Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




OCTOBER 9, 2012

A meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called to order at 9:00

A.M., Tuesday, October 9, 2012, on the Plaza Level of the Government Center,

Columbus, Georgia. Honorable Teresa Pike Tomlinson, Mayor and Honorable Evelyn

Turner Pugh, Mayor Pro Tem.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Tomlinson and Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh were

Councilors R. Gary Allen, Mike Baker, Jerry Barnes, Glenn Davis, Berry H.

Henderson, Bruce Huff, Charles E. McDaniel, Jr., Judy Thomas and Evelyn

Woodson. Deputy City Manager David Arrington, City Attorney Clifton Fay, Clerk

of Council Tiny B. Washington and Deputy Clerk Sandra Davis were also present.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh took her seat at the Council table at 9:15 a.m.

--------------------------------*** ***


ABSENT: City Manager Isaiah Hugley was absent, but was represented by Deputy

City Manager David Arrington.

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INVOCATION: Led by Mayor Tomlinson.

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PLEDGE: Led by students from Cusseta Road Elementary School.

--------------------------------*** ***




Ms. Pam Hodge, Finance Director came forward and went into some details

explaining the reason the Finance Department?s Revenue Division is recommending

the revocation of the alcoholic beverage license of Mr. Steve Kennedy d/b/a The

Tavern at Main Street. She said they did the 90-day audit and the alcohol

sales were 59% and the food sales were 41%. She said this was based off the

information that they received from the owner. She said it wasn?t done through

an indirect method, but it was strictly based on the information received from

the owner and said they are recommending the revocation of the alcoholic

beverage license based on not passing the 50/50 requirement that?s in the

ordinance. She said it needs to exceed the 50% requirement in food in order to

have alcohol in that particular location.

She pointed out that Mr. Steve Kennedy was present and wants to address the


Mr. Steve Kennedy then came forward and said there were no questions going

into this endeavor that he knew full well what the requirements were:

therefore, he is not here to try to say he didn?t know the 50/50 rule was in

place. He said they signed several documents saying that they knew this was

the case. He said he can only tell you that he did not expect a review after

90-days. He said they were very remiss in keeping proper records of their 50/50

requirements, so in 90-days obviously, the numbers are what they are. He said

he could tell you that if the numbers were further reviewed, they would show

60% purchases of food and 40% purchases of alcohol.

He said there are a lot of reasons that they didn?t meet the requirement.

He said some of it was just poor business management, spoilage and spillage and

giving food away, doing coupons and various other things that they promoted

their business with. He said they gave away free food and didn?t keep the

proper records to account for that. He said going forward he would rather

expand on the opportunity that they have in front of them and show you things

that they have in place that would get them to where they need to me.

Mr. Kennedy then outlined the following list of things that the Tavern at

Main Street is doing to increase their food sales to be in compliance with the

conditions as set forth in the alcoholic beverage license.

Chef Montana Jones has hired Matthew Warren as a second assistant chef in the

kitchen. Terry Cordaris already holds his position as well.

Advertising placed with both radio and television stations. Radio ads on 103.7

Lite Fm promoting ?Taste The Difference Thursdays? at The Tavern at Main Street.

Expanded hours allowing for more evening food service opportunities. Now open

on Monday evening and all day on Saturday. The goal is to increase revenue and

ticket average amount.

Signs and banners have been placed in strategic area to increase awareness of

food service and hours of operation.

Catering opportunities are being investigated. Our plan of action is to cater

Blue Cross and Blue Shield headquarters on Warm Springs Road one day per week.

We have expanded menu options with copy attached for review.

After six months in operation, we are still adding new equipment to our

kitchen. The space in our kitchen is as large as the front of the house area.

Note: We have always had a commercial dishwashing machine from EcoLab and a

full tine employee that is in charge of that area.

Various promotions and marketing ideas to increase food sales included ?Early

Bird Specials? and ?Late Menu?.

We have increased prices on most menu items as much as 20% or more. This

increases ticket average amounts.

We have a computer now installed to track all promotional write-offs, spills

and spoils, employee meals, trades, replacements and donations. Up until now,

this figure has not been readily available. The total amount of this category

will greatly affect our sales percentage.

Word of mouth has been very good to us, with very few exceptions, most

customers have left pleased with their meal and are telling friends and family

about our restaurant.

Mr. Kennedy said these are the things that he would propose to you that

would help them get to where they need to be. He said going forward, what he

would like to ask of the Council today is to give them an opportunity starting

this week or last week, October 1st, give them 90-days going forward to prove

this point and re-evaluate them at that time, to see if they have accomplished

the objective.

Mayor Tomlinson then asked City Attorney Fay if he would like to speak to

the proprietor of the request and the Council?s jurisdiction and authority at

this point.

City Attorney Fay said the facts appear to be undisputed about the alcohol

percentage being greater than the food sales, but said the Council does have

discretion on these matters and said you have granted extensions in the past;

no more than 90-days. He said it is up to you as to whether or not you want to

give this gentleman one more audit of his food versus alcohol sales on some

type of extension or revoke today as a matter of record.

In response to a question of Councilor McDaniel as to if he doesn?t get an

extension today, will this put him out of business, Mr. Kennedy said yes.

Councilor McDaniel said we have done this in the past, to allow an

individual to bring their food sales up and said we don?t need to be putting

people out of business. He said he thinks that we need to give him an extension

to bring this matter into compliance and then made a motion to allow for a

90-day extension. Seconded by Councilor Barnes.

Councilor Baker said he understands the reason there is a time limit,

because we don?t want a bar opening up on every corner and disguise themselves

as a restaurant. He said he understands the reason for the rule, but said what

concerns him about the start-up of a business and the 90-day audit is that they

don?t have an advertising budget of an Applebee?s, but they have to do word of

mouth, radio and whatever they can to get people in the store, as well as it

takes a long time to get your menu set, your employees on track and invest your

life savings in a business; and then in 90-days they can come in and pull the

rug from under you.

He said he is not faulting the Finance Department because we set the rules

and the rules are the rules. He said that is a tough task for any entrepreneur

to undergo in 90-days is to get all that worked out in a business environment.

He said maybe we need to look at extending the conditional audit because

90-days is not enough time for a new business owner to get his business in

order. He said maybe there is a better fit between the 90-days and a year that

we may need to look at.

