Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




The following Commission members were present for the entire meeting.


Mr. Winfield G. Flanagan,

Chairman December

31, 2018

Mr. Kerry W. Hand, Vice

Chairman December

31, 2017

Mr. Carl Rhodes, Jr. December 31, 2019

Mr. Chris Badcock December 31, 2016

The following Commission members were absent:

Mr. Thomas G. O. Forsberg,

Treasurer December 31, 2015

Staff members present:

Richard C. Howell, A.A.E., Airport Director

W. Donald Morgan, Jr., Legal Counsel

Mary Scarbrough, Secretary

Michele Renfroe, Flightways Columbus, Administrative Supervisor

Ed Gibson, Public Safety

Eric Trivett, Maintenance Manager

Jennifer Wright, Restaurant Manager

Others present:

Marvin Brown, FAA; Richard DesPortes, Speedbird Aero; Matt Hinkle, Robert

Boerhnlein, Archie Spires, Jeff Kenneny, Ralph McDonald, Cham Watkins, Kelsey

Kenyon, Jimmy Stall, Louis McCosh, Jack Wright, Ralph Ramey, Craig Reaves,

Dorinda Morpeth, Ken Sines, Terry Echols, Emily Belobraydic, Jerald Lewark,

Jared Lewark


The meeting was called to order by Mr. Winfield Flanagan at 9:30 AM. Mr.

Flanagan welcomed everyone to the Columbus Airport Commission Meeting.


Motion by Mr. Carl Rhodes, Jr., to approve the minutes as amended for the

August 26, 2015 as presented; seconded by Mr. Chris Badcock and unanimously

approved by the Commission.

Ayes: 4 / No: 0


Mr. Richard Howell stated earlier in the year as the Commission was designing

the Fee Schedule and Rewards Program, staff believed that tracking and applying

rewards benefits would not be a problem using the Total FBO software Flightways

has for managing it finances. Since starting the programs staff has come to

realize that it will be hard to keep up with the towing aspect of the Rewards

Program and there is much room for clerical error for staff that would result

in the reward being inconsistently applied to customers. Understanding the

Commission?s desire to promote business with these programs staff feels that

the Commission should consider amending the Rewards program such that an

aircraft towing fee will be waived with minimum fuel purchase, vice the

accumulated purchase amount currently in place. The Commission?s fee schedule

already has identified what a minimum fuel purchase (in gallons) is for each

aircraft. These minimum numbers have been in place for a number of years being

used for transient customers to waive ramp fees. Amending the Fee Schedule and

Rewards Program will not adversely impact either program and will ensure that

customers receive the benefits intended by the Commission.

Staff recommends approval.

Mr. Winfield Flanagan asked if there was a motion?

Mr. Carl Rhodes made a motion; Mr. Kerry Hand seconded the motion which

included inquiring if there were any discussion or questions from the attendees

considering the Fee Schedule?

Mr. Matt Hinkle asked if the minimum fuel purchases would count for tug charges

as requested by that tenant. Several of the Tenants have their own tug to pull

their own plane in and out. However, should that Tenant need their plane towed

for maintenance, would that towing fee be covered by previous fuel purchases?

There is not a system in place. The only problem now is with the eight pages of

fees, we don?t know what charges we have. It seems there are more fuel

purchases, than the need for towing. Also, will the hangar monthly rent be

included with the rewards program? The tug fees do not benefit the airport.

Mr. Howell told Ms. Renfroe to address with the fuel purchases and the process

on the free tows.

Ms. Michele Renfroe stated that she just attended a total FBO conference. They

have set up a system at Flightways Columbus and emails will be sent

automatically when tenants are charged for anything, and will include monthly

statements too. All charges are under the Tenants names, not their plane tail

numbers. With the rewards program, it will be run on a monthly basis for all

fuel purchases. Any and all charges will be sent via email out the day of the

charge. She encouraged everyone to keep their email addresses accurate/up to

date if they desire to receive the emails for their purchases.

Mr. Hand asked Ms. Renfroe to communicate and simplify the guidelines in

accomplishing the task for the rewards program. We need people to know where

they are with their charges.

Mr. Rhodes commended on Mr. Hand?s suggestion in simplifying the program

instead of using plane tail numbers, using their names to avoid more confusion.

Mr. Howell stated the overall use of plane tail numbers or individuals is a

technical issue and decision of the tenants, how they want the program to work.

Ms. Renfroe said the charges are associated with the Tenants name, referenced

by the tenants name and they are looking at it as a customer aspect not tail

number aspects.

