Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
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Council Members


August 3, 2011

A meeting of the Planning Advisory Commission was held Wednesday, August 3,

2011 in the Council Chambers on the Plaza Level of the Government Center.

Commissioners Present:

Chairperson Cathy Hodge

Commissioners: Zephaniah Baker

Walter Calhoun

Glen Heinzelman

Ralph King

Staff Members: Will Johnson ? Planning Department Chief and Tina Trant ?

Planning Technician.

Commissioners Absent: Travis Chambers (unexc.) David Johnson (unexc.), Ronny

Smith (exc.)

Others Present: Rev. Thomas Mills, Jr., Arthur Porter, Ralph and Onieda


CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Hodge called the meeting to order at 9:06a.m. She

explained the rezoning process to the audience.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 20, 2011 minutes. Commissioner King made a motion

to approve the minutes. Commissioner Heinzelman seconded. They were approved



1. REZN 6-11-2260: A request for a Special Exception Use for a place of

worship located at 4057 Pope Road. The current zoning is Residential Estate.

The property will be used for a place of worship with 250 seats or more.

Spirit, Truth and Liberty Ministries, Inc. is the applicant.

Spirit, Truth, and Liberty Ministries, Inc. has submitted an application for

the Special Exception Use cited above. The property is located in an RE1

(Residential Estate 1) zoning district. The site for the proposed place of

worship is approximately 6.31 acres. The applicant has submitted a site plan,

which is attached. Places of worship in excess of 250 seats are permitted in

an RE1 zoning district only on a site-specific basis upon approval of the

Council based upon the following criteria and conditions:

(1) Access: Is or will the type of street providing access to the use be

adequate to serve the proposed special exception use?

Highway 80 is classified as a major arterial (divided 4-lane). Pope Road is a

local street that connects Highway 80 to Chattsworth Road. Ingress/egress of

the site may need to be improved to accommodate the flow of traffic during the

hours of service for the use.

(2) Traffic and Pedestrian Safety : Is or will access into and out of the

property be adequate to provide for traffic and pedestrian safety, the

anticipated volume of the traffic flow, and access by emergency vehicles?

The site plan indicates one ingress/egress point, which should maintain

adequate flow of traffic to and from the subject property. Pope Road is

adequate for public safety access and volume of traffic flow.

(3) Adequacy of Public Facilities: Are or will public facilities such as

school, water, or sewer utilities and police and fire protection be adequate to

serve the special exception use?

Services such as water, sewer, utilities (excluding sewer), police, and fire

protection will be adequate and serve the proposed use at this location.

Furthermore, there will be no impact on neighboring schools in the immediate


(4) Protection from Adverse Affects: Are or will refuse, service, parking and

loading areas on the property be located or screened to protect other

properties in the area from such adverse effects as noise, light, glare or odor?

Parking and loading areas shall be set forth per the UDO requirements.

Off-street parking will be utilized on-site. No buffer requirement exists for

RE1 property abutting RE1 property. External dumpsters/compactors and lighting

are addressed in the UDO. Noise impacts are addressed in the City Code.

Proximity to Fort Benning?s firing ranges may have an impact on use of the

property as a place of worship. Fort Benning has been notified of the pending

Special Exception Use request.

(5) Hours of Operation: Will the hours and manner of operation of the special

exception use have no adverse effects on other properties in the area?

The hours of operation for this use will not have an adverse impact on the

neighboring properties in the area.

(6) Compatibility: Will the height, size, or location of the buildings or other

structures on the property be compatible with the height, size, character, or

location of buildings or other structures on neighboring properties?

The height, size and location of the proposed structure will not be compatible

with other structures on neighboring properties. The area is predominantly

rural and existing houses are residential in use and not comparable to a

commercial building. The applicant has indicated the building that houses the

sanctuary is proposed as 3,600 square-feet.

Council District: District 6 (Allen)

Fifteen (15) property owners within 300 feet of the property were notified by

mail of the proposed Special Exception Use. To date, the Planning Department

has not received any comments regarding this request.

Reverend Thomas Mills, Jr. came to the podium. This is a culmination of eight

years of work for the church. Rev. Mills introduced the Board of Directors to

the audience. The main building will be approx. 8200 square feet and will

house the sanctuary and fellowship hall. Building 2 will be 4200 square feet

and house the rehearsal rooms and classrooms. The buildings will be connected

and parking will be in the rear.

Chairperson Hodge asked for discussion and a motion. Commissioner Baker made a

motion to approve this Special Exception Use. Commissioner King seconded. The

motion to approve was carried unanimously.



ADJOURNMENT: 9:20 a.m.

___________________________ ________________________________

Cathy Hodge, Chairperson Will Johnson, Planning Chief


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