Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




DECEMBER 15, 2015

The regular weekly meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called

to order at 5:30 P.M., Tuesday, December 15, 2015, on the 2nd Floor of the

Citizens Service Center, located at 3111 Citizens Way, Columbus, Georgia

Honorable Teresa Tomlinson, Mayor and Honorable Evelyn Turner Pugh, Mayor Pro

Tem presiding.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Teresa Tomlinson were Councilors R. Gary

Allen, Mike Baker, Tom B. Buck III, Bruce Huff and Judy W. Thomas. City Manager

Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney Clifton Fay, Assistant City Attorney Lucy

Sheftall, Clerk of Council Tiny B. Washington and Deputy Clerk of Council

Lindsey Glisson were also present. Councilor Evelyn Woodson took her seat at

5:33 p.m. Councilors Jerry Barnes and Berry H. Henderson took their seats at

5:37 p.m. Councilor Glenn Davis took his seat at 5:38 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn

Turner Pugh took her seat at 6:19 p.m.

-------------------------------------------------------------*** ***


ABSENT: No one was absent.

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INVOCATION: Led by Reverend Dr. Shirley Redmond- Pastor of St. Matthew

Evangelical Lutheran


------------------------------------------------------------*** ***


PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by the students from St. Mary?s Road

Elementary School.


*** ***------------------------------------------------------------


In accordance with State law in order to establish a Tax Allocation

District, a second public hearing was held on Fort Benning?s Technology Park

Redevelopment Plan--Tax Allocation District Number 1.

The applicant was present in the audience, but didn?t make any comments

regarding this matter. City Attorney Fay asked if there were any questions of

the Council or if anyone in the audience wanted to be heard on this matter, but

there were none. He then pointed out that we have a corresponding resolution

that is listed on the City Manager?s Agenda, which can be brought forth at this

time if the Council so desires.

There was no objections in bringing this matter forward.

*** *** ***





A Resolution (352-15) ? By the Council of Columbus, Georgia to create

Columbus, Georgia Consolidated Government Tax Allocation District #1: Benning

Technology Park; to designate the boundaries of the redevelopment area and tax

allocation district; to establish the tax increment base and adopt a

redevelopment plan for the area; to establish the intent to issue and sell tax

allocation bonds as necessary to effectuate the redevelopment of the area; and

for other purposes.

After City Manager Hugley explained this resolution, he pointed out that

we have had two public hearings, as required by law, as well as some other

public hearings held outside of this Council Chambers; and there have been some

communication between the parties; therefore, having done all of those things,

in compliance with Georgia law, he would recommend that the TAD be approved by

this Council.

Councilor Woodson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Henderson.

Prior to the vote being called on the motion to adopt the resolution,

Councilor Davis said based on the matter of the ownership of the property now,

said once development takes place, he wants to know how is that going to

transfer, or who will the entity that will own the land or the buildings at

that point.

City Manager Hugley said this is private property and said they will come

to the Council with their project and said any buildings constructed on their

property will be their property. In response to further concerns of Councilor

Davis, as to who currently owns the property, City Manager Hugley said, as he

understands it the Flournoys owns the property.

Mayor Tomlinson said the Development Authority currently owns the

property. Councilor Davis then said that would be deemed non-profit property

and then asked who would own the facility after it is created, constructed and


Mr. Jeremy Brewer, in-house counsel for the Flournoy Development Company,

900 Brookstone Center Parkway came forward and stated that the land that

represents the majority of the acreage in the TAD; which we have been referring

to as the Benning Tech Park said it is not really clear as to who would own it

at the time it is developed and then operate it, but said the plan is to

currently have Flournoy Development Company or some affliliate entity; there

may be investors or lenders involved, but said it would be managed by Flournoy

Development Company in some capacity.

Discussion continued on this matter, with Mr. Brewer responding to further

questions of Councilor Davis.

Councilor Davis said he believes that there will be some complexity when

it comes to the financing of these requests and said there is a lot of

information that was submitted to the City for this TAD, which had a lot of

details. He said he think at some point in time, it will be in the best

interest of the City, to look into a third party; whether it is an accounting

firm or a consulting firm or even having a finance specialist on staff if this

is the direction that we are going, as a City, he thinks that they are going to

be needed at some point in time to analyze and go through all of this detailed

information. He said what he wanted to ask is the City ready in this budget

year, to support that kind of expertise to work in this area of supporting

these requests.

