Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




JULY 14, 2015

The regular weekly meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called

to order at 9:00 A.M., Tuesday, July 14, 2015, on the 2nd Floor of the Citizens

Service Center, located at 3111 Citizens Way, Columbus, Georgia Honorable

Evelyn Turner Pugh, Mayor Pro Tem presiding.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh was Councilors R. Gary

Allen, Mike Baker, Jerry Barnes, Tom B. Buck III, Berry H. Henderson, Bruce

Huff and Judy W. Thomas. City Manager Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney Clifton Fay,

Assistant City Attorney Lucy Sheftall, Clerk of Council Tiny B. Washington and

Deputy Clerk of Council Lindsey Glisson were also present. Councilor Glenn

Davis took his seat at 9:34 a.m.

-----------------------------------*** ***


ABSENT: Mayor Teresa Tomlinson and Councilor Evelyn Woodson were absent.

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INVOCATION: Chaplain Mark Burnett, Chaplain of the Columbus/Fire EMS


----------------------------------*** ***


PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Councilor Berry H. Henderson.

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MINUTES: Minutes of the June 9, 2015 Council Meeting of the Consolidated

Government were submitted and approved upon the adoption of a motion made by

Councilor Thomas. Seconded by Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those

eight members of Council present for this meeting, with Councilor Davis being

absent for the vote and Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

-----------------------------------*** ***






A Resolution (190-15) ? Requesting a Special Exception Use

(EXCP-10-14-2313) for a restaurant at 222 7th Street. The current zoning for

the property is HIST (Historic) zoning district. Allow for the operation of a


Mr. Robert McKenna, with the law firm of Page, Scrantom, Sprouse, Tucker &

Ford came forward and gave a brief presentation as to what their plans are as

it relates to the proposed request.

He said this is the old Caf? 222, which had been in operation for close to

30 years on the corner of 7th Street and 3rd Avenue. He said they are

requesting that it be permitted, as a restaurant use again. He said it was

previously used in connection with a bed and breakfast, which it is no longer

being used as such.

Councilor Henderson then made a motion to adopt the resolution. The motion

was then seconded by Councilor Huff.

City Attorney Fay said before we take a vote on this resolution, we need

to hear from anyone who may be in opposition to this matter. He then asked if

there was anyone who wanted to be heard on this issue.

Ms. Susan Wygul then came forward and read a prepared statement opposing

the Special Exception Use request for a restaurant at 222 7th Street, which was

formerly Caf? 222. She expressed concerns regarding the parking, stating that

parking will become a problem, as well as the value of the homes will go down.

She said this is still advocacy about smart urban growth in historic areas and

how people are affected by these zoning decisions. She said this Council chose

to change the UDO despite the neighborhood?s input and their vote against

changing the UDO, as well as Councilor Woodson?s vote not to change the UDO.

She said the district is still dealing with bad zoning decisions made within

the district.

After Ms. Wygul concluded her comments, Councilor Henderson thanked her

for her comments and then made comments regarding this matter. The motion was

then called upon, where it was approved unanimously by those eight members of

Council present, with Councilor Davis being absent for this vote and Councilor

Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (191-15) ? Concerning the issuance of revenue bonds by the

Housing Authority of Columbus, Georgia to issue bonds to finance three projects

located in Columbus, Georgia for the benefit of HACG RAD I, LP.

Councilor Huff moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor

Allen and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council present, with

Councilor Davis being absent for this vote and Councilor Woodson being absent

from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (192-15) ? Concerning the issuance of revenue bonds by the

Columbus, Georgia Development Authority to issue bonds to finance a

project located in Columbus, Georgia for the benefit of COLUMBUS ALF, LLC.

Councilor Allen moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Buck and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council

present, with Councilor Davis being absent for this vote and Councilor Woodson

being absent from the meeting.


City Attorney Fay said he would like to request a brief executive after

the adjournment of today?s meeting, to discuss a litigation matter.

-------------------------------------*** ***






WATCH, RE: NEIGHBORHOOD PROBLEMS:________________________________

Mr. Robert Lackey, 2101 Young Street, Apt. ?B? representing the North

Wynnton Village Neighborhood Watch came forward and stated that the main

problem that they are having in and around their neighborhood, near Columbus

High School, is where the students are parking their vehicles. He said they

leave trash, and take the parking spots of the residents. He stated that he has

brought this matter to the attention of the principle of Columbus High School,

as well as the School District. He said he has brought up the idea to the

school of having satellite parking for students, as well as placing garbage

containers out so that the students could use them.

After much discussion surrounding this issue, with some members of the

Council expressing their views, Councilor Henderson then suggested that we have

City Manager Hugley to get together and meet with the school board to explain

the magnitude of the parking problem and try to work out a solution for this


Councilor Henderson said he would ask the City Manager to go back to the

school district and lay out some options and try to uncover some options. He

also requested that the City Manager let the school district know that if left

to no other solutions, the City will have to make it no parking zones in front

of those houses and that would cause a much bigger issue.

