Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members







Columbus Consolidated Government

Columbus Consolidated Government

2013 PROPOSED Legislative Agenda

November 30, 2012



The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting legislation to exercise

redevelopment powers under Chapter 44 of Title 36 of the Official Code of

Georgia annotated and authorize that a referendum be held on a date as

determined by the governing authority of Columbus, Georgia. (Requested by

Uptown Columbus and Chamber of Commerce)

Explanation: Approval would allow voters to decide whether Columbus will be

authorized to use this tool to encourage development and financing

redevelopment in redevelopment areas or districts that have not been subject to

growth and development through private enterprise and would not reasonably be

anticipated to be developed without the approval of the redevelopment plan to

improve property values, reduce poverty, reduce unemployment, relieve general

distress and blight, and to relieve a substantial lack of economic

development. Such districts may also include one or more natural, historical,

or cultural assets which have not been adequately preserved, protected, or

improved without the approval of the redevelopment powers tool (the improvement

of the area is likely to enhance the value of a substantial portion of the

other real property in the district).


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting legislation to amend the

Columbus Charter to make minor corrections and revisions as recommended by the

Charter Review Commission without referendum. Carryover from 2012 Session

(Recommended by Charter Review Commission.) (Did not pass by end of 2012

Session, please reintroduce this year.)


Sec. 1-100. Consolidation of city and county; creation of consolidated

governments; name.

? All areas of Muscogee County outside of Bibb City and the? Bibb City

no longer exists but is mentioned numerous times in this section (Strike Bibb

City throughout where mentioned).

Sec. 1-103. Taxing districts. (2) ?Notice of time, place and date of

such hearing shall be published in one (1) or more newspapers of general

circulation including that with the largest circulation in Muscogee County?

(Strike Muscogee County and replace with Columbus, Georgia).


The Columbus Consolidated Government (CCG) is requesting an amendment to the

Columbus Charter so as to revise Section 4-610 of the Columbus Charter

pertaining to the powers, duties and composition of the Personnel Review Board

without Referendum, so as to reflect the current function of the Personnel

Review Board. The functions proposed for deletion are currently performed by

officials and Departments of the CCG, outside consultants, and in some

instances, the Council itself. (Requested by Mayor)

Explanation/Examples: The proposed revisions will remove certain duties of

the Personnel Review Board, which are currently performed by Council, other

departments and officials of Columbus.

Sec. 4-610. - Personnel review board.


The personnel review board shall make recommendations on personnel rules and

regulations; hear appeals from employees under procedures established by

ordinance of the Council pertaining to classification, reclassification and

allocation of positions within the merit service; hear appeals from significant

disciplinary actions; investigate conditions of employment in the service of

the consolidated government and report thereon at least annually to the

Council; and perform such other functions and duties as may be required by



Pursuant to the authority of Code Section 36-1-21 of the O.C.G.A., the

personnel review board shall hear appeals by employees of elected county

officers and employees of other commissions, boards, or bodies of the county

when said county officers or commissions or boards or bodies make written

application for the inclusion of their employees in the merit system of the

consolidated government, and such appeals shall be heard under the provisions

of the Columbus Personnel Regulations or under such other provisions as may be

ordained by the Council.


The personnel review board shall consist of five (5) regular members and five

(5) alternate members. Each alternate member shall be designated as the

alternate for a particular regular member. In the absence of any regular

member, the alternate so designated for his or her place shall sit as a

substitute for said absent member and shall be empowered to act as a regular

member until such time as the proceedings begun in the absence of the regular

member are concluded.


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting legislation to allow

counties or consolidated governments with a frozen homestead value or base year

homestead value pursuant to local constitutional amendment or local legislation

to consider other factors besides ?distress sale, short sales, bank sale, or

sale at public auction? in determining fair market value for the ?next taxable

year? under O.C.G. A. Section 48-5-2 (3). (Requested by Councilor Barnes)

Explanation: We have a case currently in the Georgia Supreme Court. The way

O.C.G.A. Section 48-5-2(3) is currently written, we will lose revenue over the

years if we have to freeze values at distressed sales, which can be as much or

as less than 50% of what it has been valued in the past. If the Georgia

Supreme Court rules that we have to use all sales as the frozen value, the

proposal in the 2013 legislation will be greatly needed. Also, this places a

burden on all other taxpayers. Maybe our delegation can get the other counties

with similar situations to join with them.


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting the delegation support

legislation to restore full funding to our public schools. (Request as a

result of a meeting between Muscogee County School Board/MCSB Chair, Muscogee

County School District/MCSD Superintendent, Mayor and City Manager)

Explanation: The MCSD has experienced a reduction in State Quality Basic

Education (QBE) allotment due to austerity cuts over the past 11 years totaling

$119.5 million. Over the past three years, austerity cuts have totaled $20.5

million in FY11, $24 million in FY12 and $24.1 million in FY13. Additionally,

the changes to the State Equalization Funding Formula have significantly

decreased funding by $5.1 million in FY12 and $2.5 million in FY13. MCSD total

FY13 State funding level is below the FY06 State funding level. These

reductions severely limit the school district?s ability to conduct its core

business ? the educating of K-12 students. We are requesting that you please

support any effort to restore Austerity and/or Equalization funding.