City Manager Hugley responding to questions and concerns of Councilor

Davis said that we do what we have to do, as in all cases. He said that we

have had the staff involved in this and said we know that it is new to us, as

well as new to you, but said we will work our way through this and call on the

resources that we need to make sure that we protect the interests of the City.

He said we will do whatever we have to do; therefore, it?s yes.

Councilor Davis asked if he could have the confidence in knowing that the

City is willing to support the necessary resources to support these requests

and back up these complex financial request and matter that is going to be put

before the City. City Manager Hugley so his response to that, is yes.

In response to a question of Councilor Woodson, City Manager Hugley said

we have stated that we are going to delay the Riverfront District TADs, which

there are three of them. He said we will bring them back in January

Discussions continued on this matter, with City Manager Hugley, Mr.

Brewer, and Mr. Bleakly responding to further questions and concerns of members

of the Council, and after more than thirty minutes of discussion on this

matter, the question was then called on the earlier motion, as stated above, to

adopt the resolution, which carried unanimously by those nine members of

Council present, with Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh being absent for the vote.

---------------------------------------------------------*** ***


Note: City Manager?s Agenda is continued below.

---------------------------------------------------------*** ***



City Attorney Fay pointed out that this is a continuation of a public

hearing that was held on the River District Redevelopment Plan--6th

Avenue/Liberty District, Uptown, and 2nd Avenue/City Village--Tax Allocation

Districts 2, 3 and 4.

He pointed out that Mr. Richard Bishop, CEO of Uptown Columbus is present

here in the audience tonight. He then asked if there was anyone else present in

the audience who wanted to be heard on this matter, but there were none. He

said there will be a notice for a hearing on the fourth Tuesday in January

2016, along with a vote at that time, by the Council, if they are ready to vote


Councilor Barnes said he believes that we need to continue this hearing,

as well as slow this process down. He said he thinks that the majority of the

citizens who are present here tonight in this Council Chambers are not even

familiar with what?s going on with this TAD. He said the ones who makes the

decisions on how monies are spent are our citizens, and said he don?t like the

fact that we are moving as fast as we are going. He said when he walks the

street there are people asking questions. He said we need to allow time for

public meetings so that the same information we are getting, the citizens can

also get because we are supposed to be responsive to what you want; not what we


Councilor Thomas said one of the things that we had talked about at the

last meeting about the River District TAD is that some of us had a concern

about the baseline for the tax and Mr. Bleakly said that he could put together

some language for us that would address and deal with that. She said she would

like to make the request that this be done as soon as possible. She said she

don?t want to wait until the Friday before the Council meeting to get that

information to us because she would like to have the opportunity to take a look

at it and ask questions about it.

Mr. Bleakly said there are basically three technical approaches to

accomplish what you are trying to accomplish; which is to make sure that

through the reassessment process that none of that changing value would accrue

to the TAD so that if assessment did occur in the River District area and went

up approximately five percent; that five percent would not go to the TAD, but

it would go to the City. He said they have an attorney working with them

looking at the best of those three alternatives.

He said during the first week of January, they will come back to the

Council with their recommendations for you and your staff to look at. He said

there are several ways to do it, and we are just trying to make sure that we

are doing it the logical way to deal with.

Mayor Tomlinson asked Mr. Bleakly to make sure that he gets that to our

legal counsel for them to take a look at that.

Councilor Huff said based on Councilor Thomas?s request, said that

Mr. Bleakly explained at our last meeting that there are certain laws and rules

to follow for putting TADs together correctly; therefore, he would like to

request that he (Bleakly) check for him the legal ramifications of the

Council?s request for that additional increment to come to us that year. He

said he want to see it in black and white, because if it is not legal, then it

could come back on the City.

Mr. Bleakly said there are three other cases of other cities in Georgia

that have similar policies; not for reassessment purposes, but said they did a

very similar thing, and said we are trying to get the one that we think is the

best fitting in terms of this reassessment process.

He said there are many examples where you have a pilot payment to the

school districts, but said this would be a payment to the Consolidated

Government and said we just wanted to make sure that we have the closest on

point example to that.

Councilor Huff said he wants to make sure according to Georgia Code, we

are legally doing it correctly.

Councilor Davis said in some of the past conversations that we have had,

he has shared his concerns about amending the boundaries of the Tax Allocation

Districts, and said as far as your clients go, we haven?t had any more

conversation on that; and then asked, where does your client stand on amending

the boundaries to the Tax Allocation District; specifically South Commons.

