Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




JULY 30, 2013

The regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called to

order at 9:04 A.M., Tuesday, July 30, 2013, in the Council Chambers, Second

Floor of City Services Center, 3111 Citizens Way, Columbus, Georgia. Honorable

Teresa Pike Tomlinson, Mayor presiding.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Tomlinson and Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner

Pugh were Councilors R. Gary Allen, Mike Baker, Jerry ?Pops? Barnes, Glenn

Davis, Berry Henderson and Judy W. Thomas. Councilor Bruce Huff arrived at

9:08 a.m. City Manager Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney Clifton Fay, Clerk of

Council Tiny B. Washington and Deputy Clerk of Council Sandra Davis were also


*** *** ***

ABSENT: Councilor Charles E. McDaniel, Jr. and Evelyn Woodson were absent.

*** *** ***

INVOCATION: Offered by Captain Kokeram, Chaplain ? 198th Infantry, 258th

Battalion, Fort Benning.

*** *** ***

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by students from Growing Room Christian Academy.

---------------------------------------*** ***






A Resolution (250-13) - Authorizing a request to execute a contract with

All Things Water for dredging at Watershed #27 at the Columbus Metropolitan

Airport for removal of silt to maintain flood control capacity. Mayor Pro Tem

Turner Pugh moved its adoption. Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried

unanimously by those eight members present with Councilor McDaniel being absent

for the meeting.

*** *** ***







A Resolution (251-13) - Excusing Councilor Charles E. McDaniel, Jr. from

the July 23, 2013 Council Meeting.

A Resolution (252-13) - Excusing Councilor Evelyn Woodson from the July

30, 2013 Council Meeting.

A Resolution (253-13) - Approving and receiving the report of the Finance

Director of those alcoholic beverage licenses that were approved and/or denied

during the month of March 2013.

*** *** ***


City Manager Hugley recalled the relocation of the Council Chambers, which

required the cable companies to move their connection from the Government

Center to this building. He shared that we have been working with WOW

(Formerly Knology) and Mediacom is working favorably with us to get connected.

He said initially there were some issues with Charter and their efforts to

charge the city for the relocation. He concluded that after the meeting with

Charter to include their management team out of Atlanta, they are cooperating

with us to have us connected within thirty-days at no cost the first year with

continued discussions to determine how to move forward after this first year.

*** *** ***


Mayor Tomlinson called attention to some outstanding invoices that came in

after the close of the budget, on June 30, 2013 and with the passage of the new

ordinance, this matter has to come before this Council when a department is

over budget. She explained that there are four vendors for a total of

approximately $128,000. She advised of the previous process in that it would

have been handled administratively with a budget amendment. She then asked for

a motion to pay these outstanding bills subject to the Sheriff coming next week

to speak on the matter.

After making some brief comments, Councilor Henderson made a motion to pay

any of the most critical invoices that are coming in from that department and

not limit it to this specific amount. Seconded by Councilor Allen.

Finance Director Hodge was asked to come forward to explain the vendors

and the services or supplies provided to the City that are outstanding. After

naming each vendor, she reiterated the total amount of the invoices she

currently has, which is $128,984 on those four.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked questions regarding the date the invoices

were received by the department and when they were received by the Finance

Department. Finance Director Hodge explained that some are dated back to March

through June and were submitted on yesterday for payment.

Mayor Tomlinson pointed out that there are other invoices that would be

coming forward; however, these are the most critical. Finance Director Hodge

added that there are additional invoices from the Sheriff?s Office and the Jail

Clinic that would total or anticipated to be in the range of $800,000 to

$900,000; therefore, this is just the first series of those submitted. She

then commented that she suggested to the Administration and Budget Chairman

that we may consider conducting a regular meeting next week in lieu of the

Mayor?s Proclamation/Resolution Session to have the Sheriff address the Council.

Councilor Henderson recalled that the Sheriff presented a privatization

effort that he would undertake with a clinic that the Council would authorize,

which should drive these cost significantly lower.

After Mayor Tomlinson made suggestions regarding a meeting to have Sheriff

John Darr to come before the Council, City Attorney Fay advised that if there

would be an official meeting; then, a specific date and time needs to be set

today or have the Clerk of Council send out notices for a special called


---------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: Clerk of Council Washington left the meeting during this portion of the

proceeding with the time being 9:45 a.m.

