Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Columbus Convention & Visitors Bureau

Board of Commissioners Meeting

900 Front Avenue, Columbus, Georgia 31901

May 15, 2013

Commissioners Present: Elizabeth Barker, Chair, James Smith, Vice Chair,

Charlie Desai, Felicia Hamilton, and Ken Johnson

Commissioners Absent: Dhan Parekh, Secretary/Treasurer, Shelley Dean, Pino

Wells Davis, and Paul Pierce

Ex-Officios Present: Davis Bevans and Bill Bullock

Ex-Officios Absent: Richard Bishop, Cyndy Cerbin, Mike Gaymon, Herbert Greene,

Ross Hunter, Isaiah Hugley, and Mayor Teresa Tomlinson

Staff Present: Peter Bowden, Shelby Guest, Laura Walker, and Linda Olvera

Call to Order: Elizabeth Barker, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:31


Approval of Minutes & Treasurer?s Report: In the absence of Dhan Parekh,

Secretary/Treasurer, Elizabeth Barker, Chair, presented the February minutes to

the Board for approval. Jim Smith made a motion to accept the minutes as

presented. Charlie Desai seconded the motion, a vote was taken and the motion

passed. Linda Olvera presented the financials for February, March, and April

for approval. Jim Smith made a motion to accept the February financials as

presented. Felicia Hamilton seconded the motion, a vote was taken and the

motion passed. The March financials were presented and Jim Smith made a motion

to accept them as presented. Charlie Desai seconded the motion, a vote was

taken, and the motion passed. Lastly the April financials were presented. Jim

Smith made a motion to accept the April financials as presented. Ken Johnson

seconded the motion, a vote was taken and the motion passed.

Chair?s Report???????????????????????????????Elizabeth Barker

? OTC Settlement-update---Isaiah Hugley, City Manager, and Pam Hodge, City

Finance Director, recommended that the settlement monies be paid out as part of

the FY 2014 budget adjustment creating a smoother process. Mr. Hugley

suggested that the distribution would be done based on 8%. Staff is

recommending accepting the FY 2014 budget adjustment option.

? Sequestration impacts on Georgia---Board members were supplied with a copy of

the potential impact Sequestration has specifically for Georgia. Fort Benning

contributes 40% of the visitation to Columbus through contract work and friends

visiting friends and relatives, graduations, etc. Staff has tracked nearly a

29% reduction in visitation due to smaller graduations and completion of major

construction work at Fort Benning. While the Chamber and others work to

protect the business of Fort Benning, Staff continues to create new markets to

replace lost business.

? GMA Hotel/Motel Tax Recovery Program---Discussion was held last month as to

the differences in revenue reported by Smith Travel Research and that of the

Columbus Consolidated Government. Staff was asked to bring this to the

attention of the CCG and ask their help to identify what was creating the

discrepancy. The services of the Georgia Municipal Association?s Tax Recovery

Program were referenced by the City Manager?s Office. Staff continues to seek

understanding of the causes of the differences which contribute to lost revenue.

? Fort Benning Hotel Privatization---Previous discussion was held by the Board

concerning the ?super hotel? with 600 plus rooms being constructed on Fort

Benning. This hotel will replace hotels and other rooming infrastructures that

are outdated, resulting in a net loss of rooms at Fort Benning. With fewer

rooms the hotels in Columbus would meet the overflow demand. After

conducting additional research, it has come to the attention of the Staff that

Fort Benning may be privatized. This could potentially have a negative impact

on Columbus, lost revenue for the CCG, and those organizations that are funded

through hotel motel tax. Staff has suggested developing a proactive plan to

offset the potential challenges. The Board accepted this recommendation.

? Fountain City Classic Funding Request---The Event organizers for the Classic

have requested a Silver Sponsorship in the amount of &15,000.00. Due to budget

limitations and no money designed for the Tourism Grant. Staff is

recommending a Bronze sponsorship of $5,000.00. The Board approved the


? Port Columbus Funding---The CCG Budget Review Committee has requested that

the CCVB verify the funding proposal for Port Columbus. The Board has copies

of the request and response along with other support materials.

Port Columbus-update

? Ken Johnson, Executive Director of Port Columbus, provided a quarterly update

to the Board on the current year-to-date status of the Museum. With funding

becoming more critical as the FY 2014 budget is being reviewed, additional

revenue sources from the private sector need to be secured, admissions to the

Museum need to continue to grow, etc. The Museum has reduced overhead as much

as possible and still remain functioning.


Report----------------------------------------------------------Peter Bowden

? Sales Report?Staff presented the previous month?s sales activity (detailed

report attached.)

The Meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m.


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