Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

December 12, 2011

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners of

Columbus, Georgia was held at the office of the Columbus Water Works on Monday,

December 12, 2011, at 1:30 p.m., the following Commissioners being present:

Philip Thayer, Chairman

Billy Blanchard, Treasurer

Carole Rutland

Karl Douglass

Mayor Teresa Tomlinson

Receipt of the Minutes of the regular monthly meeting on November 14,

2011, was acknowledged by the Board as written.

At this time, Secretary Blount introduced Mr. Bill Holby, CWW?s Bond

Counsel from King and Spalding. Mr. Holby was present to discuss the

modification of Bond Authorization.

Mr. Holby advised the Board that beginning with the issuance of the

1985 Bonds, and for the 26 year period that has followed, all series of Bonds

issued for the purposes of financing or refinancing additions, have been issued

under the terms of the 1985 Ordinance, which has been amended or supplemented

17 times to reflect changes in law, changes in market conditions, and similar


After consulting with Secretary Blount, the financial and legal

advisors suggested closing the lien of the prior ordinance and have a new

Resolution adopted approving a new Trust Indenture, allowing the Columbus Water

Works the flexibility required to take advantage of market conditions when it

comes to issuing bonds to secure financing for improvements to projects. This

new Trust Indenture will function in much the same way as the 1985 Ordinance.

The ?master?, Trust Indenture, will be entered into with an appropriate

corporate trustee, and will authorize the issuance of future series of revenue

bonds in accordance with the terms of that ?master? Trust Indenture.

After a thorough discussion, the Board authorized Management to proceed

with a final draft of the Trust Indenture to present at the January Board


The Financial Report for the month of November including Ft. Benning

was provided to the Board. Motion was made and seconded to approve the

reports. Motion carried.

Management gave a brief report on the Drive-Thru hours and a

recommendation to modify the current operational hours of the drive-thru from

8:00 a.m. ? 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. ? 5:00 p.m. In addition to the changing

customer payment pattern, the request is based on the following items:

Strategy Team #1 Recommendation

Limited Customer Activity between 5:00 p.m. ? 6:00 p.m. ? Average 4,634

drive-thru customers per month. Of those customers, an average of 8 customers

daily made payments after 5:00 p.m.

Internal Efficiency Improvements ? Increase resource coverage to handle average

5,366 walk-ins and 20,735 mail payments monthly.

Security ? Eliminate security risk with Cash staff being in drive-thru area

with limited personnel following the closing of Main lobby at 5:00 p.m.

Peer Utilities ? Team reviewed other water and local utilities in surrounding

area. They mirror their Operational Hours. Ex: GA Power: 8:00 a.m. ? 5:00 p.m.

Following the report, motion was made and seconded authorizing Management to

change the operational drive-thru hours to 8:00 a.m. ? 5:00 p.m. effective

February 1, 2012. Motion carried.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the month of

November conducted by Engineering and Field Services.

Engineering ? Uchee Creek Campground

This project is for providing water and sewer service from Ft. Benning?s Main

Post to the Uchee Creek Campground in Alabama. The Project consist of

approximately 27,000 feet of water main, 18,000 feet of sewer force main, a

sewer lift station, two pipeline crossings of the Chattahoochee and


On October 27, 2011 bids were publically opened and read as follows:

Contractor Bid Amount

Gordy Construction Company $2,141,138.50

Astra Group $2,226,754.00

Unity Construction Company, Inc. $2,280,960.90

Ronny D. Jones Enterprises, Inc. $2,389,630.00

Crawford Grading & Pipeline, Inc. $2,456,186.20

Complete Sitework Services $2,653,371.20

RTD Construction, Inc. No Bid

John R. Walker, Inc. No Bid

Site Engineering, Inc. No Bid

Valley Pipeline No Bid

Strack, Inc. No Bid

Reeves Contracting Company No Bid

Russo Corporation No Bid

The engineer?s estimate was $2,665,055 million. The engineer has reviewed and

tabulated the bids and recommends contract award to Gordy Construction Company

as the low responsive, responsible bidder, at the bid price of $2,141,138.50.

This work is funded via contract modification P000133 and Ft. Benning R&R Funds.

Staff concurs with the engineer and requests Board approval to award the Uchee

Creek Campground contract to Gordy Construction Company at the bid price of

$2,141,138.50. Motion was made and seconded to award the contract to Gordy

Construction Company. Motion carried.

East Wynnton Neighborhood Housing Project

Wynnton Neighborhood Housing has requested the waiver of connection and impact

fees for the redevelopment of six lots in the East Wynnton Neighborhood. The

lots are located on Tenth Street. The cost for connection and impact fees for

the six lots is $14,880.00.