Councilor Huff asked the Finance staff if it would be beneficial for them

to get together with the City Attorney to look at a possible amendment to the

ordinance. He said let?s look at doing an audit within six months.

Councilor Woodson also asked that the Finance staff get with the City

Attorney to look at amending the ordinance to allow for a 90-day warning if a

business does not meet the percentage requirement in order to be a restaurant.

She said she doesn?t want to eliminate the 90-day period for the audit.

Several minutes of discussion continued on this matter, with members of

the Council expressing their views regarding this issue and Ms. Yvonne Ivy

responding to questions of members of the Council, after which the question was

called on the motion, which carried by a 9 to 1 vote, with Mayor Pro Tem Turner

Pugh voting no.

Finance Director Pam Hodge asked for clarification with respect to the

requested amendment to the ordinance, asking whether or not the Council wanted

the 90-day audit to just be from October - December and just looking at those

90-days or from when the business opened through the end of December.

Councilor Woodson said she would say from October because he now knows

what is expected.

Councilor Henderson said he don?t necessarily want to make it automatic

that they get to continue because he represents the south side of town too, and

said we did have a lot of problems down there with people abusing a particular

licensing. He said Ms. Ivy is one of the most conscientious people that work

for this government, as she does a great job and she actually works to try to

find ways to help a business succeed. He said he knows that there are some

other criteria that she uses; it?s not just the numbers. He said they use site

visits and he would like to see incorporated in that ordinance change some of

the specifics that you look for.

He said he thinks it might be good to leave it to a degree to the

discretion of the Finance Department if they are at 20% food sales; just put in

some flexibility. He said he thinks that we have to tie it down so that we can

remain consistent and we don?t do it too much from a subjective prospective.

--------------------------------*** ***




Mr. Tom Barron, Human Resources Director came forward and began making his

presentation on the On-site Clinic Evaluation Process.


Evaluation Committee

Capt. Jack Long (Public Safety)

Michelle Brown (General Government)

John Redmond (Mayor & Council)

Reviewed 8 proposals

Conducted 4 site visits

Montgomery, Chattanooga, Dalton & Columbus

He said that Ms. Mary Pozatek with Northwestern Benefit also help them to

get to where they needed to go on this proposal.

After it was pointed out that members of the Council did not have a copy

of this presentation, it was then requested that the matter be delayed later in

this meeting until such time we can get a copy of the presentation for the

Council members. (See below for additional discussion on this matter)

--------------------------------*** ***


MINUTES: Minutes of the September 18 & 25, 2012 Meeting of the Council of the

Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia were submitted and approved upon

the adoption of a motion made by Councilor McDaniel and seconded by Councilor

Allen, which carried unanimously by those ten members of Council present for

this meeting.

--------------------------------*** ***








An Ordinance (12-43) ? Rezoning property located at 2841 Christine

Road from an SFR2 (Single Family Residential 2) to SFR3 (Single Family

Residential 3) zoning district.

An Ordinance (12-44) ? Amending the Columbus, Georgia Pension Plan for

General Government Employees, and the Columbus, Georgia Pension Plan for

Employees of the Department of Public Safety to provide that certain additional

employees may become members of said plans; clarifying certain definitions; and

for other purposes.

*** *** ***




An Ordinance ? Rezoning property located at 4335 Armour Road from an SFR3

(Single Family Residential 3) to a NC (Neighborhood Commercial) zoning

district. (11-A-12-Wang) The proposed use is for personal service (acupuncture



The petitioner, Ms. Wang was present, but she did not make a presentation,

as there was no one present to oppose this proposed rezoning ordinance.

*** *** ***



An Ordinance ? Amending Chapter 2 of the Columbus Code by creating

an Employee Benefits Committee to be composed of seven members; establishing

duties of the Committee; and for other purposes.

Mayor Tomlinson said as she knows that some of the issues that have been

raised are the proposal related to the elections process. She said we don?t

hold broad employee wide elections for the pension board. She said she thinks

that maybe they used to, but said the recommendations are from the director of

the department of Public Safety and General Government.

She said Mr. Barron sent out an email and basically said that we would

have to ask our Department of Elections & Registration to handle that for us,

because we have 3,000 employees and not all of them have emails. She said there

would have to be some kind of balloting process.

Some discussion developed on the election process and how employees should

be selected to serve as a member of the Committee with several members of the

Council expressing their views on this matter.

Councilor Henderson asked Councilor Thomas if there would be a significant

issue with just changing from saying shall be ?elected? by general government

employees and shall be ?elected? by public safety employees to ?shall be the

recommended individual? from general government employees and? shall be the

recommended individual? from public safety employees. He said his only concern

is tying an election into the ordinance because we may determine going forward

that there is a better way for them to do the selection process since ideally

it is going to be the wishes of the bodies of our employees, and he thinks we

should give them a little more latitude as to how they go about selecting

them. He said we do it with other departments on authorities or boards where

we hold a recommendation from a specific group. He said we let them make a

recommendation, but we really don?t know how they come up with that

recommendation. He said his own preference would be to remove the word election

and say it will be the designee recommended by those groups.

Councilor Thomas said she doesn?t have a problem with that, but said her

only question would be, how do they go about recommending. She said she don?t

envision that there would be a candidate from every department, but she

envisions that there may be three or four people who really feel strongly about

health care issues and want to serve on the committee and put their name up for


She said she just wants some method that the employees can select at least

one representative on this committee that is their person. She said she doesn?t

care if we say selected or elected; but she doesn?t know how we would select


Councilor Henderson said the key thing that we would want to make sure of

is since this is a representative of the employees, that it is not a department

director driven initiative. He said he thinks that they will come up with some

form of an election process, but his only concern was putting it in the


After further discussion on this matter, Councilor Thomas then made a

motion to amend the ordinance to replace the word ?elected? with the word

?selected?, and to also take out all references with regards to an election.

Seconded by Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those ten members of

Council present for this meeting.

City Attorney Fay said we would bring this ordinance back in two weeks for

a vote of Council.