Mr. Hinkle encouraged a more competitive cost on the fuel prices at the

Columbus Airport. In the last couple months the high priced fuel prices at the

Columbus Airport has been brought up. The bigger question is why active pilots

are not purchasing their fuel here? I don?t know that the fuel should be a

$2.00 difference from fuel purchased at other airports. There is a huge price

disparity with fuel cost here at the airport. Currently fuel is $3.60 a

gallon, $3.69 a gallon in Pine Mountain, Georgia, recently he tankered fuel

back from Athens, Georgia due to the high prices here, even the cost is lower

in Knoxville, Tennessee. Being competitive with your fuel pricing, there would

not be an issue.

Mr. Flanagan asked Mr. Hinkle if the fuel price (Hinkle quoted above) is from a

self-serve fuel.

Mr. Hinkle stated some of them are, even with self-service pumps they come out

and pump the fuel for you, and this is a significance difference in the cost of

fuel from other airports.

Mr. Flanagan said he did not know that the cost is that much difference in the

fuel prices.

Mr. Winfield Flanagan stated the Commissioner?s and Mr. Howell will discuss the

matter at the upcoming work session in October prior to the next Commission

Meeting. He asked if there were any other questions.

Mr. Chris Badcock stated as a reminder this is amendment which is new Fee

Schedule, we are hearing your comments and questions to address the tenants


Mr. Howell said the current aircraft moving fee is included in the rewards fee.

The rewards program is an accumulative program by which a customer who spends

money at the FBO as they proceed through the four different levels has

additional benefits at each level. We are amending the aircraft movement

portion, and have purchased a certain amount of fuel, can receive free towing.

Mr. Hand said there are still details to work out concerning clarification of

approving the changes.

Mr. Howell?s commented this is the most contentious item to the rewards program

and he would recommend we move forward with this matter as a recommendation,

the action is the Commissioner?s final decision.

Mr. Hand stated there needs to be a time line in getting the information out to

all tenants to everyone?s satisfaction. We do want to charge for the services,

and we want to reward those using the services. We do need to address all

matters at hand including the current fuel prices.

Mr. Flanagan asked if there is a motion that we amend the Fee Schedule on a

temporary basis until the next work session to discuss more in detail this


Motion by Mr. Carl Rhodes, Jr. to amend the Fee Schedule on a temporary basis

until the upcoming Work Session to discuss further for the Columbus Airport was

made: seconded by Mr. Kerry Hand and unanimously approved by the Commission.

Ayes: 4 / No: 0

Mr. Flanagan reported at the October scheduled work session the Columbus

Airport Commission will discuss the matter and bring the decisions back at an

upcoming meeting.


Mr. Howell reported that long time tenant Carmike Cinemas, Inc. requests an

agreement to lease approximately 7,200 square feet of hangar space in hangar 11

utilizing bays 2 and 3. Proposer also requests to make substantial

improvements to the premises in support of its corporate aviation department.

The term of the Agreement will be for five years commencing on October 1,

2015. Thirty days prior to the expiration of the term, Lessee may request to

renew the Agreement for another five year period upon the same terms and

conditions. The agreement provides for a total of three five-year

extensions. Lessee will be required to invest approximately $343,500 in

premises improvement within 18 months of execution of the agreement. All such

improvement shall remain the property and be maintained by the Lessee until the

Agreement terminates. Lessee shall pay a minimum monthly rental $0.35 per

square foot, $2,520 per month, or $30,240 annually. Should the Lessee not

complete the prescribed improvements described above within the 18 months

allowed, the rental amount will revert to $0.42 commencing on the 19th month

after commencement. Said rental rate will be retroactive to the commencement

of the agreement and billed to the Lessee. Agreement includes standard

language for late fees, rental adjustments, insurance, etc. as in included in

the Commission standard lease document.

Staff recommends approval.

Motion by Mr. Carl Rhodes, Jr., to approve the Finance Policy and Procedure

Manual for the Columbus Airport was made: seconded by Mr. Chris Badcock and

unanimously approved by the Commission. Ayes: 4 / No: 0


Mr. Howell stated there have been a couple variations on the agenda where two

items had been pulled based on some off line discussions by the Columbus

Airport Commission.


Mr. Howell introduced Ms. Bernadette Zuber, Accounting Assistant who provided

the following financial update in Ms. Lorrie Brewer?s absence.

The Airport sustained an overall loss of $137,552 with an adjusted net profit

(without depreciation, amortization, grant or PFC revenues) of $19,926 in

August. Year over year it amounts to loss of approximately 70% in comparison to

August of last year in which we had an adjusted net profit of $73,689 (see

Summary of Airport Revenues & Expenses).

Fuel sales and flowage fees were down approximately $49K compared to last year

and rental fees were down compared to last year this time as well. We incurred

a $30K loss on our investment account in August as well. Both occurrences

contributed to the substantial net loss over this month last year. (Actual

rents from the rental car agencies were not available at the time of closing.)

