Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members


REGULAR MEETING - 2:00 P.M. ? September 1, 2010

A regular meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals was held Wednesday, September

1, 2010, at 2:00 P.M., on the First Floor of the Columbus Consolidated

Government Annex Building located at 420 10th Street.

Members Present: Mr. Wright Wade

Mr. Perry Borom

Mr. Ray Brinegar, III

Mr. Bill Hart

Mr. Tom Moore

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Mark McCollum (Representing

Uptown Fa?ade Board)

Also present representing the Inspections and Code Enforcement Department were

Danny Cargill, Secretary of the Board, and Ms. Jacqueline Goodwin, Acting

Recording Secretary.

Call To Order:

The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by Mr. Wright Wade, Chairperson.



Mr. Billy White, River Signs, LLC, representing Wells Fargo, appeared before

the Board to request a variance from the zoning ordinance for 101 13th Street,

to appeal the Decision of the Uptown Fa?ade Board, to install three internally

illuminated channel letter signs to the east, north and west wall facades of

the building. The property is zoned CRD.

Mr. White stated that River Signs have contracted with AGI for conversion of

the six Wachovia Banks in Columbus to Wells Fargo. We have almost completed

with everything except 13th Street conversion. We began this process on

February 8, 2010 applying for a sign permit, which we should have gone first to

the Fa?ade Board. We have been with the Fa?ade Board in approximately four

meetings, one in which there was not a quorum. We have gotten down to the

final things that Wells Fargo feels would be important for their presence in

Columbus. We had a large sign package for approval by the Fa?ade Board, and

they have approved a couple of changes along the way. We are down to one

single issue, and that is being able to illuminate lights to three building

signs. As you know, the Wachovia Bank is located right across from SunTrust

Bank, and now there are four signs on the sides of the building. The Fa?ade

Board has approved replacement and lighting of the sign on 13th Street, which

was lighted previously, but on the three other sides, the east, north and west,

they have denied illuminating those three signs. The purpose of this appeal is

to get approval for us to illuminate those three signs. (Mr. White presented

pictures to the Board of the signage in the area.)

Mr. White further stated that the big issue with Wells Fargo is that the 13th

Street location is directly across the street from SunTrust Bank. SunTrust has

lettering on four sides of their building directly across the street from Wells

Fargo. SunTrust has 4 feet lighted channeled lettering with message center,

and on the east and west side are similar lighted signs. Only the signs on the

south side are not lighted, but they are there. In this competitive banking

environment, we should have equal opportunity. Also, the channeled letters on

the SunTrust bank building were installed in 1995. At that time those lighted

channeled letters and message center were approved by the Fa?ade Board. We are

trying to get similar approval for Wells Fargo sign.

Mr. Wade pointed out that basically from the pictures presented to the Board,

the CB&T Bank and SunTrust Bank have the lighted signs, and Wells Fargo does

not have lighted signs.

Mr. White stated that the signage of the CB&T is lesser (smaller) than

SunTrust. SunTrust Bank signs stand out as being dominant along the 13th

Street corridor. The Wells Fargo letterings are smaller. The front sign that

was approved to be lighted is only 30 inch channel letters. The two sides that

we are trying to get approved are also 30 inch, and across the street they are

48 inch channel letters and message center.

Mr. Borom stated that this was issued to SunTrust and not Wells Fargo. As it

stands today, to my understanding, there are no lighted signs downtown.

Mr. White stated that they, SunTrust signs, are very much lighted.

Mr. Borom pointed out that those signs are ?grandfathered in?. Those signs

were approved in 1995, and your request is for 2010.

Mr. Chris Stubbs, District Manager for Wells Fargo, stated that from a retail

standpoint, we are trying to save consumers money and have been bragging we

want our customers to use the ATM machine downtown we don?t want them paying

unnecessary fees going to another bank. From a community standpoint, we have

added a number of staffing in the local area and in these tough economic times,

most banks have a hiring freeze, but we have added about 50 staffing in town.

