Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Greater Columbus Golf Authority

January 24, 2012

The meeting of the Greater Columbus Golf Authority was called to order by

President, Michael Silverstein at 4:05 p.m.

Those present: Jeff Blankenship, Carl Williams, Aubry Burt, Dan Culpepper,

Rhudine Nelson, Eddie Lindsay, Michael Silverstein and Ralph Huling.

Absent: Rudy Allen - unexcused

There was a motion made by Aubry Burt to accept the minutes from the October

2011 meeting; there was a second by Rhudine Nelson; the motion was unanimously


Guest Presentation:

Jack Langford, a Marshall who works on the driving range, was invited to speak

to the Authority by John Milam regarding Mr. Langford?s impending dismissal.

Mr. Milam had on several occasions asked Mr. Langford to please bring any

issues or concerns directly to him for resolution; given the fact that Mr.

Langford was not willing to follow a chain-of-command, Mr. Milam was

recommending his dismissal to the Authority. The genesis of the problem was

when Mr. Langford sent an email to Councilor Allen on November 22, 2011

regarding the condition at the golf course. Councilor Allen redirected the

email that same day to John Milam asking for clarification. John Milam

provided a response in a follow-up email on November 28th; the Authority was

copied on the correspondence. Michael Silverstein, Chairman, contacted Mr.

Langford to discuss Mr. Langford?s concerns on November 30th; Mr. Langford

returned his call on December 1st; Mr. Langford made it very clear that he had

no intention of discussing his concerns with Mr. Milam, Mr. Silverstein or the

Authority and that he did not have to follow a chain-of-command. Mr. Langford

was allowed to speak on his own behalf for twenty minutes.

New Business:

After Mr. Langford left the meeting the Authority discussed the issue and came

to the conclusion that in all likelihood Mr. Langford, based on his comments,

would continue to bypass John Milam and the Authority and go direct to Council,

the City Manager or the Mayor. However, before relieving him of his duties,

and in the interest of fairness, there was unanimous agreement between the

Authority and John Milam that he would speak with Mr. Langford and give him the

opportunity to continue as a Marshall with the understanding that he must

initially bring any issue to John Milam. And presuming he does not feel that

the issue has been appropriately addressed then to bring the issue to the

Authority for resolution. Presuming Mr. Langford could not agree to the terms

as outlined then his services would no longer be needed. John agreed to report

back to the Authority once he had been in contact with Mr. Langford.

A motion was made by Dan Culpepper to allow Congressman Sanford Bishop to play

golf without paying green fees at Bull Creek or at Oxbow Creek; however, any

accompanying guests would be required to pay full price. The motion was

seconded by Rhudine Nelson; there was discussion and the motion passed.

Michael Silverstein reported on the initial meeting that he and John Milam had

with Dr. Richard Baxter and Dr. Danna Gibson of CSU in November regarding their

involvement in developing a marketing blueprint for Bull Creek and Oxbow Creek.

On January 4th Michael Silverstein was introduced to Jack Brennan, President of

Paladin Marketing by John Milam. Jack has 27 years of golf marketing

experience; he agreed to not only provide assistance to The Golf Authority, but

to help coach Dr. Richard Baxter and his group at CSU. Jack is prepared to

provide the tools that will enable CSU to understand and determine latent golf

demand; how to conduct consumer based golf round demand analysis; how to

conduct facility reporting demand analysis and player surveys; how to do a SWAT

plus provide all the necessary forms. Jack offered his services at ?no expense?

to the Authority presuming that CSU could do the heavily lifting, which they

are prepared to do. CSU and Jack Brennan should have an initial outline for

the Authority?s consideration and review by the middle of February.

Michael presented the idea and concept and the potential value of adding Ex

Officio Members. After discussion the Authority agreed unanimously that adding

Ex Officio members would be beneficial. Several Authority members indicated

that they had recommendations of potential individuals. Michael asked the

members to submit the names; he would reach out to the individuals to initially

vet them along with individuals that he had in mind. He would bring back

specific recommendations before anyone was officially invited to join in an Ex

Officio capacity. There was a general consensus that Authority should focus on

identifying individuals with strong finance/accounting, marketing,

facilities/building, and/or general business experience.

John Milam reported that Don Smith is now head of the Marshall program and will

report to him. He also noted that Bull Creek and Oxbow Creek are now in

compliance with the ?Brown Bag? law. There will be a marketing piece produced

on Bull Creek and aired on the City?s Government Access Channel. Dan Trotter,

a former Harris County educator has taken on the volunteer role of calling on

companies and non-profits to solicit their hosting their respective golf

outings at Bull Creek.

John presented a Frequent Player?s Card that is being initiated to help drive

additional traffic and a built-in loyalty program, which has the concurrence of

the Authority.

There has been a recent issue with the ball washers on the golf carts and John

made the Authority aware of the issue and the fact that it is being addressed

Old Business:

John Milam reported that the County Extension has been doing projects around

the Clubhouse such as planting flowers and improving planting beds at no cost

to the Authority.

John reported that he met with representatives from the Hooters Tour and the

Columbus Sports Council about potentially using Bull Creek for one of their

tournaments in 2012. As a follow-up to the meeting The Sports Council had met

and indicated that they were not in a position financially to take on the level

of commitment that was needed. It was also noted that this is the final year

for the Hooters Tour.

Superintendent?s Report:

Greens - Weekly nutrients applications Low temperature of 17 on Jan. 4th

Fairways/tees rough- Delayed applications of herbicide due to green Bermuda


Must be applied before green-up

Fertilizer for Fairways- No pre-booking due to rise in cost

Equipment- Greens mower lease over in May 2012 3 Mowers

Projects Removing dead trees /stumps

Edging bunkers and adding sand where needed

Clubhouse Landscaping- Jennifer Davidson, UGA Cooperative Extension

(Training classes for our inmate crews and Staff)

Godwin Creek:

No report

Director of Golf:

John provided a financial report on Bull Creek and Oxbow Creek for November,

December and year-to-date for January.

Bull Creek had a profit of $53,963.97 for the year

Oxbow Creek had a loss of $77,413.29

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Dan Culpepper and seconded by Carl

Williams. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.


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