Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Meeting Minutes

Date: April 24, 2013 - Place: CHD - Health & Human Services Bldg. LDR Classroom

Presiding: Carlos Wise MD

Attending Members:, Rajinder Chhokar, MD, Ms. Yasmin Cathright

Absent Members: William DeNamur DMD, Ravindra Agarwal, MD

Others Present: Judy Tucker for Mayor, David Arrington for City Manager, Steve

Gunby, Beverley A. Townsend, MD, Ed Saidla, Joanne Strickland, Jerome Deal,

Sheila Mayfield, Brenda Forman, Shawn Taylor, Carol Popwell, Secretary

Agenda Topic Discussion Decision Responsibility

I. Call to order Dr. Wise called the Columbus Board of Health to order at 1:00pm.

None None

II. Approval of Minutes Dr. Wise asked if there were any questions or comments on the

previous minutes received (March 27, 2013).

Dr. Wise asked for a motion to approve the minutes. A motion was made by

Dr.Chhokar, seconded by Ms. Cathright and approved by all members present. None

III. Excused Absences Dr. Wise stated there are two (2) Excused Absence for the meeting,

Dr. DeNamur and Dr. Agarwal. Dr. Wise asked for a motion to approve the Excused Absence.

A motion was made by Dr. Chhokar, seconded by Ms. Cathright and approved by all

members present. None

IV. District Health Director?s Report Dr. Wise called on Dr. Townsend to give the

Director?s Report;

1. Legislature session has ended. Governor Deal has budget for FY14, within

that document Public Health is asking to be held harmless for the reduction in

GIA for FY 14.

2. Mr. Saidla and I attended the GPHA meeting. I attended a small portion of

the BOH orientation and brought back an updated Guide to Serving on County

Board of Health, see blue portfolio in you notebook.





V. Financial Report Dr. Wise called on Joanne Strickland to present the financial

report to the Board. Ms. Strickland presented the following;

1. Written copy of the financial report and overview to include FY2013 budget

is $5,353,457 with one revision.

2. Expenses are $3,696,598.12 which is $217,219.55 less than same time last


3. Fees collected are $889,156.81, which is an increase of $5,713.26 from same

time last year.

4. The write offs as of March 31, 2013 are $49,130.99, which is an increase of

only $562.26 from December 31, 2012. Breakdown of 23% Immunizations, 44% STD,

14% Ryan White and 19% the remaining 12 programs combined.









VI. Program Reports Dr. Wise asked if there were any Program Reports.

1) Sheila Mayfield, presented information on the Nursing Program;

a) National Infant Immunization week in going on now. Our 1st day we saw 72


2) Brenda Forman, presented information on the WIC Program;

a) WIC outreach numbers are up.

3) Shawn Taylor, presented information on the Environmental Health Program;

a) Rabies Clinic will be held April 30th from 5 ? 7 pm at the Civic Center. We

will be offering discounted Rabies for $5.00 and we are working in conjunction

with Animal Control who will offer discounted City Permits for $5.00.


Dr. Wise asked if we are able to visit the hospitals to assist with

breastfeeding issues. Ms. Forman replied, ?yes, if we are invited by the new



Ms. Mayfield presented the board members with flyers.



VII. New Business Dr. Wise called on Ed Saidla, Mr. Saidla discussed

1. We have one item we need board approval on to purchase;

a) Children 1st program is requesting the purchase of a Document Scanner to

allow them to scan and input electronically a lot of the records we have, which

will help resolve some storage issues with record retention. Total cost for

the unit is $3,384.17.

Dr. Wise asked for a motion to approve the Document Scanner. A motion was made

by Dr. Chhokar seconded by Ms. Cathright and approved by all members present.


VIII. Adjourned

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by Dr. Wise. None None


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