Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members


October 7, 2009

A meeting of the Planning Advisory Commission was held Wednesday, October 7,

2009 in the Council Chambers on the Plaza Level of the Government Center.

Commissioners Present:

Chairperson: Scott Boyce

Vice Chairperson: Cathy Hodge

Commissioners: Travis Chambers

Gladys Ford

Glen Heinzelman

Ralph King

Lucy Sheftall

Staff Members: Daniel Stegall ? Zoning Administrator

Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Ronny Smith, Walter Calhoun

Others Present: Robert McKenna, Timothy Littleton, Philip Carter, Dr. Mike


CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Scott Boyce called the meeting to order at 9:00

a.m. He explained the rezoning process to the audience.



EXCP-8-09-2133: Special Exception Use request to operate Day Care Type

II at 3528 Irwin Way.

Timothy Littleton has submitted an application for the Special Exception Use

cited above. The property is located in a SFR2 (Single Family Residential 2)

District. The purpose of the Special Exception Use is to allow for the

operation of a Day Care Type II:

(1) Access: Is or will the type of street providing access to the use be

adequate to serve the proposed special exception use?

The local street providing access to the property will be adequate for the

proposed use.

(2) Traffic and Pedestrian Safety: Is or will access into and out of the

property be adequate to provide for traffic and pedestrian safety, the

anticipated volume of the traffic flow, and access by emergency vehicles?

Currently access is not adequate to serve the proposed use. Access to this site

will have to meet commercial driveway standards and meet parking requirements

for a Day Care Center, Type II.

(3) Adequacy of Public Facilities: Are or will public facilities such as

school, water, or sewer utilities and police and fire protection be adequate to

serve the special exception use?

The proposed use is served by all city services. There will be no school

impact. The day care center will have to be inspected by the Fire Marshall and

shall meet the Fire and Life Safety Codes.

(4) Protection from Adverse Affects: Are or will refuse, service, parking and

loading areas on the property be located or screened to protect other

properties in the area from such adverse effects as noise, light, glare or odor?

The day care center is located in a neighborhood and does not have to meet the

buffer requirements of the UDO. Issues dealing with parking, loading, external

dumpsters / compactors, and light are addressed in the UDO. Noise impacts are

addressed in the City Code.

(5) Hours of Operation: Will the hours and manner of operation of the special

exception use have no adverse effects on other properties in the area?

The hours of operation for the proposed use will not have an adverse effect on

other properties in the area. The facility will act as an after school daycare:

operating from 2pm to 6:30pm, Monday through Friday.

(6) Compatibility: Will the height, size, or location of the buildings or other

structures on the property be compatible with the height, size, character, or

location of buildings or other structures on neighboring properties?

The height, size, and location of the building is compatible with neighboring


Thirty- seven (37) property owners within 300 feet of the parcel were notified

by letter of the proposed Special Exception Use. To date, the Planning

Department has received 2 comments in opposition to the request the Special

Exception Use request.

Timothy Little, applicant of 802 27th Avenue, Phenix City, came to the podium.

He is the representative of his daughter, who will run the day care center.

There will be from 7 to 18 children.

Leonard Johnson of 3552 Meadow Drive, directly across the street from this

address. He does not want this special exception. He does not want any more

businesses in his neighborhood. There is too much traffic on this street


Chairperson Boyce asked for discussion and a motion. Vice Chairperson Hodge

made a motion to deny this special exception case. Commissioner Ford

seconded. It was denied five (Hodge, Ford, King, Chambers and Sheftall) to one



REZN 9-09-2257: A request to rezone 3.136 acres located at 7590 Moon Road. The

current zoning is Single Family Residential 1. The proposed zoning is

Residential Multi-Family 2. The property will be used for apartments. Robert

McKenna is the applicant.

Mr. Daniel Stegall read the Staff Report for this case.

Future Land Use Map: It is consistent with the Future Land Use Map. It is in

Planning Area A. The Land Use Designation shows Multi-Family Residential.

Policy Statements: N/A.

Compatible with Existing Land Uses: Yes.

Environmental Impacts: The property does not lie within a floodway and

floodplain area. The developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to

issuance of a Site Development Permit.

City Services: The property is served by all city services.

Traffic Impact: The proposed project is not expected to have a negative impact

on the transportation network.

Traffic Engineering: The site shall meet the codes and regulations of the

Columbus Consolidated Government for commercial usage.

School Impact: This development may have 2 to 3 students of various ages.

Elementary age students would attend North Columbus (K-5) which has 688

students, capacity 675. Middle School age students would attend Veterans

Memorial Middle (6 ? 8 grades) which has 705 students, capacity 650. High

school age students would attend Northside High School, which has 1,463

students, capacity 1,573.

Buffer Requirement: The development shall have a Category B buffer requirement

along all property lines bordered by the SFR1zoning district. The three options

under Category B are:

15 feet with a certain amount of canopy trees, under story trees, and shrubs /

ornamental grasses per 100 linear feet.