*** *** ***


AND ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL:___________________________________________________

A Resolution (299-12) ? Authorizing the issuance of Lease Revenue

Bonds by the Columbus Building Authority in accordance with Resolution

No. 221-12; ratifying actions of Finance Director approving bids for said

bonds; reaffirming authorization for the Mayor to transfer property to the

Columbus Building Authority and to execute leases; authorizing the Mayor and

other officials to take all necessary action for issuance and delivery of said

bonds. Councilor McDaniel moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those ten members of Council present

for this meeting.

Director of Finance Pam Hodge then came forward and distributed around the

Council table some additional information with regards to the resolution as

adopted above and then made some additional comments on this matter. She said

when they originally came to Council, their projections on the reduction of

debt service was around $5.6 million. She said the market was vary favorable to

us when we did sell last week, the savings and reduction to the debt service is

right at $12 million and said that is great for the city.

*** *** ***


Mayor Tomlinson said we had our bond rating assessed by both Standard &

Poor?s and Moody?s and said we are now at a AA+, which is where we were before;

but said we have been upgraded to AA1.

Finance Director Hodge said on these particular series bonds we will be at

an AA1 with Moody?s and an AA+ with Standards and Poor?s, which is just one

step below an AAA. She said this is a very excellent rating from both Moody?s

and Standard & Poor?s.

Mayor Tomlinson said they did give a report to us related to our financial

condition. She said they set out their areas of interest or concerns, as well

as, areas that they found to be very favorable. She said one of the two primary

recommendations were that we absolutely maintain our reserves above 60-days.

She said they were also concerned about the number of employees at Fort Benning

and their perceived economic dependency of the community on Fort Benning being

that they employ some 40,000 persons. She said we provided this information to

the members of the Council and said we could make it available to the media and

public if they would like to see it.

Councilor Henderson said these savings would start manifesting themselves

immediately since the bonds have been traded and said that will generate

a savings in the debt service fund that will allow us to re-evaluate the

millage that is applied to that fund in FY-14, to which Finance Director Hodge

said that is correct.

In response to some concerns of Councilor Henderson, Ms. Hodge said one

mill is about $4 million, so this will be about .2 mills. She said the way this

bond was set, any principal and interest payments that we budgeted in FY-13 was

part of the funding of this re-funding; so, anything that we budgeted this year

was part of the equation on these savings. She said going forward in FY-14 we

would be able to make a recommendation on a lower millage rate for debt


City Attorney Fay said he would like to thank Finance Director Pam Hodge,

Assistant City Attorney Lucy Sheftall, our Bond Counsel Jim Pennell in

Savannah, as they did a lot of behind the scenes tedious paperwork on this

matter that will save a lot of money.

--------------------------------*** ***




After copies were provided to members of the Council Mr. Tom Barron, Human

Resources Director once again came forward and continuing with his presentation

highlighted the following information, as outlined below.

A Better Option for Employer

Provides Lower Costs

Doctors and other Health Care Providers


Lab work and diagnostic testing

Reduced Utilization of High-dollar Providers

Fewer Emergency Room visits

Fewer and less acute hospital admissions

Better management of specialist care and diagnostics

Reduced Costs

No cost for Primary Care

Most Generic Prescriptions at no cost

No cost most Lab work and diagnostic testing

Helps to avoid more expensive care options

More Convenient

Easy Access ? evening/weekend hours anticipated

Short waiting times/back to work quickly

Lab and many prescriptions on site at clinic

Better Care

More time with doctor

Chronic Disease Management Program

Pre-chronic disease Coaching Program

Wellness Programs

Fitness Center

Better Health

Early identification, treatment and management of high risk medical conditions

If Clinic Approved What?s Next?

Convene employee committee to assist with

Clinic Operations Planning

Clinic Site Selection (central location)

Clinic & Fitness Center Design & Decoration

Design Clinic Health Plan (HMO not compatible)

Clinic Staff Selection

Clinic Operating Schedule (days & times)

Open Enrollment Planning

Communications & Educational Meetings

Clinic Expenses

Startup costs to equip clinic and rent billed monthly and offset by direct


Estimated to be $16,500 per month

Management fee (negotiated and includes EMR, malpractice and supervision)

Will vary based on number of employees enrolled

Operating expenses (at cost)

Staff salaries and benefits

Medications, supplies and lab fees

Reported Clinic Savings

Savings noted in publications almost daily

Savings reported on clinic site visits

Chattanooga is saving over $1million per year and building a new 18,000 sq. ft.

clinic with savings

Montgomery reports 3.5% decrease in cost per employee and a flat trend even

with more lives

Dalton is seeing 10% savings after just 5 months

Columbus (UniteHere) is experiencing significant savings and a flat trend in

less than one year.

Why was TransformHealthRx selected?

Georgia based business (Statesboro/Atlanta)

28 clinics mostly in GA and also NC, SC & TN

Successful clinic in Columbus (UniteHere)

Impressive disease management program

Most flexible vendor in meeting our needs

Only telephone triage for appointments

Offered no startup cost option

Lowest reported management fee

Keeping Council Involved

Approval of Clinic RFP on Purchasing Agenda will allow us to start planning and

negotiation process.

Periodic updates on progress will be provided.

Final plan will come back to Council for final review.

After the conclusion of the presentation, several members of the Council

expressed their views regarding this matter, after which Human Resources

Director Tom Barron then responded to several questions of members of the

Council, with some referrals being made by members of the Council, which are

detailed below.

Councilor Allen said he would like to hear more about the Chattanooga?s

savings, and then asked Mr. Barron to provide some additional information with

regards to their savings. He also asked that we breakout the cost related to

the fitness center and just provide those numbers for the startup costs for the


After continued discussions on this subject, Mayor Tomlinson in responding

to some concerns of the members of the Council said as she understands it, the

resolution as listed on the City Manager?s Agenda today is for the Council to

authorize the Director of Human Resources to negotiate a contract, with

contract terms that would be much more specificity as to exactly what they

would be providing, how much and where; after which we would then come back to

the Council for approval or rejection. She said they are not approving the

Employees Clinic today, and then asked Mr. Barron is that correct.

Human Resources Director Tom Barron said the resolution would allow us to

negotiate a contract with a clinic provider. He said our commitment to the

Council is that we will not sign anything until we come back to the Council and

lay it all out with all the details and then get a final go ahead from them.

