Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members


NO. ____________








WHEREAS, conservation of current water supplies and minimization of the effects

of water supply shortages that are the result of drought are essential to the

public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Columbus, Georgia; and

WHEREAS, regulation of the time of certain water use, manner of certain water

use, design of rates, method of application of water for certain uses,

installation and use of water-saving devices, provide an effective and

immediately available means of conserving water; and

WHEREAS, Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 12-5-7, the General Assembly of the State

of Georgia has required all municipalities in Georgia to adopt an ordinance to

be effective no later than January 1, 2011 to allow outdoor water use between

the hours of 4:00 P.M. and 10:00 A.M.;

WHEREAS, The Georgia Board of Natural Resources Georgia Environmental

Protection Division (EPD) Rule ?391-3-30 et seq. requires water suppliers to

adopt and enforce drought response rules and regulations including pre-drought

mitigation strategies and drought response strategies; and

WHEREAS, adoption and enforcement of the outdoor water requirements and

comprehensive drought response program will allow the Board of Water

Commissioners to delay or avoid implementing measures such as water rationing

or more restrictive water use regulations pursuant to a declared water shortage

emergency as authorized by Georgia EPD Rule ?391-3-30 et seq.; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners adopted a Drought Management Plan,

which establishes a progressive program for responding to water supply

limitations and State requirements resulting from drought conditions. This

ordinance is intended to be consistent with and to implement the Board of Water

Commissioners Drought Management Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners Drought Management Plan contains four

stages outlining actions to be taken to lessen or avoid supply shortages. This

ordinance contains drought response levels that correspond with the Drought

Management Plan; and

WHEREAS the outdoor water restrictions, drought response strategies and

progressive restrictions on water use and method of use identified by this

ordinance provide certainty to water users and enables the Board of Water

Commissioners to control water use, provide water supplies, and plan and

implement water response measures in a fair and orderly manner for the benefit

of the public.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of Columbus, Georgia does ordain as follows:


1. This ordinance, pursuant to O.C.G.A. 12-5-7, establishes outdoor watering

for the purposes of planting, growing, managing, or maintaining ground cover,

trees, shrubs, or other plants may only occur between the hours of 4:00 P.M.

and 10:00 A.M. during non-drought conditions;

2. This ordinance establishes regulations to be implemented during times of

declared water shortages, or declared water shortage emergencies. It

establishes three levels of response actions to be implemented in times of

drought, with increasing restrictions on water use in response to worsening

drought conditions and decreasing available supplies.

3. Non-Drought Condition (DRL-0) - Pre-drought mitigation strategies will be

reinforced through the Water Stewardship O.C.G.A. ?12-5-7 requirements.

4. Drought Response Level 1 (DRL-1) - Level 1 condition drought response

measures are voluntary and will be reinforced through local and regional public

education and awareness measures that may be funded in part by the Board of

Water Commissioners.

5. Drought Response Level 2 (DRL-2) and Drought Response Level 3 (DRL-3) -

During a Drought Response Level 2 condition or higher, the water conservation

measures and water use restrictions established by this ordinance are mandatory

and violations are subject to administrative penalties and remedies specified

in this ordinance and as provided in the Board of Water Commissioners

administrative rules.


The following words and phrases whenever used in this chapter shall have the

meaning defined in this section:

1. "Affected drought area" means any area subject to a drought declaration made

in accordance with Rule 391-3-30-.05.

2. "Director" means the Director, or his/her designee, of the Environmental

Protection Division of the Department of Natural Resources.

3. "Division" means the Environmental Protection Division of the Department of

Natural Resources.

4. "Drip irrigation" means the use of an irrigation system manufactured and

sold specifically for delivering water through small flexible pipes and

emitters slowly and directly to the soil around the base of individual plants

in a manner that minimizes evaporative losses, pooling, runoff and wetting of

plant foliage. This type of system may be part of a larger automated irrigation

system or may operate as a stand-alone system connected to a typical outdoor


5. "Farm uses" means irrigation of any land used for general farming, forage,

aquaculture, pasture, turf production, orchards, or tree and ornamental

nurseries; or provisions of water supply for farm animals, poultry farming, or

any other activity conducted in the course of a farming operation. Farm uses

shall also include the processing of perishable agricultural products.

6. "Permittee" is defined as: (a) Any person that holds a water withdrawal

permit issued by the Director pursuant to the Georgia Water Quality Control

Act, O.C.G.A. ?12-5-20 et seq.; (b) Any person that holds a water withdrawal

permit issued by the Director pursuant to the Groundwater Use Act, O.C.G.A. ?

