Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




OCTOBER 17, 2012

Commissioners Present: Elizabeth Barker, Chair, Jim Smith, Vice Chair, Dhan

Parekh, Secretary/Treasurer, Charlie Desai, Felicia Hamilton, Ken Johnson, Paul

Pierce, and Pino Wells-Davis

Commissioners Absent: John Shinkle, Immediate Past Chair

Ex-Officios Present: Bill Bullock and Isaiah Hugley

Ex-Officos Absent: Richard Bishop, David Bevins, Cyndy Cerbin, Mike Gaymon,

Herbert Greene, Ross Horner, and Mayor Teresa Tomlinson

Staff Present: Peter Bowden Shelby Guest, Kimberly Kaup, Laura Walker, and

Linda Olvera

Guests: Brian Rutledge and Rhonda Machalk with Robinson, Grimes CPA

Call to Order: Due to the absence of Elizabeth Barker, Chair, Jim Smith, Vice

Chair, called the

meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Note: Ms. Barker later joined the meeting.

Special Presentation Civil War Naval Museum at Port Columbus???.Ken Johnson,

Director National Civil War Naval Museum at Port Columbus, Ken Johnston,

Executive Director, updated the Board on the Museum?s work as per the Funding

Alliance Agreement.

Approval of Minutes: Dhan Parekh, Secretary/Treasurer, presented the minutes

from the September meeting to the Board for approval. Ken Johnson made a

motion to accept the minutes as presented. Paul Pierce seconded the motion, a

vote was taken and the motion passed.

Treasurer?s Report: Dhan Parekh, Secretary/Treasurer, presented the financial

reports for the month of September to the Board for approval. Paul Pierce made

a motion to accept the financials as presented. Charlie Desai seconded the

motion, a vote was taken and the motion passed.

Annual Audit Report: Brian Rutledge and Rhonda Machalk presented the annual

audit for FY 2012 to the Board members.

Chair?s Report???????????????Jim Smith, Vice Chair

Arts Hotel Motel Tax Funding-------It?s brought to the Staff?s attention that

hotel motel tax is being considered as a possible revenue source in the

establishment of an Arts Authority. Peter Bowden, Paul Pierce, current Chair

of the Arts Alliance and Lucy Sheftall, the Assistant City Attorney, met to

discuss the concept of an Authority and clarification on how the tax funds can

be used. It was suggested that the City Attorney would recommend to Mayor

Tomlinson that the Arts Alliance and the CCVB pursue additional ideas and plans

before moving ahead to establish an Authority.

CCVB Building Lease------The CVB?s building lease is due for renewal in May

2013. The Staff seeking approval to conduct research and renegotiate a

better agreement with the CSU Foundation Properties; the Board asked the Staff

to proceed with its plan.

Master Tourism Plan Briefing-----A briefing will be held November 6, 2012 from

11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. hosted by the CCVB to discuss the results of the SWOT

Analysis conducted in June, 2012. Board members were encouraged to attend.

Board Appointments-Terms-----Three Board members have terms which end December

31, 2012; Dhan Parekh, Ken Johnston, and John Shinkle. Mr. Parekh and Mr.

Johnson are eligible for reappointment for a 2nd term. They should notify

(letter given for notification) the CVB staff if they desire to continue

serving. John Shinkle is not eligible for reappointment. The Board expressed

its appreciation for Mr. Shinkle?s services and his leadership as Chair.

Tourism Grant Application Review-----Jim Smith has requested that Felicia

Hamilton and Ken Johnston meet with Staff immediately following the Board

meeting to review the application submitted by the Fountain City Classic.

President?s Report???????????..Peter Bowden

ColumbusGA Whitewater-----An update was presented by Shelby Guest and Kimberly


Sales Report-----presented by Laura Walker (see attachment)

Recap & Adjournment-----Jim Smith adjourned the meeting at 4:35 p.m.


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