Further discussion continued on this subject matter for more than

forty-minutes with councilors continuing to express their views on the matter.

Mayor Tomlinson said her expressed understanding of this matter even

before it was put on the Agenda was that the only thing that was coming to the

Council today was a report from the committee that a selection had been made

and the Council was being requested to allow you (Barron) and the City Manager

the authority to hammer out the terms of a contract that would be brought back

to this Council to be approved.

She said if this resolution has the wording that was stated earlier by

Councilor Davis, which says that the City Manager shall enter into a contract

that is five years in term that would be inconsistent with the authority that

you are requesting of the Council today. She said either the resolution needs

to be redrafted or restated here orally, so that the Council can approve it,

but no further specificity could be provided without the negotiations and the

negotiations can?t be had without authority.

Mayor Tomlinson said we can simply postpone it and nothing will happen

until the resolution is reworded in the fashion that she has stated because you

can?t make representation to the Council as to what the terms of the contract

will be without negotiations, and you can?t have negotiations without the

Council?s authority. Mr. Baron said that is correct.

City Attorney Fay said he thinks that we need to consider an amendment to

the resolution if we want to go less than the five years because that is

expressly stated in the resolution that the contract term shall be for five

years, with a five-year option to renew. He said if we want to go with three

years, with an option to renew for an additional three years, then we need to

get an amendment. He said he would recommend that the third ?Whereas? be

removed from the resolution before you adopt it today.

Deputy City Manager David Arrington said it is the standard language that

they have in the Requests for Proposals that they bring to the Council, but

said in this case it is the intent to get the authorization to go and negotiate

with this vendor and as Human Resources Director Mr. Barron has said, it is the

intent of the Committee and the City Manager?s Office to bring that back to the

Council with the details. He said if the language could be modified to indicate

that the Council is authorizing us to enter into negotiations with a selected

vendor then we will bring back the recommendations to the Council for final


Councilor Baker said he don?t have a problem with the Director of Human

Resources going forward because as a matter of fact, he would be more

comfortable if you could meet with them and get something detailed out, and

bring something back, not for final approval, but for discussion.

He said he would be much more comfortable once something is laid out that we

can read through and look at; and he don?t see how you are going to do that

until you meet with them and talk to them, and negotiate some things.

He said he knows that Mr. Barron has done a lot of work on the other

health care insurance costs issue, getting ready for our renewals and he is

sure that you have a lot of data at your disposal. He said he would like for

you to take that information that you have been able to accumulate through all

of our discussions and give us some potential savings and in what areas, as

well as estimate how much. He said he knows that these are projections, but

said it will give him an idea of what we are paying for, where you see some

savings and how much those savings might be if we undergo the clinic.

Mayor Tomlinson said it does look like striking the third ?Whereas?

paragraph in the proposed resolution, Item ?K? would then only allow the

negotiations withTransformHealthRx for return to the Council and if there is

any other suggested language or amendment then we can entertain that at the

appropriate time.

After the conclusion of the discussions on this matter, Councilor Allen

then made a motion to amend the resolution to strike the third ?Whereas? and

all references to any five-year term. Seconded by Councilor Davis and carried

unanimously by those ten members of Council present for this meeting.

With there being no further discussion on the resolution, the following

resolution was then adopted by the Council.

A Resolution (300-12) ? Authorizing the negotiation of a contract with

TransformHealthRx to establish an on-site or nearby clinic for employees,

retirees and dependents. Councilor Baker then made a motion to adopt the

resolution as amended. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said she thinks that the City Attorney needs to

be involved with the process of negotiating the contract.

City Attorney Fay said that he would be involved with the process whether

or not his name is listed in the resolution.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then made a motion to add the City Attorney?s

title in the resolution. Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by

those ten members of Council present for this meeting.

After further discussion was concluded on this subject, Mayor Tomlinson

then called the question on the motion to adopt the resolution as amended

again, which carried unanimously by those ten members of Council present for

this meeting.

*** *** ***


Mayor Tomlinson said we had six employee forums and said there was

approximately a total of 425 employees that attended the six forums. She said

the largest being the one held at Public Services, which was in excess of 200

employees. She said there were about 100 or more persons at the Public Safety

Building and approximately 70 in attendance at the jail, as well as a

miscellaneous group from the General Government employees. She said the

employees are very interested in a cost of living adjustment because they feel

that they haven?t had consistent cost-of-living adjustments since 2009. She

said a lot of the employees were not aware that their insurance costs $8,000

and that the City was paying 75% of that cost.

Mayor Tomlinson said in consulting with Mr. Barron about the University of

Georgia pay scale study that we had done some time ago, neither the fact that

the City was contributing to the pension fund on behalf of the employee or that

the City was paying 75% of that health benefit was factored into that salary

study at all. She said we were being compared with salary levels of cities that

did not provide such contributions or provided them in different magnitudes;

so, we really have apples to oranges comparison and whether or not that $8,000

in totality should be rolled into the employees? salaries. She said she has no

position on that, but it?s just an observation.

She said the employees would prefer that there be no adjustment whatsoever

to their contribution and that the City funds it from our reserve fund. She

said they heard in several different forums that they would prefer an

adjustment to the tobacco fee rather than the spousal fee. She said Mr. Barron

has done some work on that matter.

Mayor Tomlinson said that is simply just a summary of some of the things

that they heard during these forums. She then called forward Director of

Finance Pam Hodge to give an update on the presentation made a few weeks


Director of Finance Hodge said she is here to briefly go through the

Healthcare Insurance update that she provided before the Council a few weeks

earlier. She said this is the same presentation that they gave during the

forums with the employees. She said they gave a recap of the healthcare costs,

what the proposal is for 2013 and said they briefly talked about the

cost-sharing proposal, which is part of the resolution today. She said this

shows that our cost for health care is continuing to rise, and said that

projection held true during FY-2012, and the projection is for that increase to

continue to rise through FY-13 and beyond. She said they did talk to the

employees about being self-insured and said they were surprised that every time

they go to the doctor, and pay their $15.00 co-pay, the City and the plan,

which includes the employee and employer contribution is making the balance of

the payment, which most of them was not aware of.

