Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

April 13, 2015

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners of

Columbus, Georgia was held at the office of the Columbus Water Works on Monday,

April 13, 2015, at 1:30 p.m., the following Commissioners being present:

Carole Rutland, Chair

Karl Douglass, Treasurer

Reynolds Bickerstaff

Sanders Griffith

Absent: Mayor Teresa Tomlinson

Mayor Tomlinson was excused from the meeting.

Receipt of the Minutes of the regular meeting on March 9, 2015, was

acknowledged by the Board and approved as written.

The Financial Report for the month of March including Ft. Benning was

provided to the Board. Motion was made and seconded to approve the reports.

Motion carried.

Linda Sanders gave a brief update on the following activities conducted

by Customer Service/Monthly Meter Reading:

Monthly Meter Reading Conversion Project

Several changes have been made in the Customer Service Department in

preparation for the anticipated increase of customer inquiries during the

months of April and May as we change over to monthly meter reading.

Communication Process:

? CWW worked with Media Marketing and More

? CWW teams met weekly to determine the best plan

? Customer Focus Groups

? Key Stakeholder interviews

? Bill inserts in March and April ? Postcards and Rack Cards with FAQs

? News Media ? including video, television and newspaper

? Social Media/Website

The following items have been implemented:

? Take-a-Number System with electronic numbering viewer has been installed to

ensure first come, first served.

? An additional Call-Center, located at the Annex building, houses six trained

temporary Customer Service Representatives for increased phone line

capability. In addition, two previous CSR?s located in other departments will

assist on the phone during peak hours.

? Information monitors have been placed in the customer seating area and at the

Cashier Station to ensure up-to-date information concerning AMR and FAQ?s.

? An additional Customer Service ?third station? has been added to assist

walk-in customers as well as two front-line CSR?s will be available from the

Main Lobby Call Center.

The Board acknowledged Ms. Sanders? report.

Stacy Barnes gave a brief update on the following activities conducted

by Meter Maintenance Department:

Service Order Performance Metrics

Customer Requests

The following represents the ?Most Requested Service Orders? for the department

with corresponding completion targets. Our overall goal is to meet our target

completion rates at a minimum of 90% for all customer requests.

Type # Of Request # Completed on Time % Completed on Time

Connection (24 hours) 1294 1293 99.92%

Disconnects (24 hours) 445 442 99.33%

Final Reads (24 hours) 415 414 99.76%

Rereads (36 hours) 157 157 100.00%

Meter Leaks (40 hours) 238 235 98.74%

Average 99.55%

Work Order Trend

Work Orders Completed by Meter Maintenance

Non-Payment Disconnects 570

Unauthorized Usage ? Meters Pulled 183

Meter/Street Leak Request 262

Misc. Orders (Connects, Disconnects, Rereads, General Maint.) 3,452

Total Numbers of Work Orders Completed 4,467

Average = 5,077

Automated Meter Reading

The Board acknowledged Mr. Barnes? report.

Kevin White gave a brief update on the following activities conducted

in the Engineering Department:

Malone Range North

? This project is to extend water service from the Columbus/Ft. Benning

distribution system to the North Malone Ranges on Ft. Benning.

? Currently, potable water is trucked into these firing ranges via Water

Buffaloes as the site is without its own source or connection to an existing

system. These ranges are used on a daily basis, as they are an integral part

of the Army?s Initial Entry (Basic) Training.

? The total length of the system extension is 16,200 L.F.

? On March 26, 2015, CWW received bids from three companies to perform this

work in accordance with the engineering plans provided by Barge, Waggoner,

Sumner, & Cannon.

? The bids were publically opened and read as follows:

Contractor Bid Amount

Whitfield Contractors LLC $424,939.00

Gordy Construction Co., Inc. $449,853.40

Crawford Grading & Pipeline $428,946.46

? The engineer?s estimate was $500,732.00. The engineer has reviewed and

tabulated the bids and recommends contract award to Whitfield Contractors LLC

as the low responsive, responsible bidder, at the bid price of $424,939.00

(Funded via Ft. Benning Contract Modifications).

? Staff requests Board approval to award the Malone Range-North Project to

Whitfield Contractors LLC at the bid price of $424,939.00.

? Motion was made and seconded authorizing Management to award the contract to

Whitfield Contractors LLC at the bid price of $424,939.00. Motion carried.

Powergrid Switchgear

? Replace the current powergrid switchgear at the North Columbus Water Resource


? Included in the 2014-2015 Capital Improvement Plan approved in March of 2014

? Replacement is needed due to:

? Current equipment?s age, past failures, lack of parts availability, and the

heavy reliance on this equipment operation.

? This project is a design and install purchase of specialty equipment (Vista


? Sole sourced to Georgia Power

? Due to current maintenance agreement CWW has with Georgia Power

? Staff has reviewed and recommends the Powergrid Switchgear contract award to

Georgia Power/ Power Services at the price of $925,000.00 (Funded via 2014


? Staff requests Board approval to award the Powergrid Switchgear project to

Power Services at the bid price of $925,000.00.