Mr. Bleakly said he would have to talk with the client about that,

because there has not been any more discussion on that. He said at this point,

the boundaries are totally open.

Mr. Richard Bishop, CEO of Uptown Columbus then came forward and said we

can have discussion with the representatives from the Liberty/Sixth Avenue

District. He then asked Councilor Davis if he has any specific areas that he

would like to have drawn in or drawn out.

Councilor Davis said just the South Commons area. He said it is City

land. He said at this point in time, he thinks it would be best to exclude that

because it is city land and it doesn?t really equate to the overall

participation in the district.

Mr. Bishop said there is one area down there in which he thinks is very

critical, which is the Tank Farms, but he would take the Councilor?s direction

in that regard. He said if there is an opportunity in the future where the City

gets possession of that, and you would like to go through some process of

getting it developed, he can almost assure you that you are going to need some


Mayor Tomlinson said since we have delayed this particular one until next

year, there will be an opportunity for Councilor Davis and Mr. Bishop to get

together and talk about the matter.

With there being no additional discussion on this public hearing, City

Attorney Fay then pointed out that this now concludes the discussion on both

public hearings on both Tax Allocation Districts and the Redevelopment plans on

this matter.

*** *** ***





City Manager Hugley then called Dr. James Worsley to come forward to give

an overview of the Aquatic Center situation that we have. He said we are not

asking for a vote on tonight, but this is just an update.


Dr. James Worsley came forward and said this is an update to continue

the conversation that we have been having over the last few months, as it

relates to the Aquatic Center. In his presentation, he presented the following

information, as outlined below.

Budget Review

How much can we afford?


Dr. Worsley said out of the $825,800 budget, $655,800 is for operations

and $170,000 are for utilities. He also responded to questions of the Council

regarding the projected revenues, as well as the various programming that are

planned for the Center.

After responding to those concerns, he continued with his presentation, as

outlined below.

Dr. Worsley then showed a chart comparing Company ?A? with the Parks and

Recreation Department and the cost to run Company ?A?, as compared to the cost

for the Parks & Recreation Department to run the Aquatics Center, as well as

the differences in the cost for the operations costs at 89 hours. He also

showed a comparison of both Company ?A? and the Parks & Recreation for the

operation costs at 56 hours, and 45 hours.

Expense Budget Comparisons

89 Hours Week 56 Hours Week 45 Hours


Company ?A? $1,267,047 $1,048,877 $825,000

Parks & Recreation $1,242,001 $1,025,500 $825,800

Difference $25,046 $23,377 ($800)

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said in the article that was in the newspaper

she was reading something in reference to the reduction in hours, and then

asked at what point would it do harm for the swim teams in Columbus.

Dr. Worsley said he think that any reductions in hours would do harm to

anyone that are there, because they are at a particular hour. He said he has

some information, as to what that would like look in a slide that he has

included in his presentation and will get to that momentarily, in terms of the


Councilor Henderson said whoever ends us managing this facility, he wants

it done so that it is made available to the broader spectrum of individuals. He

said when we built this, he didn?t envision it, as a big covered swimming pool,

but envisioned it, as a competition pool. He said he envisioned it as something

that would be a regional and maybe even a national draw for the City of

Columbus that would have ancillary income coming in through heads in beds and

people staying for tournaments.

He said he think the only way that we are going to be able to try to help the

people maintain the level of the programs that they have already established is

to try to come up with some kind of a joint effort; much like what has been

modeled with CYSA and CORTA.

He said he thinks that there needs to be some kind of Task Force or bring

some folk in to assist with that. He said he is not sure that the parents

really understands the dramatic situation that we are in with regards to the

funding. He said Dr. Worsley is doing an amazing job, but he don?t think that

they realize we are pulling people from other areas of the department to try to

cover this time and that they are working longer hours.

Councilor Henderson said he thinks the more we can talk to all of the

constituency involved and try to look for opportunities to bridge some gaps

with volunteerism; to identify some necessary times for them to be open. He

said the only time the kids can practice is either before school or in the

evenings. He said he thinks that we all need to reach out and get some

communication going.

Mayor Tomlinson said this proposal whatever it may be is going to hit our

budget, and said she thinks that we all would be very well advised to have a

Natatorium Operational Task Force.