Ms. Hodge said that Blue Cross/Blue Shield serves as our Third Party

Administrator, and we are able to utilize them to get better-negotiated rates

for those preferred providers, which is done through Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

She said they are also our administrator and processes our claims for us and

there is a fee for that. She said there is a projection from our Benefits

Consultant of $3 million going into FY-13, which is part of our 2013 Healthcare

Calendar. She said we did anticipate an increase in our FY-13 budget by

budgeting an additional $250.00 per full-time position, but said that is not

going to cover the entire anticipated increase in our healthcare costs.

She then went into further details outlining the costs that the employees

pay, as well as the amount the plan pays. She also detailed other costs

relative to the plan, which is highlighted below.

Employee pays = $15.00

Plan pays = $85-$100


Average Generic = $17.84

Employee pays up to $20.00

Average Brand = $234.58

Employee pays = $30.00

Average Non-formulary = $184.42

Employee pays = $50.00

Plan pays the remainder

Average cost of all plans = $8,000+

City?s contribution per FT position = $5,650

Average employee?s contribution = $2,300 - $2,600

PLAN PARTICIPANTS ? includes Active & Pre-65 Retirees


All other plan options remain the same.


$200 Deductible to HMO = $1 million

$150 Emergency Room Co-pay = $250,000

$20 / $30 Office Co-pay = $250,000


$1.5 million

BI-WEEKLY RATE CHANGE ? Active Employees




City Contributions = $650,000

$5,400 to $5,650 per FT position

Employee Contributions = $660,000

Tobacco = $60,000

Spousal Surcharge = $75,000

TOTAL = $1,445,000

After the conclusion of her presentation, and members of the Council

expressing their further views on this matter, Ms. Hodge then responded to

several questions of members of the Council.

Councilor Henderson said if we eliminate the employees? contribution

increase, with all the other changes, if they stay in place, will that get us

through next year.

Ms. Hodge said if we eliminate just the employees? contribution side, that

would be $660,000, and we would be anticipating 1? day out of fund balance if

the $3million increase holds true based on where we are right now, the $3

million is a good number.

Councilor Henderson said based on the projections that should get us very

close until our FY-14 budget is implicated and at that time we will have some

extra capacity in the fund balance that we don?t have for FY-13 and then asked

if that was correct. He said we would have two projects that are currently

pulling from the fund balance that will not be a consideration for FY-14. He

said he would like to see what that projected difference would be before we

vote on whether or not to accept all of these changes.

Mayor Tomlinson asked Ms. Hodge if she was able to get that information

readily or how long would it take to get that information to the Council.

Ms. Hodge said we need what they want us to put into open enrollment on

today. She said we will need directions today on what to include and what not

to include in open enrollment and said we can come back at a later date and add

the employees? contribution. She said we will either need to have the Council

vote for the plan changes, cost sharing proposal and the employees?

contributions and tobacco surcharge separately; and whatever they approve today

or feel comfortable approving today, that is what we will go forward with in

the open enrollment and then come back to the Council at a later date with

additional information.

Mayor Tomlinson said that Councilor Henderson is correct that the general

fund designations that came out of the reserve fund for the Housing Authority,

as well as the White Water contributions will roll off; however, we are

anticipating other things that will be coming on line, i.e. the Citizens

Service Center?s operation, and the Natatorium.

She then asked Ms. Hodge if she was calculating those two items when she

stated the amount that we are anticipating, to what Ms. Hodge stated that what

she was saying is that is what is anticipated when we end June 30, 2013, but

that doesn?t take into consideration additional expenditures requirements

moving into FY-13.

Ms. Hodge said this information that is being presented is without

consideration of a clinic because the clinic at this point, is only what we

have read and have been told and the anticipated savings, but this proposal is

made without any consideration for the clinic.

Councilor Henderson said that is the essence of what he is asking; if we

could implement everything except the increase to the employees to get us

through to a point when the clinic would have some hard data that we could use

to analyze and determine when we set our rates in calendar year 2014 if, in

fact they need to be this high; that?s what he?s looking for, bridges to that


Additional discussions continued on this matter, with Mayor Tomlinson and

members of the Council expressing further views on the subject and Director

Hodge responding to those further concerns of the Mayor & Council.

Mr. Randy Robertson, President of the Fraternal Order of Police, who was

listed on the Public Agenda to address the Employees? Healthcare issues then

came forward at the request of Mayor Tomlinson and offered his and other

employees? concerns as it relates to the Columbus Consolidated Government

Healthcare concerns and proposed increase of premiums to the employees.

Finance Director Hodge and Human Resources Director responded to further

questions and concerns of the Council.

After the conclusion of much discussion, Mayor Tomlinson then called up

the resolution as outlined below. Councilor Henderson then made a motion to

adopt the staff?s plan with the exception of the $660,000 employees?

contribution. Seconded by Councilor Barnes and carried by a vote of 7 to 3,

with Councilors Allen, Baker, Barnes, Henderson, McDaniel, Woodson and Mayor

Pro Tem Turner Pugh voting yes and Councilors Davis, Huff and Thomas voting no.

The following above action approved the resolution as listed below.





A Resolution (300-12) ? Authorizing the approval of rate changes to Health

Insurance for Active Employees and Pre-65 Retirees, modification to the plan

benefits, and a Cost Sharing Plan.

--------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: The City Manager?s Agenda is continued below.

------------------------------------*** ***







Mayor Tomlinson pointed out that Ms. Theresa Mayo had to leave for another

commitment and that she will reschedule her appearance at a later time.

*** *** ***


ISSUES:_______________________ __________ ____________ _

Mayor Tomlinson said Ms. Sharon Berreth has asked that she be moved up on

the Agenda because of an urgent pending appointment that she will miss if we

don?t hear her first.

Councilor Barnes said about a month ago, he got an invitation to go to the

Sears Wood Community meeting and said he went there. He said the purpose of the

meeting is that they wanted to align their covenant, which does follow our

ordinances on garbage and trash. He said in the conversation something

interesting came up. He then read a portion of the ordinance regarding the

removal of solid waste by vendors and contractors. He said he was asked why

this ordinance was not being complied with. He also said Ms. Berreth was told

by Special Enforcement that they know it is the ordinance, but they are not

doing it. He said that is not right.

He then outlined a situation that he said he had with one of his

constituents where he had to go to Special Enforcement and ask them to enforce

the law. He said he would like for us to hear from Ms. Berreth who has been

experiencing similar situations.