City Manager Hugley said he welcomes the opportunity that Councilor

Henderson has put on the table to meet with Dr. David Lewis and his appropriate

staff on this matter. He said he has not even had an opportunity to talk with

his staff about this situation. He said he is optimistic in his meeting with

Dr. Lewis and his staff that we can come up with a solution to try and help to

give relief to the neighborhood.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said if anyone else on the Council wants to work

with the City Manager on this matter, they are welcomed to do so. She also

asked that City Manager Hugley bring Council a report within the next month.

Councilor Barnes pointed out that he was also at the meeting that Mr.

Lackey spoke of earlier, and said as far as the school district is concerned

there were some representatives there and said there were some things that you

can be conciliatory on and some things you cannot. He said back in 2008 the

late Councilor McDaniel, former Deputy City Manager David Arrington and himself

had the parking issue solved by meeting with the Police Chief and ticketing

students who parked in the area. He said the final solution was citations

being issued. He said he believes that we can work through this matter.

Mr. Lackey also responded to questions of Councilor Thomas regarding this

subject of parking in and around his neighborhood.

After continued discussion on this matter, Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said

if there is anyone else who has any other questions or comments, to please get

it to the City Manager before he meets with Dr. Lewis.

*** *** ***



___ ______

Mr. Dan Houston, 300 Henson Road, Canton, Georgia representing the Epic

Insurance Brokers and Consultants, Re: Insurance Broker Services came forward

and said on June 19, 2015 your Evaluation Committee recommended that we be

approved as your consultant/insurance broker for property and crime insurance

on an annual contract. He said at that time, he thinks that you tabled all of

the proposals that were issued. He said there were a number of comments that he

would like to clarify.

Mr. Houston said many of you know them as the McCart Group. He said they

went by the name of the McCart Group until about two months ago. He said

Carlyle Investments invested a substantial amount of money in them, $200- $400

million, and they joined the Epic Group, as an associate member. He said they

have no control over them whatsoever, as they are autonomous, and are the

Southeast Regional head of the Brokers. He said Jeff McCart is the President,

and he is one of the principles, as well.

Mr. Houston said as far as a local preference is concerned, one of your

current insurance brokers is already located in Atlanta. He said your insurance

carriers are located in Metro Atlanta. He said as far as a local preference,

prior to him becoming an insurance broker, he was Director of Risk Management/

Insurance for NCR Corporation when it was located in Dayton, Ohio. He said that

if NCR had chosen a local preference they wouldn?t be located in Atlanta, which

is where their headquarters is, nor would they be located here in Columbus; he

said they would have stayed in Dayton, Ohio.

Mr. Houston said as far as compensation, the fee that they quoted is half

of what you are currently paying in commissions for the insurance placed by

your current brokers. He said as far as contributions to the community, Fort

Benning has been home for him, and he has other local ties to the community.

After concluding his comments, Mr. Houston said that he is asking that

Council consider approving the recommendation made by the Evaluation Committee,

and approve Epic Brokers, as the City?s insurance broker going forward.

City Attorney Clifton Fay pointed out that the members of Council have

received a memorandum from his office concerning this matter, and said that if

Council would like to reconsider this matter at all, it will have to be done at

today?s meeting. He said what you did last time was take action to reject any

and all proposals, meaning another RFP process will have to be completed. He

said they would have to go through the same process at the end of this year. He

said Council can reconsider the vote that was taken before, the scoring that

they received attached to the memorandum showed that even a local preference of

5% would not have affected the results. He said we also talked about some of

the reasons why a local preference is not necessarily a good fit for this type

of service contract.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then asked, what is the pleasure of the Council

in this regard?

City Attorney Fay, in response to Councilor Thomas said the City had to

renew some coverage with brokers that we already had since the current

insurance was up on June 30, 2015.

City Manager Hugley stated that is correct; we renewed those policies for

a year.

Deputy City Manager Pam Hodge stated that the insurance is with Jay Smith

Lanier and Hamby. She said in order for us to continue to have coverage, we had

to renew for one year, but she said we can cancel these policies with a 30-day


Councilor Henderson asked if Council decided to change their minds in

regard to the insurance policy, as the broker of record, would the City still

receive the discount. In response, Mr. Houston stated that going forward, the

rate would be prorated.

Discussion continued on this matter, after which Councilor Henderson asked

City Attorney Fay, what were his recommendations on this matter. City Attorney

Clifton Fay stated that he would recommend they reconsider the vote that was

taken at the last Council meeting, and would also recommend to leave the

service contract RFP process the way it is currently on the books, and not try

to insert some sort of local preference into that because it is just not a good

fit. He said the main thing on the table is that he would recommend that you

reconsider your vote to reject any and all proposals on this matter, because if

not, you will have to go through another RFP process at the end of the year.

