Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

September 14, 2015

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners of

Columbus, Georgia was held at the office of the Columbus Water Works on Monday,

September 14, 2015, at 1:30 p.m., the following Commissioners being present:

Carole Rutland, Chair

Karl Douglass, Treasurer

Reynolds Bickerstaff

Mayor Teresa Tomlinson

Absent: Sanders Griffith

Receipt of the Minutes of the regular meeting on August 10, 2015, was

acknowledged by the Board and approved as written.

The Financial Report for the month of August including Ft. Benning was

provided to the Board. Motion was made and seconded to approve the report.

Motion carried.

John Peebles gave a brief presentation on the Isle Technology Approval

Group (TAG).

What is TAG?

? TAG is a global innovation forum of the world?s leading water utilities.

o Europe, North America, Brazil, Singapore, and Australia

? TAG accelerates the market uptake of ?step-change? technologies by engaging

the industry during pre-commercial stages of development.

? Isle TAG has been operating in the U.S. market since 2011, and has grown to

include over 40 utility members participating in six functional U.S. Tag Groups:

o U.S. Water TAG (Southern California)

o U.S. Waste Water TAG (Southern California)

o U.S. NorCal TAG (Northern California)

o U.S. South East TAG (FL, GA, Carolinas)

o U.S. North East TAG (NY, PA, MA, DC)

o U.S. Ohio Valley TAG (OH, KY, IN)

o U.S. Texas TAG

Why TAG?

? With regulatory standards becoming more stringent, and with increasing

pressure on capital budgets and rising operational costs, it is clear the

adoption of new technological solutions is vital to a sustainable future in the

water industry.

? TAG helps technology developers find suitable partners who can help

accelerate the development and commercialization of early stage technologies.

How does TAG work?

? Isle is constantly searching for new technologies

o not restrained by geography

o includes ?cutting edge? innovation developed in other sectors

? Isle validates and screens technologies through due diligence

o must demonstrate a ?step-change? benefit over competing solutions

o meets needs or challenges identified by utility members in prior workshops

? Isle presents a list of potential technologies to utility members prior to

the TAG meeting for members to vote on their top five.

? At the TAG meetings, member utilities receive pitches from 5 technologies

selected based on the voting.

? The technology developer is typically seeking feedback or field trial



? After attending meetings in Southern California, CWW joined as a founding

member of the Southeast TAG which now has seven utility members.

o Alexandria Renew Enterprises

o City of Atlanta

o Charleston Water System

o Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities

o Columbus Water Works

o Mount Pleasant Waterworks

o Toho Water Authority

? Since joining in 2013, CWW has attended eight TAG meetings:

o 3 in Atlanta

o 3 in Charlotte

o 1 in Kissimmee (Toho)

o 1 in Charleston

? and been exposed to 40 new technologies in the categories of:

o Energy Generation and Efficiency

o Water Quality and Monitoring

o Condition Assessment & Leakage

o Asset Renewals, Assessment & Management

o Operations and Intelligent Networks

o Sludge Management

o Water and Wastewater Treatment

TAG Technologies ? CWW has pursued further

? ZAPS LiquID ? real-time broad spectrum water quality analyzer ? implemented


? Sedar? ? decision support analytics ? investigating use for fire flow testing

at Ft. Benning

? Emrgy Hydro ? power generation from plant flows ? pilot in Atlanta -

identified potential location at SCWRF

? Arisdyne ? controlled flow cavitation to increase methane gas yield and

reduce sludge ? pilot in Columbus, OH

? Envirologics ? pipe cleaning ? potential use in pipe cleaning and lining CIP

? Quasar Energy Group ? co-digestion for increased biogas production ? CBFT3


? Alga Enterprises ? removing ammonia from wastewater ? interest letter to

support pilot in Australia

? PW Tech Screw Press ? piloted at NCWRF

? InfoSense ? sewer line rapid assessment tool (SL-RAT) ? Field Services piloted

? Received further information on several other technologies

? TAG Technology Database ?

? CWW will host the next TAG meeting Thursday, September 17th in the

Chattahoochee Room.

The Board acknowledged Mr. Peebles? report.

Jeremy Cummings gave a brief update to the Board on the I&I Abatement

Program outlined below:

I & I Abatement History

? In 2009, Columbus recorded 80.6? of rainfall which is the highest annual

rainfall recorded in 130 years. The average rainfall is 48.6? for Columbus.

Forty-one counties in Central and South Georgia were declared disaster areas by

the Governor?s office.

? January 2009-December 2009, CWW reported 68 sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs)

to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD).

? Fifty-three of the 68 SSOs were caused by excessive rainfall events.

? As a result of these spills, the EPD issued CWW a Consent Order with the

requirements listed below:


? Complete the Rehabilitation of the Bruce Street Sanitary Sewer Project by May

30, 2011. Completed on February 22, 2011.

? Complete the Rehabilitation of the Exeter Court Lift Station Project by May

30, 2011. Completed on March 8, 2011.

? Initiate the Sewer System Capacity Evaluation (SSES) Program by July 30,

2011. Completed on May 11, 2011.

? Complete the Flatrock Creek Sanitary Sewer Relief Project by January 30,

2012. Completed on December 6, 2011.

? Complete the entire Collection System Assessment Evaluation and submit to EPD

the Collection System Assessment Report by January 30, 2013. Completed and

submitted to EPD on December 14, 2012.

? Complete the Weracoba Creek Basin (89.4 miles) SSES and repairs by April 30,

2014. Completed on June 25, 2013.

? Complete the Lower Lake Oliver Basin (19.1 miles) SSES and repairs by

November 30, 2014. Completed on January 27, 2014.

