Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




The following Commission members were present for the entire meeting except as



Mr. Winfield G. Flanagan,

Chairman December 31,


Mr. Kerry W. Hand, Vice

Chairman December

31, 2017

Mr. Don D. Cook,


December 31, 2014

Mr. Thomas G. O. Forsberg, Treasurer December 31, 2015

The following Commission members were absent:

Ms. Sherry Goodrum December 31, 2016

Staff members present:

Richard C. Howell, A.A.E., Airport Director

Mary Scarbrough, Secretary

W. Donald Morgan, Jr., Legal Counsel

Sonya Hollis, Marketing Director

Paul Phillips, Facilities Manager

Jennifer Wright, Restaurant Manager

Michele Renfroe, Flightways Columbus, Co-Manager

Kelvin Mullins, Public Safety

Andre? Parker, Public Safety

Lorrie Brewer, Chief Accountant

Anthony Cooper, Chief of Public Safety

Shaundra Goodwin, Public Safety

Melissa Chadwick, Public Safety

Marshall Upshaw, Maintenance Grounds

Richard Daniels, Maintenance

Others present:

Marvin Brown, FAA;



Motion by Mr. Thomas Forsberg to adopt the minutes for the July 23, 2014

meeting as presented; seconded by Mr. Don Cook and unanimously approved by the


Ayes: 4 / No: 0



Mr. Richard Howell reported this item as a Part 139 commercial service airport

program grant. We are in the airport improvement program, and have an annual

entitlement for $1,000,000.00. Over the years we have not spent $1,000,000.00

each year therefore, we had the opportunity to bank some of the funds up.

There have been security issues with the perimeter fence and TSA write ups

pertaining to those, which included a lot of ongoing discussions with TSA, FAA,

Columbus Airport Commission, and the Airport Management. This is a response to

all the discussions. The project was designed this year by the Columbus

Airport Commission Consultant, Michael Baker Corp. This particular grant will

provide funding for to install a new fence and a reimbursement to complete a

Wildlife Management Plan that was identified as necessary from a Wildlife

Assessment done in the past due. The decision was made to do the Plan

internally instead of going with a consultant. The grant will include funding

to reimburse staff time, materials, and other items needed in developing the

program. The grant is not completely firmed up we are asking you to consider

approval for the grant up to $1,200,000.00. The local share will be split

between the State, which will pay five percent of the construction cost; our

portion will be $62,000.00. Mr. Howell has been in communication with the

Airport District Office in Atlanta, Georgia they are now in grant season. They

want to get the work done as their timeline is to offer us the grant, accept

the grant, and return the grant back to them by September 5, 2014. Staff is

recommending approval for the grant, so the Columbus Airport Commission

Chairman and the legal counsel can sign the grant and return it to the Airport

District Office in Atlanta, Georgia once the grant is offered.

Motion by Mr. Kerry Hand to consider adoption of the new mission statement for

the Columbus Airport as presented; seconded by Mr. Thomas Forsberg and

unanimously approved by the Commission. Ayes: 4 / No: 0



Mr. Howell and Mr. Don Morgan have been working together on a document for a

couple months for Piedmont Business College doing business as Miller-Motte

Technical College. The College has proposed to us to operate a commercial

driver?s license training course on the nine acre Legacy parking lot. They

want about sixty-eight thousand square feet, a three year term, with a

maximum of three one year extensions pass that term. The initial rent payment

will be $3,200.00 per month, with one month?s rent as a security deposit. We

plan to do a Consumer Price Index adjustment after the three year term. We

currently are not using the space as this will be a good deal to earn revenue.

Staff recommended approval of the Piedmont Business College Agreement.

Mr. Morgan recommended the Columbus Airport Commission make an amendment for a

motion to give Mr. Howell the authority to execute the lease.

Motion by Mr. Thomas Forsberg to amend to empower Mr. Howell to be able to

execute the lease for Piedmont Business College for the Columbus Airport as

presented; seconded by Mr. Don Cook and unanimously approved by the Commission.

Ayes: 4 / No: 0


Mr. Howell reported the Columbus Airport Employee Manual, has been long coming

to the airport, since his becoming the Airport Director. A draft received from

Mr. Morgan was used to craft the manual. Mr. Howell used his experience in

being prior civil service employee serving in the Air Force, and also being in

a union employee. The Employee Manual sets out standards in conduct, hiring and

termination policies, and offers direction on the administration of progressive

discipline. All the employees are at will, and will remain at will, as

discussed in Mr. Howell?s employment interview, it is important for supervision

to be consistent and predictable. By having an employee manual, the employees

will know what is going on and what they can expect in terms of process.

Some modifications have been made to the manual; the draft was submitted to Mr.