---------------------------------------*** ***


After some additional discussions, Councilor Henderson suggested that we

go ahead and pay the bills administratively; since, the city is already

obligated to do so. Councilor Thomas then made a substitute motion to handle

the invoices in a similar way as it had been done in the past and pay them

administratively and bring it back to the Council. Seconded by Councilor

Henderson. Councilor Henderson then withdrew his original motion. Mayor

Tomlinson then called attention to the motion on the floor, which carried

unanimously by those eight members present with Councilors McDaniel and Woodson

being absent for the meeting.

---------------------------------------*** ***





State Representative Calvin Smyre came forward to brief the Mayor and

members of Council on the 2013 State Legislative Session. State Representative

Smyre pointed out that State Representative Carolyn Hugley was present earlier

in the meeting but had to leave. He provided a listing of legislation that was

introduced as submitted by resolution from the Columbus Consolidated Government

and explained the status of each and are listed as follows: (A copy of the

document was filed for the record.)

Resolution No. 220-12:

Legislation to create an additional judgeship for the Chattahoochee

Judicial Circuit:

Action Taken by Delegation:

HB 451- Introduction of legislation to change to (7) Pending Budget and

Selection of Chief Judge.

Resolution No. 358-12:

Legislation to authorize the city to exercise redevelopment powers

under Chapter 44 of Title 36 of the O.C.G.A and authorize a referendum:

Action Taken by Delegation:

Legal Ad for Notice to Introduce HB 414 Legislation 2/16/13.

Resolution No. 359-12:

Legislation to amend the Columbus Charter as recommended by the Charter

Review Commission:

Action Taken by Delegation:

Legal Ad for Notice to Introduce HB 415 & 417 Legislation 2/16/13.

Resolution No. 360-12:

Legislation to amend Section 4-610 of the Columbus Charter as provided:

Action Taken by Delegation:

Legal Ad for Notice to Introduce HB 416 Legislation 2/16/13.

Resolution No. 361-12:

Legislation to restore austerity and/or equalization funding to our

public schools:

Action Taken by Delegation:

Delegation Supports

Resolution No. 362-12:

Legislation to form a Joint Study Committee on Specialty Tier Drugs, to

research and implement measures to make Specialty Tier Drugs more affordable

and available and consider a 24-month moratorium on current out-of-pocket


Action Taken by Delegation:

No Action

Resolution No. 363-12:

Legislation amending the Secondary Metal Recyclers Act:

Action Taken by Delegation:

No Action

Resolution No. 364-12:

Legislation to ensure the full collections and timely remittance of all

sales and use taxes due to the state and local governments:

Action Taken by Delegation:

Delegation Supports.

Resolution No. 365-12:

Legislation to oppose any changes to the Transportation Investment Act

of 2010 that would negatively impact the regions that passed the T-SPLOST


Action Taken by Delegation:

Delegation Supports.

Resolution No. 366-12:

Legislation to fund an adolescent residential treatment facility in

Muscogee County:

Action Taken by Delegation:

Delegation Supports.

Resolution No. 367-12:

Legislation to authorize the imposition of a technology fee/court costs

fee for every fine levied in Recorder?s Court:

Action Taken by Delegation:

Legal Ad for Notice to Introduce Legislation 2/16/13

Resolution No. 368-12:

Legislation to allow an exemption similar to that in Alabama from state

income tax for military retirees:

Action Taken by Delegation:

Introduce HB 469 2/16/13

Resolution No. 369-12:

Legislation to amend O.C.G.A. 48-8-96 (h) (1) so that it leaves the

original two exemptions contained in the 2004 legislation:

Action Taken by Delegation:

No Bill- Delegation Supports.

Resolution No. 370-12:

Legislation for hotel/motel tax revenue to not be diverted to

non-tourism related purposes:

Action Taken by Delegation:

No Bill- Delegation Supports.

Resolution No. 371-12:

Legislation to allow local communities to pass a fraction of a penny

sales tax for economic development and the arts.

Action Taken by Delegation:

No Bill- Delegation Supports.

Resolution No. 372-12:

Legislation to amend O.C.G.A. 48-8-96 (h) (1) so that it leaves the

original two exemptions contained in the 2004 legislation:

Action Taken by Delegation:

No Bill- Delegation Supports.

