Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

DECEMBER 12, 2005

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners of

Columbus, Georgia was held at the office of the Columbus Water Works on Monday,

December 12, 2005, at 1:30 p.m., the following Commissioners being present:

Kathelen Amos, Chairperson

Leon Siegel, Treasurer via Telephone

James Yancey

Harry Vernon

Absent: Mayor Robert Poydasheff

Receipt of the Minutes of the November 14, 2005, meeting was

acknowledged by the Board approved as written.

Management recognized Sherwood Lockhart, Sr., an employee of the

Columbus Water Works. He was asked to attend the meeting so that the Board

could recognize him upon his retirement. Mr. Lockhart has served 15 years

with the Water Works. The following resolution was presented as follows:

A Resolution

Whereas, Sherwood Lockhart, Sr. has been an employee of the Columbus

Board of Water Commissioners since August, 1990, is retiring; and,

Whereas, Sherwood Lockhart, Sr. has served in the capacity of

Coordinator in the System Services Department with the Columbus Water Works;


Whereas, Sherwood Lockhart, Sr. has performed in an outstanding and

productive manner throughout his fifteen years of service;

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Board of Water Commissioners of

the City of Columbus, Georgia, on behalf of all the people of the City, hereby

publicly expresses appreciation and heartfelt thanks to Sherwood Lockhart, Sr.

for his diligent and faithful service on behalf of the Columbus Water Works;


Be It Further Resolved that this resolution be spread upon the official

minutes of this Board this twelfth day of December, 2005, and that the

Secretary of this Board be directed to furnish copies of this resolution to the

said Sherwood Lockhart. Sr. and to the Clerk of Council of Columbus, Georgia.

_________________________________ ______________________________



_________________________________ ______________________________


Following the reading and presentation of the above resolution to Mr.

Lockhart, motion was made and seconded to adopt the resolution. Motion


The Financial Report for the month of November including Ft. Benning,

along with the Meter Reading, Employee and Customer Services? Reports, were

presented to the Board. Following discussion, motion was made and seconded to

accept the reports. Motion carried.

Management gave an update on the City Council?s acknowledgement of the

public hearing held on November 29, 2005. The public hearing was conducted

regarding the proposed changes in the water and wastewater rate fees. At the

hearing Mr. Turner and Mr. George Raftelis made a presentation entitled ?CWW

Public Hearing Fiscal Year 2006 Rate Update? to Council and the public.

At the public hearing there was one citizen to appear before Council.

Mr. Jim Rhodes had a question regarding the Water Works? operating and capital

reserves. After his question was answered, Mr. Rhodes indicated that he did

not agree with the rate increase. Since there were no other request to speak,

the public hearing was closed.

In addition to the rate change, the Water Works? proposed a fee

increase for handling septic and grease waste. In 2004 the Georgia State

Legislature required the implementation of a manifest system for commercial

waste haulers and servicing utilities. Currently, the Water Works has a

comprehensive manifest system in place, but no fees. The manifest system has

specific requirements for the hauler to include disclosure of location,

quantity and type of waste being conveyed to the utility. Management stated

that there was an annual fee of $250 paid by the hauler for the first truck,

plus $100 for each additional truck.

Management used a Power Point slide to show the Water Works? experience

from the year 2000 to year-to-date. The Water Works receives hauled septic,

grease and miscellaneous industrial waste from eight counties, plus

Columbus-Muscogee and Ft. Benning at our Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Currently, the Water Works does not have any agreements with any other county

or organization, but in the 2004 contract with Ft. Benning the Water Works did

agree to receive their septic waste.