Quite frankly, we have had one of our affiliates to lay off and we took those

employees in adding an additional six to our staffing within recent weeks.

From a gross standpoint, Wells Fargo believes in giving back to the community.

That stagecoach has a 150 plus year legacy.

Mr. Borom expressed that he understands, but what you are asking is to overrule

what the Uptown Fa?ade Board has decided under the current ordinance. It would

be hard for me to do that.

Mr. White stated that the Fa?ade Board was placed with regulations in 1987, and

at this time in 1995 the Fa?ade Board chose to overrule all regulations. The

precedent has been set to approve lighted signs on 13th Street.

Mr. Wade stated that he needed to interrupt as it was stated that, ?the

precedent has been set?. I can assure you that banking rules have changed

since 1995. The rules have changed and the new Unified Development Ordinance

was adopted in 2005. I agree with you in that this took place 15 years ago,

but if the Board votes to uphold the Building Official?s Decision that the next

place would be to Council.

Mr. Cargill pointed out that if the Board upholds the Decision of the Uptown

Fa?ade Board, then they can appeal to Council. Sign ordinance appeals go to


Mr. Wade further stated that if they go to Council, contact Ms. Tiny

Washington, Clerk of Council to be placed on the Council agenda.

Ms. Michelle Curren, AGI Sign Company for Wells Fargo, stated that we need to

keep the customers we have, and attract new customers. I have not been down to

this area, but when I look at the pictures, all I see is SunTrust. It took me

several times to see Wachovia (Wells Fargo). From a competitive standpoint,

that is the issue I see, being that Wells Fargo is a new brand in the area.

Wells Fargo is more popular on the west coast, and how can we be competitive

and thrive here.

Mr. Brinegar expressed that the only thing the Board can vote on is that the

Building Official read the rule incorrectly, and made an incorrect decision.

We cannot vote on whether we appreciate what you are doing and that it is a

good idea. We can vote to say that he read the rule wrong and made the wrong

choice. Agreeing with you or not, I have to vote on this.

Mr. McCollum stated that for clarification, the appeal process for the Uptown

Fa?ade Board is to this Board, and pending that ruling is to Georgia State


Mr. Cargill pointed out that all signs maybe appealed from the Board of Zoning

Appeals to Council.

Mr. Hart stated that I want to be clear on the issue of precedence, which it is

not based on the current UDO, but is based on the former ordinance.

After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Borom moved to deny the appeal and uphold the

Decision of the Uptown Fa?ade Board. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hart, and

carried unanimously.


Mr. Joel F. Stuart, appeared before the Board to request a variance from the

zoning ordinance for 9932 Veterans Parkway, to increase the sign height from 6

feet allowed to 11 feet shown, and increase the square footage from 36 square

feet allowed to 64 square feet shown. The property is zoned GC.

Mr. Stuart stated that the company name is Saddle Tack and Feed. I am told

that I am a part of the Overlay District that covers Veterans Parkway from the

Williams Road intersection to the county line. I am a new business of about

three months, and I am trying to come into compliance with rules that I was not

aware of in leasing the building, nor did the lease company or sign company

knew of these rules. The sign was installed on an existing pole. The new sign

and new art work are not in compliance. Essentially, I am asking to return

near the former signs that were currently there when I leased the building.

The sign you see is an existing sign that has been made already and mounted on

the existing posts. In the pictures, there is a portable sign which has since

been removed, which we (also the sign company) were not aware that portable

signs were not allowed in the Overlay District. Part of the request of the

variance was to put a reader board back on the existing post, which will do two

things; (1) increase the sign height which is currently allowed at 6 feet, and

(2) give us more square footage of sign than is currently allowed. The

existing sign is basically the correct size of square footage, and the new

reader that I am requesting is over the limit. The reason for the request is

(1) visibility for a new business, and (2) the reader board request (the

portable sign) was good for business as being able to post a message, sales,


Mr. Wade asked if the current sign was 11 feet to the top.

