Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



May 12, 2009

Members Present: Chairperson Skip Henderson, Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner Pugh

and Councilors R. Gary Allen, Mike Baker, Jerry ?Pops? Barnes, Glenn Davis,

Julius Hunter, Jr., and Evelyn Woodson. Also present were City Manager Isaiah

Hugley, City Attorney Clifton Fay, Deputy City Managers David Arrington and

Lisa Goodwin, Finance Director Pam Hodge, and Clerk of Council Tiny Washington.

Members Absent: Councilors Wayne Anthony and Charles E. McDaniel, Jr. were


Call to Order: Chairperson Henderson called the meeting to order at 4:25 p.m.

in the Council Chambers, Plaza Level, of the Government Center.

Chairperson Henderson said this is the second Budget Review Meeting and

then called on City Manager Hugley and Finance Director Hodge to proceed with

the presentation of the FY2010 Recommended Budget.

*** *** ***


City Manager Hugley repeated that this is the second Budget Review Meeting

for the FY2010 Recommended Budget after which he called on Finance Director

Hodge to make her presentation.

Director Hodge pointed out that she passed out a copy of today?s

presentation as well as some information on the new positions that will be

discussed with the Add/Delete List. Director Hodge said one of the items handed

out include a new summary report for Schedule Operating Expenses Only. There

are no increases in personnel except for the new positions that are listed. She

said this provides a comparison of the divisions? expenses from year to year.

Using the overhead projector, Director Hodge went over the agenda for

today?s meeting which includes: Overview

Agency Appropriations

Non-Operating Funds

1999 Special Purpose Local Option Sales


2009 Other Local Option Sales Tax (LOST)

Department Presentations (Clerk of

Municipal Court -

cancelled; Sheriff?s Office; Tax

Assessors Office)

Add/Delete List

Budget Schedule

Director Hodge explained that the FY2010 recommended budget is submitted at

$234,156, 401 ? using $3.8 million in the fund balance. Of that $3,702,480

comes from General Fund and $118,185 comes from parking Management Fund. She

said this budget is a 11.11% increase over the FY2009 adopted budget and only a

1.14% increase and if you exclude the LOST, it is a very modest increase in the

budget without the new revenue source.

Continuing with her presentation, Director Hodge points out the following:


No millage increase since FY05 for Urban Service District 1

Slight decrease in FY10 for Urban Service District (USD) 2 and 4

9 mill cap in Urban Service District (USD) 1

1.00 % Growth in the Digest

96% Collection Rate ? reduced from 97%

E911 Subsidy - $616,413

Oxbow Creek Subsidy - $150,000 (additional $194,604 from General Fund Balance)

Bull Creek Subsidy - $288,399

Value of one mill (operating) $4,142,014

Value of one mill (debt) $4,611,776

No pay plan advancement/adjustment or retirees increases

Health Insurance (City and Employees contributions remain the same)

$1,700,000 increase in Pension contribution

$0 included for post employment retiree benefits


In addition to the handout provided, Director Hodge pointed out that

District 1 total millage rate remains the same at 17.91. She pointed out that

there is a reduction in the debt service millage rate from 1.23 down to 1.08

across all funds; she said there is an increase in the Storm Water/Sewer

Millage in Urban Service District 1 that went from 1.07 % to 1.22 %; and in

Urban Service District 2, it went from 0.12 to 0.21 mills; reduction in Urban

Service District 2 went from 13.05 mills to 12.99 mills; and in Urban Service

District 4, a reduction from 11.85 to 11.70.

Councilor Baker asked if the pension increase is 1.4 or 1.7 % to which

Director Hodge responded that it is 1.7 %. Councilor Baker then asked if this

was the funding or the increase over the prior year funding. Director Hodge

responded that this is the increase over the required contribution from FY2009

to FY2010. Councilor Baker and Director Hodge had some additional discussion

regarding the requirement of the actuary calculations.


Director Hodge said the General Fund makes up 62.14 % or $145 million of

the total Operating Fund. She said on the revenue side, you can see that the

general property taxes makes up 31.32 %; sales and taxes ? 25.10 %; Charges for

Services is 14.94 %; and the fourth largest revenue source is business and

other taxes at 10.50%.


Director Hodge said the largest allocation goes to Public Safety at 43.42%;

Public Services at 10.84%; and Community Services at 9.12 %. She said the

Medical Center is included in the Community Services Allocation.