Ms. Sharon Berreth then came forward and said this is something that has

been addressed a number of times, as she has been down here several times. She

said the problem is not just in Sears Wood, but it is citywide. She said she

has been selling real estate for almost 30 years and she tries to sell

Columbus. She said in going through subdivisions, it is so unsightly to see

piles of trash bags lying out on the street or on the edge of the lawns. She

said what they have found in their neighborhood is that it is mostly lawn care

services. She said there are some individuals that do it as well.

She said on two occasions she has addressed this and both times, Mr.

Hugley stated that the ordinance had been changed and that the lawn care

services were no longer required to take away the trash they clean up, be it

gardening, yard clippings, trees limbs; they aren?t required to do it any more.

Ms. Berreth spent some ten minutes in expressing her concerns regarding

this matter.

Councilor Barnes said not one of us could over ride an ordinance. He said

someone in Special Enforcement told him that the City Manager told her that we

couldn?t enforce it. She was then told that if it is in the ordinance, it needs

to be complied with.

Discussion continued on this matter for some time, after which Ms. Pat

Biegler, Director of the Department of Public Services then came forward and

explained the process of disposing of yard waste and the problem with

enforcement of private firms.

Councilor Barnes and Ms. Berreth expressed even further concerns, with

Mayor Tomlinson and Ms. Biegler responding to those further concerns.

Councilor Huff said that maybe we need to address it on the website, as

well as with some warnings because it goes on all the time. He said he thinks

we need to inform the public that if they are in this business that they need

to take the clippings with them.

Mayor Tomlinson said we need to pull the name and address of every

licensed landscape and lawn maintenance companies and send them a postcard

notice informing them that it is unlawful and cite the law; and then inform

them that they will be fined.

Councilor Allen said he has noticed some lawn care services blowing the

clippings into the drainage system and then asked Ms. Biegler to add that to

her list of concerns that she will address to those owners.

*** *** ***



Councilor Barnes said if you want to hear some good gospel music, they are

going to tell you where you need to go. He said it is for a worthwhile cause.

He said part of the proceeds from this concert would go to the American Cancer

Society. He said he asked them to come to the Council to inform the public

about this concert because of their charity in the community.

Members of The Pilgrims Traveling Singing Group came forward and extended

an invitation to the Mayor & Council and members of the public to attend their

benefit concert on October 14, 2012. She said they would be celebrating their

14th Anniversary, which will be held at the Words of Wisdom Christian Center,

located at 420 38th Street, Columbus, Georgia. She said a portion of these

proceeds would be given to the American Cancer Society. She said for additional

information, you can call (706) 992-3992.

*** *** ***


Referring back to this subject matter, Mayor Tomlinson said the City

Manager is at a conference and he is watching the Council meeting via live

stream, and he just wants her to relay to the Council that he

knows full well that it is unlawful for commercial companies to leave things on

the side of the road. She said he has in fact asked citizens who have

complained about this mater to identify the lawn company that is violating the

law; then we can go to that address or the neighborhood and wait for them.

*** *** ***


Rev. Richard Jessie came forward and said he would like to ask the Council

and the community to vote no on the question on the upcoming November ballot

with regards to Sunday alcohol sales. He said this is a disease and it only

cause problems for families and said if it is approved to be sold on Sunday, it

will only increase the problems.

He said he would also like to thank the Mayor for encouraging people to

get involved in this electoral process and get out and vote.

He said he feels like this is another step of edging God out.

---------------------------------------*** ***






A Resolution (302-12) ? Authorizing the submission of an application, and

if approved, accept a $5,000 grant from All Baby and Child, Inc., $2,500 from

ABC Corporation along with the $2,500 required match from Positive Parenting

Program and St. Francis Hospital for the District Attorney?s Victim-Witness

Assistance Program/Child Fatality Review Committee to purchase safe-sleep

products, which will be distributed according to a specified screening

process. Councilor Allen moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor McDaniel and carried unanimously by those ten members of Council

present for this meeting.

*** *** ***



__________________ ___


A Resolution ? Authorizing the approval to purchase three (3) mid-size

sport utility vehicles (2013 Ford Explorer 4x4) from Allan Vigil Ford (Morrow,

GA), in the amount of $27,495.00 per unit, for a total price of $82,485.00, via

Georgia Statewide Contract #S-90795-A53.These replacement vehicles were

approved in the FY13 Budget for the Engineering Department. One vehicle will be

used by an inspector to transport files, equipment and personnel needed to

inspect development /construction sites, meet with citizens and other

departments, and to perform other routine duties. The second vehicle will be

used by a survey supervisor and survey crew when needed to transport equipment

and personnel in their routine duties. The third vehicle will be utilized by

office staff to visit construction sites, verify addresses, and meet with

citizens and other routine duties.

A Resolution ? Authorizing the approval to purchase twenty-one (21)

non-pursuit vehicles (2013 Chevrolet Impalas), from Hardy Chevrolet, (Dallas,

GA), in the amount of $386,358.00 ($18,398.00 per unit), via Georgia State

Contract # SWC 90795. Fifteen (15) unmarked police vehicles were approved in

the FY13 Budget for the Columbus Police Department, and six (6) non-pursuit

vehicles were approved in the FY13 Budget for the Sheriff?s Office. These are

replacement vehicles.

A Resolution ? Authorizing the approval to purchase one (1) half-ton crew

cab, 4x4 pickup truck (2013 Ford F150), from Allan Vigil Ford, (Morrow, GA), in

the amount of $27,438.00, via Georgia State Contract # SWC S-90795-B42. One

(1) half-ton crew cab, 4x4 pickup truck was approved in the FY13 Budget for the

Public Services Department. The supervisor of the Forestry and Beautification

Division will use the vehicle to check on crews and travel to and from job

sites. This is a replacement vehicle.

*** *** ***





___________________________________ ______

A Resolution (303-12) ? Authorizing the approval to make payment to

Motorola Solutions, Inc., (Atlanta, GA) in the amount of $141,149.28, for

hardware maintenance of Mobile Data Units (laptop computers) installed in

Public Safety patrol vehicles and various General Government service vehicles.