CWW staff requests Board approval to waive the connection and impact fees, up

to $14,880, for this development.

Staff also requests Board approval to categorize Wynnton Neighborhood Housing

in the same classification as Habitat for Humanity and Neighbor Works, these

being organizations that CWW provides water and sewer connections at no fee,

but provides this as information for the Board. After discussion, motion was

made and seconded to waive the connection and impact fees of $14,880. The

Board also asked that all future requests of this nature be brought to the them

for their consideration. Motion carried.

Field Services ? Columbus Distribution System

Renewed old galvanized leaking service on Miller Road with new copper.

Field Services ? Columbus Collection System

Cleared over 5,000 linear feet of easements off Collins Drive, Lantern Lane and

Bradley Park Drive.

Stabilized section of exposed sewer main behind 4151 Montclair Court.

I & I Crews

Repaired a cave-in on a connection that was capturing rain water from the roof

of Forest Avenue Apartments.

Also replaced a section of 10? sewer main that was allowing infiltration in the


Ft. Benning System

Repaired 10? cast iron water main inside golf course.

Management gave a brief report on the Holiday Grease Recycling Event which was

held on November 26, 2011. The following report was presented:

Holiday Grease Recycling Event

Strategy Team 4, along with other CWW volunteers, held their first annual

Holiday Grease Recycling Event on November 26, 2011.

The event was held at the WalMart on Whittlesey Blvd. and the Winn Dixie on

South Lumpkin Road from 10:00 a.m. ? 2:00 p.m.

List of employees that volunteered ? Brian Boswell, Trent Rimmer, Aaron

Collins, Natasha Hall, Mike Burch, Chris Cornett, Pat Cosby, Amy Gamble, Chris

McGruder, Reggie Shipp, Mike Taylor and Jeremy Cummings.

52 customers participated in the event. The customers stated that they were

glad CWW was doing this and wanted to know when we were going to do it again.

Customers stated that they did not know how to properly dispose of used cooking


CWW collected 60 gallons of grease at the Winn Dixie site and 125 gallons from

the WalMart site.

A total of 185 gallons was collected and transported to the SCWRF to be

disposed of at the NEW Grease Receiving Station.

Bill insert seems to be the most effective way to communicate with the public.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of November conducted by Strategic Planning and Employee Services


Strategic Planning

On November 18, Billy Blanchard, President and CEO of Columbus Bank and Trust,

Regional CEO of Synovus, and Treasurer of the Board of Water Commissioners,

presented ?Cicero?s Surprise.?

Billy shared his perception of the following three characteristics of


Keep your cool

Keep your focus

Have the right perspective

Forty-three CWW employees were in attendance to include senior staff, team

leaders, strategy team members and mentors.

Employee Services

CWW Leadership Development Program ? Level 1 ? On Wednesday, November 11th,

participants from CWW attended a training session titled ?Harassment at Work.?

Margie Watson from the Business Resource Center of the Pastoral Institute,

facilitated the training session.

On November 3rd, Chris Cornett (Environmental Compliance) represented CWW at

the Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Conference hosted by Columbus State

University. CWW was one of seven corporate scholarship sponsors of the event.

The theme of the conference was ?New World, New Challenges: Building Bridges

Across Disciplines.?

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of November conducted by Information Services Department.

Information Services

Work continued on the Maximo 7.5 Upgrade during the month of November. This

project upgrades the existing version of Maximo to the most current version

available for conversion, integration validation and user acceptance testing.

The user acceptance testing uses predefined scripts to take the user through a

check list of steps for testing each process and is performed by employees that

use the system for their everyday work activity.

CWW consistently meets the target for the company Virus Benchmark due to CWW?s

Virus Protection Program.

At CWW a triple layer of protection is used to detect and clean viruses:

Firewall level

Email server level

Desktop level

Management acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of November conducted by the Water Resources, Managed Maintenance and

Environmental Compliance Departments.

South Columbus Water Resource Facility

Filled Aeration Basin #6 which use to be an aerobic digester. This is part of

our construction project to provide aeration for the biological activity. This

basin holds approximately 1.2 million gallons. There are now four aeration

basins in service for the first time in the facility?s history.

Planted winter wheat crop in mid-November. Recent rains have helped the crop

get off to a good start.

Average Daily Flow for Month ? 20.6 mgd

Maximum Daily Flow for Month ? 37.6 mgd

Managed Maintenance

Preventive maintenance work orders ? 74%

Planned maintenance man-hours ? 34%

Repaired primary basin drive at the SCWRF

Replaced heat Exchange on Aeration Blower #4 at the SCWRF

North Columbus Water Resource Facility

Cleaned Raw Water Tanks #1 and #2. Contractor performed inspections.