Morgan for review.

Mr. Don Cook thanked Mr. Howell for his work in providing the employee

handbook. He asked Mr. Howell if the employees have had an opportunity to

review the employee manual.

Mr. Howell said no, it is long, and he wants to go through it essentially an

indoctrination process of what it is.

Mr. Cook supports the employee manual and recommended the employees have a

chance to review the manual over the next ninety days since they are the ones

doing the jobs. This will provide the employees an opportunity to review in

adding to or taking away and make it available for them, no requirement. He

does not want to delay the employee manual to be put into place. He would like

the employee manual to be provided to all employees as it is voted on today,

not a draft copy, provide the actual employee manual as presented.

Mr. Howell agreed to provide the Employee Manual to the employees for


Mr. Flanagan stated this will be carried after the ninety day period.


Mr. Howell stated the Columbus Airport Commission adopted the new Mission

Statement about two months ago. Senior Staff got together to discuss the

Vision Statement. The Vision will define optimal desired future state, a

picture where the organization is going in reference to the Mission Statement

and provides guidance and inspiration as to what the organization is focused

on. As a group we agreed in reviewing the original values, ?To set the

standard as the hometown airport known to provide large airport service and

amenities with a personal touch.? With the review from senior staff and their

input in a true value statement, the word large was dropped, as Columbus is

very challenged to provide a large airport experience. With the changes at the

Columbus Airport, the senior Staff came forward with the following new

statement, ?To set the standard as the hometown airport known to provide

airport service and amenities with a personal touch.? Staff is recommending

approval of the new Vision Statement for the Columbus Airport.

Motion by Mr. Don Cook to consider adoption of the new mission statement for

the Columbus Airport as presented; seconded by Mr. Thomas Forsberg and

unanimously approved by the Commission. Ayes: 4 / No: 0

Mr. Cook asked to open back up the Employee Manual. He stated he wants the

Employee Manual to be implemented and let it be a leading document, with the

employees ninety days, not delaying it in place, so there is a functioning

document. This will give the employees an opportunity to speak up. Mr. Cook

wants the Employee Manual to be voted on today.

Mr. Flanagan stated if there are any questions or comments received from the

employees on the employee manual, implementations for the employee manual can

be made after ninety days, amendments will be made at that time. He asked if

there was a motion for the Columbus Airport Commission to approve the Employee


Motion by Mr. Kerry Hand to approve the Employee Manual for the Columbus

Airport as presented; seconded by Mr. Thomas Forsberg and unanimously approved

by the Commission. Ayes: 4 / No: 0

Mr. Flanagan stated if there are any questions or comments received from the

employees on the employee manual, implementations for the employee manual, can

be made after the ninety days.

Mr. Hand stated if there are adjustments after the ninety days?

Mr. Flanagan reported all was carried.


Mr. Howell reported you have your Mission Statement, Vision, and you have your

Values. Along with that the senior staff has started talking seriously about

our Strategic Plan. Values support our Vision and Mission Statement; they

shape our culture and what is important with the organization. Essentially

the principal beliefs and philosophies on what we want to do, who we are, and

how we are going to do are included in our values. We got together in

reviewing current values. Similar to the Vision Statement we liked the values

with a few changes. The following Values were developed by the senior staff:

Being direct and open communicators

Behaving with integrity by being trustworthy, ethical and loyal

Providing dependable service to all

Commitment to a fiscally self-sustaining Airport

Helping others with a cheerful attitude

Committing to development of knowledge and skills

Staying focused on the mission

Energizing the workplace with amusement and humor

Mr. Howell reported that this was how we felt and wanted to be represented in

the future. Staff recommended approval of the Values.

Motion by Mr. Kerry Hand to consider adoption of the new mission statement for

the Columbus Airport as presented; seconded by Mr. Thomas Forsberg and

unanimously approved by the Commission. Ayes: 4 / No: 0

Mr. Howell reported where all this puts us in terms of the overall scheme of

things, is all the pieces are in place for an airport strategic plan. The

senior staff is working on strategies based on the SWOT analysis from back in

February 2014. We are working on consolidating those by department in

overriding strategies in going forward with the Strategic Plan. We will bring

this to the Columbus Airport Commission in updating you on these at a later



Mr. Howell introduced Ms. Lorrie Brewer, to provide a financial update.


Ms. Lorrie Brewer provided the following information:

The Airport sustained a loss of $113,785 with an adjusted net profit without

depreciation and amortization of $43,693 in July. Year over year it amounts to

a decrease of approximately 50% in profit (without depreciation in comparison

to last year (see Summary of Airport Revenues & Expenses).