At this time, Mr. Turner advised the Board that the Water Works has not

been charging for septic tank and grease waste which is hauled to our treatment

plant. He stated that it was not fair to our other customers to not have a

charge for the receipt of grease and septic tank waste. Essentially what is

being charged is the same fee as if this waste were put in the pipeline and

sent to the plant, which is not any different from our existing industrial

customers. Mr. Turner referred to a slide to show how this charge is

calculated based on the higher strength waste that comes in the septic tank and

grease vehicles. He advised that we have taken the current industrial waste

fee and calculated the increase strength waste then added the volume charge for

a 1,000 gallon tanker. See the Tables below for the basis for the charge:

Table 2

Septic Waste

(1,000 gallons)

Pollutant Type Average


Mg/L 1


Limit mg/L













$ 5.15








Oil & Grease






$ 4.42

Total Surcharges $ 20.05

Volume Charge for 1,000


$ 4.02

Septic Waste Total Charge per 1,000 gallons $ 24.07

Table 3

Grease (FOG) Waste

(1,000 gallons)

Pollutant Type Average


Mg/L 3


Limit mg/L





















Oil & Grease







Total Surcharges $ 34.28

Volume Charge for 1,000


$ 4.02

Grease waste total charges per 1,000 gallons $38.30


BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand

TSS: Total Suspended Solids

1 ? Based on EPA Handbook

2 ? CWW current surcharge rates

3 ? Based on CWW analysis

Based on the above, the Columbus Water Works plans to implement the

following charges per 1,000 gallons for septic, grease (FOG) and related waste

on January 1, 2006.

Septic Grease (FOG)

Inside Muscogee $25 $40

Outside Muscogee 50 80

Following a lengthy discussion on the septic and grease fees, Mr.

Turner also presented the following Resolution to the Board for their approval

on the new water and sewer rate increase for bills rendered on or after January

3, 2006.


WHEREAS, a thorough study and evaluation was made of the water and

sewer system facilities in 2001-02 resulting in the adoption by the Board of a

five and ten year Capital Improvement Plan in July 2002, and

WHEREAS, in 2001-02, with the assistance of a consultant, Raftelis

Financial, Inc., a comprehensive financial assessment of the Columbus Water

Works was performed which led the Columbus Board of Water Commissioners by

Resolution dated November 11, 2002 to adopt a five year water and sewer rate

plan, and

WHEREAS, the Board did direct, as part of that process, that an annual

review of Columbus Water Works? financial condition be conducted and any

necessary adjustment to the proposed rates be identified, and

WHEREAS, at its regularly scheduled meeting on November 14, 2005 the

Board did receive the Columbus Water Works annual Financial Audit performed by

Fountain, Arrington, Bass, Mercer and Lee and examine said financial review

performed by Raftelis Financial and directed the staff and financial consultant

to conduct a public hearing at City Council on November 29, 2005, and

WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed Columbus Water Works? Annual Audit, the

FY2006 Rate Update Report and a record of the aforementioned public hearing;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the recommendations contained in the

financial review entitled FY 2006 RATE UPDATE dated November 14, 2005 be hereby

adopted, as well as the fees for Septic and Grease Waste and become effective

for all water use initially included in bills rendered on or after January 3,

2006, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Columbus Board of Water Commissioners

will continue the practice of making an annual review of the planned rate

program and make any necessary adjustment.















Following discussion, motion was made and seconded to adopt the above

Resolution regarding the 2006 water and sewer rate increase along with the

septic and grease waste fees. Motion carried.

Next, Management presented the following holiday schedule for the

Columbus Water Works:

Christmas Holiday (Observed) ? December 26th ? Closed

New Year?s Holiday (Observed) ? January 2nd ? Closed

The Board approved the holiday schedule.

Management advised the Board that during the past year the Water Works

has experienced several sanitary sewer overflows within the collection

system. On September 20, 2005, the Water Works received a consent order from

the Environmental Protection Division regarding five overflows which occurred

between February 23, 2005 and September 19, 2005. The consent order contained

three conditions for the Water Works response.

