Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) for Columbus,

Georgia so as to amend certain sections of the Unified Development Ordinance of

the Columbus Codes so as to correct certain errors.




Chapter 9 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 9.2.3.B. to read as follows:

B. Composition, Appointment and Compensation.

1. Composition. The Planning Advisory Commission shall consist of nine members

appointed by the Council.

a) Term of Office. All regular member appointments shall be for three years.

Current membership and terms of office shall not be affected by the adoption of

these land development regulations.

b) Number of Terms. An appointed member who has served two consecutive full

terms shall not be eligible for reappointment until the lapse of 12 months from

the end of the second full term.

2. Compensation. Members shall not receive compensation for their services.

However, the members may be reimbursed for authorized expenses incurred in the

performance of their duties. Authorization of expenses shall be made by the

Director of Planning.


Chapter 2 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 2.5.12.B. to read as follows:

B. Required Rezoning.

1. Rezoning Required. Any residential development that exceeds either the

minimum site size or number of dwelling units as indicated in Table 2.5.2 shall

be considered a PUD and shall be required to be rezoned to a PUD overlay zoning


2. Reserved.


Chapter 13 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 13.1.1. to read as follows:

Office, business and professional means an establishment providing executive,

management, and professional services to the public, including but not limited

to the following: advertising services, business offices of private companies,

business offices of utility companies, public or nonprofit agencies, trade

associations; employment offices, excluding day labor and labor pool services;

professional or consulting offices for accounting, tax office, architecture,

computer technology, design, engineering, landscape architecture, law, urban

planning, and similar professions; property and financial management, real

estate; secretarial and telecommunication services; travel agencies; and

related services.


Chapter 13 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 13.1.1. to read as follows:

Personal services means an establishment providing services of a personal

nature that are necessary on a frequent or recurring basis. Personal services

may include the accessory retail sale of items related to service rendered.

Personal services typically include beauty and barbershops; clerical services;

dog grooming; garment repair; informational, instructional, personal

improvement, or services of a similar nature; fortune telling and similar

psychic services; and dry cleaning drop-off and pick-up stations; limited

repair services; manicurists; photography studios; spas; shoe repair and

shoeshine parlors; tailoring; and tanning salons.


Chapter 3 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 3.2.50.E. to read as follows:

E. Reserved.


Chapter 2 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 2.1.6.D. to read as follows:

D. Reserved.


Chapter 2 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 2.5.19.E.5. to read as follows:

5. Parking/Yard, Height and Setback.

(A) Location of Parking Areas. Buildings should be located at the corner of

sites closest to the road intersection, so that the parking areas are screened

by the building from view of any public road, and so that the travel path from

public sidewalks is shortened. Parking must be located in a way that is not

visually dominant. Parking between buildings and an arterial road is

discouraged, but if necessary, requirements of section 2.5.19.E.5.(C)

(Screening of parking areas) must be met. If parking is located in the side or

rear yards, any screening may be clustered and need not cover 100 percent of


(B) Up to 25 percent of the required parking spaces for any development may be

reduced in total area, width, or depth for designated small vehicle parking.

Each small vehicle parking space shall not be less than eight feet in width and

17 feet in depth.

(C) All nonresidential developments shall meet at least one of the following



Gross Square Feet Maximum percent of Parking Spaces Allowed in Front of Buildings

< 7,500 20 percent

7,501 to 25,000 30 percent

25,001 to 50,000 40 percent

50,000 > 50 percent

(2)When parking areas are provided in a front yard (in between a public

road right-of-way and a principal building), a minimum 18-inch evergreen hedge

shall be installed to obscure visibility of the parking lot from the corridor.

This evergreen hedge must reach a minimum height of 2.5 feet within 2 years of

planting. Screening may be located in the planting yard if it does not impede

other uses or purposes of the yard.

(3) When parking areas are provided in a front yard (in between a

public road right-of-way and a principle building), a combination of landscaped

earthen berm and evergreen hedge with a minimum height of 18 inches shall be

used. The total height of landscaped earthen berm and hedge combination shall

reach a minimum height of 2.5 feet at planting. Screening shall be located in

the planting yard if it does not impede other uses or purposes of the yard.

(D) Reserved.


Chapter 10 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 10.2.5.C. to read as follows:

1. Report for Zoning Change Approval. A Planning Department staff report with a

recommendation of approval or conditional approval for a zoning change shall be

delivered to the Clerk of Council's Office. At such time, Planning Department

will advertise the date, time, and place for the public hearing in accordance

with Section 10.2.5.C.4(A).

2. Report for Zoning Change Denial. A Planning Department staff report with a

recommendation of denial for a zoning change shall be delivered to the Clerk of

Council's Office. The applicant for the change shall appeal the recommendation

to the City Council.

