Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




MARCH 22, 2016

The regular weekly meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called

to order at 5:30 P.M., Tuesday, March 22, 2016, on the 2nd Floor of the

Citizens Service Center, located at 3111 Citizens Way, Columbus, Georgia

Honorable Teresa Tomlinson, Mayor and Honorable Evelyn Turner Pugh, Mayor Pro

Tem presiding.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Teresa Tomlinson and Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn

Turner Pugh were Councilors Jerry Barnes, Tom B. Buck III, Glenn Davis, Berry

H. Henderson, Bruce Huff and Judy W. Thomas. City Manager Isaiah Hugley, City

Attorney Clifton Fay and Assistant City Attorney Lucy Sheftall, Clerk of

Council Tiny B. Washington and Deputy Clerk of Council Lindsey Glisson were

also present.

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ABSENT: Councilors R. Gary Allen, Mike Baker and Evelyn Woodson were absent.

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INVOCATION: Led by Rev. David Stallion of Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church

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PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Parks and Recreation.

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READING:__ ________

An Ordinance (16-4) ? Rezoning property located at 6053 & 6073 Veterans

Parkway from RO (Residential Office) zoning district to GC (General Commercial)

zoning district. (Owner: Cottle Properties, LLC) (District 2-Councilor Davis)

The proposed use is retail, office and restaurant. The Planning Advisory

Commission and the Planning Department recommended approval.

Councilor Thomas moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by

Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present, with Councilors Allen, Baker and Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

An Ordinance (16-5) ? Rezoning property located at 3603 Weems Road from

SFR1 (Single Family Residential 1) zoning district to RO (Residential Office)

zoning district. (Owner: Columbus Botanical Gardens, INC) (District 2-Councilor

Davis) The proposed use is cultural facility.

Councilor Henderson moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Mayor

Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present, with Councilors Allen, Baker and Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

An Ordinance (16-6) ? Rezoning property located at 3508 Oberlin Drive is

proposed for rezoning from SFR1 (Single Family Residential 1) zoning district

to RO (Residential Office) zoning district. (Owner: Columbus Consolidated

Government) (District 2-Councilor Davis) The proposed use is cultural facility.

Councilor Davis moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilor

Buck and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council present, with

Councilors Allen, Baker and Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***



An Ordinance ? Regulating vehicular traffic in Columbus, Georgia by

establishing ranked parking, ranked handicap parking , and no parking zones

along the south curb of 12th Street between 1st Avenue and 2nd Avenue;

authorizing the installation of official traffic control signs indicating the

ranked parking, handicap parking, and no parking zones; repealing conflicting

ordinances and for other purposes.

Councilor Thomas said as she understands this, the reason that we have

been asked to do this, ?and said this will eliminate the parking directly in

front of the post office/ Federal Court building, and said that because of some

security reasons. She then asked has any thought be given at all to changing

the parking that is half way down the block that is now two or three hour

parking to fifteen minute parking for those who will briefing run in the post


Director of Engineering Donna Newman said currently it is 2-hour parking,

but said they could consider it. Councilor Thomas said there are a lot of

people who do just run in the post office for a short period of time, and the

other parking along there is at least two hour parking and sometimes it?s a

little difficult to find a place on 12th Street and said it?s something to


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then asked how long is the parking on the 2nd

Avenue side of the post office between 12th & 11th Street, the side where they

have the drive through to drop your mail off. Director of Engineering Donna

Newman said she doesn?t recall, but thinks it may be the same; however, said

that wasn?t an issue because the drive through is there, it gave them that 50

feet separation. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said we could possibly use that for

the fifteen minute run-in.

Director Newman said that might be a possibility, but said that they would

look at the parking in that area, to see if they could pick up some fifteen

minute parking.

City Attorney Fay said that they will bring this ordinance back in three

weeks at the next regular Council meeting for the Council?s vote.