Councilor Allen asked if the legislators could readdress the technology

fee at the next legislative sessions, because it is only on local ordinance

violations and he believes that the intent is that it be levied on all law


State Representative Smyre explained the concerns raised in addressing

comments from Councilor Henderson where he recalled the opposition from other

consolidated governments in regards to the second local option sales tax where

the rules where change upon passage to remove the exemption for the hospitality

industry and due to that exemption, our local hospitality group decided to levy

themselves a convenience fee that could be utilized to generate some sports


In light of the Federal Legislation that passed, the primary election is

being changed to June for next year and the State and local would still be in

July or August. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh explained that this would require

the City of Columbus to have two elections, which is expensive. She then asked

that City Attorney Fay draft a resolution to address this matter to be

discussed with the legislators.

Councilor Davis asked that we put on the list for the upcoming Legislative

Agenda to look into the area of the alcoholic beverage license from a State

perspective. From a business standpoint, he explained that he has heard some

feedback on how it is affecting businesses when they are trying to change

locations and not really making any adjustments to their license or there are

no factors that would be affected from that standpoint. He asked if something

could be done with this regard.

Councilor Davis also asked if matters could be simplified or streamlined

to attract more of the movie industry and that type of business in tourism

coming into our community and state.

State Representative Smyre spoke of the tax credit introduced by Governor

Perdue, during his last year of office, for industries that produce movies. He

shared that we passed a resolution this year to try to replicate that with the

music industry. He pointed out that we have to compete for business; however,

if the Council is speaking more of applying something locally; then, the city

could get their team together to determine their marketing tools.

Referring back to a question of Councilor Allen, City Attorney Fay briefly

explained on the technology fee bill allows the judge to make a finding if

there is a need for the fee and the Clerk of Recorder?s Court is entitled to

charge the fee already without Council?s action; he believes they are already

imposing that $15.00 fee. Also, he advised that on the fee itself, it can

apply to local ordinance violation and general law violations; unless, there is

a minimum fine in the general law.

*** *** ***


Mr. Jim Lilli- Executive Director of PAWS Humane Society, came forward to

introduce himself to the Mayor and Council. He then provided some information

on the placement of homeless companion animals, as well as, the programs and

services provided by PAWS Humane Society.

Mayor Tomlinson spoke of the Animal Care Center?s need for food donations

for the animals and PAWS Humane Society may need donations as well.

Public Works Director Pat Biegler, approached the rostrum to make some

brief comments on the euthanasia rate and the reduction as a result of the Save

A Pet Program that began in 2011 from 79% to 64%. She advised that the

following year with the expansion of programs and working more closely with

rescue groups, which went from one to twenty-nine rescue groups, the euthanasia

rate dropped last year to 52% and averaging this year at 30%. She spoke of the

grant from Pet Smart and working to establish a major program; even though, the

funds have not been received as of yet.

*** *** ***


Mr. Richard Bishop- Uptown Columbus Executive Director, came forward to

provide an update on the White Water Project. At this time, he displayed

pictures of the project on the overhead screen to include the opening day. He

commented that White Water has been open for approximately sixty-eight days and

have put approximately 8,500 down the river, are projecting 1,500 trips down

the river before the end of the season.

He advised that we lost one of our outfitters at the beginning of the

year; therefore, we have been located on one side of the river through this

season. He then gave the information of the new location for White Water

Express as the former Convention & Visitor?s Bureau building; 1000 Bay Avenue

at the corner of 10th and Bay. This location would be open at the end of the

year or first of next year.

Mr. Bishop then provided displayed video recordings of rafters maneuvering

through cutbait, heaven?s gate and a surfer riding the wave that occurs

everyday when there is the water release of the 3000 cubic feet per second.

In conclusion, he provided a thirty-second piece advertising White Water

that is currently showing in Atlanta, Georgia. He then gave some brief

information on how to register for White Water and the location of the project.

Mayor Tomlinson announced the Georgia Municipal Association Board Meeting

to be held in October with more than two-dozen Mayors, and another two-dozen

City Councilors, and City Managers from across the state coming to Columbus.

Georgia; we will be experiencing some rafting.