Director Hodge said we are heavy into Personnel Services at 62.60%;

Operating at 30.85%; and very small portion to Capital (2.75%) and CIP (3.83%).


Director Hodge pointed out that this fund would remain the same, except for

two, which are Contractual Agreements ? one that went out with the Health

Department Grant and the other to the Lower Chattahoochee Regional Development

Center. The total agency appropriations are $1,823,151.


Director Hodge said these funds are not part of the General Operating funds

of the City Government. They are all restricted for a specific purposes, are

budgeted annually, and each is maintained in a separate fund. Urban Development

Action Grant is a program established back in 1988 and it is a mortgage loan

program. The $70,000 that is budgeted is strictly for servicing fees and

miscellaneous expenses related to monitoring that program.

Director Hodge further explained the other Non-operating funds in the

handout. A copy of said handout (the complete presentation) is on file with the

May 12, 2009 FY2010 Budget Review Meeting file in the Clerk of Council?s


Councilor Davis asked if the hotel/motel tax is a projection - stating that

it appears as though a penny is coming in right now at $0.7 and further asked

how each penny is calculated. Director Hodge responded by saying that each

penny is calculated at $608,700. She further explained that the numbers

projected here is based on current revenue that we received over the last six

months and the current occupancy.

1999 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST):

Director Hodge explained that when we originally adopted this SPLOST, the

voters approve it back in November 1999 and the total in the referendum was

$255,441,322. She said we had reached that collection point and the SPLOST

ended in September 30,2008. The additional SPLOST money that was due (because

of the timing of SPLOST) plus interest income is $22 million.

The recommendation of the $22 million is as follows:

$5,000,000- Public Safety

$3,823,365 ? Police Department

91 Pursuit Vehicles including tech packages

$714,470 ? Fire Department

Replacement engines/ambulances/equipment

$84,030 ? Marshal?s Office

2 Pursuit Vehicles including tech packages

$378,135 ? Sheriff?s Office

9 Pursuit Vehicles including tech packages

2009 Other Local Option Sales Tax:

Director Hodge explained that this is budgeted at $21,000,000 million. The

original projections for the LOST were $36 million, and as we see the

unexpected change in the economy, we have reduced that projection to $28.8

million. We are budgeting $21 million and the remaining $8 million will be

reserved for the FY2011 rollback requirement.

She said we would be coming back to council with the educational component

of the LOST.

As council has committed 70% to Public Safety and 30% to Roads and

Infrastructure split, this budget is prepared with that distribution $14.1

million of the $21 million represents 70% and that is split between personnel

($9,438,797); Operating ($993,285); Capital ($4,267,918); and $6,300,000

infrastructure for CIP.

Councilor Henderson said there were lots of personnel needs highlighted in

the Mayor?s proposal when this was taken out to the public for vote. He said

this is going to take a little while for us to address those personnel needs.

In the different public safety areas such as in the Marshall?s offices to help

facilitate those eviction which ultimately do a lot of property damage ? the

longer it to get takes them (evictions) done, the more that community will be I

need of additional assistance. He said the penny is not a magic wand, it is a

mechanism for us to start addressing some specific needs, but it can?t happen

all in the first year or overnight.

City Manager Hugley pointed out that the Mayor (during his campaign) said

the first priority would be to get the 100 police officers on the streets, and

he (the Mayor) indicated on the campaign that some of the other positions would

not come the first year. The commitment is there and the Mayor has acknowledged

that-but it is not happening with this FY2010 budget.

Director Hodge further pointed out that the 2009 other LOST Public Safety

Recommendations, the operating cost are $993,285 ? the first allocation is for

he Crime Prevention/Intervention Program. She said we budgeted this year at

$931,459 towards the annual $2 million commitment and the commission has

identified five areas of emphasis: Recreation, Education, Drug and Alcohol

Prevention and Intervention, Employment and Jobs, and Community Placing.

Councilor Henderson asked City Manager Hugley to expand on the need for

additional personnel in the State Solicitor General?s Office.

City Manager Hugley said in the LOST, there would be an assistant Solicitor

General and an assisted Public Defender. He said the State Law changed the

limits in the courtroom and the state court would take on some additional cases

based on these limits which were establish in recent legislative session. He

said the new District Attorney has some cases she is going to recuse herself

from. Of the 3,000 cases that they have, somewhere between 90 to 100 cases she

will have to recuse herself from. The Solicitor General?s Office will be

taking on these cases.