*** *** ***





A Resolution (73-16) ? Providing for the levy and collection of an annual

Ad Valorem Tax to provide funds for the payment of the principal and interest

on the $20,000,000 in principal amount of Muscogee County School District

(Georgia) general obligation Sales Tax Bonds, Series 2016.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded

by Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those seven members of

Council present, with Councilors Allen, Baker and Woodson being absent from the


*** *** ***






MEETING:_____ ___

A Resolution (74-16) ? Approving an amended and restated Columbus

Consolidated Government Employees? 457 Deferred Compensation Plan, establishing

a Deferred Compensation Board, and authorizing various CCG officials to execute

necessary agreements and documents.

A Resolution (75-16) ? Designating authorized signatories for a custodial

agreement to be entered into as a part of the administration of the Columbus

Consolidated Government Employees? 457 Deferred Compensation Plan.

Ms. Reather Hollowell said the plan has not been fully restated since 1996

and said with the changes that we have been making moving toward a sole vendor

for our 457 Plan, we felt it is appropriate with the changes that we have made

to restate the entire document and said that is what we are doing here, so that

we can provide the best plan that we can for our employees and their

dependents. She said moving to a sole vendor will allow them to negotiate

lower fees for those employees who participate in the Deferred Compensation

Plan, provide more educational opportunities as employees look towards

retirement and to better plan for that.

She said they will be rolling this out to the employees somewhere around

May 13th. She said they are very excited about the opportunity that the

employees will have to participate with a sole vendor.

Ms. Hollowell said if employees are currently participating in the plan

and wants to stay with their current vendor, they can do that or they can move

to the new vendor, where they expect the fees will be much lower and better

educational opportunities for employees.

City Attorney Fay then asked if there were any questions of the Council,

but there were none.

Councilor Henderson then made a motion to adopt the two resolutions, as

listed above, which was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried

unanimously by those seven members of Council present for this meeting, with

Councilors Allen, Baker and Woodson being absent.

*** *** ***


City Attorney Fay requested an executive session after the adjournment of

tonight?s meeting, to discuss a litigation matter.

-------------------------------------*** ***





Mr. Mark H. Holloway, Administrator, representing West Georgia Eye Care

Center, 2616 Warm Springs Road came forward and said their request before the

Council tonight has to do with their development, which is located at 6600

Whittlesey Boulevard. He said he is here to discuss an issue as it relates to

the Ordinance requirements and their plans to build another facility located on

Whittlesey Boulevard.

Using a power-point presentation, Mr. Holloway went into much details in

explaining their request and concerns as it relates to the

*** *** ***


Mr. Louie Abney, Deputy Sheriff with the Muscogee County Sheriff?s

Department, with approximately 10 to 12 other officers of the Muscogee County

Sheriff?s Department standing with him made several comments as it relates to a

proposed pay increase for the Columbus Police Department. He outlined several

concerns that he and his fellow colleagues has witrh one branch of the Public

Safety be give n a pay increase when other Publci Safety Departments not being

included in the proposal.

After Mr. Abney concluded his presentation, Mayor Tomlinson then responded

and addressed those concerns expressed by Mr. Abney, pointing out that he needs

to take his concerns to Sheriff Darr, as the Director over that Department, who

could propose a similar plan that has been done for the Columbus Police


*** *** ***


Mr. Brandon Wallis came forward and made comments as it relates to the

operation of the Columbus Aquatic Center. He also commented on the education

and experience of the Director of the Parks & Recreation Department, Dr. James


Mr. Wallis also challenged much of the information that was submitted by

Dr. Worsely on last week regarding the proposal for the operation of the

Columbus Aquatic Center.

During his presentation, Mr. Wallis did a recap of the presentation that

was submitted by Dr. Worsley on last week and submitted his version of what he

felt those numbers should have been.

After the conclusion of his presentation, Mr. Wallis then responded to


*** *** ***


Mr. Paul Hernandez, the General Manager of the new Walmart Store located

on Buena Vista Road came forward and stated that he is a graduate of New Mexico

State University and has worked for the Walmart Corporation for about six

years. He said that he worked his way up through the corporation from a

cashier to his current position, that of the store manager of the new Walmart

here in Columbus. He said that he has moved to various locations to work within

the corporation and when he was asked to come here, he said yes.

