Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

February 14, 2012 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Commissioners Attending: Billy Kendall, Eva Smith, Frazer Loomis, Greg Paul,

Elliot Waddell, Adele Lindsey, Chris Consoletti, Vanessa Lewis, Karon

Henderson, Elaine Tarpley, Stacy Poydasheff, Beverly Kinner, Robert Nobles, Kat


KCBC Staff Attending: Gloria Weston Smart, Erin Steiner

Ex-Officio Attending: John Brent

Excused Absence: Melba Spurlock, Stan Stovall, Willette Roundtree, Stan

Stovall, Brenda Storey, Jane Holcombe, Les Brown, Todd Goodson, Darlene Hughes,

Ann Davis, Linda McLemore, Rev. Peggy Myles, Jo Fike


Chairperson Karon Henderson called the meeting to order.


Beverly Kinner recommended approval of the minutes for October 11, 2011

meeting, Kat Cannella seconded and the minutes were unanimously approved.


Treasurer Frazer Loomis presented the financial reports which included the

Festival of Trees profit and loss report, and asked the Commissioners to submit

all in-kind sponsors for the Festival of Trees to the office. Billy Kendall

recommended the approval of the financial report, Eva Smith seconded and the

financial reports were approved.


Bring One for the Chipper ? Chairperson Karon Henderson stated that

participation in Bring one for the Chipper was low this year. Gloria

Weston-Smart stated that the lower participation was not unique to Columbus, it

is state-wide. She also mentioned that some trees were taken from the drop off

sites by individuals for fish habitats in area lakes, thus making it difficult

to get a true count of total trees. Gloria also suggested shortening the time

frame, and stated that she would talk with Georgia Power regarding this

suggestion. After some discussion, it was decided that we will keep the same

dates as the state project.

25th Anniversary Harley Davidson Ride? Karon Henderson began the discussion on

the motorcycle ride by stating that the pre-registration cost will be $20 and

day-of registration will be $25. Gloria Weston-Smart stated that the Keep

Columbus Beautiful Commission needs to educate and engage every audience, and

the motorcycle community is one that has not been targeted before. The event

will have a ?go green? theme and will consist of a motorcycle ride starting and

ending at Chattahoochee Harley Davidson. The stops along the route will serve

as stations for the poker run. Participants will pull cards at each stop and

prizes will be awarded for the winning hand, second place hand and worst hand.

Other activities, entertainment and refreshments will begin after the bikes

return from the ride. Gloria Weston-Smart encouraged Commissioners need to help

to secure door prizes for the event by contacting local restaurants, in

particular fast food chains and asking for donations of gift cards or coupons.

She also announced the need for volunteers for the event, and asked the

Commissioners to sign up.

25th Anniversary Awards Luncheon ? Chairperson Dr. Billy Kendall announced that

the Awards Luncheon is scheduled for May 10, 2012. There will be a formal theme

since it is our 25th anniversary. He extended an invitation to all the

Commissioners to join the committee. Dr. Kendall announced that we will honor

past Edna Kendrick Award winners as well as past KCBC chairpersons. He also

announced that there is a possibility of a reception the evening of the

luncheon where wine and hors d?oeuvres will be served. Chairperson Karon

Henderson announced that sponsorship letters have been sent out and contact

will be made to secure sponsorship.

Mildred Miller Fort Foundation ? Gloria Weston-Smart announced that a grant

request has been sent to the Mildred Miller Fort Foundation and she is waiting

to here back from them. If the grant is approved, it will fun a

recycling/environmental media campaign that will help educate the community.

Nominating Committee ? The terms of Vanessa Lewis, Todd Goodson, Elliott

Waddell, Dr. William Kendall, Darlene Hughes Kittrell, Rev. Peggy Myles and

Willette Roundtree will expire on June 30, 2012. Gloria stated that some of

these Commissioners may be reappointed. She stated that the Vice Chairperson

serves as the Chair of the Nominating Committee and those Commissioners whose

terms are ending usually serve as committee members. Beverly Kinner asked the

Commissioners that may be reappointed to consider staying on the board and

asked those that are rotating off to submit suggestions for new candidates. The

opportunity to submit possible candidates was also extended to all



The next Commissioners meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 at PAWS

? Special Enforcement, 4910 Milgen Road.

Information about House Bill 811, a bill that will stop the diversion of state

fees collected for specific purposes, such as tire disposals, into the general

treasury, will be discussed at the next meeting.


The meeting was adjourned by Karon Henderson


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