Councilor Henderson said there is a healthy investment in Aquatics and

recreation in this community and said he thinks it is bigger even than what we

are looking at, the Natatorium.

Mayor Tomlinson then said she will take that as a referral and let?s talk

on tomorrow about how we can pull together an Operational Task Force that can

come back after the first of the year and have some more vetted proposal if

there are partnerships we can take advantage of for some of the operational


---------------------------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: Councilor Henderson left at this point in the proceedings, with

the time being 6:30 p.m.

---------------------------------------------------------*** ***


Discussions continued on the operation of the Natatorium, with members of

the Council expressing further views regarding this subject matter.

During the discussion on this matter, several referrals were made by

members of the Council, which are listed below.

Councilor Thomas said when this Task Force is put together, that we be

sure that we include someone from the School District?s swim teams. She said

their issues are a little different, and we want to make sure that they are

included. She said all of the high schools in town have swim teams and do

participate, but let?s make sure they are there. She said she thinks that we

can utilize some of the expertise of the Convention & Visitors; as they do

marketing. She said if we are not on their list of 52 things to do in Columbus,

Georgia, we ought to be on it. She said she thinks that they should also be

involved in this Task Force.

Dr. Worsley and City Manager Hugley also responded to questions of members

of the Council.

City Manager Hugley, in response to some comments made by the Mayor, said

that we will update the Council again on the second Tuesday in January and said

he thinks that we will bring the financial data with us so that you will know

whether or not that will get us through to the end of the fiscal year. He said

that is the question right now, but said we don?t have those numbers.

Councilor Davis asked, are we just having a general discussion on the

matter, or did we come here to make some decisions tonight. City Manager Hugley

said that this is the third update that we have presented to the Council; and

said that we are just talking right now, and as we have gotten some directions

from you; however, we will come back at the first of the year with some

additional information and determine where we can go from here. City Manager

Hugley said this matter is not on the agenda for a vote here tonight.

Dr. Worsley also responded to some concerns of the Council with respect to

marketing and a marketing plan.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said when you come up with your Task Force, one

of the things they need to make sure and keep up front and look at, is that

this was the brain child of Tom Black, who worked for the Bradley Turner

Foundation. She said this came about as a result of one of our Inter-City

visits. She said make sure that they keep that upfront, as we look at possible

sponsorships, and let?s use what we have in this community.

Councilor Woodson pointed out that the bottom line in this matter, is that

we need money. She said we need money to come in, and said the tough decision

we need to make, as to who will we allow to run the facility.

After more than an hour of discussion on this matter, this matter was


*** *** ***


Internal Auditor John Redmond came forward and provided the following

presentation on the Transition Audit of Community Reinvestment, and provided

the following information, as outlined below.

? Audit was requested by DCM Pamela Hodge and endorsed by CM Isaiah Hugley

? Approved by City Council on June 9, 2015


? City qualifies as an Entitlement Community as determined by U.S. Department

of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

? Each year, an allotment of funds from HUD is available to the City through

various programs designed to improve housing and reduce homelessness

? Community Reinvestment is the entity in the City responsible for

administering programs and funding


? Community Reinvestment applies for funding for programs that support the

City?s Master Plan and meet HUD criteria

? Programs/funding requests must be approved prior to application for funding

by City Council

? Programs may be administered in-house or contracted with an approved agency,

such as a Community Housing Development Organization


? Each program includes a funding component for both administration and the

work project

? The administrative component varies by program type ranging from 5% to 20%,

based on required involvement throughout the length of the project, from

determining participant eligibility, application, monitoring and conclusion

? Community Reinvestment has been in transition for the past 10 years


? Six leaders in past 10 years Gross, Riddle, McCollum, Carbajal, Arrington &


? Staffing reduced from 12 to 4 FTE?s during that time

? Projects have changed, but workload and funding allotments are very similar

? Terminating projects must continue to be monitored and closed as project

participation expires

Audit scope

? Transition audits occur to benchmark the state of a department or entity when

management changes

? Ensure a smooth handoff of assets and responsibilities

? Assess the status of on-going work projects and compliance with program


? Evaluate resources for successful continuity

Audit process

? Review each program; accomplished with a review of case files, interviews

with the staff member that administers the program, review of Annual Plan, and

past HUD evaluations

? Funding utilization efficiency

? Compliance with program requirements, including contractor compliance

? Allocation of funding between project and administration

HUD Audit Findings

? Past reviews from 2008-2010 reflected high scores with minimal deficiencies

and findings

? Recent reports from 2014-2015 reflected numerous deficiencies and several


? Reports noted that Community Reinvestment was ?Staffing Challenged?