City Manager Hugley provided some further information with regards to the

jail population and the number of correction officers.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked who pays the cost for trials and cases that

are handled outside of Muscogee - in the event of a transfer. City Manager

Hugley and Director Hodge said they would have to research this information and

provide an answer to Council at a later date. He said he do think we will have

some responsibility, since the case is our responsibility.

Regarding the Crime Prevention and Intervention Program, Director Hodge

said we have $931,459 in the budget towards the annual commitment, and much

like the comprehensive plan, the Crime Prevention and Intervention Program will

come to Council for approval before spending ? including detailed line item

budget outlining how the money is going to be spent and Council would vote on

it from there much like their budget presentation.

Councilor Henderson said he commends the Mayor for this program ? he thinks

this is the most significant budgeted item out of the one-cent sales tax,

because its the amount that is actually going towards crime prevention versus

catching it and putting it away. After some additional comments for Councilor

Henderson, Director Hodge continued with her presentation, which lasted an

additional 10 minutes.

Councilor Allen asked if the 78 pursuit vehicles mentioned in Director

Hodge?s presentation are needed right now to which Director Hodge responded

that this is part of the 169 that was originally bought to Council. She said

some were going to be purchased immediately, and some will be purchased out of

the SPLOST. She said 69 were purchased immediately and the remaining 100 are

being put out for bids.

Director Hodge said in regards to the position Councilor Woodson asked

about, this would be a Project Engineer in the Engineering Department and this

would be a temporary position to serve as backup in training with the existing

project engineer in the transition phase before his retirement. This would be

funded out of the LOST.


Director Hodge said we originally had three department presentations but we

now have two: Sheriff?s Office and Tax Assessor?s Office.

Councilor Baker said he is not sure what department this falls under, but a

few months ago, he had the pleasure of serving on jury duty in the winter-time

and questioned whether the jury rooms are for the jury or the convicts because

they are in bad condition. He said the chairs do not have pads, no mats on the

floors, and no drinking water. He further asked if there is any way for the

jury rooms to have chairs with padding, mats in the floors and water to drink.

He asked that someone look into this.

Councilor Henderson, in response to Councilor Baker?s comments, said this

is the time when items can be placed on the Add/Delete list to be voted up or

down and told Councilor Baker he can place this on the Add list if he so


City Manager Hugley, in response to Councilor Baker?s comments, said we can

try and work this administratively.

Councilor Baker made some additional comments regarding the $993,285

funding for the Crime Prevention/Intervention Program. City Manager Hugley

reassured that nothing would happen ? no money would be spent unless this

Council has approved it.

In response to questions and concerns voiced by Councilor Baker regarding

the Crime Prevention/Intervention Program, Mayor Wetherington said he

understand Councilor Baker concerns, but when we went out and talk to the

public about voting yes for this sales tax, we also identified what we were

going to do. We were going to add 100 police officers, and I believed in having

the officers on the streets. Mayor Wetherington said we need to be aggressive

in enforcing the law, but I believe also that we need to do something in crime

prevention. If we wait until we arrest them, I think we are losing in a sense

that they are still getting involved in crime. The office of Crime Prevention

will not do anything about hiring personnel until we come to you (Council), but

I am going to ask you to support me in hiring a director for Crime Prevention;

a director that will study all of the needs that has been presented in the area

of crime prevention. I really think that we can make a difference. We said he

wants to do something in all the areas of crime prevention that Director Hodge

has mentioned, but nothing will be done unless we come to you (Council) for


Councilor Baker said while he knows this item will be passed; he could not

support it at this time and requested that it is put on the Add/Delete List.

Councilor Barnes said it is astounding how many veterans are served by the

VA Center but it is very cold in the winter and swelters in the summer. He said

for our veterans whose conditions has deteriorated and uses this facility to

get assistance with paperwork- he appreciates Council?s attention to this

matter in an effort to get the much-needed upgrades and repairs accomplished.

With regards to the new position of Director with the Crime

Prevention/Intervention Program, Councilor Woodson asked if it would be

possible to have a lateral promotion for someone who is already working in the

Public Safety Department. She said this would be a person who already has some

experience and insight in this area. She said this is just something to


Mayor Wetherington said what we are trying to do, is find the best person

possible to head-up this program. He further stated that if we can prevent

crime, it would be much cheaper on the state.

After a few additional minutes of discussion, Councilor Woodson said she

fully supports the program.