He then made several comments pointing out that 75% of the employees that

will be working for him are from the community on Buena Vista Road; and said

they either walk to work or ride a bike to work; however, there are some who do

drive as well. He said as a Walmart Corporation, he wanted to make sure that

we don?t forget about the people of that community. He said they have 30

full-time, 70 part-time employees and almost six to seven of their Associates

that goes to Columbus State and said they are also hiring 10 Veterans. He said

he had over 1,000 interviews and he picked the best 100 employees.

Mr. Hernandez said there are a few things that he wants this Council to

know about their neighborhood market. He said it is accessible for seniors and

they have added additional sidewalks. He said they have added extra lighting in

the parking lot, as well as added a turning lane from Buena Vista to Floyd Road

because they know how busy that road is.

He also went into some details regarding what they are doing as far as it

relates to community partnership. He said he is committed to doing 100

backpacks for Lonnie Jackson Elementary. He said they will be donating $5,000

to feed 100 children every weekend until the end of the school year.

He said he is also trying to get Peach Little League $1000 - $2,000 to help

donate to their programs. He said at Walmart they have a lot of doors that are

open for them and said that he has gotten with Coca Cola, who will help them

with the Backpacks program, as well as Morningside Baptist Church.

After Mr. Hernandez said he is here to help and to be a part of the

community, he said he is not just any other Walmart, but said he is going to be

the Walmart. He said they will strive for excellence in his store and said

quality will be no issue. He said he would like to thank you for welcoming him

to Columbus.

After Mr. Hernandez concluded his presentation, Councilor Barnes made some

comments regarding the great things that Mr. Hernandez has already setup.

Mr. Hernandez said their VIP/Family night will be April 11th from 6:30

p.m. ? 8:00 p.m. He said the Grand Opening will be on April 13th at 7:30 a.m.

in the morning.

-------------------------------------*** ***






A Resolution ? Authorizing the City Manager to declare 110 4th Street

a/k/a 002 017 001 (Golden Park), as surplus and to advertise, and sell in

accordance with Section 7-501 of the Columbus Charter.

City Manager Hugley said he would like to table this matter at this time.

He said our Laura McCool, Community Reinvestment Manager has done a lot of work

in pulling all of this together related to Golden Park. He said she procured a

preliminary title report from our real estate attorney, but said that report

only examined deeds dating back to 1928 and then they went to look a bit

further, back to 1925 and said that is when they found that the Georgia General

Assembly restricted that part of the South Commons known as Golden Park to park

and playground purposes. He said there was a 1925 Act that they found, and

said that Act restricted conveyance of the property unless a referendum is held

approving a sale.

He said our real estate attorney will be issuing an amended Title Report

reflecting that 1925 restriction. He said only the Georgia General Assemble can

amend the Act so as to remove the restrictions as to park purposes and said

this can be accomplished only through local legislation that goes to the

Georgia General Assembly and said the first opportunity will be in January


City Attorney Fay said we did go back to the 1925 Act of the Georgia

General Assembly

*** *** ***



BY THE COUNCIL:______ ___________________________

A Resolution (76-16)? Authorizing the adoption of the Georgia Department

of Community Affairs Policies and Procedures for the Homeownership and Small

Rental Housing Development Program, Section 3 policy, and

Minority/Disadvantaged Business Enterprise policy in compliance with the

Federal and State requirements of the 2014 Homeownership and Small Rental

Housing Development Program funded by the State Home Investment Partnership


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded

by Councilor Barnes and carried unanimously by those six members of Council

present, with Councilor Henderson being absent for the vote and Councilors

Allen, Baker and Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (77-16) ? Authorizing the City Manager to submit an

application to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council for a grant to fund

the Muscogee County Juvenile Court and if awarded, amended the

Multi-Governmental fund by the amount of the grant award. There is a 10% local

match requirement and the grant period is from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded

by Councilor Buck and carried unanimously by those six members of Council

present, with Councilor Henderson being absent for the vote and Councilors

Allen, Baker and Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (78-16) ? Authorizing the City Manager of Columbus, Georgia

to submit an application for, and if awarded, accept a grant in the amount of

$119,898, or otherwise awarded, from the Department of Transportation, United

States of America, and Georgia Department of Transportation, under Title 49

U.S.C., Section 5303.