12-5-90 et seq.; or (c) Any person that holds a permit issued by the Director

pursuant to the Georgia Safe Drinking Water Act, O.C.G.A. ? 12-5-170 et seq.,

that uses water obtained from any person meeting the criteria in paragraphs (a)

or (b); (d) Permittee does not include any person that holds a water withdrawal

permit for farm uses.

7. "Public water system" means a system for the provision to the public of

piped water for human consumption.

8. "Soaker hose" means a hose that is connected to a typical outdoor faucet and

that is manufactured and sold specifically for delivering water slowly and

directly to the soil around the base of individual plants by allowing water to

seep from it in a manner that minimizes evaporative losses, pooling, runoff and

wetting of plant foliage.


1. The provisions of this ordinance apply to any person and the use of any

water provided by the Board of Water Commissioners in Muscogee County.

2. This ordinance is intended solely to further the conservation of water. It

is not intended to implement any provision of federal, state, or local

statutes, ordinances, or regulations relating to protection of water quality or

control of drainage or runoff.

3. Nothing in this ordinance is intended to affect or limit the ability of the

Board of Water Commissioners to declare and respond to an emergency, including

an emergency that affects the ability of the Board of Water Commissioners to

supply water.

4. The provisions of this ordinance do not apply to use of water from private

wells or to recycled water.


1. The Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division (EPD)

Director shall monitor climatic indicators and water supply conditions as

needed to assess drought occurrence and severity, and its impact upon the

ability of permittees that are public water systems to provide adequate

supplies of water and avoid or relieve local water shortages.

2. Permittees that are public water systems shall notify the Division in

writing within seven (7) days if a trigger level in the drought contingency

plan required by Rules 391-3-2-.04(11) (d) or 391-3-6-.07(4)(b)9 is surpassed.

The notification shall include the relevant drought condition(s) or event(s)

such as streamflow levels, ground water levels, reservoir storage or levels,

system demands, and/or other approved indicator(s) which required the


3. The Board of Water Commissioners will monitor the following potential

drought trigger and report to the Division if this potential indicator is


a) During normal operating conditions, the water level at Lake Oliver is at or

below 330 feet above sea level for 7 consecutive days. Scheduled maintenance

drawdowns will be excluded from reporting requirements.

4. Prior to making a drought response level declaration pursuant to Rule

?391-3-30-.05, except for Non-Drought Condition (DRL-0), the EPD Director shall

convene a conference call, or similar communication medium, for all permittees

for whom climatic indicators and water supply conditions are such that the

Director is considering making a drought declaration. Within three business

days of the Director's communication, potentially affected permittees may

submit information to the Division regarding climatic indicators and/or their

water supply conditions. For permittees whose principal source of water supply

is surface water, they may submit a water supply and demand analysis as

described in Rule ?391-3-30-.08(1)(b).

5. During a declared drought pursuant to Rule ?391-3-30-.05, the EPD Director

shall convene a conference call, or similar communication medium, at least

quarterly for all permittees subject to Drought Response Strategies in the

affected drought area(s). The purpose of this communication will be to review

the latest climatic indicators and water supply conditions as they relate to

the permittees.


1. Based upon an evaluation in accordance with Rule ?391-3-30-.04, the EPD

Director may declare non-drought conditions and various drought response levels

for the affected drought area(s). Such declaration shall be based upon the

severity of drought conditions and their impact on the ability of permittees

that are public water systems to provide adequate supplies of water within the

affected drought area(s) and avoid or relieve local water shortages.

2. The EPD Director may declare non-drought conditions (Level 0) and drought

response Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3, with Level 1 being the least severe and

Level 3 being the most severe drought response level.

3. The EPD Director shall designate the geographical boundary of the affected

drought area(s). The geographical delineation of a drought response level shall

be based upon the severity of climatic indicators and condition of water

supplies occurring within all or a portion of defined hydrologic units,

counties or other areas.

4. The EPD Director may differentiate between surface water drought and ground

water drought in any affected drought area(s).

5. Upon declaring a drought response level, including non-drought conditions,

the EPD Director shall provide notice of such declaration to all permittees and

the general public within the affected drought area(s). At a minimum, the

Director shall issue a press release and send each affected permittee a letter

which shall include the drought response level and a summary of the

requirements for that particular drought response level.


1. During non-drought periods, irrigation outdoors for purposes of planting,

growing, managing, or maintaining ground cover, trees, shrubs, or other plants

shall be in accordance with the Water Stewardship Rules O.C.G.A. ?12-5-7(a.1)

(1) and (2).

2. Persons may irrigate outdoors daily for purposes of planting, growing,

managing, or maintaining ground cover, trees, shrubs, or other plants only

between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.

