Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item # 6

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting

June 5, 2018

Agenda Report # 130

TO: Mayor and Councilors

SUBJECT: Purchase Authorizations

INITIATED BY: Finance Department


It is requested that Council authorize the annual contract for an emergency

notification system with CivicPlus, Inc. (Manhattan, KS).

CivicPlus, Inc. will enable the City to provide emergency notification to

employees and citizens via a cloud-based system utilizing data, email, text,

voice, social media, and messaging, resulting in increased safety and response

planning for emergency situations, such as natural disasters, as well as,

non-life safety matters such as, automatic weather alerts, holiday schedules

for trash/recycling, planned road closures, etc.

The term of this contract shall be for two years, with the option to renew for

three (3) additional twelve-month periods. Contract renewal will be contingent

upon the mutual agreement of the City and the Contractor.

Annual Contract History:

This is a new contract. In 2008, Council approved a 9-month trial period for

these services (Resolution #538-08). Since then, Council has historically

approved a continuation of the services. Per Resolution 28-18, Council approved

an extension of services through June 30, 2018, with the understanding that an

RFP would be administered for these services.

RFP Advertisement and Receipt of Proposals:

RFP specifications were posted on the web pages of the Purchasing Division and

the Georgia Procurement Registry on February 13, 2018. This RFP has been

advertised, opened and evaluated. Proposals were received on March 16, 2018

from the following five (5) vendors:

CivicPlus, Inc. (Manhattan, KS)

ONSOLVE, LLC (Ormond Beach, FL)

CutCom Software Inc./AppArmor (Toronto Ontario Canada)

Everbridge (Pasadena, CA)

Smart Energy Systems, LLC (Irvine, CA)

The following events took place after receipt of the proposals:


Description Date Agenda/Action

Pre-Evaluation 04/11/18 The Purchasing Manager advised evaluation committee of

the RFP rules and process. The proposals were distributed to committee members

for review.

1st Evaluation 04/27/18 Committee members discussed the proposals from all vendors.

Questions were identified that needed to be send to all vendors for


Clarification Letters 05/01/18 Letters were forwarded to all vendors for clarification

of questions submitted by committee.

Vendor Responses 05/08/18 Vendor responses were provided to committee for review.

Committee members advised that they were ready to begin evaluations.

Evaluation Ballots Sent to Committee 05/08/18 Evaluation ballots forwarded to voting

committee members.

Evaluation Ballots Completed by Committee Members 05/25/18 Committee members

completed and returned their evaluation ballots to Purchasing.

Evaluation Results forwarded to Committee 05/30/18 The Evaluation Results were compiled,

completed and forwarded to Committee members for review and Recommendation.

Recommendation Received 05/30/18 Via email, the committee members unanimously voted to

award to CivicPlus, Inc. (Manhattan, KS).

Evaluation Committee:

The proposals were reviewed by the Evaluation Committee, which consisted of one

(1) voting member from the Community Development, one (1) voting member from

the City Manager?s Office, and one (1) voting member from the Parks and

Recreation Department, and one (1) advisory member from the Citizen?s Service


Award Recommendation:

The evaluation committee unanimously recommends award of the contract to

CivicPlus, Inc. (Manhattan, KS), as reflected below:

CivicPlus, Inc.

? CivicPlus provides an unlimited use of characters and allows 311 to customize

their message to citizens, allowing detailed information to reach everyone in a

timely manner.

? Vendor has 20 years of experience with local government with 2,500 local

government clients in the U.S. and experienced personnel.

? The system is cloud based allowing 311 to access CivicPlus?s system remotely

without having to be in an office setting send messages.

? Staff is available 24/7/365. Provides unlimited use, unlimited archiving,

and ESRI mapping.

? CivicPlus provides various ways to send messages to the citizens of Columbus,

while also allowing citizens to be reached in many different languages.

Vendor Experience/Qualifications:

? CivicPlus, Inc. was incorporated in 1998 and is an integrated technology

platform for local government with clients across Canada and the U.S. providing

a cloud-based mass notification system to municipal organizations.

? The company has more than 250 employees, who service and support their client

base of more than 2,500, and their clients? 60,000+ internal users.

? The company has been listed seven (7) times on Inc. 5000. Inc. is an

American weekly magazine which publishes an annual list of the 500 and 5000

fastest-growing privately held small companies in the U.S.

? The company has also been listed on GovTech 100 for 2018, which is an annual

list compiled and published by Government Technology as a compendium of 100

companies focused on making a difference in and selling to state and local

government agencies across the United States.

Client Work History:

? Tybee Island, Georgia: CivicReady Mass Notification System for residential

and internal communication, Automated Weather Alerts, IPAWS.

? City of Royal Oak, Michigan: CivicReady Mass Notification System for

residential and internal communication.

? Jackson County, Georgia (Jefferson, GA): CivicReady Mass Notification System

for residential and internal communication, Automated Weather Alerts, IPAWS.

? Colonial Heights, Virginia: CivicReady Mass Notification System for

residential and internal communication and Automated Weather Alerts.

? Spalding County, Georgia (Griffin, GA): CivicReady Mass Notification System

for residential and internal communication, Automated Weather Alerts, IPAWS.

The City?s Procurement Ordinance, Article 3-110, Competitive Sealed Proposals

for the Procurement of Equipment, Supplies and Professional Services, governs

the RFP Process. During the process of an RFP there is no formal opening and

no proposal responses are made public, due to the possibility of negotiated

components of the proposals. If Council does not approve the recommended

offeror, the RFP specifications will be re-advertised. The evaluation results

and cost information has been submitted to the City Manager in a separate memo

for informational purposes.

Funds are budgeted each fiscal year for this ongoing expense: General Fund ?

Contingency; 0101-590-2000-CONT-9801.






WHEREAS, an RFP was administered (RFP No. 18-0018) and five (5) proposals were

received; and,

WHEREAS, the proposal submitted by CivicPlus, Inc. met all proposal

requirements and was evaluated most responsive to the RFP; and,

WHEREAS, the contract term shall be for two years, with an option to renew for

three (3) additional twelve-month periods, if agreeable to both parties.


That the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute an annual contract, for

emergency notification services, with CivicPlus, Inc., to provide emergency

notification to households in Columbus, Georgia, and CCG employees. Funds are

budgeted each fiscal year for this ongoing expense: General Fund ? Contingency;



Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held

the _________ day of _________________, 2018 and adopted at said meeting by the

affirmative vote of _________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting __________.

Councilor Baker voting __________.

Councilor Barnes voting __________.

Councilor Davis voting __________.

Councilor Garrett voting __________.

Councilor Huff voting __________.

Councilor Thomas voting __________.

Councilor Turner Pugh voting __________.

Councilor Woodson voting __________.

_______________________________ __________________________

Tiny B. Washington, Clerk of Council Teresa Pike Tomlinson, Mayor


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