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting that the local delegation

consider repealing the law concerning all of the documentations that is

required for an individual to renew their drivers? license. (Requested by

Councilor McDaniel ? 7/10/12)

Explanation: This law is putting a tremendous burden on citizens with the new

law requiring individuals to have a certified birth certificate, a social

security card and two sets of evidence to show where they live.


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting legislation to require a

conference including the Superior Court Judge, District Attorney and Public

Defender after a period of six months from the date of preliminary hearing for

any pretrial detainee without a jury trial date scheduled. (Requested by

Councilor Barnes.)

Explanation: The time period is too long from the detainee?s initial

appearance in Recorder?s Court to a subsequent court trial date.


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting the delegation support

legislation to create the Joint Study Committee on Specialty Tier Drugs with an

Advisory Task Force required to report on the effects of Specialty Tier Drugs

and cost-sharing, including coinsurance impact on enrollees; and for purpose of

evaluating its disease, minority and economic discriminatory practices; and to

support legislation to make such drugs more affordable for all Georgians. We

ask for a twenty-four month (24) moratorium on current out ?of-pocket expenses

for all health insurance plans in Georgia. (Requested by Councilor Barnes)

Explanation: Traditional prescription drug benefit plans included

well-established multi-tiered drug formulary structures. Typically, generic

drugs are placed in the first tier with preferred brand name drugs in the

second tier and non-preferred brand drugs in the third tier. Specialty Tiers

involve fourth or greater tiers where such prescriptions typically do not have

a generic equivalent and are very expensive to manufacture with special storage

and administration requirements. Prescription drugs in Specialty Tiers may

include injectable or infused biological agents and are often used to treat

conditions such as Hemophilia, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus,

Cancers, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and other rare,

chronic conditions. These are cutting-edge drugs that do not have generic

equivalents. Specialty Tiers require a patient to pay a coinsurance currently

ranging from twenty to almost fifty percent (20-50%) of the drugs? cost.

In Georgia, insurance companies are implementing Specialty Tier categories.

Georgia has an opportunity to join 19 other states that are moving forward with

legislation to support transparency of prescription coverage protecting

patients? full access to Specialty Tier drugs without financial devastation.


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting the delegation support

legislation to make two amendments to the Secondary Metal Recyclers Act

contained at O.C.G.A. Sections 10-1-350 et seq. as follows: (Requested by the

Copper Theft Task Force)


To amend O.C.G.A. ?10-1-355 to allow metal recyclers to make cash payments not

to exceed $50.00 for regulated metal property.

To amend O.C.G.A. ?10-1-356 to reinstate the the criminal charge of ?Prohibited

Acts, False Statement of Ownership? which was contained in that code section

prior to the 2012 amendments made by HB 872.


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting the state take necessary

steps to ensure the full collection and timely remittance of all sales and use

taxes due to the state and to local governments, whether such steps include

additional funding for the Department of Revenue for audits and compliance

purposes, privatizing sales tax collections or allowing local governments to

collect and audit local sales taxes locally. (Carry over 2010/11)(Requested by

Pam Hodge, Finance Director)



1. Require the Department of Revenue to collect data showing sales tax

collections in cities;

2. Fully capture all data, whether electronically or manually filed;

3. Require the Department of Revenue to share sales tax data for collections

within municipal boundaries;

4. To the extent required to protect taxpayers, support confidentiality and

privacy of information shared with cities;

5. Support efforts to increase audits to ensure compliance; and,

6. Allow for more timely remittance of sales tax dollars to local governments.


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting that the delegation take

necessary steps to incorporate changes to the 2010 Regional Transportation

Sales Tax as follows: (River Valley Regional Commission Region-Approved by

voters July 31, 2012)

(Requested by Mayor)


Oppose any changes to the Transportation Investment Act of 2010 that would

negatively impact the regions that passed the T-SPLOST referendum.

Oppose any efforts to redirect transportation funds away from the regions that

passed the T-SPLOST referendum.


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting legislation recommending the

state take necessary steps to fund an adolescent residential treatment facility

in Muscogee County. (Requested by Mary Bode, Juvenile Court).

Explanation: Currently, there is a need in the community for a residential

substance abuse treatment facility for adolescents. In 2006, Alchemy

Residential Treatment Facility operated by New Horizons Community Service Board

was closed. The Muscogee County Juvenile Drug Court participants that are in

need of a higher level of treatment are being placed in DHR facilities

throughout the state of Georgia. Recently, four DHR facilities have closed

limiting placement resources for the Muscogee County Juvenile Drug Court.

These existing DHR placements require transportation and participants receive

minimal family engagement in the treatment process due to the distance of the

placement locations. Drug Court Staff also travel weekly to treatment

facilities to conduct intakes, discharges and treatment progress meetings. A

facility located in Columbus, Georgia would benefit the community by reducing

travel expenses and will assist with staff utilization more efficiently. This

will also enable the youth to remain enrolled in the Muscogee County School


with less academic disruption. The Muscogee County Juvenile Drug Court

continues to strive to enhance services for substance abusing adolescents and

this need being met will assist in increasing staff and family engagement both

in the treatment and re-entry processes.