? Motion was made and seconded authorizing Management to award the contract to

Powergrid Switchgear Project to Power Services at the bid price of

$925,000.00. Motion carried.

Jeremy Cummings gave a brief update on the following activities conducted by

Field Services:

Cusseta Road Bridge

? 12-inch water main leak under Cusseta Road bridge

? Leak was located between utility pipes and bridge making access to the pipe

very difficult.

? Leak was determined to be from the lead joint.

? Field Services worked with the Engineering Department to design a proper and

safe repair plan.

? Mega lugs and rodding was installed to insure thrust protection was in place

to prevent the new pipe from leaking

? The work took two Water Distribution Teams working together to complete.

? There was only one customer that was temporarily out of service while the

repair was made.

The Board acknowledged Mr. Cummings? report.

Vic Burchfield gave a brief update on the following activities

conducted by Information Services, Environmental Compliance and Water Quality

Management Departments:

Information Services

CIS Requirements and Vendor Selection Project

CWW kicked off its CIS Requirements Definition and Vendor Selection project in

January. CWW?s goals in a new CIS are to achieve Process Efficiency Gains,

Productivity Improvements and Enhance Customer Service.

Requirements Definition

? Develop Functional Requirements

? CIS Project Team

? Conduct Interviews

? Review Business Processes

? Detailed requirements

? Prepare Invitation to Bid (ITB) (June 2015)

? Issue ITB

? Prepare for Vendor Demonstrations

Vendor Selection

? Review Functional Requirements responses

? Interview references

? Vendor Demonstrations

? Scope of Work Development

? Rank and select final vendor(s)

? Negotiations (October 2015)

Monthly Meter Reading Conversion Setup

? Coordinated, tested and implemented the Customer Information System (CIS)

code modifications required to support the monthly meter reading conversion


? The IS Staff established a temporary call center capable of supporting eight

addition customer service representatives to manage the anticipated increase in

customer calls in relation to the monthly meter reading conversion.

? The IS Staff also coordinated the acquisition and installation of two display

monitors to share messaging about Automated Meter Reading with our customers.

? A customer queue system was installed in the customer waiting area.

? Phone system changes were made to accommodate additional call volumes.

? All of these changes support the anticipated increase in customer traffic to

the main office and provide both meter conversion and general customer service


Environmental Compliance

Industrial Pretreatment Permitted Users Meeting

On January 30, 2015, CWW hosted an Industrial Pretreatment Permitted Users

meeting to review the permit renewal and application process and the changes

made to the upcoming permit. The meeting was well attended. This meeting helps

tremendously in reducing the number of questions that arise during the permit

renewal process and helps maintain good relations with the industries in

Columbus. Permits are good for five years.

Backflow Prevention Exam

On February 19, 2015, CWW sponsored and hosted a State Exam for the

certification of Backflow Prevention. Members of the ECD proctored the State

Exam for the eight individuals who were taking the test. Most of those taking

the exam were from CWW and the City of Columbus. The exam has a written portion

that consists of 100 questions with a minimum score of 70 to pass. If the

individual passes the written part of the exam, they must then pass a hands-on

portion. The hands-on part of the exam requires them to successfully test three

devices: a Pressure Vacuum Breaker, a Double Check and a Reduced Pressure


Water Quality Monitoring

Water Laboratory Alliance (WLA)

WQM participated in a training session covering Water Laboratory Alliance (WLA)

- Response Plan for handling emergency, natural or manmade disasters. The WLA

is an EPA group that provides the Water Sector with an integrated nationwide

network of laboratories. The Water Laboratory Alliance Response Plan (WLA-RP)

is designed to assist WLA member laboratories with improving laboratory

preparedness for response to natural, intentional, or unintentional water

contamination incidents.

The Board acknowledged Mr. Burchfield?s report.

Becky Butts gave a brief update on the following activities conducted

by Communication, Security, Community and Corporate Events:


? December 2nd & 3rd, 2014 ? CWW Hosted the Department of Homeland

Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency Medical Preparedness and Response

to Bombing Incidents training

? January 20-22 ? CWW Hosted the Department of Homeland Security/Federal

Emergency Management Agency Emergency Operations Center Operations and

Planning for All-Hazards course training

? February 10-12 ? CWW Hosted the Advance Intermediate Incident Command System

for Expanding Incidents


? December Bill Insert ? Protecting the Environment by Recycling Fats, Oils,

and Grease ? Impressive Response to Stationary Grease Recycling Sites ? Grease

Recycling and Pharmaceutical Disposal Event (January 10, 2015) ? Nationally

Recognized for Excellence in Sustainable Management ? Kids? Corner? Taking Out

the Trash

? January Bill Insert ? What Is Your Water Really Worth? ? Value of Drinking

Water ? Low Income Credit Program ? Protect Your Pipes ? Kids? Corner?Water


? February Bill Insert ? Protecting the Environment ? Georgia Water Stewardship

Act ? Fix A Leak Week ? Low Income Credit ? Kids? Corner?It?s Time To Test Your

Water Sense!