Propellers and Flightways will present their own reports.

Compared to this month last year, labor and benefits expenses were down

approximately $17K; repairs and maintenance expenses were down around $5K;

utilities and other services expenses were down around $3K; insurance costs

showed little change and administrative expenses were up by around $3K over

last year.

Tenants Past Due 60 Days or More: See report with financials.

Update on Airport Improvement Project 39:

AIP 39?Construct Airport Perimeter Fencing & Wildlife Hazard Management:

Grant Balance: $1,039,755.00. (There was no change from July.)

Cash flow was positive for the month (see the Cash Flow Summary).


Ms. Jennifer Wright provided the following update on Propellers:

? Jennifer Wright and Propeller?s Staff has received the new Combo 3000

multi-zone vending machine. We will now provide fresh sandwiches daily and ice


? August 2014 the profit sales was at $5,363. Profit sales increased year over

year by 26% at August 2015.

? Cost of goods sold were decreased by 56% year over year. August 2015 cost of

goods sold were $2,385.

? Jennifer wright and staff members would like to thank Mr. Badcock for

supporting the restaurant by dining in for lunch occasionally.

? Propellers will have lunch specials on Tuesday and Wednesday from 11A.M. to 2

P.M. to increase sales during the slowest days of the week.


Ms. Michele Renfroe provided the following update for Flightways Columbus:

? Fuel gallons pumped year over year comparison:

Fuel item

Gallons pumped August 2015

Gallons pumped

August 2014

% Change













Jet A (Express Jet)




Jet A (Retail)




Jet A (Contract)




Jet A (Gov?t/Mil)




Jet A (Justice Flights)




? Justice Flight number of aircrafts handled in the month of August of 2015

(12) compared to August 2014 (10).

? Michele Renfroe attended the TFBO accounting software conference in the month

of August. We are excited to hear that multiservice corporation will be coming

out with a mobile application that will feed directly from and IPad to the TFBO

program. Also available now is a Veederoot system that sends meter information

from the truck to the program that makes for a faster turnaround time for the


? Be on the lookout for a couple of C-130?s to be stationed on our ramp for

several months. They will be flying weekend missions while the Lawson Army

Airfield Tower will be closed on the weekends.


Mr. Eric Trivett provided the following update concerning maintenance:

? Replacing the roof top A/C unit over TSA baggage area to start within the

next week or two.

? Removal of grass and weeds on RW 31. Maintenance will be using a chemical

called Mojave this week on the runway to speed up the process of grass

elimination. This is an ongoing process.

? Maintenance has added two additional Z-mowers and are in the processes of

refurbishing the older ones to extend their usefulness.

? Maintenance is in the processes of having the carpeted areas in front of the

ticket counters, luggage claim area, the cyber spot, and the entire Delta

holding areas in the sterile areas cleaned. This starts tonight.

? As a department are in the process of creating predictive and preventive

maintenance programs for every aspect of the airport. We have already started a

monthly filter change and will be doing bi-yearly coil cleaning in the next

month to help improve the efficiency of our outdated air handlers. The

replacement of our cooling towers in the next month or so, will definitely help

in that area, not to mention some other things such as having the building

systems balanced with the outside air.

? There is lots of things to do inside and outside the terminal this fall and

winter. We plan on doing a lot of repairs to the front of the building such as

repairing the damaged awning, pressure washing the front side walks, etc.

working on the first impressions of the airport.

? Some maintenance team members have left for other opportunities and we are in

the process of building our team back up. The maintenance department will have

regular in-house training on such items as airport safety, basic electrical,

plumbing, HVAC, to customer service skills.

? As always the Maintenance department will embrace the Airports Mission,

Vision, and Values by constantly staying abreast on new technology and skills

and being creative in looking for ways to improve.

Mr. Howell reported the fence project is proceeding into the T-Hangar areas

beginning this week. With the contractor there have been some issues with the

locates regarding the utilities. The contractors are working on a better plan

for locates on utilities in those areas. We have granted the contractor an

extension of an additional thirty days to work time, due to changes made

earlier in the contract with the extra removal of trees and habitat and so

forth for wildlife. The completion date is mid-November. This is an AIP

project, ninety percent paid by FAA, and ten percent by us, however the state

will pick up five percent of local share.

Mr. Howell stated staff is working on the Wildlife Management Plan including

training programs and acquire supplies associated for the plan. The Wildlife

Management Coordinator is Officer Andre? Parker. Mr. Trivett is working with

other airports and sources concerning grass management at the airport. In some

instances is better to have taller grass for some of the birds. There will be

a notice for volunteers for the Wildlife Management Team in the website soon.