Councilor Woodson, in addressing City Manager Hugley said when the LOST was

being discussed, she made a request to look into a bonus or other incentives

for the General Employees ? for their continued support and hard work and also

given the state of the current economy. She said for this budget session, she

was expecting to see some numbers ? and throughout this entire book (FY2010

Columbus Consolidated Government Recommended Budget), she still does not see

anything. Councilor Woodson further requested that she receive something

(numbers) before this budget session is over.

City Manager Hugley said he do not specifically recall Councilor Woodson

asking for said numbers, but as I stand here we did not ? when we were out

sharing information about the LOST ? indicate that we were going to spend LOST

money for General Employees. He said any bonus would have to come out of he

Budget and not the sales tax.

After a few minutes of discussing this issue, City Manager Hugley said he

would bring something back to Council but stressed that it would not be from

the LOST.

At the invitation of City Manager Hugley, Ms. Judy Thomas, Executive

Assistant to the Mayor came forward and gives a brief presentation on the Crime

Prevention/Invention Program.

Councilor Davis said he too is hesitant with the request for the Crime

Prevention Program. He said in support of crime prevention, with respect to the

amount being requested, he has some concerns ? he said essentially what is

being requested is the Mayor asking us to approve it when only a certain amount

is being used this year. He said you are only talking about this year when you

have $21 million in sales tax from the LOST, but when you deduct 70% of that

you are well over 10% for this one request. He said while he has no idea of how

the mayor arrived at this number for this program want needs to be clear is

that transparency and public trust in making sure this money is used


Councilor Davis said he would like to invite each of the Councilors to go

to the gym facility in the Public Safety building ? he said it is a sweat box

and a lot of the equipment in there are a health hazard to the men and women

who utilized this facility. He said we all have access to this facility and we

have done this for the Fire Houses as well as other departments. He said having

adequate equipment to work out is a great, healthy way to relieve stress.

Councilor Davis said he would like to see a maximum of $100,000 go towards

improvement and modification of the workout equipment in the Public Safety


Mayor Wetherington said he agrees that some of the gym equipment needs

replacing. He said we had to make a hard decision during this process in order

to present a balanced budget ? but if this Council see fit that this money goes

towards the gym equipment, I have no objection with that.

Several other members of Council and the Mayor made comments and

suggestions regarding the Crime Prevention/Intervention Program as well as the

growing number of people behind bars, and the process and procedure for hiring

a director. This discussion between the Mayor and Council went on for an

additional 15 minutes after which Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked about the

position in the Solicitors Office, the longevity of the Clerk in the Marshall?s

Office, as well as other items on the Add/Delete List.

Add/Delete List:

Director Hodges said these are items that Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh had

suggested that would be deleted from the Add/Delete List. She said the

positions would start on January 1st instead of July 1st ? and this just lists

them individually. She said there are also two departments that are going to

make presentations before we get to the Add/Delete List.

Referring back to the portion of the presentation regarding Infrastructure

and Roads, Councilor Davis asked if there was enough money allocated for

repairs and other road improvements. Director Hodge answered by stating that we

have allocated $1,487,000 in the Paving Fund for the resurfacing program, and

$1.8 million out of the LOST for roads, resurfacing, and other road improvement

programs. Councilor Davis made some additional comments regarding adequate

funding in the event of a rate increase in fuel.


Clerk of Municipal Court- Cancelled

SHERIFF?S OFFICE- Maj. Randy Robertson presenting:

Maj. Robertson thanked the City Manager?s Office and the Finance Department

for all their help in the re-organization of the Sheriff?s Office. Maj.

Robertson said although they have been successful in the cutting back and

reducing overtime in the Sheriff?s Office, there seems to be some

miscommunication articulated in the line items. He said these things are very

important to our mission and some of them are required under the Federal

Consent Decree that we entered into with the Department of Justice. Maj.

Robertson presented the following to Council:

1.Sheriff Operations:

Travel Schools and Conferences:

Maj. Robertson said our request was $22,171.00 but we were approved

$3,000.00 and this money is used to maintain certifications for our K-9s

(explosives, patrol, and Bloodhounds) and their handlers. He said to save

money, we send them to Savanna, GA to work with the Chattahoochee County

Sheriff?s Office and they provide free room and board. He said National

Certification is required on the K-9s and the testing is very expensive. The

$3,000 awarded is not enough to even cover one of those required certification.