? Findings require a rapid response of a corrective action plan to remedy the


Internal Audit Findings

? Program files were well documented at the application stage and at the

conclusion stage, while the monitoring and inspection stage documentation was

sparse to non-existent; consistent with HUD audit findings

In recent years, the administrative component was not retained to fund

administrative staff, but was used to fund additional projects within the


Internal Audit Findings

? Staffing reductions in Community Reinvestment far exceeded necessary budget

reductions during the period, much attributable to not capturing the

administrative funding

? Staffing reductions eliminated middle management and professional positions,

diminishing internal controls afforded by adequate separation of duties

? Management pro-actively identified two significant concerns during the audit:

? Unused funding from previous years, about to expire, was expended, enabling

the programs monies to be spent locally, rather than be reallocated by HUD to

other communities;

? Allowed the capture of administrative fees on the unspent funds

? Management noted that a major contractor had not recertified, which could

have caused significant harm to the City and the contractor. Ms. McCool got

involved and said the issue was quickly resolved by collaboration with the party

Audit Findings

? Community Reinvestment files of City-Owned properties did not contain all

needed information necessary to distinguish between properties of use to the

City and those that were no longer needed and could be sold. Sale of such

properties could provide cash flow to fund more urgent needs or reserves

Audit Recommendations

? Management needs to develop/update a strategic plan for Community

Reinvestment programs that support the City?s Master Plan.

? Community Reinvestment must respond to HUD Findings with an action plan to

remedy the deficiencies noted by their auditors.

? The Community Reinvestment Division should be restored to departmental status

and be adequately organized and staffed to satisfy the requirements of each


Audit Recommendations

? Community Reinvestment should ensure that all available funding is utilized

to the maximum benefit of the City and its citizens.

? The administrative fee component should be retained by the City to support

adequate staffing for each of the programs administered.

? The entity needs to ensure that any agency, contractor or CHDO is evaluated,

qualified and certified as necessary to be eligible for program funding before

projects and funding is approved.

Audit Recommendations

? Community Reinvestment should maintain a comprehensive inventory of all

city-owned properties including information as to how and why it was acquired,

initial and subsequent cost, location, zoning, current market value, plats,

photographs, and planned usage for the property by the City. If no usage is

planned, it should be included on the listing of City properties available for

sale at its Fair Market Value and actively marketed for its disposal. Disposal

will reduce cost of maintenance, risk of liability, and convert it to cash to

improve liquidity.

After the conclusion of Internal Auditor John Redmond?s presentation, City

Manager Hugley then responded to questions of members of the Council.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked City Manager Hugley when was

the department removed from departmental status. City Manager Hugley said this

current budget. He said this is the first year that it was not at a department

level position.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then asked City Manager Hugley if he is planning

on bringing this back before the Council, to which he stated that they are

going to take the auditor?s report and consider everything in it.

He said when we look at the money and we are clear that we have the money there

to support director status, and support staff; then, they will bring it back at

the next budget cycle. He said this is Federal money, where no City money is

involved. He said hiring Ms. McCool was a blessing and said she has been able

to work through some things that others have not been able to.

Internal Auditor said that Ms. McCool brought valuable experience to us

from her previous employer and said he would also like to commend the three

technicians who worked in the department who has been a valuable asset to the

department as well.

---------------------------------------------------------*** ***


MINUTES: Minutes of the September 22, October 13 & 27 and November 10, 2015

Executive Sessions of the Consolidated Government were submitted and approved

upon the adoption of a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh. Seconded by

Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council

present, with Councilors Buck and Henderson being absent for the vote.

---------------------------------------------------------*** ***






An Ordinance (15-60) ? Rezoning properties located at 1908, 1912, & 1916

Manchester Expressway from an NC (Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district to

GC (General Commercial) zoning district.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by

Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council

present, with Councilors Buck and Henderson being absent for the vote.

*** *** ***

An Ordinance (15-61) ? Amending the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2016

beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016 so as to appropriate and

account for the payment of legal fees and expenses provided to the Muscogee

County Sheriff in the case of Darr v. Columbus; and for other purposes.

Councilor Allen moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilor

Woodson and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council present, with

Councilors Buck and Henderson and being absent for the vote.