10 feet with a certain amount of shrubs / ornamental grasses per 100 linear

feet and a wood fence or masonry wall.

20 feet undisturbed natural buffer.

Fort Benning Recommendation: None.

DRI Recommendation: None.

Conditions: None.

Attitude of Property Owners: Twenty-one (21) property owners within 300 feet

were notified of this rezoning request. The Planning Department did not receive

any calls concerning the rezoning request.

Additional information: None.

Rob McKenna, representative of the applicant, Muscogee Moon Properties came to

the podium. This is approximately 3 acres. The timetable is 2 ? 3 years

because there is a tenant on the property whose lease will expire in one year.

Dr. Mike Hudson, MCSD representative came to the podium. Veterans Middle

School is at capacity at this time. However, Northside High is not. They have

added 10 portables.

Chairperson Boyce asked for discussion and a motion. Commissioner Chambers

made a motion to approve this rezoning request because it is consistent with

the future land use map and is compatible with existing land uses.

Commissioner Hodge seconded. It was approved four (Chambers, Hodge, Sheftall,

King) to two (Heinzelman, Ford).

3. REZN 9-09-2256: A request to rezone 12.83 acres located at 6017,

6219, 6227 and 6251 Buena Vista Road. The current zoning is Single Family

Residential 3. The proposed zoning is Residential Multi-Family 2. The

property will be used for apartments. Richard Childs is the applicant.

Mr. Daniel Stegall read the Staff Report for this case.

Future Land Use Map: It is inconsistent with the Future Land Use Map. It is

in Planning Area E. The Land Use Designation shows Single Family Residential.

Policy Statements: N/A.

Compatible with Existing Land Uses: Yes.

Environmental Impacts: The property does not lie within a floodway and

floodplain area. The developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to

issuance of a Site Development Permit.

City Services: The property is served by all city services.

Traffic Impact: The proposed project is not expected to have a negative impact

on the transportation network.

Traffic Engineering: The site shall meet the codes and regulations of the

Columbus Consolidated Government for commercial usage.

School Impact: This development may have 5 to 10 students of various ages.

Elementary age students would attend Georgetown (K-5) which has 466 students,

capacity 500. Middle School age students would attend East Columbus Magnet

Academy (6 ? 8 grades) which has 627 students, capacity 650. High school age

students would attend Kendrick High School, which has 787 students, capacity


Buffer Requirement: The development shall have a Category B buffer requirement

along all property lines bordered by the SFR2 and SFR3 zoning districts. The

three options under Category B are: 1. 15 feet with a certain amount of canopy

trees, under story trees, and shrubs / ornamental grasses per 100 linear

feet. 2. 10 feet with a certain amount of shrubs / ornamental grasses per 100

linear feet and a wood fence or masonry wall. 3. 20 feet undisturbed natural


Fort Benning Recommendation: None.

DRI Recommendation: None.

Additional information: The contiguous properties were rezoned in October of

2006 from SFR2 to SFR3 with conditions. There will be 192 units in the

proposed apartment complex. 48 units will have one bedroom, 96 units will have

2 bedrooms and 48 will have 3 bedrooms.

Conditions of Ordinance 06-90 where this property was rezoned from GC to SFR3

in 2006.

A smoke disclosure statement shall be required in all home sales. The

requirement for

the disclosure shall be included in the restrictive covenants of said

development. A sample smoke disclosure statement will be attached to the

ordinance and a completed smoke disclosure statement shall be filed by the

developer or subsequent grantor with the Clerk of Council and the Clerk of

Superior Court.

A noise disclosure statement shall be required in all home sales. The

requirement for the

disclosure shall be included in the restrictive covenants of said development.

A sample noise disclosure statement will be attached to the ordinance and a

completed noise disclosure statement shall be filed by the developer or

subsequent grantor with the Clerk of Council and the Clerk of Superior Court.

Future construction shall meet the requirements of General Storm Water Permit,

including compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination

System (NPDES) permitting and implementation of best management practices.

Attitude of Property Owners: Forty-two (42) property owners were notified of

the request.

The Planning Department did not receive any calls concerning this request.

Phillip Carter, representative of the applicant and part owner of Kudo

Developers of

Columbus, LLC came to the podium. They want to build apartments on this

property for

the soldiers and their families coming into town because of BRAC. This is the

best use of

this property. They want to build a walk way from the apartments to the school

next door.

Connie Munday of 6309 Buena Vista Road came to the podium. She is not opposed

to the

rezoning only the dumping of trees and old concrete on her property and doesn?t

want her property damaged from the development of this land.

Chairperson Boyce asked for discussion and a motion. Commissioner King made a

motion to approve this rezoning request because although it is inconsistent

with the future land use map, a letter has been submitted to request an

amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Sheftall seconded. It was

approved unanimously.







Scott Boyce, Chairperson Daniel Stegall,

Zoning Administrator


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