3. These requirements shall not create any limitation upon the following

outdoor water uses:

a) Commercial agricultural operations as defined in Code Section ?1-3-3;

b) Capture and reuse of cooling system condensate or storm water in compliance

with applicable local ordinances and state guidelines;

c) Reuse of gray water in compliance with Code Section ?31-3-5.2 and applicable

local board of health regulations adopted pursuant thereto;

d) Use of reclaimed waste water by a designated user from a system permitted by

the Environmental Protection Division of the department to provide reclaimed


e) Irrigation of personal food gardens;

f) Irrigation of new and replanted plant, seed, or turf in landscapes, golf

courses, or sports turf fields during installation and for a period of 30 days

immediately following the date of installation;

g) Drip irrigation or irrigation using soaker hoses;

h) Handwatering with a hose with automatic cutoff or handheld container;

i) Use of water withdrawn from private water wells or surface water by an owner

or operator of property if such well or surface water is on said property;

j) Irrigation of horticultural crops held for sale, resale, or installation;

k) Irrigation of athletic fields, golf courses, or public turf grass

recreational areas;

l) Installation, maintenance, or calibration of irrigation systems;

m) Hydroseeding.

4. Enforcement of the pre-drought DRL-0 requirements shall be in accordance

with this ordinance.


1. Within five (5) days of receipt of notice from the EPD Division of a drought

response level declared, each permittee within an area subject to a drought

response level declaration shall implement the applicable drought response


2. DRL-1 condition is also referred to as a ?Drought Advisory? condition.

Permittees that are public water systems shall implement a public information

campaign that shall include, at a minimum, public notice regarding drought

conditions and drought specific public-service messages in one or more of the

following ways: newspaper advertisements, bill insert, website homepage, social

media and notices in public libraries.

3. During a DRL-1 Drought Advisor condition, the Board of Water Commissioners

will increase its public education and outreach efforts to emphasize public

awareness of the need to implement water conservation practices


During DRL-2, permittees shall implement all Drought Response Level-1 measures

plus the following additional DRL-2 response measures:

1. General Outdoor Watering. Outdoor irrigation for purposes of planting,

growing, managing, or maintaining ground cover, trees, shrubs, or other plants,

as described in Rule ?391-3-30-.03(1)(a), shall be limited to two days a week

on an odd-even schedule. Even numbered addresses may irrigate on Wednesday and

Saturday between 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. Odd numbered addresses may irrigate

on Thursday and Sunday between 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. "Even numbered address"

means an address number ending with the number 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, or the site does

not have a numbered address. "Odd numbered address" means an address ending

with the number 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9.

2. Specific Categories of Outdoor Water Use. The outdoor water uses listed in

Rule ?391-3-30-.03(1)(b) shall be allowed. The following outdoor water uses

shall not be allowed, except as provided below:

a) Washing hard surfaces such as streets, gutters, sidewalks and driveways,

except when necessary for public health and safety;

b) Using water for ornamental purposes, such as fountains, reflecting pools,

and waterfalls;

c) Use of fire hydrants, except for the purposes of firefighting, public

health, safety, or flushing;

d) Washing vehicles, such as cars, boats, trailers, motorbikes, airplanes, or

golf carts;

e) Non-commercial washing, or pressure washing, of buildings or structures,

except for immediate fire protection; and

f) Charity, or non-commercial fund-raiser, car washes.

3. Permittees that are public water systems shall implement four, or more,

additional practices from the Drought Response Strategies Menu as outlined in

?391-3-30-.07 Section 5.

4. The Board of Water Commissioners of Columbus shall implement the following

drought response strategies in conjunction with a DRL-2 declaration:

a) Public information campaign that goes significantly beyond the minimum

notice and public service messages related to DRL 1;

b) Implement a drought surcharge rate program;

c) Suspension of street cleaning program(s);

d) Implement, or accelerate, leak detection and repair program(s);


During DRL-3, permittees shall implement all Drought Response Level measures

outlined in DRL-1 and DRL-2 plus the following additional DRL-3 response


1. General Outdoor Watering. Outdoor irrigation for purposes of planting,

growing, managing, or maintaining ground cover, trees, shrubs, or other plants,

as described in Rule ?391-3-30-.03(1)(a) is not permitted.

2. Specific Categories of Outdoor Water Use. The outdoor water uses listed in

Rule ?391-3-30-.03(1)(b) shall be allowed, subject to the following additional


a) Irrigation of personal food gardens shall be conducted between the hours of

4:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m., unless done using drip irrigation or soaker hoses.