Set up annual Christmas lights at the NCWRF

Average Daily Flow for Month ? 26.8 mgd

Maximum Daily Flow for Month ? 31.8 mgd

Water Quality Monitoring/Environmental Compliance

At the 2011 GAWP Fall Conference in Athens, GA, on November 15, 2011, the ?QA

Award? was presented to the WQM Department as the best lab in the greater than

20 mgd categories in the State of Georgia.

Chief Lab Analyst Ken Mendenhall received a Certificate of Distinguished Merit

for Excellence in Laboratory QA Achievement by both Georgia Association of

Water Professionals and the GAWP Laboratory Committee for 2011.

The Manager of WRM/ECD and the Columbus Water Works was honored this month with

the November 2011 Community Green Award sponsored by Acura/BMW of Columbus,

Diverse Power and WLTZ 38. The Keep Columbus Beautiful Commission nominated

CWW for this award.

WQM introduced a new test method this month for determining mono-chloramines.

WQM had several complaints in the first part of November due to the brown water

in the downtown area which was resolved.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of November conducted by the Division of Communication, Security and

Safety Programs.

Security & Safety

On November 30, 2011, met with J. Smith Lanier to schedule CWW?s annual

employee training plan for the calendar year 2012.

Community & Corporate Events

CWW received the President?s Volunteer Service Award presented at the GAWP Fall

Conference on November 15, 2011. This award is a U.S. Presidential honor that

recognizes the valuable contributions of volunteers nationwide.

CWW raised a total of $71,544.81 with 100% employee participation for United



2012 Schedule for Bill Inserts/Videos

January Payment Options/Low Income Credit

February Educational Information on WaterSense ? Fix-a-Leak Week

March Information on Earth Day/Pharmaceutical Disposal

April What is Drinking Water Week/Basic NCWRF Treatment Process

May Outdoor Water Requirements

June 2011 Consumer Confidence Report

July Understanding your Water Bill

August Water is Life ? How Often Do You Turn Me On?

September Clean Water Week ? SCWRF Open House

October Citizens Looking After Their Waterworks

November Holiday Grease Recycling Event (depending on how the 2011 event goes)

? Cold Weather

December None

Note: Subject to change as needed

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Secretary Blount presented the following meeting dates to the Board for

2012. These are all on the second Monday of each month, starting at 1:30 p.m.,

with the exceptions of the June and October meetings.

January 9, 2012

February 13, 2012

March 12, 2012

April 9, 2012

May 14, 2012

June 18, 2012*

July 9, 2012

August 13, 2012

September 10, 2012

October 15, 2012**

November 12, 2012

December 10, 2012

*Changed due to AWWA Conference

**Changed due to Columbus Day

Secretary Blount presented the following Holiday Schedule for calendar

year 2012:

Monday, December 26, 2011 - Christmas Holiday

Monday, January 2, 2012 - New Year's Day

Monday, January 16, 2012 ? Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, May 28, 2012 ? Memorial Day

Wednesday, July 4, 2012 ? Independence Day

Monday, September 3, 2012 - Labor Day (First Monday in September)

Monday, October 8, 2012 ? Columbus Day

Thursday, November 22, 2012 - Thanksgiving Day

Friday, November 23, 2012 ? Day After Thanksgiving

Monday, December 24, 2012* ? Floating Holiday

Tuesday, December 25, 2012 ? Christmas Holiday

Personal Holiday ? Employee?s Own Choice

*FY 2012-2013 Floating Holiday recommended for approval by the Board of Water


The Board acknowledged the Board meeting schedule and the Holiday


Secretary Blount provided the Board with the following items of information:

Thank you letter to Bob Tant from Belva Dorsey, CEO, Enrichment Services

Program, for donating five computers for Head Start children.

Thank you letter to Gwen Ruff from Amber Dees of Columbus State University for

her involvement in the first Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Research


Before adjourning, Mr. Douglass asked if the Columbus Water Works paid sales

tax on capital projects although they are exempt. Secretary Blount advised that

the Water Works does pay sales tax for supplies; however, after completion of

the project, the Water Works submits a copy of all invoices from the contractor

to the State for reimbursement. If the project meets a certain criteria CWW is

reimbursed. Secretary Blount informed the Board that a check for approximately

$242,000 was just received from the State for the CBFT3 Project and put back

into the reserve account.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


Emory E. Blount, Secretary


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