Community & Corporate Events

? December ? Richards Middle School Annual Science Fair

? December ? CWW Partnered with Open Door Community House for the Christmas


? January ? Residential Grease Recycling & Pharmaceutical Disposal Event ?

Kmart Macon Road and Kmart Airport Thruway

? January ? Richards Middle School Annual Spelling Bee

? February ? 30th Annual Black History Observance Program

? February ? United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley Campaign Celebration

The Board acknowledged Ms. Butts? report.

Savonne Monell gave a brief update on the following activities conducted by

Strategic Planning and Employee Services:

Strategic Planning 2015 Mid-Cycle Review

The Cunningham Center for Leadership Development (CCLD) at Columbus State

University facilitated CWW?s Mid-Cycle Review of the current five-year

Strategic Plan.

The three planning sessions were designed to build on each previous session:

? Session 1 (March 5) ? During this ?Visioning? session with members of Senior

Staff, a priority list was developed to identify the strategic ideas for

discussion in the following two sessions.

? Session 2 (March 19) ? This session included members from strategy teams,

Senior Staff and department managers. A thorough review of the senior

management priority list, online survey results and SWOT analysis was conducted

to discuss progress and challenges of strategic initiatives.

? Session 3 (March 31) ? This session reviewed adjustments to projects,

activities and initiatives, as well as recommendations for process improvements.

? A follow-up session has been scheduled for May 19. Strategy Team Leaders

will present to Senior Staff the status of current Performance Work Plans

(PWPs), as well as planned activities through Fiscal Years 2017/2018.

? After the completion of the Strategic Plan review, follow-up activities may

include further discussions regarding potential adjustments to CWW?s strategic

planning document and program processes.

Employee Services

Program and Training Activities:

? January

? Accident Investigation ? Safety Training

? ?Retirement Strategies for Women? ? Retirement Planning Seminar Series

? February

? Annual Alcohol & Drug Awareness Training - Mandated Policy Training

? ?Lead Different? ? Servant Leadership Program

? ?Identity Theft and Recovery? ? Financial Planning Seminar Series

? Confined Space Training? Safety Training

? March

? Chattahoochee Valley Community College Career Fair ? Recruitment Program

? Blanchard Elementary Career Day ? Recruitment Program

? Harassment Awareness Training ? Mandated Policy Training

? New Employee Orientation ? Recruitment Program

? Accountability and Workers? Compensation Training ? Safety Training

3rd Quarter Personnel Actions:

? Promotions: 3

? Hires: 7

? Total Employees (FTE): 273

The Board acknowledged Ms. Monell?s report.

John Peebles gave a brief update on the following activities conducted

by Water Resource Operations and Managed Maintenance:

Quarterly Flow Comparison

North Columbus Water Resources Facility Solids Dewatering

? Plate & Frame Press started up in 1989 (26 years ago)

? Press consists of 121 membrane filter plates for dewatering solids and

forming dried cake (30% solids)

? Press is no longer manufactured and parts are difficult to obtain:

? Steel rubber coated plates are no longer available

? Rubber membranes are available from only one company

? Filter cloths are available

? Steel plates require recoating or replacement through time

? Historically, the plates were shipped to Europe for recoating ? no longer an


? Currently working with a supplier for a solution to modify the press to be

able to use polypropylene plates

? 2018 CIP includes a major rehab of the press to extend the life by 20 years

? By 2038 consider total replacement alternatives

ZAPS Water Quality Monitoring

? ZAPS LiquID unit at the NCWRF intake has been running for over a year and a


? Unit at the FBWTP intake was installed 6 months ago and the commissioning

phase was recently completed

? Both units are monitored through SCADA continuously and have assisted process

control adjustments made for algae, turbidity, pH, TOC.

? ZAPs unit will provide an early warning and equipment shutdown on set

constituent parameters

? Currently, the FBWTP unit is set to provide a warning alarm/email at 50ppm of

Hydrocarbon and an automatic raw water pump shutdown at 100ppm (sustained for 5


? Hydrocarbon was selected as the most likely constituent of concern due to the

tank farm located at the State Docks.

SCWRF Methane Gas Holding Cover

? Replaced the level sensor on top of the outer dome ? built-in heater to

combat condensation

? Performed with in-house maintenance staff and completed professionally and


The Board acknowledged Mr. Peebles? report.

President Davis provided the following items of information to the Board:

? Gwen Ruff received a thank you letter from Sallie Martin, 2014 Campaign

Chair, with the United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley for her part in making

the ?Heroic? Campaign such a success.

? President Davis received a thank you letter from Donnie Young, Loan Executive

Chair, with the United Way thanking Carl Corley for participating in the Loaned

Executive Program.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


Emory E. Blount, Secretary


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