In responding further to Councilor Henderson, City Attorney Fay stated

some sort of a local preference in your service contract RFP proposal may be

inserted, but said it is just not a good fit. He said even a 5% allocation for

some sort of a local presence or local office would not have changed these


After further discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh stated that she would

like to make a motion to reconsider this matter. The original vote was six to


At the request of Councilor Allen, Clerk of Council Washington gave the

Council the previous vote of how the Council voted on this matter, as listed.

She said Councilors Buck, Barnes, Thomas, Allen, Davis, Huff voted yes; so

those are the only ones that may call for a recall on the vote. She said

Councilors Baker, Henderson, Woodson and Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh voted no.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said she cannot ask for reconsideration, because

she voted no on the issue. She then asked, what was the Council?s pleasure

regarding this matter. She said since there is no action being called for to

reconsider it from a Councilor who voted in favor of it, it would then remain

as is.

City Attorney Fay said without a motion, it will stand that any and all

proposals are rejected and there is no reconsideration for the record.

-------------------------------------*** ***






A Resolution (193-15) ? Authorizing payment of attorneys' fees which may

be incurred for legal services rendered regarding Risk Management issues during

Fiscal Year 2016.

Councilor Henderson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (194-15) ? Authorizing an update of the Columbus Department

of Fire and Emergency Medical Services Strategic Plan and Standards of Cover.

Councilor Allen moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (195-15) ? Authorizing to enter into an agreement for

Indigent Defense Services between Circuit Public Defender Office of the

Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit and Muscogee County in the amount of $1,599,347

from July 2015 to June 2016 and authorize payment to Georgia Public Defender

Standards Council (GPDSC) for $1,030,020 and for $51,501, 5% administrative fee

(GPDSC payment is included in the total amount of $1,599,347); authorize the

Mayor and/or City Manager to have signature authority.

Councilor Baker moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (196-15) ? Authorizing the City Manager to approve for the

acceptance of a grant from the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council to fund

the Muscogee County Mental Health Court, with a supplemental sub-grant award of

$10,857 to provide funding for transportation from July 1, 2015 through June

30, 2016 with no local match required and to amend the Multi-Governmental Fund

by the amount of the award, This funding amount will increase the total funding

award from the original award of $162,591 to $173,466.

Councilor Barnes moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution 197-15) ? Authorizing to allow the Department of Community

Affairs (DCA) to submit a request to the Treasury Department to release the

Hardest Hit Fund (HHF) that will be used for a Georgia Blight Elimination

Program and to establish program criteria that will allow for successful use of

these funds.

City Manager Isaiah Hugley explained what the Blight Elimination Program

does. He pointed out that Ms. Cathy Williams brought to our attention that

there is a considerable amount of money in the State of Georgia?s budget that a

portion could be used for blight. He said the State of Georgia, Community

Affairs Department has to petition the Treasury Department to release these

funds, known as ?Hardest Hit Funds? and allow a portion of those funds to be

used for a Georgia Blight Elimination Program. He said if we send this

resolution to them, and if other jurisdictions also send in a resolution, that

would help to encourage the Community Affairs Department to petition the

Treasury Department to release a portion of these funds. He said this would

assist Columbus to deal with the properties that are currently on the

demolition list, where funding is not available to demolish all of these

properties. He stated this is a support resolution that we would be sent to the

Department of Community Affairs.

Councilor Thomas moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Barnes.

Councilor Huff asked City Manager Hugley, based on the approval of this

and we receive the funds, would we be able to adequately and fairly spread it

around throughout each of the Council Districts, as far as the blight.

City Manager Hugley responded by saying those properties come to the Council

and you approve them. Once they are approved and are on the list, we then turn

the list over to the demolition company, and they go through that list. He said

they strategically try to get those in the area when they are working in that

area, but said they do move around. He said we know all of them will eventually

be done.

Deputy City Manager Hodge also explained how the process works with the

demolition of property.

After some discussion, the question was then called on the motion to adopt

the resolution, which carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***





A Resolution (198-15) ? Authorizing the purchase of bus shelters from

Brasco International, Inc. (Madison Heights, MI). Metra has budgeted $50,000

for the purchase of bus shelters per year.

Councilor Huff moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor

Allen and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council present, with

Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (199-15) ? Authorizing the execution of an annual contract

with River Mill Data Management, LLC (Columbus, GA) for secure shredding

services, on an as needed basis.

Councilor Allen moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Thomas and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (200-15) ? Authorizing the negotiation of a contract with

ShawHankins, LLC to provide consulting services for employee benefit plan.

Director of Human Resources Reather Hollowell came forward and shared some

information on ShawHankins and outlined some of the services that they


Director Hollowell said through the RFP process another benefit consultant

company was selected by the Evaluation Committee to provide consulting services

for our employee benefits plan. She said that they are a privately owned

full-service benefits brokerage firm, which is based out of Georgia, and their

corporate office is located in Marietta, Georgia.