Mr. Stuart replied no, and regardless of the outcome of the appeal, the top of

the poles will have to cut off because they extend well past the height of the

sign. The 11 feet that I am asking for would be just above the current height

of the sign.

Mr. Moore asked Mr. Stuart if he wanted to put the reader board above this

existing sign.

Mr. Stuart replied that the reader board would go below the existing sign.

Mr. Wade stated that it was mentioned about the portable sign, and are you not

to obtain a permit.

Mr. Cargill replied that we (Inspections & Code) do not permit locations for

portable signs. We only permit the signs. The Veterans Park Overlay prohibits

portable signs.

Mr. Stuart stated that he did pay for a permit, and it was refunded.

There was no opposition present for this appeal.

After a brief discussion, Mr. Hart moved to grant the request based on no

opposition, the appellant is replacing an existing sign frame, and it is rural

property. The motion was seconded by Mr. Moore, and carried unanimously.

CASE NO. BZA-8-10-4782--TABLED

Mr. Lamar Beck, Goo Goo Car Wash, appeared before the Board to request a

variance from the zoning ordinance for 5415 Whitesville Road, to appeal the

Decision of the Building Official that 1) flappers, 2) banners attached to

canopy, and 3) banners on pole are not allowed per the Unified Development

Ordinance, Section 4.4.4 Exempt Signs, and Section 4.4.5 Prohibited Signs. The

property is zoned GC.

Mr. Beck stated that we built a new location on Whitesville Road which has a

full service section. When we had the grand opening, I placed signs on poles

and pennants. I knew after the grand opening I would have to take them down,

but the sign inspector visited our location before I could take them down. The

sign with the logo is our trademark and we have been using it for years at all

our locations. We have taken the banners and pennants down, but I would very

much to keep what we have at that location. That particular location on

Whitesville Road has been a wonderful store for us, but it is sort of a unique

location. The signs that you see on the plans are approximately 150 feet from

the right of way. I have an easement in front of the property to feed into

Walgreen?s Pharmacy. None of the signs are trying to capture the traffic.

They are on our property to generate sales to customers entering the car wash.

Some of those signs have been up 20 to 30 years.

Mr. Wade pointed out that the Board has allowed some of the apartment complexes

to place banners but they were limited to a timeframe.

Mr. Hart asked if the signs he was speaking of were the ?free air freshener

sign? and pole mounted signs, which are further over on his property.

Mr. Beck pointed out that one of the signs are approximately 250 feet from the

right of way.

Mr. Moore stated that since the signs have been used for years, would this have

been a change to the Unified Development Ordinance in 2005.

Mr. Cargill stated that he would have research that information.

Mr. Beck stated that the first phase of that particular car wash was in 2003,

and the new phase was opened about three months ago.

There was no opposition present for this appeal.

After a brief discussion, Mr. Hart moved to grant the request based on no

opposition, appellant is approximately 250 feet plus from the right of way, and

pre existing for forty years. There was not a second to the motion. Being

that no action was taken by the Board, the case was tabled until the next

regular meeting of October 6, 2010.


Mr. Shaun Weinstock, Southeast Gold Buyers, appeared before the Board to

appeal the Decision of the Building Official for 5415 Veterans Parkway, that

sign walker signs are not authorized as exempt from permitting or otherwise

specifically authorized by Section 4.4.5 Prohibited Signs. The property is

zoned GC.

