Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

The regular meeting of the Columbus Board of Health was held in the

Administration Conference Room of the Health and Human Services Center on

Wednesday, September 27, 2006, at 1:00 P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Isaiah Hugley, City Manager

James H. Sullivan, M.D.

Howard Willis, M.D.

H. Banks Carroll, M.D.

James A. Lawrence, D.D.S.

MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. Brenda Dozier

SPECIAL GUESTS: Dr. John Phillips, MCSD Superintendent

Eddie Ogleton, MCSD Board Member

B. J. McBride, MCSD Board Member

Darlene Shirley, MCSD Lead Nurse

Keith Seifert, MCSD Board Member

OTHERS PRESENT: Zsolt Koppanyi, M.D.

Ed Saidla

Margaret Gosden

Pam Middleton

LaQuita Rogers

Cheryl Johnson

Karon Bush

Antonio Lawrence

Jackie Miller

Tori Endres

Katrica Williams

Julia VanHeuvel

Dr. Sullivan called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to approve the

minutes of the August 23, 2006 meeting. A motion was made by Dr. Carroll,

seconded by Dr. Lawrence and approved by those members present.

Dr. Sullivan stated there was one Excused Absence for the meeting today. Ms.

Brenda Dozier is attending another event. Dr. Sullivan asked for a motion to

accept the Excused Absence. A motion was made by Dr. Lawrence, seconded by Dr.

Carroll and approved by those members present.

Dr. Sullivan presented Service Awards to Ms. Margaret Gosden for 25 years of

service and to Ms. Gloria Miller for 30 years of service.

Dr. Sullivan called on Ms. Gosden to present the Equipment Purchase

recommendation to the Board. Ms. Gosden stated that the computer server

currently used by the Health Department is ten years old. We need to purchase a

new server. The flu campaign will begin soon with approximately 600 plus people

presenting for service. The current technology and the server are outdated

causing slow downs in processing time and repeated failures. We have submitted

through the City Manager a project to fund the complete replacement and up

grade of the system to be financed through the ACCG or GMA loan pools.

Currently, to survive on a day to day basis, the box or server must be

purchased. Patient wait time has increased tremendously. Permission is

requested from the Board, until we can get through the loan pool process, to

expend $75,000.00 from the Fund Balance to acquire the new server and to

maintain this clinical operations. The ultimate goal for this particular server

is to become a central server for all sixteen county health departments. This

overall project will eliminate travel and time to support 17 smaller servers as

well as place data in a more accessible location. This would be crucial in a

Bio or other mass casualty event. Ms. Gosden asked the Board for their approval

to purchase a new server for $75,000.00 (Fund Balance) within the next 45 days.

Dr. Sullivan asked if the money coming in will replace the money used out of

the Fund Balance. Ms. Gosden stated this was correct. Dr. Sullivan asked for a

motion to purchase a new server in the amount of $75,000.00(Fund Balance). A

motion was made by Dr. Lawrence, seconded by Dr. Sullivan and approved by those

members present.

Dr. Sullivan asked for introductions from the persons from the Muscogee County

School District attending this meeting.

Dr. Sullivan asked Mr. Saidla to oversee the meeting and to allow discussion

and comments.

Mr. Saidla asked Dr. Koppanyi for any comments. Dr. Koppanyi stated that quite

a bit of time has been spent on teen pregnancy and STD prevention and

treatment. He feels that this is a major goal for the health department and

school system to work together in developing ways to assist the young teens.

Mr. Saidla welcomed everyone and especially Dr. Phillips Superintendent and

Staff from the Muscogee County School System.

Mr. Saidla introduced LaQuita Rogers, Nursing Director; she discussed Community

Assessment and the Focus on the Youth in the Community here at the Health

Department. A brief discussion followed.

Mr. Saidla also introduced Antonio Lawrence, Communicable Disease Division of

District Clinical Services, he discussed information and statistics related to

the District on sexual transmitted diseases (gonorrhea and chlamydia). A brief

discussion followed.

Mr. Saidla introduced Julia VanHeuvel, Nurse Manager, Teen Center. Ms.

VanHeuvel discussed the Teen Center Program (Getting There From Here). The

issues concerning a shortage of staff were discussed. A brief discussion


Mr. Saidla called on Dr. John Phillips, Muscogee County School Superintendent

for his comments. He stated that the number one goal is what we can jointly do

to educate children. Education is the best way to go and certainly the core of

value systems. If those are dealt with from infancy, when these children grow

up they have a core value system that they can rely on. The problem is that so

many of our kids particularly those children of poverty don?t have that support

at home. When the attendance rate is looked at within the last three years the

number of children that have missed 15 or more days have improved. This is

tracked under Federal Law at the present time that has dropped from well over

16% down to less than 10%. The drop out rate declined significantly. The

graduation rate has increased. There was a large gap between what we were doing

here statistically and where the State was. We have closed that gap

significantly being that the graduation rate is approximately 69%. That is not

wonderful but the State is 70%.

Dr. Phillips stated that the concerns are what the future is going to be for

the teens and how to achieve that future. Most of the pregnant and postpartum

girls are in the TAPP Program. The fathers are generally not school boys but

rather older men in their twenties or older. This is sad to say as well. The

TAPP Program has been a wonderful program to keep children on track too and to

give them a second chance by providing daycare for their children and teaching

parenting skills to the young ladies. Many of them are now graduating from high

school because we can keep them on track. One of the problems we have now that

we were able to do previously, even though we were violating the law, we felt

it was best by requiring these young ladies to attend the TAPP Center removing

them from the regular population. The goals of TAPP are #1 they are not held up

as some symbol of something good taking place and #2 we get them into a

structured environment where we can care for their children and keep the

students on track for graduation. You can?t force someone to leave the regular

school because they are pregnant to go to an alternative program, so they must

choose to attend TAPP. This causes an added burden to make sure that the mother

of that pregnant teen understands what a wonderful program TAPP is. We know

generally speaking, the ones that stay in the regular school drop out quickly.

They cannot cope with a child, going to school, and things of that nature. We

are open to any and all collaborative efforts and are here to be supportive.

Dr. Willis stated that one of the reasons there needs to be a meeting of the

minds is that education and awareness is very important. Public Health needs

not only to be involved, but also school officials. There needs to be a way to

involve the Legislature in a way that makes sense to them. At the same time

this needs to be looked at as a policy making process, parents and community

leaders look to us to be able to make those tough decisions. The issue is what

we need to do now to use the resources that we have. The policy making and

policy direction is going to have to come from bodies such as the Board. How

willing is the Board to be that body?

Dr. Sullivan stated there are two things that he perceives; #1 is to get the

kids in as soon as we can and keep them as long as we can; #2 it is really not

the Legislature things that can be worked on to change the laws?it is really

the judicial system that stops us every time we try to turn. They are the ones

that say no you can?t do this and yes you can do this. Dr. Sullivan stated that

he did not know how this issue was going to be approached. Dr. Phillips stated

that the school system provides a wonderful sex education program in the middle

school and then moving to high school there are nine weeks of Health Education

required by the State. Ms. Williams stated that with her experience in

providing sex education in the county?you must be very careful with flyers,

brochures, etc. because of the guidelines that must be recognized.

Mr. Saidla asked for any other comments. Ms. Shirley stated there is a definite

need for collaboration even more between the school and Health Department not

only with sex education but other health issues.

Dr. Koppanyi stated that he hopes that this initial meeting will be fruitful

with the cooperation of the school district.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:


Pam Middleton, Secretary


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