April 10, 2006
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners of
Columbus, Georgia was held at the office of the Columbus Water Works on Monday,
March 13, 2006, at 1:30 p.m., the following Commissioners being present:
Kathelen Amos, Chairperson
Harry Vernon, Treasurer
Phillip Thayer
Mayor Robert Poydasheff
Absent: James Yancey
Receipt of the Minutes of the March 13, 2006, meeting was acknowledged
by the Board and approved as written.
Management presented the reports from the Division of Operations and
Technical Services, Division of Engineering and Division of Strategic and
Master Plan Implementation. Following each presentation, the Board
acknowledged the Division Reports for the month of March.
Management advised the Board that on March 17, 2006, the Water Works
accepted design/build proposals from four systems integration firms. The
scope of work is to upgrade the existing SCADA system which provides critical
stations monitoring information for the wastewater lift stations located
throughout Muscogee County. The proposals were evaluated as follows:
Specialized experience of the firm (15%)
Project personnel/project manager (10%)
Project personnel/project engineer (5%)
Approved to the work (20%)
Service support (10%)
Price (40%)
A CWW four person evaluation team ranked the proposals as follows:
Firm Overall Score Cost
M/R Systems 95 $157,000
Control Instruments 91 $143,889
Scientech 73 $179,658
Sylution 67 $213,012
The budget for this project is $225,000 and funded via the 2005 Bond
Issue. The proposals have been reviewed and it has been determined that M/R
Systems represents the greatest value to the Water Works in provided the
design/build service for Lift Station Monitor and Control. Following
discussion, motion was made and seconded to award the contract to M/R Systems
in the amount of $157,000. Motion carried.
Management gave a brief report on the highlights of the Water Works?
Strategic and Master Facilities Plan Implementation Program as reported below:
CWW staff members continue to participate in the QualServe Program as Peer
The successful use of benchmarking by CWW is being used as a case study to
share with other utilities.
CWW will participate as a pilot utility in the ?Water Is Life ? and
Infrastructure Make it Happen? Program.
Becky Butts is serving as the Georgia Association of Water Professionals Chair
of the Water for People Program.
National Safe Drinking Water Week
Management acknowledged the Report.
Next, Tom Horn, Team Leader for Strategy Team Two along with his team
members were present at the meeting. Strategy Team Two ?Strengthen Regional
Economic Potential? gave the following report:
Strengthen Regional Economic Potential
Goal #1: Position CWW as a Trusted Source on Water Issues
Objective1: Demonstrate and present successful utility solutions
Measure 1: Technical Presentations
Target 1: To present 10 technical presentations per fiscal year
Measure 2: Business Presentations
Target 2: Participate in 10 business presentations and regional development
meetings per fiscal year
Measure 3: Public Education Presentations
Target 3: Participate in 10 public education presentations per fiscal year
Tactic 2: Select successful utility solution for presentation
Objective 3: Collaborate with organizations and institutions to advance
Measure 1: Water Collaboration
Measure 2: Wastewater Collaboration
Measure 3: Business Process Collaboration
Measure 4: Regional Collaboration
Tactic 1: Select review committee and track AwwaRF and WERF Project Plans
Goal #2: Increase Regional Water Services
Objective 3: Retain current commercial and industrial customer base
Measure 1: Total and Net Change in the number of Industrial Accts.
Measure 2: Total and Net Change in the number of Commercial Accts.
Measure 3: Number of Significant Industrial Users (SIUs)
Tactic 1: Focus Groups
Tactic 2: Interviews/Informational Meetings
The Team gave a brief overview of the Goals, Objectives, Measures and
Tactics for the Board. A copy of the report is on file. The Board
acknowledged the report.
The Financial Report for the month of March including Ft. Benning,
along with the Meter Reading, Employee and Customer Services? Reports, were
presented to the Board. Following discussion, motion was made and seconded to
accept the reports. Motion carried.
President Turner advised the Board that there has been significant
discussion with Harris County about possible sewer service extending to the
intersection of Highway 315 and I-185 interchange. Two options are being
discussed at this time:
Option1: Harris County would be responsible for extending the sewer system into
the county and operating and maintaining the system. Wastewater flows would be
metered at the county line and Columbus Water Works would charge the county a
fee per 1,000 gallons.
Option 2: Harris County would allow Columbus Water Works a franchise for a
defined area in which to provide both water and sewer services. The water and
sewer customers in this area would become Columbus Water Works customers and
Columbus Water Works would pay Harris County a franchise fee in the 3-5% range
based on revenue received.
President Turner informed the Board that the engineering firm, Jordan,
Jones & Goulding is working with the Water Works to develop more detailed
information to present to Harris County. If Harris County accepts one of
these options a contract would be brought back to the Board and the City
Council for approval. The Board acknowledged President Turner?s report.
Next, President Turner gave the Board an update on the legal action
brought on by Alabama and Florida against the Corps of Engineers. He advised
that on April 14th legal action will resume in the North Alabama Federal
District Court. The legal action was originally brought in 1989 alleging that
the Corps had not performed an adequate Environmental Impact Statement.
President Turner stated he would keep the Board informed of any updates.
Also, President Turner provided copies of letters thanking members of
the staff for their participation and services provided from various
organizations. The Board acknowledged Management?s report.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
Emory E. Blount, Secretary
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