Irrigation of personal food gardens using drip irrigation or soaker hoses may

be done at any time;

b) Hand watering with a hose with automatic cutoff or handheld container may be

conducted between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.;

c) Irrigation of athletic fields or public turf grass recreational areas may be

conducted between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m., subject to the two

days a week odd-even schedule described in Drought Response Level 2;

d) Irrigation of golf courses shall be conducted in accordance with the ?Golf

Irrigation Prediction and Estimation Worksheet?, which can be found on, and only between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.,

provided, however, irrigation of golf course greens may occur at any time of


e) Use of reclaimed wastewater by a designated user from a system permitted by

the Division to provide reclaimed wastewater shall not be allowed for general

outdoor watering as described in Rule ?391-3-30-.03(1)(a). It shall be allowed

for any use described in Rule ?391-3-30.03(1)(b) subject to the limitations in

Rule ?391-3-30-.07(4)(b);

f) Installation, maintenance, or calibration of irrigation systems is allowed,

provided that it is done by professional landscapers or golf course


3. The outdoor water uses listed in Rule ?391-3-30-.03(1)(b) shall be allowed,

subject to the following additional requirements.

a) Permittees that are public water systems shall implement all practices from

the Drought Response Strategies Menu outlined in ?391-3-30-.07 Section 5. The

additional drought response strategies will be implemented as part of DRL-3


i. Request to provide glasses of water to restaurant customers only upon


ii. Distribute retrofit kits and water saving devices to customers. These kits

and devices may include, but not be limited to, shower heads, leak dye tabs,

toilet tank displacement devices, and hose shut-off nozzles;

iii. Technical assistance outreach program to target high users to identify

and/or recommend opportunities to reduce water usage;

iv. Reduce system pressure, unless such reduction would create unsafe water

supply conditions;

v. Inform customers about pool cover requirements;

vi. Impose monetary penalties or terminate water services to customers to

reduce outdoor water waste due to excessive application, outdoor leaks,

improper irrigation, or other similar reasons.

4. The drought response levels identified in this Ordinance correspond with the

Board of Water Commissioners Drought Management Plan as identified in the

following Columbus table:




Persons may irrigate outdoors daily only between the hours of 4:00 pm and 10:00

am Drought Advisory Public Campaign:

? Website Updates

? Bill Insert Messages

? Bill Announcements

? Facebook / Blog

? DRL Committee

Includes DRL-1, plus the following restrictions:

? Two-day odd-even watering schedule, no watering between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00

p.m. and no watering on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays

? Additional Public Information Items (DRL-2 Items)

? Drought Surcharge Rate

? Suspension of Street Sweeping Program

? Leak Detection / Leak Repair Acceleration Includes DRL-1 and DRL-2, plus the following


? No outdoor water schedule

? Additional Public Information Items (DRL-3 Items)

? Monetary penalties or terminate water services due to excessive water waste

? Pool cover communication

? Communicate Water at Restaurants only upon request

? Evaluate System Pressure Reduction

? Technical Assistance Program

? Retro-kits Distribution


The following commercial outdoor water uses are exempt from the Outdoor Water

Use restrictions of this ordinance:

a) Pressure washing;

b) Permanent car wash facility, provided that it is connected to a sanitary

sewer system of a political subdivision or local government authority or

recycles used wash water;

c) Construction sites;

d) Watering-in of pesticides and herbicides on turf; and

e) Other activities essential to daily business.


1. The Board of Water Commissioners of Columbus shall be the enforcement

authority for this Ordinance.

2. Any person who uses, causes to be used, or permits the use of water in

violation of this ordinance is guilty of an offense punishable as provided


3. Each day that a violation of this ordinance occurs is a separate offense.

4. Violators of this Ordinance shall be subject to the following schedule of

administrative penalties, which said Board shall have the right to change,

modify or alter as it deems appropriate and necessary to enforce this

Ordinance, to the extent that violations occur within a 12-month period:

a) First violation. Written notice with a description left at the property

where the violation occurred.

b) Second violation. $50.00 administrative penalty added to the water bill of

the customer?s property where the violation occurred.

c) Third violation. $100.00 administrative penalty added to the water bill of

the customer?s property where the violation occurred.

d) Fourth and subsequent violations. $200.00 administrative penalty added to

the water bill of the customer?s property where the violation occurred and

service termination, plus applicable reconnection of service charges.


All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or conflicting with any part

of this Ordinance, are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency or


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held on

the ____ day of __________, 20__ and adopted at said meeting by the affirmative

vote of _____ members of the Council.

Councilor Allen voting _________.

Councilor Baker voting _________.

Councilor Barnes voting _________.

Councilor Davis voting _________.

Councilor Garrett voting _________.

Councilor Henderson voting _________.

Councilor Huff voting _________.

Councilor Thomas voting _________.

Councilor Turner-Pugh voting _________.

Councilor Woodson voting _________.

________________________________ ____________________________



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