This payment covers the period from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. The

computers provide access to E-911 for Public Safety Departments and other

databases for General Government departments. The maintenance agreement

provides hardware support and repair on a 24/7/365 schedule. All of the

equipment is manufactured by Motorola and is proprietary in nature. Therefore,

the vendor is the Only Known Source, per Section 3-114 of the Procurement


A Resolution (304-12) ? Authorizing the City Manager to purchase wetland and streambank credits from

the Georgia Land Conservation Center, or any other U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

approved mitigation bank in the Chattahoochee River Hydrologic Unit, to

mitigate for impacts associated with development of the Muscogee Technology

Park. The estimated financial impact for mitigation of wetlands and streambank

impacts, for the full developments of Muscogee Technology Park, is

approximately $3,000,000.00. Per Resolution 385-10, dated October 26, 2010,

Council authorized the City Manager to purchase wetlands and streambank

credits, in the amount of $941,180, from the Upatoi Creek and Kolomoki

Mitigation banks to meet the requirements of the City's Section 404 permit for

impacts at Muscogee Technology Park. On occasion, the number of credits

required to satisfactorily meet the 404 permit requirements exceeds the

combined available credits in both Upatoi and Kolomoki banks. The U.S. Army

Corps of Engineers has directed the City to purchase credits through the

Georgia Land Conservation Center or other approved bank in the Chattahoochee

River Hydrologic Unit, if available. Since the previous purchase of credits, an

additional bank, Bradley Farm, has become operational. When additional credits

are not available from approved banks, the City will be required to purchase

from the Georgia Land Conservation Center through the "in-lieu-fee mitigation


A Resolution (305-12) ? Authorizing the purchase of high-usage office

supplies from Staples (Atlanta, GA) for the estimated annual contract value of

$34,861.99, to be purchased on an ?as needed basis?; as well as, non-excluded

catalog items. The high-usage office supplies includes: various pens, pencils,

file supplies etc. Staples will provide a 25% -70% discount for catalog items

not excluded from the contract. The contract excludes the following: All

Furniture (desks, chairs, bookcases, credenzas, workstations, etc); All

Copiers/Printers and Copier Paper, and Computer Equipment (hardware and

software). Staples will also provide a volume rebate incentive. This initial

term of the contract shall be for two years, with the option to renew for three

(3) additional twelve-month periods. Contract renewal will be contingent upon

the mutual agreement of the City and the Contractor.

A Resolution (306-12) ? Authorizing the approval of an annual contract for

grounds maintenance from Outdoor Solutions for Areas 1, 3 & 6; LandTex for Area

5; and A Cut Above Landscape for Areas 2 & 4. All firms will provide grounds

maintenance services to include weekly, monthly and yearly maintenance

routines, including fertilizing, weekly mowing, edging, weed control,

irrigation, pruning, mulching, disease and insect control, etc. The ground

maintenance services provided by the contractors will include all the necessary

equipment and labor. The City manages forty-two (42) Gateway grounds

maintenance areas in Muscogee County. The areas, listed below, enhance the

appearance of major road arteries, high visibility areas and improve the

quality of life for its citizens:

Area 1 ? I-185 Interstate Site

Area 2 ? J. R. Allen Parkway/Sam Wellborn Parkway Sites

Area 3 ? Downtown/Historic Sites

Area 4 - Inner-City Mini-Gateway Sites

Area 5 ? Pedestrian and Tourist Sites

Area 6 ? Adopt-A-Spot Median Sites

The term of the contract shall be for one year beginning November 1, 2012

through October 31, 2013, with the option to renew for four (4) additional

twelve-month periods. Contract renewal will be contingent upon the mutual

agreement of the City and the Contractors.

A Resolution (307-12) ? Authorizing the approval of facilities

maintenance, repair & operation (MRO), industrial supplies and tools from

Grainger Industrial Supply, via Georgia State Contract, SWC

99999-001-SPD-0000078-0002. Various City departments will purchase the MRO

products on an ?as needed basis?. The State Contract includes an established

pricing for a list of 570 Core items and discounts on Non-Core items ranging

from 12% to 20%. The effective date of the State contract commenced on

September 4, 2012, and will continue through August 31, 2013, with four (4) one

year options to renew. Departments will be able to purchase repair items from

Grainger Industrial Supply, under the State Contract, which will eliminate the

need to request price quotes. In addition, this will be a time saving tool,

especially for Facilities Maintenance staff handling the upkeep of City


A Resolution (308-12) ? Authorizing the approval to purchase copier paper

and toner items from Staples, via Georgia State Contract, SWC

99999-SPD-SPD0000065-0001. Various City departments will purchase copier paper

and toner items on an ?as needed basis?. The effective date of the State

contract commenced on April 1, 2012 and will continue through March 31, 2014.

Departments will be able to purchase copier paper and toner items from Staples,

under the State Contract, which will eliminate the need to request price

quotes. In addition, this will be a time saving tool since copier paper is no

longer included in the Copier contract.

A Resolution (309-12) ? Authorizing the approval of a contract, for audit

services, with JD Shirley, LLC, (Tuscaloosa, AL) to perform a three-year

compliance audit of the hospital care to indigent persons contract, between the

Columbus Consolidated Government and the Medical Center Hospital Authority,

with the option to audit additional years, if needed. The three-year compliance

audit shall include fiscal years ending June 30, 2010, June 30, 2011, and June

30, 2012.

A Resolution (310-12) ? Authorizing the approval of the annual contract

for automotive body repair services from Syskon Partners, LLC, D/B/A Collision

Surgeons of Columbus (Columbus, GA). The Fleet Manager estimates the annual

usage/contract value in the amount $120,000, based on past body repair

history. The contractor will provide automotive body repair services for all

types of vehicles utilized by Columbus Consolidated Government on an ?as needed

basis?. The contract term shall be for three years.

A Resolution (311-12) ? Authorizing the approval of an annual contract for

Professional Sign Making and Erecting Services for Alcohol Beverage License

Applications, on an ?as needed basis,? from Curtiss Signs, Inc., for the

estimated annual contract value of $9,900.00. The Finance Department/Revenue

Division will utilize the Professional Sign Making and Erecting Services. The

sign making and erecting services requested are in conjunction with the

application process for an Alcohol Beverage License in Muscogee County. The

term of the contract period shall be for two years, with the option to renew

for three (3) additional twelve (12) month periods. Contract renewal is

contingent upon the mutual agreement of the contractor and the City.