Propellers Restaurant sales were up slightly over last year; Fuel sales and

flowage fees were up approximately $14K while insurance expenses were down over

last year due to new agent. Accruals were made for the car rental revenues for

July as actuals were not all available at the time of closing.

Update on Airport Improvement Projects 37 & 38:

AIP 37 ? Taxiway C Relocation & Airfield Electrical Improvement Project

$3,923,867; Balance: $618,582.

AIP 38 ? Airport Perimeter Fencing & Crack Seal, Seal Coat & Mark GA Apron

Project $384,678; Balance: $164,546.

Cash flow was positive for the month (see the Cash Flow Summary).


Ms. Sonya Hollis provided the following information:

We have been at Fort Benning for the Newcomer?s Briefing for all new military

persons new to the area and Fort Benning. This month we have been able to get

in front of 335 soldiers and family members with information on the Columbus


Public Art Program is going well. We are still changing out artwork. The

Columbus Museum donated exhibit is being featured in the terminal titled

Leaving Mississippi: Reflections on Heroes and Folklore by Najee Dorsey.

Pictures from the FBO 5th Anniversary have been shared on all of the Columbus

Airport Social Media pages.

Social media Update:

Facebook Likes up by 1%

Twitter Followers up by 5%


Ms. Michele Renfroe provided the following information:

Fuel gallons pumped year over year comparison:

Fuel item Gallons pumped July 2014 Difference from July 2013 (Gallons) Change

Auto 266 6 9%

AVGAS 8,037 -943 -11%

Diesel 167 38 25%

Jet A (Express Jet) 31,633 7,454 27%

Jet A (Retail) 10,972 255 2%

Jet A (Contract) 11,215 11,366 -11%

Jet A (Govt/Mil) 4,153 2,940 110%

Jet A (Justice -4 flights) 8,035 3,341 52%

FBO Anniversary party went well. Customers in attendance were down this year

compared to years past. Weather was rather hot but manageable and the staff

communicated our appreciation to those that attended on how much we were glad

they came and for their continued support of the FBO as well as the airport as

a whole.

Girls Inc. field trip was great day with beautiful weather. There were 75

girls and 5 chaperones in attendance. They were grateful and excited for the

lunch the Commission provided. ARFF station, Propellers, Marketing and the FBO

all pitched in and helped to make it a success.


Ms. Jennifer Wright provided the following update on Propellers:

Food sales increased by $811.49

Alcohol sales increased by $91.67

Drink sales decreased by $513.34

Total sales from vending, coffee cart, and restaurant for this month was


We have a loss due to ordering a truck from our food supplier to carry the

restaurant stock into August: However, we also, had to have some equipment work

done on the keg cooler.

Senior Cook Leilini Paleafei attended ServSafe class on August 13th

Mr. Howell reported the Columbus Airport has been in the process of conducting

the annual audit. Ms. Brewer has been very busy with the audit the past couple

weeks. The audit seems to be going really well.

Mr. Howell stated regarding the Taxiway C Project, it is time to close it out.

He spoke with the general consultant and they are preparing final documents and

working with their contractor working on their as-builts, once the documents

are completed, we will invite the Georgia Department of Transportation and the

Federal Aviation Administration for a final inspection, look at the area, and

accept it from the contractor. Same format for the Crack Seal Project, which

was completed in ten days. The consultant actually performed a final

inspection on it, and is okay due to it being a small project in the amount of

$300,000.00. All that is left on the project will be the closeout

documentation and the design work on the fence, included on the project also.

It was a good project, excellent contractor, very pleased with the outcome.

Mr. Howell reported on August 20, 2014 a big storm moved through the area and

the Columbus Airport took a substantial lightning strike on the runway. There

was a hole approximately the size of a shoe box popped out of the runway. The

Delta flight had to be cancelled because they were on the ground and could not

take off. Mr. Paul Phillips came out and patched the hole as a temporary fix.

Within the week Robinson Paving came out and made a complete fix for the hole.

Mr. Howell asked the Airport Commission if they would be interested in changing

the monthly Columbus Airport Commission Meetings. Once a quarter beginning in

October 2014 there will be an evening meeting on the fourth Tuesday?s at 5:30

PM. The other monthly meetings will remain every fourth Wednesday at 9:30 AM.

Mr. Cook stated he appreciates Flightways Columbus providing the tours as

requested. He complimented Propellers Staff for their excellent service in the

restaurant. Mr. Cook also provided positive feedback to Ms. Hollis regarding

Marketing. Mr. Cook reported in his thirteen years being on the Commission, he

sees things are working at the Columbus Airport which indicates excellent

service from all the staff.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:59 A.M.


____________________________ _____________________________

Mary Scarbrough, Secretary Winfield

G. Flanagan, Chairman


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