She said this new firm will be effective and proactive in assisting with

the following:

? Achieve the most effective access to insurance carriers and benefits

providers to include assisting the City with the design and development of the

request for proposal (RFP), evaluating and identifying high value proposals and

comprehensive services for each benefit offered to CCG employees, including but

not limited to:

o Health/medical plan

o Wellness, disease management and preventive care options

o Prescription Drug plan

o Medical Stop Loss

o Medicare supplement plan

o Flexible Benefit Administration

o EAP Services

o Basic Life Insurance

o Long-term disability protection

o COBRA/HIPAA administration

o Optional Life Insurance, including portable coverage

o Possible voluntary benefits, including life, cancer, dental, vision,

long-term care and legal

o Identity Theft

? Provide an annual report outlining the in-force programs and their status,

and a preliminary marketing report describing the market conditions for each

benefit. This report should outline suggestions and recommendations for our

strategy and will include the following items:

o Complete list of in-force policies, carriers, renewal dates, and rates

o Evaluation of overall insurance programs compared to similar employers

o Forecast of market conditions and expectations of renewals

o List of contract modifications and recommendations for each benefit

o Account history, by benefit, of claims and premiums

o Summary of activity on open, ongoing claims

o Review of future goals and long-term strategy

o Provide innovative approaches to benefits challenges facing Columbus

Consolidated Government and recommendations for benefit plan design changes

o Service analysis / improvement areas.

? Determine and recommend the most economical funding methods for the benefit


? Represent Columbus Consolidated Government in all negotiations with providers

on all issues including those related to fees, benefit levels, plan design, and

special terms and conditions.

? Assist Columbus Consolidated Government with the implementation and

communication of new programs or changes to existing programs, which will

include attending and presenting information at Open Enrollment meetings.

? Reduce CCG overall administrative costs.

? Provide a high level of customer service to the CCG to include evaluation of

claims data, submission of executive reports and reconciliation of accounts.

? Provide assistance to CCG employees in resolving customer service issues,

claims problems, annual open enrollment services (on site for 3 consecutive

days in October) and continuing remote enrollment services as appropriate for

both current and new CCG employees.

? Provide an efficient and cost effective means of processing information

and/or claims.

? Advise Columbus Consolidated Government of any new developments in the law

and employee benefit programs on an ongoing basis; help keep government legally


? Provide quarterly management reports for all benefit products.

? Assist the Human Resources team in administering all employee benefit plans,

responding to questions from and providing information to staff and employees

of Columbus Consolidated Government.

? Make recommendations and assist HR with communicating employee benefits

information to new employees in orientation and to existing employees.

? The initial term of the contract shall be for one year, with the option to

renew for four additional twelve-month periods. The option to renew will be

contingent upon the mutual agreement of the City and the Contractor.

Ms. Hollowell pointed out that the following individuals associated with

ShawHankins was present in the audience, Mr. Wes Ross, Benefits Consultant, Mr.

Todd Hooper, Benefits Consultant, Ms. Katie Gasaway, Business Development and

Mr. Scott Hankins, President/CEO was present in the audience.

Councilor Henderson then moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Barnes and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

Councilor Allen asked if this was a fee based or commission based

agreement. Director Hollowell said that we found out that it would be either or

depending on how many employees we have to sign up for certain products.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (201-15) ? Authorizing the payment to DataWorks Plus, LLC, in

the amount of $37,697.35 for the annual maintenance agreement for the Jail?s

Photo Manager (Mugshot) system, Livescan fingerprint system, and Rapid ID scan


Councilor Thomas moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (202-15) ? Authorizing to purchase of an upgrade to the

Mainframe IBM software from Mainline Information Systems (Tallahassee, FL), for

the total amount of $76,200.00; and authorize the City Manager to enter into

all agreements pertaining to this purchase and the maintenance /support.

Councilor Baker moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (203-15) ? Authorizing purchase/financing/payment of the

upgrade of the Cisco Voice (VOIP) Phone System and the Core System Switch

Equipment, as well as, Installation and License/Maintenance from Cisco Systems

Capital, partnering with CPAK, for the total amount of $1,031,271.25. The

purchase will be financed over a five-year period through Banc of America

Public Capital Corporation (BAPCC) with annual payments made in the amount of

$206,254.25; the first payment is due on October 20, 2015. CPAK, a partner of

Cisco, will provide the equipment, as well as, perform the installation and

Maintenance. The annual payments will be made to Banc of America Public

Capital Corporation, Cisco?s financing partner. Approval is also requested to

authorize the City Manager to enter into all agreements pertaining to this

purchase, financing and the maintenance/support. This purchase will be

accomplished via Georgia Statewide Contract 99999-SPD-T20120501-0006.

Information Technology Director Forrest Toelle stated that this would be

financed at 0% interest which will be spread over a 5-year period, and said it

also includes all the software, licenses and annual maintenance for the 5-year

period. He said this is our telephone system, and this contract will allow us

to save money on our telephone bill. He went into more details in explaining

exactly what was included in this purchase.

