Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

May 9, 2010

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners of

Columbus, Georgia was held at the office of the Columbus Water Works on Monday,

May 9, 2010, at 1:30 p.m., the following Commissioners being present:

Philip Thayer, Chairman

Billy Blanchard, Treasurer

Dr. Carole Rutland

Karl Douglass

Absent: Mayor Jim Wetherington

It was noted that Mayor Wetherington?s absence from this meeting was


Receipt of the Minutes of the regular monthly meeting on April 12,

2010, was acknowledged by the Board and approved as written.

Using a PowerPoint Program, President Tant presented the 2010-2011

Operating Budget, which was previously provided to the Board for their

consideration and approval. A copy of the 2010-11 Budget is on file at the

Water Works office. Following discussion motion was made and seconded to adopt

the Operating Budget for the fiscal year 2010-11. Motion carried.

The Financial Report for the month of April including Ft. Benning was

presented to the Board. Motion was made and seconded to accept the reports.

Motion carried.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of April conducted by Engineering and Field Services.

Ft. Benning Raw Water Intake and Pumping Station

This project involves the construction of a new Raw Water Intake and Pumping

Station on the Chattahoochee River. The Engineer?s estimate for this work is


On April 22, 2010 bids were publicly opened and read as follows:

Contractor Bid Amount

P. F. Moon & Company $4,151,000.00

Heavy Constructors, Inc. $4,465,737.00

RTD Construction, Inc. $4,579,043.00

Crowder Construction Company $4,650,372.00

Ruby-Collins $4,658,600.00

Haren Construction Company, Inc. $4,782,000.00

W. L. Hailey & Company, Inc. $4,971,000.00

Cardinal Contractors, Inc. $5,427,519.00

Jones General Contracting $5,922,000.00

Earth-Scapes, Inc. No Bid

Morgan Contracting, Inc. No Bid

Murphree Bridge Corporation No Bid

RaCon, Inc. No Bid

The engineer has reviewed and tabulated the bids and recommends contract award

to P. F. Moon & Company, as the low responsible bidder in the amount of


Staff concurs and requests Board approval to award the Ft. Benning Raw Water

Intake and Pumping Station contract to P. F. Moon & Company at the bid price of

$4,151,000.00. This project is funded via 2009 Bond funds. Motion was made

and seconded to award the contract to P. F. Moon & Company. Motion carried.

Field Services ? Collections

First step of the I&I Abatement Program ? Assisted contractor, ADS, with

placement of flow monitors in Ft. Benning Main Post, Lower Green Island Hills

and Weracoba sewer basins.

Located and raised manholes.

Cleaned sewer mains upstream from monitors.

Continue to perform SSES work and correct what is discovered in the sub-basins

where overflows occurred in 2009 ? Made 49 sewer line repairs in the E. Lindsay

Drive Basin.

Field Services ? Distribution

Heavy rains on May 3rd washed out a 10? asbestos water main in the Sand Hill

area of Ft. Benning (Duck Pond fed by Tiger Creek overflowed).

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of April conducted by the Strategic Planning and Employee Services


Strategic Planning

Resource Advisory Group (R.A.G.) Quarterly Updates

A selected member of R.A.G., comprised of Cliff Arnett, Steve Davis,

Emory Blount, Jim Patterson and Gwen Ruff, will provide a 15-20 minute

presentation to strategy team members, discussing how their respective

operational responsibilities are in alignment with CWW strategic initiatives.

On April 23rd, Jim Patterson presented information on ?Emerging Trends

in Customer Relations.?

Employee Services

New Employee Orientation

New Employee Orientation was held Friday, April 2nd. Twelve new

employees who successfully completed their 120-day probationary period were

officially welcomed to CWW by the President and senior staff.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of April conducted by the Environmental and Communication Services.

Environmental Compliance

CWW participated in the Annual Ft. Benning Earth Day Celebration and CVCC?s

Earth Day activities. A presentation was given to CVCC focusing on how CWW

sustains water resources and infrastructure for the future by proactively

planning, implementing and maintaining infrastructure in a cost effective


Water Quality Monitoring

All results were below detection limits on CWW?s quarterly sampling under the

Unregulated Contaminants Monitoring Rule-2.

Laboratory data submitted by CWW for EPD split samples from the SCWRF compared

100% accurately with the results obtained by EPD?s Water Quality Laboratory.

Information Services

The IS Staff launched the Information Portal to the members of Senior

Management during April.

CWW passed quarterly network scans as required under the PCI (Payment Card

Industry) standards.

The bill insert for May will focus on helpful information about watering the

lawn and conservation tips.

The television spots for May will educate our customers on the best time of day

to water their lawn.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of April conducted by the Water Resources, Managed Maintenance and

Security Departments.

South Columbus Water Resource Facility

Average Daily Flow for Month 33.5 mgd

Maximum Daily Flow for Month 42.4 mgd

GAWP held their spring conference in Columbus on April 13-14 at the Trade


Several GAWP members toured the SCWRF.

Tours were also conducted for Auburn University and Columbus State University.

The Electrical Coordination Study was completed.

North Columbus Water Resource Facility

Average Daily Flow for Month 27.6 mgd

Maximum Daily Flow for Month 32.6 mgd

Basin #1 solids collection system upgrades are complete.

Raw water storage tank #2 construction is nearing completion.

Managed Maintenance

Planned maintenance work orders ? 71%

Planned maintenance work order man-hours ? 39%


CWW completed the new perimeter security enhancement lighting at the South

Columbus Water Resource Facility.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of April conducted by the Community and Corporate Department.

Ft. Benning Earth Day Fair

CWW participated at Ft. Benning?s Earth Day Fair April 15, 2010.

400 students participated from the third ? eighth grades.

Approximately 20 venders from the state were invited to participate.

CWW?s booth displayed backflow prevention information, material on how to

conserve water and how to detect and repair water leaks along with earth day


Oxbow Meadows Groundbreaking Ceremony

On Monday, May 3, 2010, a groundbreaking ceremony was held to kick off the

expansion of the Oxbow Meadows Learning Center Project.

Columbus State University, the City of Columbus and the Columbus Water Works

are working together on this project.

Lunch was provided by Columbus State University.

Gold Achievement Award

CWW received the ?Gold Achievement Award? for outstanding dedication to:

enriching the life experience for students; improving academic performance;

growing career opportunities; providing faculty development and enrichment as a


Drinking Water Week

CWW celebrated Drinking Water Week Saturday, May 8, 2010.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management advised the Board that as a supporter of the Georgia

Association of Water Professionals (GAWP), the Water Works will have the

opportunity to run a 60-second video in the new GAWP Headquarters lobby. The

video will run on a rotating, continuous loop.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

President Tant provided the Board with the following items of


Congratulations and thank you letter from Tim Mescon to Bob Tant

Thank you letter from Dana Whaley to Becky Butts

Tri Rivers Waterway Development Association Annual Meeting ? May 20-21 ?

Columbus Convention & Trade Center

President Tant gave a brief update on the raw water storage tank


The Board acknowledged the report.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


Emory E. Blount, Secretary


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