July 29th, 2015
Columbus Aquatic Center
12:00 noon
Members Present: Carl Brown, Irene Pate, Willie Dickerson, Andre Dye
Members Absent: Tracy Belt, Derrick Greene, Bob Johnson, Vanessa Jackson,
Mike Peacock
City Staff Present: James Worsley, Teresa Snellings, Becky Glisson,
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Irene Pate at 12:09
Roll was taken.
The Board did not have a quorum at the meeting today and therefore the minutes
of the last
meeting were unable to be approved.
James requested that Iren Pate, Board Chairperson, write a letter to the Board
concerning was is expected of them and their roll in attending the meetings.
If Board Members cannot attend the meetings, we ask that they please resign
from the Board and we will ask Council to replace them. James requested that
Irene send it to him and Becky for approval before it goes out to the members.
Discussion was held about different times and other issues concerning the lack
of presence at the meetings.
Director/Staff Update
Teresa Snellings (Recreation Services): All the Block Parties have been a
success with just a few issues. They will have an after action meeting as
there is some small stuff they will have to tweak.
We are having Back to School Backpack events at the different centers. We had
about 300 backpacks given out at these events. We don?t feel it was advertised
good enough and we had a lot of backpacks left. We partnered with Ameri-Group
and had a huge one at 29th Street yesterday. We gave out about 500 backpacks.
We had a mobile dentist for teeth cleaning. WIC and Columbus Regional were
also involved. Columbus Times is doing one on August 7th at Frank Chester at
August 4th is National Night Out. We would love for the board to attend our
Becky Glisson (Finance): We are still trying to close out the FY15 budget and
open up FY16.
We are still working on a third party manager for the aquatic center but
participation is up from where it was under USA Pools.
James Worsley (Director): We have had mechanical issues at both the indoor pool
and Double Churches Pool. The last day of the outdoor pools is August 9th. We
have in the past extended the season after school goes back but budget and
staff wise it is not feasible.
James also explained about the Learn to Swim Program and teaching the
kindergartners to swim. The three schools we will start with are St. Mary?s,
Rigdon and Wynnton.
Updates from the Board:
Carl Brown : We lost the Chairman of the Sports Council, Herbert Greene. He
thanked James and staff for the condolences. Merri Sherman is interim
Director. There was talk of the Sports Council going into the CVB but that has
been tabled. It will stay separate entities.
Kudos to Tommy for all his work on the World Military Softball Tournament.
This is something that Herb worked on and Tommy jumped in there and helped and
moved the Jordan Invitational to Northside. There will be 141 team here which
will be great on the economic impact for the city. Tommy went above and beyond
to help.
Carl also mentioned that there was an error in the minutes from last meeting
whereby we had Andre both present and absent.
Andre Dye: Wants to talk about the basketball at Northside and the fact that
the players only get to play from 2:00 to 4:00. Teresa and James explained
about the shared space with the public and other users.
Andre also discussed the Fall Line Trace and if it had any events. P&R staff
explained that even though it is more of just a trail that a park for events,
there are occasionally events there.
He would like to see us have a Summer League basketball league. We need this
type of program and it is paramount that we push to get it going. Teresa
explained about issues we have had in the past and different things she will
try or has tried. Lengthy discussion was held about how this program is just
not successful for our department and even when we provide a league at no
charge, we get no participation.
Irene Pate: National Night Out is next Tuesday. Britt David Pottery Studio is
painting bowls. It is from 7pm to 9pm if anyone wants to come out.
With no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.
Our next meeting will be August 26th at Psalmond Road Recreation Center.
Meeting 12:52 pm.
Becky Glisson
Recording Secretary
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