Councilor Henderson then moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council

present, with Councilor Davis being absent for this vote and Councilor Woodson

being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (204-15) ? Authorizing the purchase of a Burn Building for

Fire/EMS from WHP Training Towers (Oakland Park, KS) in the amount of

$821,254.20; and also approve the purchase of Burn Props for the Burn Building

from Global Enterprise, Inc., (South Riding, VA) in the amount of $310,703.00.

The purchases will be accomplished via Federal GSA, Schedule 84, Contract #

GS-07F-5448P (WHP Training Towers) and Contract # GS-07F-248BA (Global

Enterprise, Inc.).

Fire Chief Jeff Meyer explained that the current burn building is unsafe.

He said with the new building it will prepare the employees for real life


Councilor Huff moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor

Allen and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council present, with

Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***


MANAGER?S AGENDA:_________ ___________________


Deputy City Manager Hodge introduced Ms. Michele Elmore, Ph. D of The

Nature Conservancy. She said former Deputy City Manager David Arrington had

been working with Ms. Elmore, as well as Dr. James Worsley of the Parks &

Recreation Department, as well as other city departments, related to what they

are calling the Kendall Creek Tract. She said it is 817 acres in the panhandle

area. She said they have briefed Councilor Allen on this project. She said this

property is owned by the Nature Conservancy and said there are a lot of options

and opportunities for this particular piece of property. She said she wanted

them to come and brief the Council on this project. She said we are having

some meetings and public hearings, and she just wanted Council to be aware of

the opportunities that are available here.

Ms. Elmore then came forward with an update regarding the Kendall Creek

Tract Project. She pointed out to Council that this is a collaborative project

with Fort Benning, City of Columbus and the Nature Conservancy. She said they

are looking to provide additional recreation opportunities in eastern Muscogee

County. She said this will be about 117 acres, and the restoration work will be

done to provide habitat for native animals.

She said they will be having another public hearing on July 20, 2015 to

receive the drawings back from the Auburn University students with some

revisions based on the feedback from the partners, where they will have an

opportunity to review those drawings. She said they will then continue their

discussions and decide whether it is a good idea to move forward with this

project; then the parties involved will be able to outline the next steps from

that point. She said this will be an opportunity to explore some unique ideas

for new recreational opportunities for the City of Columbus. (A handout was

provided to each members of the Council and a copy has been filed with the

Clerk of Council for the Council?s records.)

Ms. Elmore offered to answer questions of the Council, but there were

none. She said she is also available off-line to speak on behalf of the


City Manager Hugley said we just wanted to inform the Council and the

viewing public of what was going on and what the project is about, as they

schedule these public meetings and are inviting people in.

*** *** ***


City Manager Hugley said over the holiday, the City had some communication

issues and communication breakdowns with the garbage collections. He stated he

thought it would be better to have the staff to come here and talk to the

Council and the viewing public to answer any questions so that we will fix this

problem going forward, and will not experience a similar breakdown in the

future. He said this was a holiday that fell on a Friday, which is somewhat

unusual to us because most of our holidays are on a Monday. He said that he

thought they needed to come before Council and discuss the breakdown in

communication that occurred.

Director of Public Works Pat Biegler came forward and said first of all,

she would like to apologize to the public for all of the confusion; whether it

was her fault or otherwise, she said the fact is that we failed in getting the

information out to the citizens.

She then gave an update as it relates to garbage collection. She said the

Council was advised that the public will be notified continuously about the one

day a week garbage pickup through emails, Facebook, and flyers, which are being

included with the water bills that the citizens will be receiving. She said she

will be doing interviews on CCG-TV, as well as going on other television

stations and print media also.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked if the notification system that the City

uses could be utilized to do an all-call that would be placed to citizens when

a holiday is coming, to inform them of the collection schedule.

Director Biegler, in response to a question of Councilor Allen, stated in

the holiday plan, they have plans to make sure that garbage will be picked up

at every household at least once.

Councilor Thomas requested information regarding the holiday schedule for

Thanksgiving and Christmas be provided to the members of Council.

Councilor Davis asked for a summary from Director Biegler on what needs to

be said on the time line standpoint, as it relates to the holidays, so that we

can try to assist in that effort.

Director Biegler advised Council that they have put another order in for

recycling carts, and that citizens can call to be put on a waiting list.

She said they were able to place the order once funding was available at the

beginning of the fiscal year. She stated that the new carts would arrive in

about 90-days.