*** *** ***





A Resolution ? Proposing a Special Exception use for properties located at

3350, 3370, & 3380 Victory Drive to operate automobile sales less than 2 acres

but more than 0.5 acre. The property is located within the GC (General

Commercial) zoning district and is 1.92 acres in size.

*** *** ***



A Resolution (353-15) ? Requesting that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

establish flow targets for the middle and lower Chattahoochee River.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present, with Councilors Barnes, Buck and Henderson being absent for this vote.

--------------------------------------------------------------*** ***



City Attorney Fay said with time permitting at the adjournment of

tonight?s meeting, he would like to have an executive session to discuss a

personnel matter, a litigation matter, as well as a real estate acquisition and


----------------------------------------------------------*** ***




Mr. Charles S. Fullerton, who requested to be listed on tonight?s Public

Agenda, to speak to the issue of Flooding Roads called and cancelled his

scheduled appearance.

-----------------------------------------------------------*** ***






Mr. Jeff Meyer, Chief of the Columbus Fire/EMS Department came forward and

gave an update on the Burn Building Tower. He said several months ago they had

a meeting with John Hudgison, Project Manager for Fire Station 9 and The Burn

Building Project, Chief Lange, Moon Meeks and TWR Architects and informed them

that they had a problem with the soil conditions out at that site, and that

they were going to need somewhere in excess of $1 million to complete the

project. He said they were able to lower that price by 50 percent or more. In

making his presentation, the following information, as outlined below was

presented to the Council.



Burn Tower

Site Work Phase I (Clearing)

Site Work Phase II (Bldg Pad Development)

Site Work Phase III (Site Completion)

Concrete Footings

Control Room


Burn Props

The cost for the burn props is $310,703.00. The equipment purchased from these

funds are listed below:

1-Flashover/Rollover Prop

1-Wireless Control Pendant

1-Thermal Imaging System

2- Thermal Safety Cameras

2-Burn Rooms, 1-Car Fire Trainer

Delivery &Training

Burn Tower

? Burn Tower Building purchase documents were issued to WHP Towers in the

amount of $630,798.87.

? The building was delivered after Thanksgiving.

? Burn Tower Building consists of three sections.

? Section A- Five story Tower

? Section B- Two-story Residential/Industrial

? Section C- One story Annex

Site Work

? The site work for this project is estimated at $540,611. This is due to the

amount of work that is needed to get the site ready to build on.

? Site Work Phase I (Clearing) $ 21,946

? Site Work Phase II (BLDG Pad Development) $ 137,055

? Site Work Phase III (Site Completion) $ 381,610 $ 540,611

Concrete Footings

? The concrete footings for the burn tower is projected at $ 78,772.00

Control Room

? This is a structure, adjacent to the burn building will contain the controls

that operate the burn props. This structure will include a bathroom and small

storage space.

? Projected cost $214,903.

Funding Available

? The department was approved for $1,300,000.00 for the burn building & burn

props in the FY 16 Budget.

? Due to the additional site work, control room, concrete footings,

architectural design and building pad development the total project cost is

projected to be $1,834,287.87.

? After meeting with Assistant City Manager Pam Hodge we identified several

budgeted line items that could be utilized as available funding source.

? Lease funding for the fire trucks and ambulances ($510,000.00) that was

projected to be paid in FY 16 is not due until the FY 17.

? Salary Savings July through November $ 164,000.

Mr. John Hudgison then came forward and explained the drawing of the Burn

Building site to the Mayor and Council. He also responded to questions of

members of the Council.

Mr. Hudgison, as well as Fire Chief Meyer also responded to questions with

regards to the construction of the new fire station.

Mr. Hudgison also responded to questions of Councilor Davis, as it relates

to the geological testing that was previously done and the problems with the

soil testing.

Deputy City Manager Hodge also came forward and responded to some concerns

of Councilor Davis with regards to the funding for the project.

*** *** ***





RFP Process/Local Preference Update, Pam Hodge, Deputy City Manager

Travel, Schools and Conference Update, Pam Hodge, Deputy City Manager

*** *** ***



A Resolution (354-15) ? Authorizing the City Manager to execute a fourth

amended lease agreement for professional hockey at the Columbus Civic Center

with an initial term ending on September 30, 2020.