Mr. Weinstock stated that all we do is buy gold from the general public and

sell it to a refinery. We don?t sell anything nor are we classified as a pawn

shop. We have forty-two locations in Georgia. We are here for a variance for

a sign spinner, which in essence, is an individual holding a 3 foot cardboard

sign which states, ?We Buy Gold? with an arrow pointing to our location. If

you notice on the pictures, we are a four-sided brick building, which makes it

difficult to know when we are open, specifically on the weekends, because there

is no glass except for the front door. My understanding is that a variance can

be granted for extraordinary hardships, which I don?t think we fall under for

practical difficulties. It is certainly difficult trying to succeed during

this economy. It is a proven trend across our 42 stores, that when we have

sign spinners in place, we actually generate 65 percent more business. We did

not know that sign spinners were not allowed. To give you an idea before we

were notified by the sign inspector, in the sixteen days that we were open

without a sign spinner we did $2,400.00, and the fifteen days that we had a

sign spinner, we generated $9,946.00. There is an awesome significance there.

It is a proven formula, and we don?t do it every day. The amount of business

without a sign spinner probably would be inadequate to cover the expense of

employee cost and advertising, etc. When we looked into having a sign spinner,

apparently just the way it was termed, and hiring the individual that we have

who handles our business licenses and sign ordinances, which we call them sign

locations for our sign spinners, misinterpreted the situation.

Mr. Wade pointed out that the City of Columbus does need the additional revenue.

Mr. Cargill expressed that for the Board?s information, the words ?sign

spinner? is a relative new term in the sign industry. What brought the

attention to this sign was not the fact that he was on his property holding the

sign, but he was out in the median on Veterans Parkway. This Board can not

approve a sign on the right of way. He already has an existing ground sign on

this site. He is not allowed two signs.

Mr. Weinstock stated that our premises end at that line where B. F. Goodrich is

next to us.

Mr. Cargill stated that the median is in the road, and also the property in

front of your property from Veterans Parkway to your building is also right of

way. That sign is most likely on the right of way. That right of way can be

anywhere, on an average, from 9 ? feet to 14 ? feet behind the curb line. That

is city right of way, and you are not allowed to advertise on that piece of

property. Again, being that ?spin spinner? is a new term in the sign industry,

it is not identified in the sign ordinance. Based on the sign ordinance, it is

a prohibited sign.

Mr. Wade asked that from what has been stated, he can have one sign on property.

Mr. Cargill replied that is correct for one ground sign.

Mr. Borom asked that because it is a sign spinner, it is not covered.

Mr. Cargill replied that is correct, and because it is not identified, it is


Mr. Wade asked if he could take down the existing sign now and place it in the

back of the building, and then have the sign spinner.

Mr. Cargill replied that he is still only allowed one ground sign. The sign

spinner could be considered a ground sign.

Mr. Hart stated that he presently has four signs. Two of them on the building.

Mr. Cargill pointed out that the two signs on the building do not count,

because we do not require a permit for wall signs. He has a power line sign

and a sign spinner.

Mr. Moore stated that he could take the sign down, and do this legally.

Mr. Cargill expressed that he could, if he fell within the guidelines of what

the sign ordinance allows for GC property.

There was no opposition present for this appeal.

After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Borom moved to deny the appeal request, and

uphold the Decision of the Building Official, that a sign spinner is not

covered in the sign ordinance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brinegar, and

carried unanimously.


Mr. George Mize, Jr., representing Glenridge Development and Mr. John Rhodes,

Foresite Group, appeared before the Board to appeal the Decision of the

Building Official for 4531 Peek Industrial Drive, to increase the parking

spaces from 53 spaces allowed to 61 spaces shown, and a to wave the landscaping

and curbing requirements for four islands in the parking lot. The property is

zoned NC.