She said late yesterday, she got the statistics for the Recycling Center

and the unofficial numbers were given in regard to how the Recycling Center is

doing. According to the report received, last year during FY-15, 10,500 tons

was recycled and two years ago 2,000 tons was recycled. She said part of that

is the regional cycling of what Pratt Whitney is bringing in as part of our

regional agreement. She said our residents recycling went from 2,000 to 3,300

tons two years ago to 4,400 tons this year. She said we have well more than

doubled. She said the prices are down, but the City?s revenues are over

$660,000 dollars; and last year we brought in $543,000. She said two years ago,

we brought in $276,000, and said performance at the plant is going exceedingly


After the conclusion of her presentation, Ms. Biegler responded to

comments and questions of some members of the Council. Councilor Allen said he

would like to know what the expenses are for the Recycling Center, and asked

Ms. Biegler to provide that information to the Council.

*** *** ***


City Manager Hugley said he is sure that some members of the Council may

have received telephone calls related to the chlorine levels and safety of the

swimming pools; therefore, he has asked Director of Parks & Recreation,

Dr. James Worsley to come to the Council and talk about those particular

situations, the swimming pools in general and give a timeline for the private

management of the Aquatics Center.

Dr. James Worsley, Director of Parks and Recreation came forward and said,

first of all, he would like to apologize, on behalf of himself, and also our

staff that was involved with customer service, and also falling below standards

and expectations at Double Churches Pool, as well as the Aquatics Center.

He said as the City Manager stated, several of the Council members were

contacted on last week regarding Double Churches Pool in particular.

Dr. Worsley then went into detail explaining why the chlorine levels were

low at the Double Churches pool, which was partly due to a maintenance issue.

He said they had complaints regarding the bathroom facilities at these same

pools; however, they have been fixed by having supplies readily available. He

said they have begun to have chemical checks done at all the pools every hour,

and every 30 minutes at the pools that they have experienced problems with in

the past. These reports are sent to him and the pool director on a daily basis.

Dr. Worsley also advised Council that they are working on the issue of the

pool not regulating its own temperature with Facilities Maintenance.

He said while sitting here today at this meeting, he just received a report

that the motor for the air conditioner at the Aquatics Center is unfortunately

broken; and said that Facilities Maintenance is on the scene to deal with that

matter. He said we will get someone in to assist with getting this matter

fixed. He then provided the following additional information, as outlined



Double Churches Pool

? Lack of chlorine in pool and pool closures

? Cleanliness of facility

Corrective Action

? Letters of apology given to two groups (Tiger Sharks & Swim Lessons).

? Director and Aquatics Supervisor met with all pool locations to discuss

expectation and had them to sign a form acknowledging their understanding of

their job duties and responsibilities.

? Check chemicals every hour and document. All pool chemical logs must be sent

to the Director?s Office daily for review.

? All facility inspection sheets must be sent to Director?s Office daily for


? Aquatics vendor arrived Thursday, July 9th for maintenance.

? Staff disciplined and ongoing training.

Columbus Aquatic Center

? Lack of chlorine and/or elevated chlorine in pool due to equipment


? Pool closures.

Corrective Action

? Memo of apology posted for patrons to see.

? Aquatics vendor arrived Thursday, July 9th to fix the chlorinator.

? Check chemical levels every hour and document.

? All pool chemical logs must be sent to the Director?s Office daily for review.

Columbus Aquatic Center RFP Update

? Committee is finalizing the review of proposals received from prospective


? Committee plans to meet later this month to discuss the final evaluations and

short list for presentations.

? Committee will invite selected vendors to come in for presentations.

? Recommendation will then be given to the City Manager.

After the conclusion of his presentation, Dr. Worsley then responded to

questions and concerns of members of the Council.

Councilor Henderson said he would like to make a suggestion with regards

to the pools. He said he doesn?t know who we have on the committee, but said we

had someone who worked at the Civic Center and ran the pools for years, and

said he would think that the more people we have with technical experience who

have operated pools in the past; hopefully, they are included in the committee

that?s doing the evaluating, and not just department heads, and those who have

some learned knowledge of pools. He said he thinks it would be better to have

someone who has practical knowledge. He said the gentleman?s name is Mr. Brian


Councilor Thomas said with August being one of the hottest months in the

year, asked Dr. Worsley to look at considering leaving the pools open a little

longer during the month. City Manager Hugley said we will take a look at that;

and possibly we could look at rotating which pools would be open and said he

will get an estimate of what the costs would be.

Councilor Davis made some comments regarding the certification as it

relates to life guards, and then asked Dr. Worsley and City Manager Hugley to

explore some other certification opportunities, as it pertains to lifeguards

other than the standard use of the American Red Cross. He said he would like

for the City to look into accepting other certification/qualifications as well

as other organizations. He said this may help because it was just stated that

we have limited people that we could pull from, as far as lifeguards are


------------------------------------*** ***






1. Biographical sketch of Ms. Alison Cox, Mayor Tomlinson?s nominee for the

Convention & Visitors Board of Commissioners.

2. Biographical sketch of Mr. Mike Mayhew, Hospital Authority of Columbus?

nominee for the seat of Paul Todd.