*** *** ***


Mr. Peter Bowden, Executive Director of the Columbus Convention & Visitors

Bureau, approached the rostrum to provide some insight on how White Water is

being advertised to include traditional marketing, social media networking,

partnerships and regional marketing. He said we had to brand the White Water

experience, because no other community in the world had a course like this. He

then provided a power point presentation to outline the advertising efforts to

promote White Waters to include marketing samples. (A copy of the power point

presentation was not provided to be filed for the record.)

In conclusion, he spoke on the ongoing strategies for advertising White

Water and provided the ?Charlie? ninety-second film that highlights White

Water, as well as, other attractions in the City of Columbus. Since it was

unable to be viewed at this time, Mayor Tomlinson asked that it be shown on

CCG-TV to allow the citizens to view it.

Mr. Bowden then responded to a question from Councilor Davis on the

government per diem. He commented that because of the support of the Georgia

Hotel Lodging Association and the community, there was no reduction of the

current rate. He pointed out that he has not heard of any talk of increase or

decrease, but we look further into this matter.

*** *** ***


Ms. Pat Biegler, Director of Public Works, approached the rostrum to

discuss trees in the public right-of-way; more specifically, when there is root

from trees in the city?s right-of-way that damage private driveways. She

pointed out that most property owners claim that the city planted the trees

that damaged their driveways. She said that since it is difficult to determine

what the cause of the problem is, the city?s policy has become a 50/50 split

for repair of the apron; once, the driveway is on private property, that

becomes totally the property owner?s responsibility.

---------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: Councilor Davis left the meeting at 11:25 a.m. and Councilor Allen left

at 11:32 a.m.

---------------------------------------*** ***


Using a power point presentation, Director of Public Services Biegler

continued to outline the current process is that the tree is checked to

determine if it is healthy. (A copy of this presentation was not provided for

the record.) She explained that if the tree is healthy, it is left in place;

however, if it is unhealthy, the city?s crew would remove the tree. If it is

warranted, the property owner would receive a 50/50 letter to advise that the

city would pay half the cost.

She then commented on the issues with changing the 50/50 rule by calling

attention to the lack of resources and manpower to handle this matter that

could potentially increase. She suggested that if a change is made to the

50/50 split, that specific criteria be put in place based on safety and not


She displayed photographs of damaged driveways that have occurred within

the community. She then explained the process involving the 50/50 split with

the property owner obtaining three quotes to be submitted to Risk Management.

Once the work is complete, the property owner would pay the entire bill and

Risk Management would issue a check for half the actual cost.

In conclusion, Director of Public Services Biegler recommended that the

50/50 policy remain in place. She then suggested two potential means of

defraying the cost to the property owners with one being to allow Risk

Management to pay the 50% directly to the contractor so the property owner does

not have to come up with the total cost. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh expressed

her views with regards to the citizens that have a hardship with paying the


Mayor Tomlinson suggested that some clear criteria be set up to allow the

City Manager to take recommendations from staff to approve the tree to be taken

down. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then asked that staff get together to

determine some objective criteria for an administrative approval process for

the Council?s consideration.

Councilor Huff mentioned that there is some property damage in his

district from healthy trees on city right-of-way. He spoke of the trees being

trimmed down the middle, because they are healthy trees and the city would not

remove them. He then described some of the property damage that he has been

made aware of by the citizens. He said we need some assistance to correct the


---------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: Councilor Henderson left the meeting at 11:43 a.m.

---------------------------------------*** ***


Councilor Baker asked about driveways that extend over our city drainage

ditches that cause erosion and collapsing and asked if there has been some

consideration to applying the 50/50 rule for those circumstances.

Director of Public Services Biegler said that we do make some repair to

headwalls; however, this matter has not come to her attention. She advised

that we could take a look at applying a 50/50 policy.

After some additional comments, this matter was concluded. Mayor

Tomlinson advised that we have received some direction for the City Manager and

we would get started on something with the City Attorney.

*** *** ***

With there being no other business to come before this Council, Mayor Pro

Tem Turner Pugh made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Councilor Barnes and

carried unanimously by those five members present with Councilors Allen, Davis

and Henderson being absent for the vote and Councilors McDaniel and Woodson

being absent from the meeting with the time being 11:52 a.m.

Sandra T. Davis, CDMC

Deputy Clerk of Council

Council of Columbus, Georgia


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