Councilor Woodson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor

Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present, with Councilors Barnes, Buck and Henderson being absent for the vote.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (355-15) ? Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an

agreement with FivePoint Solutions, LLC to allow electronic payment processing

of Juvenile Court fees.

Councilor Huff moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor

Woodson and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council present, with

Councilors Barnes, Buck and Henderson being absent for the vote.

*** *** ***



A Resolution (356-15) ? Authorizing payment to Tyler Technologies, Inc.,

(Dallas, TX), in the amount of $98,795.00, for the annual OASIS Maintenance

Support renewal, covering the period January 1, 2016 through December 31,

2016. Payment will be made in two installments in the amount of $49,397.50;

the first payment upon approval of this resolution, and the second payment

after July 1, 2016.

Councilor Allen moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present, with Councilors Barnes, Buck and Henderson being absent for the vote.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (357-15) ? Authorizing a one year contract for Pharmacy

Benefit Management Services with Express Scripts, Inc., a Delaware Corporation


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded

by Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present, with Councilors Barnes, Buck and Henderson being absent for the vote.

*** *** ***


Councilor Huff said there is a hole inside one of the telephone poles in

his district and said it is getting deeper; and we don?t know what?s causing

it. He said he will get with the City Manager on tomorrow and give him the

information and address to have someone to go out and take a look at it for


*** *** ***


Councilor Thomas said when she was looking at the information on the Parks

and Recreation Department, one of the questions that she had was the status of

their budget and said she went back on our agendas and said we have not had a

monthly budget report on the Agenda this fiscal year. She said that we are now

approaching the end of the sixth month for the fiscal year, and we have not had

any kind of report; therefore, she would like to request one at our January

meeting, with as much, into the fiscal year that we can go. She said she is not

sure why we are not doing those monthly reports.

City Manager Hugley said we will certainly do that. He said on Friday he

talked with the Deputy City Manager of Finance about this matter, and said we

will do it in January.

*** *** ***


Councilor Davis asked if we still have the work crews that go through the

court system on the weekend and go around the City and keep it clean.

City Manager Hugley said, yes we do. He said that Deputy City Manager

Goodwin, after the Thanksgiving holiday, we had people who had left trash out

because of miscommunication, or the lack of communication; we had them out all

over the City picking up paper on the City?s right-of-ways.

Councilor Davis said he would like to have someone to take a look at the

River Road Corridior from the Water Works facility to Mobley Road, to see if it

needs some assistance.

*** *** ***


Councilor Davis said he thinks that we need to have a discussion on this

issue that came before us not long ago, with the UDO Amendments, the detention

ponds. He said he is not hearing good things out in the community, as there

were several other things that came to his attention this past week, through

some civil engineers and others. He said there are a lot of concerns out there;

therefore, he thinks that we need to get everyone in a room and really

understand what we are doing here and discuss this matter.

City Manager Hugley said we heard you loud and clear when this matter was

first brought up and said that we had talked about bringing it back to this

meeting, but we later decided we would met with Developers, Builders and

Homeowners Associations and said those meetings are being scheduled.

He said what we are dealing with is a Federal requirement mandate, and has

nothing to do with the City except for enforcing it, as well as administering

it. He said it is a year off, but said our staff tried to get communication out

early so that the individuals it will effect would be at least thinking about

it and moving in that direction.

He said he had a conversation with Michael Burgess after our last meeting;

and said we are moving forward with scheduling those meetings and more

communications. He said as we do that, he wants everyone to know that we don?t

have any flexibility, as it is a Federal requirement.

Councilor Davis said he would like to recommend that if we can go to the

civil engineers and get them in a room and discuss this matter.

*** *** ***


Councilor Huff asked City Manager Hugley to check on a request that he

made a few months ago regarding the buffer zones in the Lexington Hills


-------------------------------------------------------*** ***





____ ______

(1) Memorandum from GMA, Re: Georgia Cities Week, April 17-23, 2016.




A Resolution (358-15) ? Excusing the absence of Councilor Berry Henderson

from the December 8,


Councilor Allen moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Baker and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present, with Councilors Barnes, Buck and Henderson being absent for the vote.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (359-15) ? Excusing the absence of Councilor Evelyn Woodson

from the December 8, 2015 Council Meeting.

Councilor Allen moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Baker and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present, with Councilors Barnes, Buck and Henderson being absent for the vote.

*** *** ***




Request from Ms. Judy Pearce to install an honorary bench at Cooper Creek

Tennis Center in honor of the late Ms. Jaimie Briggs Deloach.

