The ANIMAL CONTROL ADVISORY BOARD met TUESDAY, May 16, 2006, at 2:00 P.M. in
the Public Services Building.
Tom Bryan Patricia Holt-Dunn Dr. Nonie Eakle
Jean McKee Cynthia Maisano Gail Simpson
Kathy MCCarley Rufus Riggs Virginia Norman
Penny Leigh Short Drale Short
Officer Jeffrey Gibson
Officer Brandon Wright
Rufus Riggs called the meeting to order at 2:12 P.M.
Rufus Riggs presented the minutes of the last meeting; Jean McKee moved they be
approved as written; Penny Leigh Short seconded; approval was unanimous.
Rufus Riggs discussed with the board the ?Potentially Dangerous/Dangerous? Dog
Rufus Riggs called for the Dangerous Dog Hearing ? Monica Miles.
Rufus Riggs asked the victim (Margaret Rucker) to tell the board of her
incident with Ms. Miles dogs.
Ms. Rucker stated both dogs came into her yard barking and snapping at her. She
said at first they only got her pants leg but came at her again and bit her.
She also said the owner came running to get the dogs.
Ms. Rucker informed the board that the dogs are out often and how a neighbor
had to take a rake to the dogs to keep them from fighting other dogs.
The board had no more question for Ms. Rucker; Rufus Riggs released her.
Monica Miles & John Sanders both came in for the hearing.
Rufus Riggs asked who owned the dogs.
They replied that both of them owned the dogs.
Rufus Riggs stated that they were notified that the dogs were classified and
asked how they allowed the dogs to get out and bite again.
Monica Miles stated that her 13-year-old daughter was walking the dogs and the
chain got tangled.
The board discussed, with Ms. Miles and Mr. Sanders, the history of bites, what
was being done to make sure they would not bite again and the possibility of
spay and neuter.
Drale Short asked if an adult was always at home with the dogs.
Monica Miles stated that she was a housewife and is always there.
Rufus Riggs also discussed the possibility that the male dog could be
classified ?Dangerous? because he bit after being classified ?Potentially
Rufus Riggs asked Ms. Miles and Mr. Sanders to step out while the board goes
into deliberation.
The board discussed the incidents, questions asked and the owner?s responses
and agreed unanimous that the female (Queen) be classified ?Potentially
Dangerous? and the male (BomBay) be classified ?Dangerous? to become effective
Rufus Riggs informed the owners of the board?s decision. He instructed the
Animal Control Officers to pick up the male dog and to hold until he is in
Tom Bryan handed out some literature on ordinances of other states. He asked
the board to study them and maybe adopt some of them into our ordinances.
Rufus Riggs suggested a workshop and the board agreed to set up a workshop in
the next few weeks.
Tom Bryan adjourned the meeting at 3:10
May 18, 2006
Tom Bryan, Chairman
Sylvia Bennett, Recording Secretary
C: Clerk of Council
ACAB Member
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