March 30, 2016
Shirley Winston Recreation Center
12:00 noon
Members Present: Carl Brown, Jeff Battles, Willie Dickerson, Mike
Members Absent: Andre Dye, Irene Pate, Derrick Greene, Vanessa Jackson
City Staff Present: Teresa Snellings, Becky Glisson, Tommy Groce, James
Worsley, Holli Browder
Call to Order: With the chair, Irene Pate, being absent, James Worsley
called the meeting to order at 12:08
Roll was taken.
Due to not having a quorum we cannot approve the minutes for the February 24,
Jeff Battles was introduced as the new member representing Muscogee County
School District. He has not been sworn in yet so he cannot vote but we want to
welcome him to the board.
Director/Staff Update
Millie Deltoro (Community Schools) Summer camp will begin the third week in
May. Registration for current after school students is April 18 through the
25th and open registration begins on April 25th to May 16th.
We received $6,000 for our STEM program during the summer.
Dr. Worsley reminded everyone that Shelley Tippens last day was Monday and that
we have advertised to fill her position.
Tommy Groce (Park Services): We have finished all of the maintenance on the
little league fields.
Adult Softball League has 96/97 teams for Spring.
This Saturday Columbus Truth Semi Pro team has a game in Memorial Stadium.
They have already played a game at Rigdon.
Teresa Snellings (Recreation Services): Kids to Park has changed locations
from FDR to Shirley Winston Park. The entire event is going to be focused on
health and will include all types of activities.
Senior Picnic is on May 6th from 10:00 to 12:00 at Cooper Creek Park.
This Tuesday at Council will be the Mayor?s Recognition for National Service.
Special Olympics Invitational swim meet will be held at the Columbus Aquatic
Center on April 16th at 9:00 am. We have swim meets at the Aquatic Center on
the following dates:
Holli Browder (Assistant Director): Getting everything ready to open outdoor
pools this season. If the Board knows of any college or high school students
that would like to work at the pools, please direct them to the City web page.
The Aquatic Center has no more meets until this summer.
Easter Egg Dive & Hunt went great! We have a little over 200 kids and it was
very successful with indoor and outdoor hunts, and a movie.
James Worsley (Director): We have been pretty busy lately with the majority of
our time being spent with the Columbus Aquatic Center and City Council.
Board Updates
Carl Brown: Asked what is the role of the Recreation Advisory Board. James
advised that they are advisors and advocates for the department and help us
with departmental needs.
Open discussion was held with the board and staff about the Advisory Board role
and that of the Task Force.
Willie Dickerson: There is always law enforcement in the parks. Parks are
staying really clean and the overall feedback from citizens is great. He spoke
with the Mayor Pro-Tem and she had good feedback also.
Mike Peacock: Little league is in full swim and so is the Recreation Center.
Park is staying real clean and the citizens are helping. Parking is still a
major issue and will be until parking is enforced out there.
(Carl to get with Irene to get with Lisa Goodwin on this issue)
James explained that we will be getting CDBG money for the following parks:
? Theo McGhee
? Pop Austin
? Benning Park
? Britt David
With no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.
Our next meeting will be April 27, 2016 at Pop Austin Recreation Center.
Meeting adjourned at 12:40
Becky Glisson
Recording Secretary
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