Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

AUGUST 6, 2015

Executive Board Meeting Minutes


Columbus Public Library, Wade Meeting Room

KCBC Board Members Attending: Jason Cooper, Herman Lewis Jr., and Terry Fike

KCGBC Board Members Attending: Bill Consoletti, Sherrylrae Wicker and Julie Bray

KCBC Staff: Gloria Weston-Smart.

Gloria stated that the purpose of the meeting was to review the agenda for the

August 11, 2015 Orientation / Commissioners Meeting which will be held at

Columbus Consolidated Government (CCG) Citizen Service Center.

Gloria stated that KCGBC Treasurer, Frazer Loomis informed her that she would

not be able to continue to serve on the board due to increased work assignments

and caring for her farther. Gloria stated that she asked Herman Lewis Jr. to

consider serving as KCGBC Treasurer. During the meeting Commissioner Lewis

consented to serve as Treasurer, and the present Executive Board members

confirmed the vote.

Gloria stated that the CB&T and SunTrust bank signature forms could not be

updated until after the officers for KCBC and KCGBC are confirmed during the

August 11, 2015 meeting. Bill Consoletti requested to have two signature lines

on the SunTrust checking account as it is on the CB&T account. Gloria

suggested having executive board members from KCBC and KCGBC on the SunTrust

and CB&T account, also KCGBC staff, Ava Dixon will be listed.

Gloria reviewed the KCGBC FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget ($55,296) by line item.

She stated that the SunTrust (non-profit) account had less than $10,000 to

start the year (enough to sustain operations for 90 days). Most of the money

that was in the account was paid to CCG for KCBC portion of Gloria?s insurance

and pension. Also, CCG withheld the June appropriation check in the amount of

$4,154.50 which resulted in an overdraft payment of $37.00 to CB&T. Gloria

stated that it?s important for every board member to support the Commission by

becoming a member at $25 or more and encourage at least 10 other family members

or friends to also become a member. She also stressed the importance of each

Commissioner?s participation in the 2015 Shoe Recycling Campaign. We need to

meet our goal of collecting 30,000 pair off shoes to earn $10,000. Gloria

stated that CCG Public Works Budget included her salary only, no, travel, cell

phone or dues for Keep America Beautiful, Keep Georgia Beautiful nor any local

environmental organization membership dues.

Gloria stated that a grant requests for $25,000 was submitted to the Mildred

Miller Fort Foundation to support a Community-wide PR campaign to promote the

use of biodegradable trash bags. Also a $20,000 grant request was submitted to

Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley (CFCV) Knight Foundation Fund

to support staff salary. Neither of the two grants are listed in the proposed


Gloria stated that the By-Laws for both KCGBC and KCBC need to revised due to

the Executive Director?s position becoming a staff of Columbus Consolidated

Government. She suggested that members of KCBC and KCGBC Executive Board

serve as the committee to review and revise the By-Laws. Also, Pat Beigler,

Public Works Director would like for the Commission to establish a

Sustainability Committee to assist in developing and implementing environmental

sustainable projects/programs. To start the process, Gloria will review the

By-Laws, and highlight suggested changes for the committee consider. The draft

revisions will be submitted to CCG Attorney before they are submitted for

Council approval.

The August 11, 2015 Meeting Agenda was reviewed with no changes.


I. CALL TO ORDER / Welcome / Introduction/ Election (9:15-45am)

William Kent, Vice-Chairperson (Elect)



III. TREASURER?S REPORT ? Commissioner Herman Lewis (P&L, Balance Sheet,

2015-16 KCGBC Proposed Budget, 100% Membership Participation)

IV. PROGRAM ? Kathryn Youngblood, UGA grad student, Environmental Engineering

(9:45 ? 10:20am)


Pat Beigler- CCG Public Works; and Bill Consoletti- KCGBC (10:20-11:20am)


A. By-Laws

B. Volunteer Commitment (Sign-up Sheet)

LUNCH (12 Noon- 12:30pm)

VII. 2015-16 PROGRAMS & PROJECTS (12:30- 1pm)

A. Help-the-Hooch * Household Hazardous Waste (October 2-3, 2015)

B. Shoe Recycling (August 17 ? November 14)

C. Magic of Recycling (November 2-6, 2015)

D. Environmental / Recycling Educational Programs @ New Recycling Center (2nd &

3rd Wednesday of each month) Commissioner Malinda Stovall

E. Christmas Tree Recycling (December 26, 2015 ? January 2, 2016)

F. Martin Luther King Jr. Serve-a-thon (January 15, 2016)

G. Citywide Arbor Day (Friday February 19, 2016)

H. KAB Great American Cleanup (March 4-5, 2016)

I. Earth Day Personal Paper Shredding (April 16, 2016)

J. Annual Awards Luncheon (Thursday, May 12, 2016) Dr. William Billy Kendall


A. Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 13, 2016, Recycling Center



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