Applicant: Bob Smith/Waverly Terrace Senior Apartments, LLP
Owner: Muscogee County School District
Location 1112 29th Street
Acreage: 2.795 acres
Current Zoning Classification: RMF1 (Residential Multifamily 1)
Proposed Zoning Classification: RO (Residential Office)
Current Use of Property: School (Previous Academic Success Center)
Proposed Use of Property: Multifamily Apartments (Senior Apartments)
Council District: District 7 (Woodson)
Planning Advisory Commission's Recommendation: Conditional Approval based on the fact that the
request is compatible with existing land uses. The recommended conditions are
as follows:
1. Allow for a reduction in the total amount of parking spaces required from
140 to 108 parking spaces, which is a 23% reduction.
2. Allow for a reduction in the minimum parking space dimensions form 9? x 20?
to 9? x 18?.
Planning Departments Recommendation: Conditional Approval based on the fact that the request is
compatible with existing land uses. The Planning Department recommends the
same conditions as those recommended by the Planning Advisory Commission.
Fort Benning's Rcommendation: N/A.
DRI Rcommendation: N/A.
General Land Use: Inconsistent
Planning Area D
Land Use Designation:
Single Family Residential
Environmental Impacts: The property does not lie within the floodway and floodplain
area. The developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to issuance of a
Site Development permit, if a permit is required.
City Services: Property is served by all city services.
Traffic Impact: This rezoning request does not anticipate generating a negative impact
on the transportation network.
This site shall meet the Codes and regulations of the Columbus Consolidated
Government for commercial usage.
Surrounding Zoning: North ? RMF1 (Residential Multifamily 1)
South ? RMF1 (Residential Multifamily 1)
East ? RMF1 (Residential Multifamily 1)/MROD (Mill Restoration Overlay
District)/GC (Genral Commercial/NC (Neighborhood Commercial)
West ? RMF1 (Residential Multifamily 1)/HIST (Historic)/GC (Genral Commercial)
Reasonableness of Request The request is compatible with existing land uses.
School Impact No school impact.
Buffer Requiremnts
No side and rear buffer are required.
Attitude of Property Owners: Sixty Nine (69) property owners within 300 feet of the
subject properties were notified of the rezoning request. The Planning
Department received one email from an individual who is in support of the case.
He wants this site to be redeveloped so that it can improve the area. We also
had two citizens who attended the PAC meeting and expressed support for this
proposed redevelopment.
Additional Information: The purpose of this rezoning request is to rehabilitate the existing
building, which was uses as a school, to build 80 multifamily senior dwelling
units: 8-studio, 32-1 bed, 32-2 bed and 8-3 Bed.
The current zoning classification (RMF1) allows them to build multifamily
apartments but at a much lower density, 14.5 units per acre, compared to the
proposed zoning classification (RO) which allows for 43 units per acre.
The applicants are planning to provide a total of 108 parking spaces which is
under the requirement established in Section 4.3.11 of the UDO. They are
requesting the following conditions:
1. Allow for a reduction in the total amount of parking spaces required from
140 to 108 parking spaces, which is a 23% reduction.
2. Allow for a reduction in the minimum parking space dimensions form 9? x 20?
to 9? x 18?.
This property is also located within the Waverly Terrace Historic District, so
BHAR approval is needed before conducting the rehabilitation of this building.
Attachments: Aerial Land Use Map
Future Land-Use Map
Building Concept Drawing
Site Plan
Traffic Analysis