3. Application of Melissa Suggs to temporarily close Walter Loop, from 6001 to

6021, on Tuesday, August 4, 2015, from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., in connection

with the National Night Owl.

4. Application of Rebecca Zajac to temporarily close the 1000 block of

Broadway, on Friday, August 7, 2015, from 6:00 p.m. to midnight, in connection

with the Uptown First Friday Art Walk and Concert.

*** *** ***





Clerk of Council Washington submitted the Official Appointment Form

appointing Ed Harbison to serve on the New Horizons Mental Health,

Developmental Disabilities and Addictive Diseases Community Service Board.

Councilor Allen moved approval of the appointment. Seconded by Councilor

Thomas and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council present at the

time, with Councilor Huff being absent for this vote and Councilor Woodson

being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington submitted correspondence from Ms. Irene

Cheynee, requesting that the seat of Mr. Frank Dunford be declared vacant on

the Region 6 Advisory Council.

Councilor Henderson made a motion to approve the request. Seconded by

Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council

present, with Councilor Huff being absent for this vote and Councilor Woodson

being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***




Letter from Mr. Bill Cliatt, requesting an honorary sign be placed on or

near Torch Hill Road in honor of Dr. Francis Orray Ticknor.

Councilor Henderson made a motion that this request be forwarded to the

Board of Honor. Seconded by Councilor Thomas and carried by those eight members

of Council present at the time, with Councilor Huff absent for this vote and

Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said she remembers that we had passed something

with regards to requests being submitted to the Board of Honor. She said in

order for something to be considered that the individual had to have some

specificity to that area. She said she thought that Council had said that the

person would have to have done something specific in the community.

Councilor Thomas said she knows that we did a form.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said she didn?t see a form, and all she saw was

a note that was included in the agenda. She then asked if they had filled out

the form. Clerk of Council Washington said that they did not fill out the form,

but she will go ahead and get the form to them because the Board of Honor will

be meeting on tomorrow.

Councilor Henderson said one of the reasons he made a motion to send it to

the Board of Honor was because he thought that was one of their roles, to vet

that information and if they required more information that they would ask for

it. He said he thinks that was the buffer to keep Council out of it.

Clerk of Council Washington also pointed out that we do extend an

invitation to the individuals making the requests to appear at the Board

meeting so they can present their case to the Board. She then asked if the

Council wanted to hold off on this particular request or what was their

pleasure. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said as long as they receive the form

before the meeting, we can proceed.

Councilor Thomas said as she has read the request of Mr. Cliatt, he has

not asked for an honorary street designation, but has asked for some kind of

plaque to be put up near Torch Hill Road. She said she does not know what our

experience has been in that area and then asked, if we have typically done that

sort of Honorius. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh responded by stating, not to her


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said we have to look at the cost associated with

these types of requests.

Councilor Allen said it is his understanding that the cost to erect a

plaque would be a considerable amount. He said he heard it would be thousands

of dollars. He said he does not know if we budget funds for things of this

nature. He said he understands Mr. Cliatt for wanting to recognize this


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that when the applicants request

an honorary street designation, they must bear the cost of the street signs.

She also said that she believes the last request for a plaque was for the Civic

Center and the individual making that request, did bear the cost for the

installation of that plaque; and she will check to make sure.

After continued discussions on this matter, with members of the Council

expressing their views regarding the request, Councilor Henderson then withdrew

his motion and said he would like to forward the request to the City Manager

for some directions, as he does not believe we have a protocol for this type of

request. He said he would ask the City Manager to take a look at this matter

and give us some direction as to how to handle issues like this in the future.

*** *** ***



COUNCIL:________ _____

Board of Health, May 27, 2015.

Board of Tax Assessors, 20-15 & 21-15.

Columbus Iron Works Convention & Trade Center Authority, May 28, 2015.

Family & Children Service Board, May 13, 2015.

Hospital Authority of Columbus, May 26, 2015.

Housing Authority of Columbus, May 6, 2015.

Land Bank Authority, June 3, 2015.

Pension Fund, Employees? Board of Trustees, January 7, February


& March 11, 2015.

Recreation Advisory Board, June 24, 2015.

Councilor Allen made a motion that these minutes be received. Seconded by

Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council

present, with Councilor Huff being absent for this vote and Councilor Woodson

being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***



Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the term of office of

Ms. Carol Rutland on the Board of Water Commissioners will expire on December

31, 2015, and she is not eligible to succeed herself for another term. She said

these appointments are made in July and that it is an appointment that must be

made by the Council. There were no nominations made.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the term of office of Ms.

Shelly Dean and Mr. Dhan Parekh on the Convention & Visitors Board of

Commissioners would expire on December 31, 2015; however, State law requires

these appointments to be made in July. She also pointed out that Mayor

Tomlinson is nominating Ms. Alison Cox to succeed Mr. Dhan Parekh, who is not

eligible to succeed himself, and stated that she can be confirmed.

