Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item # 4

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Agenda Report # 696

TO: Mayor and Council

SUBJECT: AMENDED September 27, 2011 -

Change Order to January 26, 2010 Memorandum of Understanding

with Muscogee County School District

INITIATED BY: David Arrington, Deputy City Manager

Recommendation: Approval is requested to execute Change Order #2 and Change

Order #3 to the January 26, 2010 Memorandum of Understanding with the Muscogee

County School District to provide for construction of a connector road to a new

bus transfer station.

Background: On January 26, 2010 Columbus Council approved a Memorandum

of Understanding with the Muscogee County School District (MCSD) authorizing

the use of 1999 SPLOST funds in the amount of $1,056,412 for the removal of

asphalt behind the Library, landscaping of the area and other beautification

measures as approved by the Library Board. McMath Turner was contracted to

perform the asphalt removal and landscaping. The Muscogee County School

District desires to add additional trees to the project and develop a bus

transfer station on the 5 acre site, formally known as the Carmike property,

located on the south side of Weracoba Creek. The development of this site

will require a road be constructed from the Library to the existing bridge over

Weracoba Creek.

Analysis: Council has previously directed that any significant change in the

scope of work for this project be approved by Council. MCSD is required to

transfer students between buses to efficiently transport students to their

assigned schools. The 5 acre tract behind the Library is centrally located in

the City and is the most suitable location for a transfer facility. Change

Order #2 is being requested for additional trees within the original scope of

work for this project. This change order in the amount of $33,933 will be

funded with 1999 SPLOST funds using project contingency. Change Order #3 in

the amount of $104,049 will be funded with MCSD funds and will not utilize 1999

SPLOST funds. The City is being requested to approve the Memorandum of

Understanding since the additional work represents a change order to the

contractor's contract under the January 26, 2010 Memorandum of Understanding.

This action does not represent an increase in the use of 1999 SPLOST funds

allocated in the original agreement between the MCSD and the City. A copy of

the budget vs. actual expenditures for the contract and summary of Change

Orders #2 and #3 are attached.

Financial Considerations: The funding for Change Order #2 in the amount of

$33,933 will be from 1999 SPLOST funds reallocated from contingency. Change

Order #3 in the amount of $104,049 for the bus transfer station will be paid

using MCSD funds and not 1999 SPLOST funds.

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement: There is no annual financial impact

on the City for this project.

Legal Considerations: Council approval is required for the 1999 SPLOST


Recommendations/ Actions: Authorize the City Manager to execute Change Order

#2 and Change Order #3 to the January 26, 2010 Memorandum of Understanding with

the Muscogee County School District to provide for construction of a connector



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