Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
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Council Members

Meeting Minutes

Date: November 17, 2010 - Place: CHD - Health & Human Services Bldg. LDR


Presiding: H. Banks Carroll, M. D.

Attending Members: Carlos Wise, M.D., William DeNamur D.M.D., Todd Jarrell,

M. D., Ms. Brenda Dozier

Absent Members: Isaiah Hugley, Mayor Jim Wetherington

Others Present: David Arrington for City Manager, Steve Gunby, Ed Saidla,

Eileen Albritton, Pam Middleton, Joanne Strickland, Karon Bush, Sheila

Mayfield, Brenda Forman, Pam Fair, Christy Kuriatnyk, Carol Popwell, Secretary

Special Guests: None

Agenda TopicDiscussionDecisionResponsibility

I. Call to orderDr. Carroll called the Columbus Board of Health to order at

1:00pm. NoneNone

II. Approval of MinutesDr. Carroll asked if there were any questions or

comments on the previous minutes received (October 27, 2010). Dr. Carroll asked

for a motion to approve the minutes. A motion was made by Dr. Wise seconded by

Dr. DeNamur and approved by all members present.


III. Excused AbsencesDr. Carroll stated there were no Absences to excuse for

the meeting today.None


IV. Financial ReportDr. Carroll called on Joanne Strickland to present the

financial report to the Board.Ms. Strickland stated the financials are on

target for the year based on the adjustments relevant to the planned furlough



V. Old BusinessNoneNoneNone

VI. New BusinessDr. Carroll opened the floor for New Business ? Larry Young

from Albright, Fortenberry was introduced to present the FY10 Audit Review.

Mr. Young announced The Columbus Department of Health Department received a

clean opinion in the three areas that were audited; audit of the Financial

Statements, audit in Compliance with the Single Audit Act, and audit in

Compliance with Governmental Accounting Standards.

Mr. Young also pointed out the deficit of revenues over expenditures of

$921,000.00 as listed on page 6 of the financial report which is up from last

year of $594,000.00. During the audit review in July 2010, Mr. Young discussed

with Ed Saidla, Pam Middleton and Joanne Strickland his concerns and explained

the Health Department could not keep this up for very long. At the end of June

the fund balance was $2.7 million (for all programs). Mr. Young explained with

our service related environment, 80 ? 85% of costs are personnel and benefits.

Ms. Middleton reported the steps that were being taken to cut spending.Dr.

Carroll asked for a motion to approve the Audit Review. A motion was made by

Dr. Jarrell seconded by Dr. Wise and approved by all members present.


VII. District Health Director?s ReportDr. Carroll called on Ed Saidla to give

the Director?s report in Dr. Davis? absence. CHD is in the process of

scheduling the interviews for the District Health Director position. We have

those set for December 3rd, we currently have six (6) applicants and will be

interviewing those persons then. The Health Department has in the past two to

three years, where the State has cut program funding, the health department has

kept those programs going by using Fund Balance, continuing to think, because

all of the predictions saying the economy would pick back up sooner that it

has. That is why we find ourselves with a shrinking budget surplus on Fund

Balance. We are trying to find creative ways to cut costs and consolidate

things as much as we possible can.

Ms. Dozier asked how the counties are doing that we are responsible for. Ms.

Saidla answered they are in the same situation we are. WCHD has six counties

that are furloughing one day a month. We are experiencing challenges all the

way around.None

VIII. PresentationNone None


IX. Adjourned

Dr. Carroll announced Ms. Brenda Dozier has agreed to stay on the Board for

another term. With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned

by Dr. Carroll, Chairman.


Columbus Board of Health

Respectfully submitted by: Carol Popwell, Secretary


JANUARY 26, 2011

1:00 PM



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