Councilor Huff moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Pro

Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those six members of Council

present, with Councilor Henderson being absent for the vote and Councilors

Allen, Baker and Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (79-16)? Authorizing the Mayor or City Manager of Columbus,

Georgia to submit an application for, and if awarded, accept a grant in the

amount of $1,573,136 or otherwise awarded, from the Federal Transit

Administration (FTA) and Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) in the

amount of $196,641 for FY2017 capital and planning assistance under Title 49

U.S.C., Section 5307 and to contract with FTA and GDOT on behalf of the City

should the application receive approval.

Councilor Huff moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Pro

Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those six members of Council

present, with Councilor Henderson being absent for the vote and Councilors

Allen, Baker and Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution ? Whereas, the State of Georgia and the City of Columbus are

vulnerable to a wide range of natural and man-made disasters and The Georgia

Emergency Management Act, as amended, gives the local governments of the State

the authority to make agreements for mutual assistance in emergencies.

Councilor Huff moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor

Buck and carried unanimously by those six members of Council present, with

Councilor Henderson being absent for the vote and Councilors Allen, Baker and

Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***





A Resolution ? Authorizing the annual contract for the purchase of

employee service award pins from J. Brandt Recognition (Fort Worth, TX) for the

estimated annual contract amount of $6,631.91.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded

by Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those six members of Council

present, with Councilor Henderson being absent for the vote and Councilors

Allen, Baker and Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution ? Authorizing the purchase of one (1) Ford S12 Transit Wagon

12/15 Passenger Van, from Wade Ford (Smyrna, GA), in the amount of $30,243.00,

via Georgia State Contract # SPD 99999-SPD00000115.

Councilor Thomas moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those six members of Council present,

with Councilor Henderson being absent for the vote and Councilors Allen, Baker

and Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution ? Authorizing the purchase of replacement playground

equipment from Miracle Recreation Company d/b/a Hasley Recreation, Inc.,

(Flowery Branch, GA), in the amount of $299,904.93. The purchase will be

accomplished by Cooperative Purchase, via National Joint Powers Alliance, NJPA,

Contract #022113-LTS.

Councilor Barnes moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor

Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those six members of Council

present, with Councilor Henderson being absent for the vote and Councilors

Allen, Baker and Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution ? Amending Resolution #247-11 (approved July 12, 2011) to

change the name of one of the awarded contractors, Arid Consulting Corporation

(Byron, GA) to Edifice Consulting, Inc. (Byron, GA), to continue providing

roofing consulting services.

Councilor Buck moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor

Huff and carried unanimously by those six members of Council present, with

Councilor Henderson being absent for the vote and Councilors Allen, Baker and

Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution ? Authorizing the purchase of the CGI Advantage 360 (SaaS

Solution ? Software as a Service) upgrade of the Finance/Payroll/Budget and

Human Resources System from CGI (Fairfax, VA). The cost includes: an Annual

SaaS Subscription fee in the amount of $459,126 for 10 years (which replaces

the current annual maintenance fee paid by Information Technology), and

implementation cost paid as follows: FY16-$60,000, FY17-$764,067,

FY18-$764,067 and FY19-$764,067.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded

by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those six members of

Council present, with Councilor Henderson being absent for the vote and

Councilors Allen, Baker and Woodson being absent from the meeting.