Councilor Allen made a motion that this matter be approved. Seconded by

Councilor Baker and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present, with Councilors Barnes, Buck and Henderson being absent for the vote.

*** *** ***





Board of Health, August 26, September 23 & October 28, 2015.

Board of Tax Assessors, 41-15.

Columbus Ironworks Convention & Trade Center Authority, October 22,


Councilor Allen made a motion that these minutes be received. Seconded by

Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present, with Councilors Barnes, Buck and Henderson being absent for the vote.



Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the Veterinary Association is

recommending Dr. Scott McDermott to serve another term of office, as their

representative on the Animal Control Advisory Board. She then asked for a

motion for confirmation. Councilor Allen so moved. Seconded by Council Baker

and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council present, with

Councilors Barnes, Buck and Henderson being absent for this vote.

*** *** ***




Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the seats of Mr. Jong Yoon,

Mr. Vincent Sneed, Mr. Pedro Diaz-Agosto, and Ms. Mary Renteria on the

C.I.R.C.L. E. has been declared vacant. She further pointed out that the

Council will need to nominate someone for these three seats.

Councilor Thomas encouraged anyone who is interested in serving on this

board, to please contact the Mayor?s office.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Ms. Toni Nelson Huff has been

nominated to succeed Ms. Tamika N. Luttrell, and Ms. Barbara Story Jones has

been nominated to succeed Mr. Samuel C. Rumer and that they may now both be

confirmed. Councilor Allen so moved. Seconded by Councilor Baker and carried

unanimously by those seven members of Council present, with Councilors Barnes,

Buck and Henderson being absent for this vote.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the term of office of Mr.

Gerald Wyatt will expire on December 31, 2015, but he is not eligible to

succeed himself for another term of office; therefore, the Council will need to

nominate someone else for this position.

Councilor Huff nominated Mr. Torrance Goodwin to fill this seat. Clerk of

Council Washington said she would bring this back at the next meeting for the

Council?s confirmation.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Dr. Robert S. Johnson, who

represents Council District 2, and Ms. Tracy Belt, who represents Council

District 7, and Ms. Jennifer Collins, who represents Council District 8 have

all resigned from their seats on the Recreation Advisory Board and that the

district Councilors are working on a replacement for these three seats.

She further pointed out that Mr. Todd Stanfill, who represented the

Muscogee County School District, seat will also need to be filled.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that we are still working to get

another replacement for someone to fill the unexpired term of the late Mr.

Billy Craft, who served as a taxicab driver on the Taxicab Commission.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the terms of office of Mr.

William Consoletti, Mr. Chris Coakley, and Mr. Steve Smith, on the Tree Board

will expire on December 31, 2015.

She further pointed out that Mr. Consoletti is also eligible to succeed

himself for another term of office, but we haven?t heard from him as to whether

or not he would like to continue to serve. She also pointed out that Mr.

Coakley and Mr. Smith are not eligible to succeed themselves.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the term of office of Mr.

Fred Green on the Uptown Fa?ade Board expired back in October and that we are

waiting to hear back from Uptown Columbus on their recommendation for someone

to succeed Mr. Green, as he is not eligible to succeed himself for another term

of office.

*** *** ***


Mayor Tomlinson entertained a motion to go into executive session to

discuss a Real Estate matter, litigation matter, as well as a personnel

matter. Councilor Allen made a motion to go into executive session. Seconded

by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present, with Councilors Barnes, Buck and Henderson being absent for the vote.

At 8:20 p.m., the Council adjourned its meeting to go into executive

session. At 8:46 p.m., the meeting was reconvened.

Mayor Tomlinson pointed out that the Council did meet in an executive

session to discuss a personal, litigation and land acquisition, but said there

were no votes taken.

*** *** ***




A Resolution (356-15) ? Authorizing the City Attorney and the Finance

Director to make payment of $90,000 to settle all damage claims of Samuel

Henderson stemming from a METRA bus accident which occurred on August 6, 2012.

The City Attorney and Finance Director or their representatives are authorized

to execute all appropriate settlement documents to this effect.

*** *** ***

With there being no other business to come before the Council, Councilor

Allen made a motion for adjournment. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried

unanimously by those seven members of Council present, with Councilors Barnes,

Buck and Henderson being absent for the vote, with the time being 8:47 p.m.

Tiny B. Washington, MMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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