A Resolution (312-12) ? Authorizing the purchase of a roll-in double-rack

gas oven and accessories from Strategic Equipment & Supply in the amount of

$28,702.85. This is replacement equipment for Muscogee County Prison.

A Resolution (313-12) ? Authorizing the approval of payment to Motorola

Solutions (Atlanta, GA) in the amount of $303,591.00 for Computer Aided

Dispatch (CAD) System, Premier Software, and AirMobile software license

maintenance and support, covering the period from July 1, 2012 through June 30,

2013. The Police Department (through the 911 Center), Marshal?s Office and

Sheriff?s Office uses the Motorola Computer Aided Dispatch System and the

Airmobile System to dispatch the various Public Safety Units throughout the

City, as they are needed. This equipment is a critical part of Public Safety

communications system. It has, since the initial warranty expired, been

covered by a comprehensive 24/7/365 maintenance agreement with Motorola in

order to assure rapid and accurate repairs and minimal down time. All of the

software was developed by Motorola and is proprietary in nature. Therefore,

the vendor is considered an Only Known Source, per Section 3-114 of the

Procurement Ordinance.


Councilor Thomas said that she received a telephone call from a

Mr. Dean who said that he had called Citizens Service Center on at least three

different occasions about Fort Benning Road across from Camellia Apartments and

asked about it being cleaned up. She said he received one automatic call back,

but has not heard anything else since that time. She said he would like for

someone to call him back about getting this property cleaned up.

--------------------------------*** ***







(1) Application of Elizabeth Hurst to temporarily close 11th Street from Front

Avenue to Broadway, on Friday, October 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., in

connection with ?Girls Night Out 5K Run?.

(2) Application of Kathy Hollon to temporarily close Leonard Street from

Wildwood Avenue to Forest Avenue, on Sunday, October 21, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. to

8:00 p.m., in connection with ?Fall Festival for St. Paul United Methodist


(3) Application of Courtney Ellis to temporarily close 19th Avenue from Garrard

Street to 22nd Street and Garrard Street from 18th Avenue to Cherokee Avenue at

10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.; 18th Avenue from Garrard Street to 22nd Avenue and

22nd Street from 18th Avenue to 19th Avenue at 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., on

Thursday, October 25, 2012, in connection with ?Midtown Mingle?.

(4) Application of Mitch Watts to temporarily close 3rd Avenue from 11th Street

to the exit of St. Luke parking area on 12th Street (approximately halfway down

the block), on Friday, October 26, 2012 from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., in

connection with ?St. Luke Fall Festival?.

(5) Application of Richard Bishop to temporarily close Broadway from 11th

Street to 12th Street, on Saturday, October 27, 2012 from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00

p.m., in connection with the ?Columbus Walk to End Alzheimer?s?.

(6) Application of Elizabeth Hurst to temporarily close Broadway from 10th

Street to 12th Street, on Saturday, October 27, 2012 from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00

p.m., in connection with ?Uptown Spooktacular?.

(7) Memorandum from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Board of Honor.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington submitted a letter from Judge Clay Land

resigning from his seat on the Board of Honor. Councilor McDaniel made a motion

that the letter be received with regrets and thanks for his service. Seconded

by Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present at the time, with Councilor Barnes being absent for this vote.

*** *** ***



_________________________ _

Board of Health, August 22, 2012.

Board of Tax Assessors, Nos. 34-12, 35-12 & 36-12.

Convention & Trade Center Authority, April 28, 2011.

Convention & Trade Center Authority, May 26, 2011.

Convention & Trade Center Authority, June 23, 2011.

Convention & Trade Center Authority, August 25, 2011.

Cooperative Extension Advisory Board, September 25, 2012.

Housing Authority, July 18, 2012.

Personnel Review Board, September 19, 2012.

Planning Advisory Commission, June 6 & 20, 2012.

River Valley Regional Commission, August 22, 2012.

Taxicab Commission, September 26, 2012.

Tree Board, June 13, 2012.

Uptown Facade Board, August 20, 2012.

Uptown Facade Board, September 17, 2012.

Councilor McDaniel moved the minutes be received. Seconded by Mayor Pro

Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present at the time, with Councilor Barnes being absent for this vote.

*** *** ***



Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that. Ms. Yasmin Cathright was

nominated by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh at the last regular meeting to fill the

unexpired term of Mrs. Brenda Dozier, who resigned from the board. She pointed

out that Ms. Cathright could be confirmed. Councilor Allen so moved. Seconded

by Councilor McDaniel and carried unanimously by those ten members of Council

now at the Council table and voting.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that there are two nominees who

have been nominated to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Eddie Lindsey, who

resigned from the board, which are Mr. Gerald Miley and Mr. Jim Wetherington.

She then took a roll call vote, which resulted in Mr. Gerald Miley being

elected. Voting for Mr. Miley were Councilors Davis, Barnes, Huff, McDaniel,

Woodson and Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh. Voting for Mr. Wetherington were

Councilors Allen, Baker, Henderson and Thomas.

Clerk of Council Washington then asked for a motion to confirm Mr. Miley.

Councilor Woodson so moved. Seconded by Councilor Huff and carried unanimously

by those ten members of Council present for this meeting.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Ms. Sonya Eddings? seat on

the board has been declared vacant and this is an Uptown Business Association

position. She said we have contacted Richard Bishop of Uptown Columbus and he

is working on getting a replacement for Ms. Eddings? seat.

*** *** ***


Councilor Woodson said that Mr. Robert Loving, who used to serve on our

Recreation Advisory Board, passed away on Sunday and there will be visitation

on Wednesday from 1:00 ? 7:00 p.m. and the funeral services will be held on

Thursday at 11:00 a.m.

*** *** ***

Councilor Baker said he would like to thank the Mayor & Council for their

prayers and acts of kindness during the death of his mother.

*** *** ***

With there being no other business to come before the Council, Mayor

Tomlinson then entertained a motion for adjournment. Councilor McDaniel so

moved. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those

ten members of Council present for this meeting and the time of adjournment

being 12:45 p.m.

Tiny B. Washington, CMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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