*** *** ***



AND DELAYED BY THE COUNCIL:_________________________ __

A Resolution ? Authorizing the execution of an annual contract with

American Pool Service of Georgia (Alpharetta, GA) for facility management of

the Columbus Aquatic Center. The services will include staffing, water

maintenance, supervision and programming, and management of the Pro Shop and

Concessions. Initial negotiations have indicated 45 hours of operations per

week. Every effort will be made to increase weekly hours to more than 45 hours

per week. However, this could result in adjustments in other categories of

services. A follow up report will be made to City Council regarding final


*** *** ***


MANAGER?S AGENDA:_________ ___________________

Parks and Recreation Director Dr. Worsley and John Hudginson, Interim

Inspections and Codes Director came forward to provide the Mayor and Council

with an update on the Aquatic Center?s Lightning Protection.

Columbus aquatic center grounding & lightning protection


? Overview of Grounding at the Columbus Aquatic Center

? Overview of Lightning Protection at the Columbus Aquatic Center

? Safety Standards

? National Lightning Safety Institute

? Georgia Department of Health

? Statement of Department of Public Health (DPH) Position

? Legal Considerations

? Options

? City Manager?s Conclusion & Recommendations

Grounding Overview

? The Columbus Aquatic Center is properly grounded and bonded in compliance

with National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) and National Electrical Code (NEC)


? Inspections & Code Department has performed all necessary inspections for

safe occupancy of the building.

Lightning protection overview

? Lightning Protection System is an optional system for a building. There is no

requirement from National Fire Protection Agency or National Electrical Code to

mandate its installation.

? Lightning Protection System does not:

? Guarantee a building will not be struck by lightning.

? Guarantee lightning will not pass through building components.

? Guarantee the safety of occupants within a building.

National Lightning Safety Institute Recommendations for Lightning Safety at

Indoor Pools__________________________________________

1. Recognize the threat.

? Monitor weather activity via weather radios and local weather outlets.

2. Identify in advance SAFE and NOT SAFE places:

? SAFE = dry areas inside large permanent buildings

? NOT SAFE = near electrical conductors, electrical equipment, metal objects

(lifeguard stands, ladders, diving board stanchions), and water, including


3. Take action to suspend activities.

? When lightning is within 6-8 miles, evacuate people to safe areas. Lifeguards

should secure the entrance to the pool deck.

4. Determine when activities should be resumed.

? Wait 30 minutes after the last observed lightning or thunder, since lightning

may visit from the back end of the passing thunderstorm.

Georgia Department of Public Health's Pool Rules and Regulations, Chapter

511.3.5.18, Article 10, Warning/Safety for Swimming Pools

? 11. No swimming allowed during heavy rain or when thunder and lightning can

be seen or heard.


Dr. Chris Rustin, MS, REHS, Director, Environmental Health Section Georgia

Department of Health

? Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) has not granted any waivers to

Georgia Tech or UGA.

? Warning signage is required per DPH pool code to warn swimmers of risky

behaviors that could be injurious to their health and potentially others.

? With exception of glass articles, DPH Environmental Health inspectors do not

typically enforce individual swimmer activities or behaviors in the pool. This

is left to the pool management or owners.


Dr. Chris Rustin, MS, REHS Director, Environmental Health Section Georgia

Department of Health

? The focus of our inspections are on the items that impact the overall public

health and safety, i.e. water quality, filtrations devices, sewage disposal,

safety, and operational management. We do enforce that the signage is posted,

legible and easily seen by the swimmers.

? DPH inspectors do not inspect the bonding on pools, thus the warnings on the



Dr. Chris Rustin, MS, REHS, Director, Environmental Health Section

Georgia Department of Health

? We depend on City/County building inspectors or require the electrician to

certify in counties without building inspectors for anything related to the

electrical components of the pool facility.

? From a risk management perspective, the City of Columbus as owners of the

facility can enforce policies they deem important for swimmer safety. Their

inspectors would have inspected the electrical components of the pool and have

a better understanding of whether the pool and all metallic components are

completely bonded and grounded.