Also part of this is the CES Operator Certifications ? this is our lie detector

operators. Within the Muscogee County Sheriff?s Department and every other

Public Safety Department, we polygraph every person that comes looking for a

job. And we also use it for Internal Affairs Investigations. The initial

certification for these operators is around $5,000 and right now we have four

officers certified so this money is primarily use for re-certifications and

these certifications last for three years. Maj. Robertson said he believe the

Sheriff?s Department has three of these individuals who will be up for

re-certification this summer. He said the cost-excluding travel for individuals

needing re-certification is around $1,500.00 each.

2.Publications and Subscriptions:

The amount requested was $8,900, and the amount granted was $6,000 and this

money goes towards maintaining the Law Library in the County Jail. This is an

electronic Library System that the Justice Department came down and said we had

to have available for the inmates, to be able to research their cases. The

$6,000 allocated will not cover the amount that is required to maintain this

Law Library over the Fiscal Year.

Maj. Robertson said one other thing that was done that we would like for

you (Council) to look at is the re-classifications. Maj. Robertson pointed out

that the Sheriff?s Office did not ask for anything under the LOST this year.

Maj. Robertson said for the re-classification, the first one is from a

secretary D10 to an Account Tech D12, which is an increase of salary and

benefits of less than $34 per week. This individual handles all of our ordering

and invoicing; Purchase documents and price agreements; Service contracts; Bid

items, and the entire city budget for the Sheriff?s Office ? she is our liaison

to the Department of Finance ? a 17-year employee who started in 1992. Maj.

Robertson said this request has been made in years past and has been denied.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked if the classification has already been to

the University of Georgia, to which Maj. Robertson replied that he is unsure at

this time.

Maj. Robertson said the second re-classification request comes out of jail

budget under the Classification and Identification Section - and they are

responsible for finger printing and classifying all inmates who comes through

there, regardless of the charge. If they spend time in the Muscogee County

jail, they will be finger printed and have to be classified so they can be

placed in the proper cell ? for safety concerns. Two Sergeants and 14 Deputies

currently run this section. What we are asking for is that a Sergeant is

re-classified as a Lieutenant; a Tech be reclassified as a Sergeant; and a

Deputy be reclassified to a Tech, and you do not have to replace the Deputy. In

essence, we are giving up a Deputy slot for these reclassifications. This

reclassification will allow for a more efficient run of the department and will

also fall into compliance with the Georgia Security & Immigration Compliance

Act which was signed by Governor Perdue on April 17, 2006 and require that jail

personnel check the legal status of those who are charged with a felony or DUI

and notify Immigration & Customs Enforcement if the individual is not legally

in the United States.

Maj. Robertson then provided some additional information on the figures and

numbers with regards to the upgrades and reclassification discussed during his


Councilor Henderson suggests that City Manager Hugley, Finance Director

Hodge and Maj. Robertson get the figures together to determine how it will

affect the budget.

There were some additional discussion with regards to the re-organization

of the Sheriff?s Department and the effects on their Operating Budget.

TAX ASSESSORS? OFFICE PRESENTATION presented by Ms. Betty Middleton:

Ms. Betty Middleton, Chief Appraiser, said she is here asking that the

position she had put in the budget and was subsequently taken out be restored.

She said it was deleted in 2003 when we had a total of four positions

eliminated. Three of the four deleted positions have since been restored and

this position is for an Appraise/Auditor. We have been able to maintain someone

through temporary vacancies and also by way of emergency approval from the City

Manager. Ms. Middleton said this is a very important position that needs to be

restored. She said the position is crucial to our personal property division.

This position is charged with assisting tax payers with other detail questions

relating to personal property return. Ms. Middleton pointed out other

justification for reinstating this position.

After a brief discussion among some members of Council, Councilor Henderson

said it could be put on the Add List for a vote at another meeting.

Councilor Henderson suggested that Director Hodge provide a rundown of all

the items added to the List so Council can get a better picture of how each

item affects the budget in terms of cost.

Director Hodge explained each item as listed in the Add/Delete List.

Director Hodge, City Manager Hugley and Mayor Wetherington responded to

questions and comments from several members of Council.

Director Hodge further pointed out that the next FY2010 Recommended Budget

Meeting is Schedule for May 19, 2009 at 9:00 A.M.

*** *** ***

With there being no further questions/comments regarding this session of

this budget FY2010 proposal, Councilor Allen made a motion for adjournment.

Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those eight members of

Council present for this meeting with Councilors Anthony and McDaniel being

absent and the time being 2:03 P.M.


Shondell V. Duncan

Administrative Secretary

Clerk of Council?s Office

Council of Columbus, Georgia


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