Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item # 5

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Agenda Report # 123

TO: Mayor and Council

SUBJECT: Street Acceptance - Smoke Drive - running from Airport Thruway

to Sowega Road

INITIATED BY: Engineering

Recommendation: Approval is requested for the acceptance of deeds and easement

to Smoke Drive, running from Airport Thruway to Sowega Road.

Background: Smoke Drive extends from Airport Thruway to Sowega Road. This road

was originally constructed in connection with the building of the original

Columbus Sam's Club in 1989. For various reasons, the roadbed was not accepted

by Columbus, Georgia as the time of the original construction of the road.

Since that time the original Columbus Sam's Club has been demolished and a new

Wal-Mart store erected in its place and major renovations have been made to the

road. The current street meets the specifications for acceptance by Columbus,

Georgia.Generally, it is required that Columbus, Georgia obtain a deed

conveying fee simple title to the real estate on which a street is located. In

this instance, however, a portion of the roadbed beginning at Armour Road and

traveling north is owned by the Columbus Airport Commission ("Commission") and

falls within what is known as the Runway Protection Zone ("RPZ"). Under current

Federal Aviation Administration regulations, the Commission is not allowed to

part with fee simple title to any real property located within the RPZ which it

owns. Counsel for Commission, the City Attorney and the City Engineer have

agreed that the easement delivered to Columbus, Georgia by the Commission is

the most appropriate method to use for this street acceptance under the


Analysis: The roadbed in question is owned by four (4) separate entities. A

portion of the property is owned by Karen L Roberts as Trustee of the Wal-Mart

Real Estate Trust. A portion is owned by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. A portion is

owned by Wal-Mart Realty Co. The final portion is owned by the Columbus Airport

Commission. Deeds from the Wal-Mart entities conveying fee simple title to the

property have appropriate legal descriptions attached. The easement from the

Columbus Airport Commission also has its legal description attached. All of

these properties are shown on a plat prepared by Clyde R. Eldridge, a copy of

which is attached. This plat has been filed for record in the office of the

Clerk of Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia in Plat Book 163, page 247.

Financial Considerations: No Government funds are involved until maintenance

is assumed after the two-year warranty.

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement: No Government funds are involved

until maintenance is assumed after the two-year warranty.

Legal Considerations: In Accordance with Section 18-3 of the Columbus Code,

all dedicated right-of-way must be accepted by Council.

Recommendations/ Actions: Approve the acceptance of deeds and easement to

Smoke Drive, running from Airport Thruway to Sowega Road.


NO. _____



WHEREAS, Columbus, Georgia has been submitted deeds and an easement conveying

Smoke Drive, a full description of property on said deeds and easement; and,

WHEREAS, said street has been improved and meets the required specifications

for acceptance by Columbus, Georgia; and,

WHEREAS, the Engineering Department has inspected said street and recommends

acceptance of same.


Those certain deeds dated August 31, 2012 executed on behalf of

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Wal-Mart Realty Co., and Karen L. Roberts as trustee of

Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust and an easement dated August 31, 2012

executed on behalf of the Columbus Airport Commission, all conveying to

Columbus, Georgia, Smoke Drive, be and the same hereby are accepted. The Clerk

of Council is hereby authorized to have said deeds and easement recorded in the

Deed Records in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Muscogee County,

Georgia. A copy of the deeds and easement are attached hereto and by this

reference made a part of this resolution.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held

the _________day of _____________, 2012 and adopted at said meeting by the

affirmative vote of _____________members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting __________.

Councilor Baker voting __________.

Councilor Barnes voting __________.

Councilor Davis voting __________.

Councilor Henderson voting __________.

Councilor Huff voting __________.

Councilor McDaniel voting __________.

Councilor Turner Pugh voting __________.

Councilor Thomas voting __________.

Councilor Woodson voting __________.



Tiny B. Washington, Clerk of Council , Mayor


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