Legal considerations

? O.C.G.A. ?? 31-2A-6(a) and 31-3-4(a)(4) provide that a local Board of Health

cannot adopt rules and regulations which conflict with the rules and

regulations of the State Board of Health.

? There are two types of waiver which may be requested of the Department of


? Under O.C.G.A.?31-2A-6(b)(2) a specific facility may receive a waiver where

it can be shown that ?the purpose of the rule or regulation is met through

equivalent standards offering equivalent protection of health safety and

welfare.? This type waiver can be granted by the Department. Is the fact that

the building has been grounded and inspected is sufficient to apply for the

waiver? Does adding the lightning safely system and then applying come closer

to providing the same protection that getting out of the pool does?

? Under O.C.G.A.?31-2A-6(b)(4) waivers which affect an entire class of

facilities (here indoor pools), can be given, but only by the Board of Public

Health after proceedings in accordance with the Georgia Administrative

Procedures Act.

? Although DPH suggests that they do not stringently enforce Rule 11 for

swimming pools but they do require that it be posted, and any deviation from

the rule would then become the responsibility of the pool owner. This is a

course we do not recommend.


? Continue to adhere to Georgia Department of Public Health's Pool Rules and

Regulations, Chapter 511.3.5.18, Article 10, Warning/Safety for Swimming Pools.

? Attempt to apply for waiver to the DPH with the Columbus Aquatic Center as is.

? Attempt to apply for waiver to the DPH for the Columbus Aquatic Center after

Lightning Protection System is placed.

Can lightning protection be added?

? Yes, however It will have some consequences to the overall look of the

facility. The antenna are on a 25? by 25? grid spacing, and there will have to

be a lead that runs all the way to the ground on the perimeter of the building

at every 100?.

Cost of lightning protection System

? Contractor has priced retrofitting the building with proper lightning

protection system to cost $41,500.

? A private organization has offered to fund half ($20,750) of the cost of the

system; however all existing regulations will still be enforced.

CITY MANAGER?s conclusions/recommendations

? With or without lightning protection system, DPH regulations do not allow for

swimming during lightning, rain or storm events.

? Even if the system is installed, we do not recommend ignoring national and

state regulations related to lightning, rain or storm events.

? This is a public safety matter and risk of liability could fall on the City

and we do not recommend taking this risk.

? Will be guided by Council direction.

Mr. John Hudgison and Deputy City Manager Hodge, as well as City Attorney

then responded to questions and concerns of Mayor Tomlinson and members of the


Mayor Tomlinson asked Pam Hodge when she talk to the lady who was the president

of the organization to ask her did they have a policy that would allow their

swimmers to swim in pools during a rain storm and could we see that policy. Her

email response was, that she had not policy and that they left it up to the


Councilor Thomas ask who is the person who makes the decision to flip the

switch and clear the pool.

Dr. Worsley stated that is usually up to the manager on duty. Also the pool has

multiple lighting detectors , we also keep up with our local new for weather


Councilor Davis read a policy from the Georgia Tech Manual.

Mayor Tomlinson stated that now where in that policy that you just read, does

it say that they let people swim while its storming, but it does say that they

all get together and discuss what they think should be done. What is exactly

what we do as stated by Dr. Worsley.

Councilor Huff asked if we are not going to leave the swimmers in the pool then

why would we spend the extra cost.

Councilor Huff asked the gentleman from the Health Department to check with

Georgia Tech to see how many swim meets they have had since 1996 and when they

had a problem with lighting.

Councilor Thomas stated that she does not consider this a human life problem,

and that through all of the information that she has read and from the CDC

this has never occurred.

Councilor Davis asked City Attorney Clifton Fay if when we have these swim

meets would we be able to have the teams sign a waiver, regarding when a storm

comes in it is up to them if they decide to continue to swim or not.

Clifton Fay stated that he does not recommended that because there is still a

state regulation .