Councilor Henderson so moved. Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried

unanimously by those eight members of Council present at the time, with

Councilor Huff being absent for this vote and Councilor Woodson being absent

from the meeting.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mr. Billy Blanchard and Mr.

Allen Taber have both been nominated to serve another term of office on the

Downtown Development Authority and that they may now be confirmed. Councilor

Allen so moved. Seconded by Councilor Baker and carried unanimously by those

eight members of Council present at the time, with Councilor Huff being absent

for this vote and Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that we have now received the

three nominees that are needed for someone to fill the unexpired term of

Mr. Paul Todd who has resigned from his seat on the Hospital Authority. She

said the three nominees are Mr. Mike Mayhew, Dr. Deepali S. Agarwal, and Mr.

Mike Welch. She asked for a motion to forward these names to the authority for

them to select one of the nominees. Councilor Barnes so moved. Seconded by

Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council

present at the time, with Councilor Huff being absent for this vote and

Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mr. Peter Bowden had been

nominated to succeed himself for another term of office on the Taxicab

Commission and that he may now be confirmed. Councilor Allen so moved.

Seconded by Councilor Baker and carried unanimously by those eight members of

Council present at the time, with Councilor Huff being absent for this vote and

Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

Clerk of Council Washington also pointed out that we are still working on

a replacement for Ms. Jodi Sears, as well as the late Mr. Billy Craft.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mr. Jeremy Cumming, who

serves as the Public Utility representative, and Ms. Candice L. Wayman, who

services as the Environmental Advocacy Group representative on the Tree Board

have both been nominated to serve another term of office and they may now be

confirmed. Councilor Allen so moved. Seconded by Councilor Baker and carried

unanimously by those eight members of Council present at the time, with

Councilor Huff being absent for this vote and Councilor Woodson being absent

for the meeting.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington said The Council can now begin making

nominations for the school year for 2015-2016 for the Youth Advisory Council.

She pointed out that Councilor Davis has nominated Philip Adams from

Columbus High School, Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh nominated Taylor Davis from

Early College Academy, Councilor Baker nominated Benjamin Wacter from Columbus

High School and Councilor Allen nominated Amber Diehl and that they may now be

confirmed. Councilor Henderson so moved. Seconded by Councilor Thomas and

carried unanimously by those eight members of Council present at the time, with

Councilor Huff being absent for this vote and Councilor Woodson being absent

for the meeting.

*** *** ***


Councilor Davis requested a resolution to honor Coach Herbert Green and

Mr. Kyle Spencer who we have lost and that greatly contributed significantly to

our community. He said he would like to send out our prayers and condolences to

the family, friends and relatives of these two great men. He said it needs to

be noted that both of these gentleman have contributed tremendously to the

betterment of our community and their significance will go on for years.

He said he is sure the Mayor will do a proclamation, but he believes it

is appropriate for the Council to do a resolution, as well; therefore, he would

like to request a resolution honoring these two great gentlemen, who we will

greatly miss.

*** *** ***


Councilor Barnes said Congressman Sanford Bishop was able to bring here to

Columbus, the Secretary of the Veterans Administration, Mr. Bob McDonald. He

said at that meeting, someone mentioned that the veterans in South Columbus

would have difficulty in getting to one of the proposed sites on Mobley and

River Road. He said after the meeting, he did have an opportunity to make a

comment to that, but he did mention to a couple of the veteran organizations?

commanders because he has received several

Telephone calls in that regard from veterans.

He said that he told them that this is a veteran friendly city and said if

any veterans needed to get there, we would make sure that we would have

transportation for them. He said he has spoken with the City Manager, who was

at the meeting; however, by the time that particular comment was made, he had

already left the meeting. He stated that he did call the Mayor, who told him

that he could mention it at the next Council meeting, that we would make sure

we provide transportation for those veterans.

Councilor Barnes said everyone knows how long we have been waiting for a

veteran clinic and said this City would be greatly remiss if we didn?t provide

transportation for these veterans. He said he has the email address for Mr. Bob

McDonald and we need to let him know that this is a veteran friendly city and

that the individual who made that comment misspoke.

*** *** ***


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh entertained a motion to go into executive

session to discuss a litigation matter. Councilor Allen made a motion to go

into executive session to discuss a litigation and personnel matter. Seconded

by Councilor Thomas and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council

present at the time, with Councilor Huff being absent for the vote and

Councilor Woodson being absent from the meeting.

At 11:45 a.m., the Council adjourned its meeting to go into executive

session. At 12:06 p.m., the meeting was reconvened, at which time Mayor Pro

Tem Turner Pugh stated that Council met in an executive session, but there were

no votes taken.

*** *** ***

With there being no other business to come before the Council, Councilor

Henderson made a motion for adjournment. Seconded by Councilor Allen and

carried unanimously by those eight members of Council present, with Councilor

Huff being absent for the vote and Councilor Woodson being absent from the

meeting the time being 12:07 p.m.

Tiny B. Washington, MMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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