The Administrative Office of the Courts has opined that an act of the Georgia

General Assembly is necessary for the creation of a recorder?s court technology

feet. Therefore, this Council desires that the local legislative delegation

introduce local legislation at the 2013 Session of the Georgia General Assembly

to authorize assessment of a technology fee/court cost in the Recorder?s Court

of Columbus, Georgia. (Requested by Recorder?s Court Administrator/Judge


Explanation: Recorder?s Court provides citizens of Muscogee County with fair

and impartial justice, promote public safety, enhance public trust and

confidence, and safeguard the constitutional rights of all who appears in this

court. In accomplishing this mission, a court technology fee is being

requested in order to provide better services by purchasing supplies, equipment

and technology to operate the court such as an Eticketing System, card reader

and creation and operation of an online payment system.


14. HOTEL TAX: Background from the Lodging Tax Primer developed by The

international Society of Hotel Association Executives (ISHAE) Lodging Tax Task

Force, in collaboration with the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA):

Hotel/motel tax was originally created so that local governments would not have

to bear the full burden of the cost of marketing to attract travelers. Through

their contract with a Convention & Visitors Bureau, Chamber or other non-profit

501c6, a municipality invests in marketing their entire geographic area and all

of its assets as a destination for leisure and business travelers. Hotel/motel

tax revenue should not be diverted to non-tourism related purposes.

Explanation: The Columbus Convention & Visitors Bureau supports monitoring and

oversight of hotel/motel tax law, including changes or modifications to the

existing tax code and the creation of new convention & visitors? bureaus;

continued clarification in the code that defines the acceptable uses of the

Georgia Hotel/Motel Tax and protects funding for destination marketing.

THE LOCAL GROWTH BILL: Background: Enabling legislation that would allow local

communities to pass a fraction of a penny sales tax for economic development

and the arts. The Local Growth Bill is sponsored by Rep. Ron Stephens

(R-Savannah) and many bi-partisan co-sponsors.

Explanation: The Columbus Convention & Visitors Bureau supports the ?Local

Growth Bill.?

Georgia Tourism Development Act: The law allows tax incentives for eligible

tourism development projects. However, no rules have been written addressing

how to designate tourism projects for the tax credit, leaving the state unable

to administer the program. Currently there are several projects on hold until

this tax credit program is implemented.

Explanation: The Columbus Convention & Visitors Bureau supports efforts to

ensure that the Georgia Tourism Development Act is enacted, resulting in

economic growth for our state.



The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting legislation recommending the

state take necessary steps to fund the Juvenile Drug Court Administrator

position. (Request of Councilor Davis 5/31/12).

Mary Bode requested this item not be listed for the following reasons:

Regarding Councilman Davis' request regarding funding the Juvenile Drug Court

Coordinator Position:

The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council has awarded the Muscogee County

Juvenile Drug Court a grant in the amount of $38,000. This grant will fund the

position from October 1, 2012-June 30, 2013. The Muscogee County Juvenile Drug

Court is requesting that this position be a city-funded position along with the

other staff positions under the drug court and that funds from the State be

allocated for treatment and programming.


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting the local delegation to take

all action necessary to ensure that the police training facility remains in

Columbus, GA. (Requested by Councilor Allen ? 5/21/12 at a Council Budget

Review Committee Meeting)



Explanation: The contract has been signed regarding the Police Training

Facility and it will not be moving to Georgetown.

The state of Georgia?s Mandate Academy, for the region, is located on the

campus of the Columbus State University Campus. All newly hired law

enforcement officers must attend, and graduate from a 400 hour course of study

sponsored by the state of Georgia in order to become certified as a law

enforcement officer in the state of Georgia.

The Columbus Police Department and this area are the largest users of the local

academy. If the facility is moved from Columbus, we will have to increase the

local budget to include travel, lodging, and meals for academy attendees.


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting that the state delegation

takes necessary action to introduce/support legislation to increase 911 fees

from $1.50 to $2.50 for telephone landlines and wireless from $1.00 to $2.50.

Explanation: The E911 Revenue from landlines and wireless does not support

the operation of the E911 Center. The E911 operation has been subsidized by

the General Fund and Other Local Option Sales Tax Fund in the current fiscal

year and previous fiscal years. The loss of the number of landlines due to

customers eliminating this service directly reduces the revenue generated to

support this critical function.

Mayor Tomlinson has been appointed by the Governor to serve on the

9-1-1 System Modernization and Balance Funding Model Commission to study and

make recommendations on updating 9-1-1 funding model to reflect current and

evolving technology.


The CCG is requesting the state delegation support legislation to amend

O.C.G.A. Section 36-12-5 so as to define the term ?indigent? and to specify a

state agency to determine ?indigence? for purpose of burial of ?indigent?

persons; and to include ?cremation? along with ?decent interment.? (Request of

Councilor Barnes)

Explanation: At the current time, state law does not define ?indigent?. The

inclusion of a definition would provide guidance in applying the law.


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