited to: The unfavorable work environment under Mr. Lynn, lack of

requested overtime granted by Correctional Officers, preferential treatment of

certain correctional officers and intimidation and belittling of others under

Mr. Lynn?s leadership. Mr. Stewart Allen Mines spoke of the investigation of

the Muscogee County Prison; in particular, as it relates to Mr. Lynn. Ms.

Debra Sellers- Payroll Supervisor provided information with respect to the

overtime at the Muscogee County Prison. After each witness statement, Attorney

Stacy Jackson was given five minutes to cross-examine. The witnesses are listed

as follows: Mr. Stewart Allen Miner- Department of Corrections, Ms. Debra

Sellers- Payroll Supervisor, Sergeant Bernard Strong- MCP, Correctional

Officer- James Pettaway, Correctional Officer Michael Linsky, Correctional

Officer Alfreda Jernigan

---------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: At this time, the Council took a short break and returned to the

Council Chambers at 11:50 a.m.

---------------------------------------*** ***



The following witness took the stand and to speak of but not limited to

the termination of Mr. Lynn, as well as, the Georgia Department of Corrections

and Muscogee County Prison handbook policy violations, the overtime of

Correctional Officer Askew findings and the relationship of Mr. Lynn and

Correctional Officer Askew and was also cross-examined by Attorney Stacy

Jackson: Warden David Hamrick.

At this time, The Appellants rest their case.

*** *** ***


The following employees of the Columbus Consolidated Government were

called to the witness stand to be sworn in and to provide testimony to include

but not limited to: Te relationship between Mr. Lynn and Correctional Officer

Angela Askew, the distribution of overtime hours with respect to volunteerism

and the lack of observation to intimidation and compromising the safety of

officers or inmates under the leadership of Mr. Lynn. Ms. Debra Sellers

provided statements with regards to overtime for some of the other Muscogee

County Prison employees, some of which having a higher dollar amount than

Correctional Officer Askew. Mr. Lynn provided statements with regards to his

achievement at the Muscogee County Prison and working up the ranks to

lieutenant. After each witness statement, Attorney Stevenson or Attorney

Snipes was then given five minutes to cross-examine. The witnesses are listed

as follows: Ms. Debra Sellers- Payroll Supervisor, Muscogee County Prison

Correctional Officer Angela Askew, Sergeant Albert Gosha- Muscogee County

Prison, Sergeant Freeman Johnson- Muscogee County Prison and Mr. Little J. Lynn.

At this time, The Appellants rest their case.

---------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: At this time, the Council took a short break and returned to the

Council Chambers at 12:50 p.m.

---------------------------------------*** ***



The Mayor for the City of Columbus and Public Safety Director- Ms. Teresa

Tomlinson was called to the witness stand to be sworn in and to provide

testimony to include but not limited to: Complaints from the officers of the

Muscogee County Prison, meeting with Former Warden Bill Adamson about his

concerns regarding the prison, the launching of an investigation at the prison,

the naming of Mr. Lynn as the leading faction and the improper relationship

with Correctional Officer Askew. Attorney Stacy Jackson was then given five

minutes to cross-examine.

*** *** ***


Correctional Officer Danny Hubbard was called to the witness stand to be

sworn in and to provide testimony to include but not limited to: Overtime

hours of the Muscogee County Prison, meeting with Former Warden Bill Adamson

about his concerns regarding the prison, the launching of an investigation at

the prison, the naming of Mr. Lynn as the leading faction and the improper

relationship with Correctional Officer Askew. Attorney Stevenson declined the

opportunity to cross-examine Officer Hubbard.

At this time, Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked if Councilors had any

questions and there were none.

*** *** ***


Attorney Stevenson came forward with the closing statement for the

appellant to include but not limited to: Violation of policies, use of

position and power to belittle other officers and distribution of a

considerable amount of overtime to Correctional Officer Askew and denial that

Correctional Officer Askew was his subordinate, misleading information

regarding Correctional Officer Askew?s assignment shift in relation to overtime

hours approved by Mr. Lynn and the lack of disciplinary actions in Mr. Lynn?s


In conclusion, Attorney Stevenson asked that the termination of employment

of Mr. Little Lynn be upheld.

*** *** ***


Attorney Jackson came forward with the closing statement for the appellee

to include but not limited to: The similar testimony presented to the

Personnel Review Board, the considerable amount of overtime pay for other

officers, Correctional Officer Askew?s testimony of a non-threat to her if Mr.

Lynn returns to work and the matters of fair treatment policy violations in the

Fire and EMS Department.

In conclusion, Attorney Jackson asked that the option for disciplinary

action against Mr. Lynn be considered; instead of termination.

*** *** ***


Mayor Pro Tem Turner entertained a motion to go into executive session to

deliberate on this personnel matter. Councilor Allen moved to go into

executive session to deliberate the personnel matter. Seconded by Councilor

Barnes and carried unanimously by those ten members present for this meeting.

At 1:32 p.m., the Council adjourned its regular meeting to go into

executive session. At 2:24 p.m., the regular meeting was reconvened and Mayor

Pro Tem Turner Pugh announced that the Council did meet in executive session to

discuss the personnel matter, but no votes were taken.

Councilor McDaniel then made the following motion: To reverse the

decision of the Personnel Review Board and to terminate the employment of Lt.

Little Lynn based upon violation of: 1) GDC/SOP IV014-0001 ?Employee Standards

of Conduct, Page 11, #16 and #17. 2) GDC/SOP IV015-0002 ?Employment of

relatives / special relationships? Page 3, G. Seconded by Councilor Thomas and

carried unanimously by those nine members present: Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh

and Councilors, Baker, Barnes, Davis, Henderson, Huff, McDaniel Thomas and

Woodson. Councilor Allen having left the meeting was absent for the vote.

With there being no other business to come before this Council, Councilor

Woodson made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Councilor Barnes and carried

unanimously by those nine members present with Councilor Allen being absent for

the vote with the time being 2:25 p.m.

Sandra T. Davis, CDMC

Deputy Clerk of Council

Council of Columbus, Georgia


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