3. Notification for Affected Councilors. The Planning Department shall notify a

City Councilor of a proposed rezoning case in his/her council district. Said

notification shall take place upon submittal of the staff report(s) to the

Clerk of Council. At-large Councilors shall be notified of all proposed

rezoning cases upon submittal of the staff report(s) to the Clerk of Council.

(A) Time Period for Appeal. An appeal shall be made within two weeks after the

Clerk of Council receives the recommendation of the Planning Department.

(B) Effect of Appeal. If the applicant appeals, the Clerk of Council will

notify the Planning Department. At such time, Planning Department will

advertise the date, time, and place for the public hearing in accordance with

Section 10.2.5.C.4(A). If no appeal is made, the Council shall consider the

petition withdrawn by the applicant.

4. Public Notice - Prior to Council public hearing.

(A) Notification to the General Public.

(1) Newspaper Advertisement.

(a) At least 15 days but not more than 45 days prior to the public

hearing, notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within

the city. The Planning Department shall prepare such notice, which shall state

the time, place and purpose of the hearing.

(b) The published notice shall include the location of the property,

the present zoning classification of the property, and the proposed zoning

classification of the property or the special exception use requested.

(2) Mail Notice to Surrounding Property Owners. If the proposed zoning

change was initiated by a party other than the City Council, the Planning

Department or the Planning Advisory Commission, mail notice shall also be given

to surrounding property owners as indicated below.

(a) At least seven days prior to the City Council meeting, the Planning

Department shall mail a notice to all persons owning property located within

300 feet of the proposed property that is the subject matter of the zoning

change. However, at the discretion of the Planning Director, notice shall be

mailed to property owners beyond the 300 feet notification requirement. If the

applicant is also the owner of the property adjacent to the proposed property

to be rezoned, notice shall be mailed to property owners within 300 feet beyond

the applicant-owned adjacent property, or farther if the Planning Director

deems appropriate. The written notice shall be mailed to the property owners as

such names and addresses appear on the County's ad valorem tax records.

(b) The notice shall state the time, place and purpose of the City Council



Chapter 3 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Table 2.3.1. to read as follows:

Property Development Regulations

Minimum Required

Yard/Setback (Feet)

Zoning District Min. Lot Size (Square Feet) Max. Density (Units per Acre) Max. Lot Coverage Min. Lot Width

(Feet) Max. Bldg Height (Feet) Front Side Side

Corner Rear Notes


?Multifamily and Condo 4,000 None 100% 40 150 25 12 25 40

?Nonresidential Uses 4,000 None 100% 40 150 25 0/153 0 0

?Mixed Uses 4,000 None 100% 40 150 0 0/153 0 0 2

CRD See Requirements For UPT Zoning District

NC 4,000 None 100% 40 50 20 0/153 20 0/153


?Townhouse 1,800

(1,800) 18 50% 20 35 20 8 20 30

?Multifamily and Condo 10,000

(1,000) 43 100% 75 150 25 12 25 40

?Nonresidential Uses 10,000 43 100% 75 150 25 12 25 40

?Mixed Uses 10,000

(1,000) 43 100% 75 150 25 12 25 40 2

CO 3 acres

(21,780) None 50% 110 125 0 0/153 0 0/153 4

GC 4,000 None 100% 40 70 20 0/153 20 0/153

SAC 130,680 None 80% 300 120 40 20 20 20


1 Number of square feet in parenthesis is the minimum lot area per individual

dwelling unit.

2 Residential uses are to be located above the ground floor.

3 15 feet when abutting a residential zoning district.

4 See Section 2.3.6 for minimum lot size within property zoned CO.


Chapter 2 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Table 2.1.5. to read as follows:

Dimensions Standard

Maximum Height (feet) Per current building code(1)

Maximum Lot Coverage Included in coverage for principal structure

Minimum Setbacks (feet)

Front Same as principal structure

Side Same as principal structure

Side Corner Same as principal structure

Rear Same as principal structure

Minimum Building Separation Per current building code


() No more than principal structure.

(2) Signs, lighting standards, billboards, public utility substations, service

station canopies, satellite receivers and any other structure not specifically

addressed must comply with the requirements of this ordinance and the authority

having jurisdiction


Chapter 3 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Table 3.1.1. to read as follows:



Massage Therapy P P P P P *


All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are

hereby repealed.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

13th day of May, 2014 introduced a second time at a regular meeting of said

Council held on the ______ day of ________, 2014, and adopted at said meeting

by the affirmative vote of ________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting____________.

Councilor Baker voting____________.

Councilor Barnes voting___________.

Councilor Davis voting____________.

Councilor Henderson voting________.

Councilor Huff voting_____________.

Councilor McDaniel voting_________.

Councilor Pugh voting_____________.

Councilor Thomas voting___________.

Councilor Woodson voting__________.

_________________________________ _____________________________________



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