Mr. Mize stated that we are primarily concerned about the increase in the

parking spaces, but there is a second part to our request. First, is an

increase of the parking spaces of the proposed development on the east of the

intersection of Miller Road and Warm Springs Road, and Peek Industrial from 53

spaces to 61 spaces. Secondly, we are also seeking a variance for the Board to

wave the landscaping and curbing requirements for certain parking islands that

adjoin the building in or located next to the drive-thru as indicated on the

site plan. Attached to that are copies of pictures of how those non landscape

parking curbing islands will look. We don?t know how that was left out, but we

would like to go through our spill for your consideration. Obviously, the

reason we are requesting support of the additional parking is primarily for

safety reasons. The additional parking will enable the customers to park on

site within the property and not on public right of way. It will make the

parking lot less congestive, which will make it safer for customers. Also, it

should leave fewer vehicular accidents within the parking lot itself. Another

reason for the increase in parking is good old fashion customer service and


Mr. Mize further stated that additional parking is going to be required for the

number of customers that this particular project will generate based upon

marketing and business studies CVS has done over the years. They believe that

additional parking is necessary to provide the CVS customers with the

convenience and unclouded access that they have come to want and need.

Additional parking will enhance the service and satisfaction of the customers

that enables CVS to better compete with the large box retailers and the grocery

chains that have in-store pharmacy. As far as the waving of the landscaping and

curbing requirements for the parking islands, that has really become the new

CVS prototype. CVS primary concern in this request is two-fold. First and

foremost is safety. With the non landscape curb less parking islands that are

around the building improve the customers access by removing pedestrian

obstruction. What you have is an unobstructed level pathway from the cars to

the front of the building. What we have found is that this reduces the number

of injuries and accidents you have from customers tripping over the curbing and

landscaping that is contained in these parking islands. In addition, we have

horrible maintenance issues with these parking islands.

Mr. Wade asked Mr. Cargill if the Board granted their request and some of the

islands are eliminated that looks like a tree should have been there, would

this lower the requirements for the tree ordinance.

Mr. Mize replied that their request is to fully comply with the tree

ordinance. We are asking that we shift whatever the units in these islands to

other parts of the property. We have plenty of greenspace to do that.

Mr. Hart asked if not the parking spaces are based on the square footage of

covered area, and are they not minimum.

Mr. Mize stated that they are not minimum. We do have the opportunity to ask

the Board to increase the parking spaces.

Mr. Cargill pointed out that the zoning ordinance prior to the Unified

Development Ordinance addressed parking as a minimum requirement. You were

given a number that you had to meet, and there was not a maximum. The UDO, in

order to eliminate a vast parking lot, established a number for parking spaces;

which is based on the square footage of the building. The use determined the

amount of parking spaces, and that we could increase it administratively by ten


There was no opposition present for this appeal.

After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Moore moved to grant the appeal request based

on no opposition, and there is the discrepancy in the UDO where one section

gives an increase of 10 percent, and another section states 10 to 25 percent

increase. Also, eliminate the curbing requirements for the four islands.

The motion was seconded by Mr. Borom, and carried unanimously.


Mr. Earnest and Mrs. Linda Alexander appeared before the Board to request a

variance from the zoning ordinance for 2901 Gleason Avenue, to reduce the side

yard setback requirement from 8 feet required to 4.5 feet shown, and increase

the lot coverage from 35% allowed to 49.23% shown for an addition to a single

family residence. The property is zoned SFR3.

Mr. Alexander stated that they were pressed for space. They have been in the

neighborhood for over 40 years. We decided to remain in the neighborhood after

rearing our children. I feel the addition would enhance and show support of

the neighborhood. Therefore, we are asking the Board to grant us to extend more

footage to our home. I want to build a garage in order for my wife to drive to

the rear of the house and park the car. Because of the drugs in the

neighborhood, sometimes she is afraid to get out of the car.

After a brief discussion, Mr. Hart moved to grant the appeal request based on

the fact that there would be a minimal overage of lot coverage, and no

opposition. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brinegar and carried unanimously.


The minutes of the regular meeting of August 4, 2010 was presented for approval

as written.

Mr. Moore moved to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of August 4,

2010. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brinegar, and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned

at 3:30 p.m.

Wright Wade William L. Duck, Jr.

Chairperson Secretary

Perry Borom Danny Cargill

Vice Chairperson Acting Secretary


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