If you are interested and want to take part in that team, please let Officer

Parker know.

Mr. Howell reported the survey work began on the rehabilitation design and

bidding for RW 13/31 per the RS&H work order that was approved at the August

26, 2015 Columbus Airport Commission Meeting. This work will begin next week

of Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Runway 13/31 will be closed for three days,

punching holes in the asphalt to pull core samples out under the current

pavement. We also will take one core from the keel from RW 6/24 at the

intersection of 13/31, and will have to shut down the runway for approximately

ninety minutes.

We have completed Runway 6 safety area survey as identified in the

Certification Inspection and are awaiting the final technical results from

RS&H. There are some problems and they have been there for years if not

decades. Once the report is received, we will put together potential projects

for FAA as any work will be AIP eligible.

The RW 6/24 marking is on the street for bidding. At this time the package has

been downgraded from $300,000.00 to paint the entire runway. After a

conversation with the Certification Inspector, he agreed at this time we only

correct the problems identified in the Letter of Correction for the

inspection. When the 6/24 crack repair project is done as planned in 2017 a

complete runway repaint will be done at that time. All write ups for RW13/31

markings are closed due to the pending work.

Mr. Matt Hinkle would like to form a co-operations group for general aviation

to have a ground lease to install a fuel farm on airport property. He

indicated that since the Commission was looking into fuel prices he would table

the matter until a later date.

Mr. Jack Wright inquired regarding the vacancy of two twin hangars on the

airport property.

Mr. Howell asked Ms. Mary Scarbrough if she is aware of any hangar vacancies.

Ms. Scarbrough is not aware of any vacant single hangars to date. She asked

Mr. Wright to provide the hangar numbers he was referring to.

Mr. Wright did not know the hangar numbers.

Mr. Hinkle questioned the designated parking areas on the property.

Mr. Howell provided the specific parking?s areas available.

Mr. Hinkle thanked Mr. Howell.

Mr. Chris Badcock stated the need for more active airplanes from the tenants at

the airport.

Mr. Richard Ramey complimented the entire Flightways Columbus staff who

provides excellent service.

Mr. Flanagan thanked Mr. Ramey for his positive remarks for the Flightways

Columbus Staff.

Mr. Mike Scheller said there had been a fourth incident with the birds in the

past months. He is concerned for safety.

Officer Andre? Parker stated Public Safety is increasing sweeps as the Tower

alerts them. Harassment and lethal measures are also used for the birds. As

we are aware are doing the best we best can.

Mr. Scheller eliminating birds is important.

Officer Parker said most of the birds migrate from Heath and Cooper Creek Parks.

Mr. Scheller inquired if Officer Parker and Public Safety are keeping track of

the birds?

Mr. Parker said yes, on a daily basis.

Mr. Hand reported he knows the bird population is growing and it is not going


Mr. Howell stated Public Safety cannot have good control of the birds or

wildlife without notice of them because the FAA does not report any strike

reports filed by tenants to us. As previously discussed we need help form the

community regarding wildlife on the property which is a part of the Wildlife

Management Team efforts.

Mr. Perry Thomason ask Mr. Scheller if he has ever been on any airport that

does or did not have birds.

Mr. Scheller said there is a noticeable increase this year, and he thinks the

Airport should minimize the risk.

Mr. Howell disagreed as there is no documentation of any more or less activity

than in the past.

Mr. Badcock stated everyone should have the Public Safety phone number on hand

to contact them immediately upon any sight of birds or wildlife.

Mr. Scheller said Public Safety provides good and prompt service on the runway

sweeps y.


Mr. Jerad Lewark, Life Scout provided an Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal

to build an Airport Observation Deck with a four foot railing on the project

near the Flightways building. He has is involved monthly with EAA and has

received an EAA scholarship in the past.

Mr. Badcock congratulated Mr. Lewark on receiving a scholarship, and providing

his presentation. He asked when this project will begin.

Mr. Lewark stated he will begin executing it in spring of 2016.

Mr. Lewark will be asking for donations and said no funds will be used from the

Columbus Airport.

Mr. Hand asked if the project would become property of the airport upon


Mr. Lewark reported yes it would be airport property.

Mr. Howell asked the Columbus Airport Commission if they would like to

tentatively approve for the project on the airport property pending receipt of

plans, permits, etc.

Motion by Mr. Kerry Hand, to approve the Eagle Scout Service Project at the

Columbus Airport was made: seconded by Mr. Carl Rhodes, Jr. and unanimously

approved by the Commission. Ages: 4 / No: 0

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:38 AM


____________________________ _____________________________

Mary Scarbrough, Secretary

Winfield G. Flanagan, Chairman


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