1. Provide SOPs (standard operating procedure) that minimize contractor caused


2. Provide a plan to reduce I/I in Bull Creek basin.

3. Pay the Georgia EPD $56,000 for February 23rd, March 31st, June 14th and

September 19th overflows as listed below:

Date Location Cause Gallons % of Total

Assessment Portion

Feb 23 1442 Belfast Ave Debris 7,342 0.2354 $ 131.82

Mar 31 Austell Drive Rain 2.2 million 70.5277 $ 39,495.51

June 14 Upstream SCWRF Const error 900,000 28.8522 $16,157.23

July 27 Cargo Drive Hurricane 1.2 million - No Charge

Sept 19 Business Park Dr Rocks 12,000 0.3847 $ 215.43

Management informed the Board that the staff is working with CH2M Hill

on a Bull Creek Basin CIP project, addressing the collection system via smoke

testing and evaluation in order to develop cost effective methods to reduce

inflow/infiltration which reduces the sewer capacity during wet weather.

Following discussion, Management asked the Board for approval to pay the

$56,000 payment to the EPD from the contingency line item in the budget.

Motion was made and seconded authorizing Management to make payment to EPD.

Motion carried.

Management advised the Board that Mr. Turner submitted an annual report

to Garrison Commander, Colonel Riera, recognizing some of the high points of

the Water Works? first year of contract services with Ft. Benning. He also

advised that it was critical to move forward with the recently initiated BRAC

studies to address the water supply and the wastewater capacity issue.

The Water Works is proposing to provide a secondary water main

interconnection to the Sand Hill area resolving supply and low water pressure

issues. This connection will be provided in the current contract at no added

cost to Ft. Benning. The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management informed the Board that on November 17, 2005, the Water

Works staff responded to the Unified Government of Cusseta-Chattahoochee

County?s (UGCC) counter proposal regarding sewer service. At this time, the

Water Works is awaiting UGCC?s reply; however, a newspaper article suggests

that they have decided to build their own system.

Next, Management gave an update on the progress being made on the six

strategic plans. Listed below are the six major strategies of what they mean

and what return is expected from the investment of the effort needed to

implement the strategy.

Strategy One: Enhance Customer Satisfaction

What it means: Return on effort:

? Customer needs are being met. Customers will have confidence in CWW,

? Interactions are a pleasant experience will support the organization and will

for the customer. support the financial plan to generate

? Doing business with CWW is easy for required revenue.

the customer.

? CWW understands and acts on

customer expectations.

? Customers understand all facets of

operations and services of CWW.

Strategy Two: Strengthen Regional Economic Potential

What it means: Return on effort:

? CWW will be the organization that is The region will benefit economically by

looked at to provide information, utilizing the leadership and infrastructure

leadership, and service on water that can be shared in partnership with

issues. CWW.

? The region will benefit from the

infrastructure and capacity of the

CWW system to remove unnecessary

duplication of facilities.

? CWW will provide a positive influence

on the development of legislation

and regulations.

Strategy Three: Leverage Information Technology

What it means: Return on effort:

? Computerized systems and The efficiency and effectiveness of

technology will be made available operational and employee activities will

throughout the organization in an be increased.

efficient and effective way.

? Technology costs will be maintained

at the lowest level that will still support

the business processes.

? Information Technology will be secure

and reliable.

Strategy Four: Optimize Infrastructure Performance

What it means: Return on effort:

? Customer requirements and Existing and future customers will be

environmental compliance provided reliable service at the lowest

requirements will be met. feasible cost.

? Life-cycle costs of infrastructure

and operations will be as low as

feasibly possible.

? The capability to serve existing

customers and to accommodate

future growth will be maintained.

Strategy Five: Develop Sustainable Workforce

What it means: Return on effort:

? The personal and professional A knowledgeable workforce will be

development of employees will be maintained and future leadership will

supported. developed.

? The organization will retain the

cumulative knowledge of employees.

? Employee compensation, benefits,

and safety will be maintained at an

optimum level.

Strategy Six: Maintain Financial Stability

What it means: Return on effort:

? Operate on a balanced budget. A financially stable organization.

? Maintain sound financial planning

and management practices.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

In its final order of business, President Turner provided copies of

letters thanking members of the staff for their participation and services

provided from various organizations and individuals. The Board acknowledged

Management?s Report.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


Emory E. Blount, Secretary


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