CCG Stormwater Update

Recent Ordinance Revisions


? Vehicle Washing ? Auto Dealers, Repair Facilities, Auto Rental Agencies,

Companies with Fleets of Vehicles

? Abide by the same set of rules that Auto Detailers/Car Washes have complied

with since 2003

? Industrial Stormwater Dischargers

? Provide CCG with an Annual Compliance Report

? Stormwater Management Facility Owners

? Provide CCG with an Annual Maintenance Report

Vehicle Washing

? Approximately 200 affected Facilities

? Fixed Location Auto Detailer and Car Wash Requirements

? Wastewater Collection (dedicated wash area)

? Wastewater Disposal to Sanitary Sewer System

? Prevention of Stormwater from entering Sanitary Sewer System

? Mobile Auto Detailing Requirements

? Wastewater Collection (mat, berm, vacuum system, etc.)

? Wastewater Containment (waste tank approximate in size to fresh water tank)

? Wastewater Transport

? Wastewater Disposal (designated location)

? Same Wastewater, Same Standards

Industrial Stormwater Dischargers

? Facilities that have coverage under the State of Georgia?s Industrial

Stormwater Discharge Permit, approximately 75 affected facilities

? Kellogg?s, Pratt-Whitney, Heat Craft, CCG?s Pine Grove Landfill, etc.

? New Requirement - Provide CCG with updated contact information annually

? New Requirement - Provide CCG with copies of reports already required under

the permit

? Non-Stormwater Discharge Annual certification

? Quarterly ?First Flush? Visual Examination Reports

? Annual Laboratory Analysis Reports (as necessary)

? Employee Training Documentation

? Due by January 31 each year, information provided will be for the previous

calendar year

? To satisfy CCG?s regulatory obligation to implement a ?monitoring? program

for Industrial Dischargers (EPA Audit finding, Dec 2014)

? Failure to provide this report is a violation of the Ordinance

Private Stormwater Management Facilities (PSWMFs)

? Purpose of PSWMFs

? #1 - Mimic Pre-development Runoff Peak Discharges

? Forest/Pasture vs. Parking Lot

? Detention Ponds, Underground Vault Systems

? #2 ? Improve water quality of runoff before it enters the watershed

? Water Quality BMPs remove sediment, oil, litter, etc. from discharges

? 80% TSS removal from first flush

? Water Quality BMPs collect sediment, oil, litter, etc. from discharges

? Collected pollutants to be regularly monitored and removed as necessary

? Informational Gap

? Engineer designs ? Contractor builds ? Owner/Operator ???

? Perpetual Maintenance Obligation

? Ordinance Revisions

? Informational Form, to keep CCG?s records updated for approximately 700


? Proof of Maintenance is easy

? Photographs

? Receipts/Invoices/Manifests

? Failure to provide a report is a violation of the Ordinance

Inspections by CCG staff - approximately 125/year

Maintenance Standards

? Every BMP is different

? Default Standard - Georgia Stormwater Management Manual


? Maintenance at least once per year

? Clean out vaults (trash rack, oil reservoir, built-up sediment/sludge)

? Cut/remove grass, sediment from ponds, swales

? Re-establish dead/missing vegetation, prevent/repair erosion

? Replace filter systems (Drain-Pac, Fossil Filter, etc.)

? Others as required


? Reports will be emailed to:

? Scans of forms, photos, invoices, etc.

? Do-it-Yourself Program


Councilor Davis asked, when a resident ask me about these standards are they

local standards.

Donna Newman stated that these standards are State Local and Federal clean

water standards.

*** *** ***


This matter was delayed until the next regular Council Meeting.

-------------------------------------*** ***

***--------------------------------- CLERK OF COUNCIL?S AGENDA:

Due to their no longer being a quorum present, the Clerk of Council?s

Agenda was postponed until the next regularly scheduled meeting.

*** *** ***

Due to the lack of a quorum, Mayor Tomlinson declared the meeting

adjourned, with the time being 9:51 p.m., with Councilors Allen, Baker and

Woodson being absent from the meeting and Councilors Buck and Henderson having

already left the meeting.

Tiny B. Washington, MMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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