? Complete the Main Post/Ft. Benning Basin (48.3 miles) SSES and repairs by

June 30, 2016. SSES completed on July 10, 2013. Repair work is currently

underway. All CIPP work is complete and open cut replacement work is 70%

complete. We do not foresee any challenges meeting the deadline.

? Complete the Lindsey Creek Basin (123.5 miles) SSES and repairs by June 30,

2017. SSES completed in April 2014. Repair work is currently underway on the

12 basins that were identified to be major I&I contributors. Nine of the 12

basins have been smoke tested and three are scheduled to be smoke tested. We

do not foresee any challenges meeting the deadline.

? Submit a progress report to EPD on December 31st and June 30th of each year

for each action listed above. Progress report was submitted to EPD on June 22,


The Board acknowledged Mr. Cummings? report.

Kevin White advised the Board that the Columbus Housing Authority has requested

CWW to waive the Sewer Availability Fee (SAF) for the Booker T. Washington

Housing Revitalization Phase II Project. The Board approved SAF waiver for

Phase I on September 8, 2014.

Phase II Construction Plan

? A total of 106 units will be constructed

? 91 unites will be low income

? The Housing Authority is requesting CWW waive the Sewer Availability Fee

(SAF) for the low-income units, which equates to a 96% SAF waiver,

? The SAFs for this phase of the development are $40,000; therefore, the waiver

would be $34,400.

? Staff requests Board approval to waive the Sewer Availability Fee for the

Booker T. Washington Revitalization Phase II Project.

Motion was made and seconded authorizing Management to waive the Sewer

Availability Fee for the Booker T. Washington Revitalization Phase II Project

in the amount of $34,400. Motion carried.

Kevin White presented the following project for the Board?s approval:

Fort Benning Smart Meter Phase II

? Army Directive 2014-10 Advanced Metering of Utilities (AMU) ? This directive

will give Fort Benning the capability to better manage its natural resources by

metering all utilities. The directive requires that a minimum of 60% of all

utilities are metered by 2020.

? Phase I of this project included installing 36 meters ranging in size from 2?

to 8?.

? Phase II will consist of installing 70 meters.

? Project plans and specifications were prepared by Barge, Wagoner, Sumner and


? The following bids were received on August 27, 2015:

Contractor Bid Amount

Whitfield Contracting, LLC $538,282.00

Crawford Grading and Pipeline $564,470.00

Gordy Construction Company $662,377.00

? The engineer?s estimate was $558,650.00. The engineer has reviewed and

tabulated the bids and recommends contract award to Whitfield Contracting, LLC

as the low bidder at the bid price of $538,282.00 (Funded via Fort Benning

Contract Modification).

? Staff requests Board approval to award the Fort Benning Smart Meter Phase II

Project to Whitfield Contracting, LLC at the bid price of $538,282.00.

Motion was made and seconded to award the contract to Whitfield Contracting,

LLC at the bid price of $538,282.00 for the Fort Benning Smart Meter Phase II

Project. Motion carried.

Adriann Deering gave the following report to the Board on the Residential

Grease Recycling and Pharmaceutical Event that took place on August 8, 2015.

Results and Participation

Grease & Oil Pharmaceuticals Participants

Date Amount of Gallons Date Pounds Collected

Nov. 28, 2011 185 April 23, 2011 203 52

Aug. 11, 2012 300 April 28, 2012 506 119

Jan. 12, 2013 400 Jan. 12, 2013 475 194

Aug. 3, 2013 497 Aug. 3, 2013 478 249

Jan. 11, 2014 330 Jan. 11, 2014 435 286

Aug. 2, 2014 275 Aug. 2, 2014 540 311

Jan. 10, 2015 310 Jan. 10, 2015 469 418

Aug. 8, 2015 350 Aug. 8, 2015 597 342

Surveyed participates - How did you hear about the event?

Advertising Method

TV 172

Bill Insert 104

Newspaper/Other 58

CWW Website 8

Current Drop-Off Locations Started July, 2014

1335 Alexander Street

? July ? December 2014 ? 228 Gallons

? January ? August 2015 ? 652 Gallons

3001 South Lumpkin Road

? July ? December 2014 ? 28 Gallons

? January ? August 2015 ? 312 Gallons

September 18, 2015 ? Six Additional Drop-Off Locations

1. Corner of 45th Street and 2nd Avenue

2. John Rigdon Park, 6800 Psalmond Road

3. South Commons CSO, Lumpkin Boulevard

4. Corner of Lindsay Drive and Glenwood Drive

5. Corner of Buena Vista Road and Higgs Drive

6. Frank Chester Park, 1441 Benning Road

The next scheduled Grease Recycling and Pharmaceutical Disposal Event will be

held on Saturday, January 9, 2016.

The Board acknowledged Ms. Deering?s report.

President Davis provided the following items of information to the


? Gwen Russell received a thank you note from Terri Parodi, Director of

Volunteers with United Way, for her efforts and encouraging co-workers to

participate in ?Stuff the Bus? so that school children would have the tools

they need to succeed in school.

? Gwen Russell and CWW staff received a thank you note from Dawn Grantham,

Principal of Richards Middle School, for their appreciation for the teaching

supplies that were presented in CWW?s name to teachers who were the winners in

a team building activity at Hollywood Connection.

The following Division Reports were provided to the Board as information:

? Customer Service Report

? Meter Maintenance Report

? Engineering Report

? Field Services Report

? Information Services, Environmental Compliance and WQM Report

? Communication, Security, Community/Corporate Events Report

? Strategic Planning and Employee Services Report

? Water Resource Operations and Managed Maintenance Report

There was no discussion.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


Emory E. Blount, Secretary


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