Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




DECEMBER 4, 2012

A Pre-Council Worksession of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called

to order at 4:07 P.M., Tuesday, December 4, 2012, in the Council Chambers,

Government Center, Columbus, Georgia. Honorable Teresa Pike Tomlinson- Mayor

and Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner Pugh, presiding.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Tomlinson was Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner

Pugh and Councilors R. Gary Allen (arrived at 4:23 p.m.), Mike Baker, Jerry

?Pops? Barnes, Glenn Davis, Bruce Huff, Judy W. Thomas and Evelyn Woodson

(arrived at 4:19 p.m.). City Manager Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney Clifton Fay,

Clerk of Council Tiny B. Washington and Deputy Clerk of Council Sandra Davis

were also present.

*** *** ***

ABSENT: Councilors Berry Henderson and Charles E. McDaniel, Jr. were absent.

*** *** ***

At the request of Councilor Thomas, City Manager Hugley explained the

process of how the proposed legislative agenda items would be presented. He

suggested that the items that are expected not to cause a great deal of

discussion would be presented first. If the members of Council have no

objections, the legislative item would then be put in resolution form and

brought before the Council to be voted on.

The following 2013 Proposed Legislative Agenda items were presented and

explained with a consensus to bring a resolution for the next regularly

scheduled Council Meeting on December 11, 2012 and are listed as follows:


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting legislation to amend the

Columbus Charter to make minor corrections and revisions as recommended by the

Charter Review Commission without referendum. Carryover from 2012 Session

(Recommended by Charter Review Commission.) (Did not pass by end of 2012

Session, please reintroduce this year.)


Sec. 1-100. Consolidation of city and county; creation of consolidated

governments; name.

? All areas of Muscogee County outside of Bibb City and the? Bibb City

no longer exists but is mentioned numerous times in this section (Strike Bibb

City throughout where mentioned).

Sec. 1-103. Taxing districts. (2) ?Notice of time, place and date of

such hearing shall be published in one (1) or more newspapers of general

circulation including that with the largest circulation in Muscogee County?

(Strike Muscogee County and replace with Columbus, Georgia). (A Resolution

would be presented at the December 11, 2012 Council Meeting for a vote.)


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting the delegation support

legislation to restore full funding to our public schools. (Request as a

result of a meeting between Muscogee County School Board/MCSB Chair, Muscogee

County School District/MCSD Superintendent, Mayor and City Manager)

Explanation: The MCSD has experienced a reduction in State Quality Basic

Education (QBE) allotment due to austerity cuts over the past 11 years totaling

$119.5 million. Over the past three years, austerity cuts have totaled $20.5

million in FY11, $24 million in FY12 and $24.1 million in FY13. Additionally,

the changes to the State Equalization Funding Formula have significantly

decreased funding by $5.1 million in FY12 and $2.5 million in FY13. MCSD total

FY13 State funding level is below the FY06 State funding level. These

reductions severely limit the school district?s ability to conduct its core

business ? the educating of K-12 students. We are requesting that you please

support any effort to restore Austerity and/or Equalization funding. (A

Resolution would be presented at the December 11, 2012 Council Meeting for a


*** *** ***




The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting that the local delegation

consider repealing the law concerning all of the documentations that is

required for an individual to renew their drivers? license. (Requested by

Councilor McDaniel ? 7/10/12)

Explanation: This law is putting a tremendous burden on citizens with the new

law requiring individuals to have a certified birth certificate, a social

security card and two sets of evidence to show where they live.

City Manager Hugley explained that during the joint Legislative

Session it was pointed out by a senior member of the delegation that this

requirement came from the federal agency; therefore, the delegation would

likely not have much jurisdiction. Councilor Thomas then asked that we hold

off on this one to give Councilor McDaniel the opportunity to withdraw it.

*** *** ***


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting the delegation support

legislation to make two amendments to the Secondary Metal Recyclers Act

contained in O.C.G.A. Sections 10-1-350 et seq. as follows: (Requested by the

Copper Theft Task Force)


1. To amend O.C.G.A. ?10-1-355 to allow metal recyclers to make cash payments

not to exceed $50.00 for regulated metal property.

2. To amend O.C.G.A. ?10-1-356 to reinstate the criminal charge of ?Prohibited

Acts, False Statement of Ownership? which was contained in that code section

prior to the 2012 amendments made by HB 872.

Mayor Tomlinson recognized the presence of some of the members of the

Copper Theft Task Force, as well as, the Police Department. (A Resolution

would be presented at the December 11, 2012 Council Meeting for a vote.)


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting the state take necessary

steps to ensure the full collection and timely remittance of all sales and use

taxes due to the state and to local governments, whether such steps include

additional funding for the Department of Revenue for audits and compliance

purposes, privatizing sales tax collections or allowing local governments to

collect and audit local sales taxes locally. (Carry over 2010/11)(Requested by

Pam Hodge, Finance Director)



1. Require the Department of Revenue to collect data showing sales tax

collections in cities;

2. Fully capture all data, whether electronically or manually filed;

3. Require the Department of Revenue to share sales tax data for collections

within municipal boundaries;

4. To the extent required to protect taxpayers, support confidentiality and

privacy of information shared with cities;

5. Support efforts to increase audits to ensure compliance; and,

6. Allow for more timely remittance of sales tax dollars to local governments.

Councilor Allen recalled the numerous times this item has been sent to the

delegation. He then suggested drafting legislation to send to the delegation

to give them something to start with on this matter. (A Resolution would be

presented at the December 11, 2012 Council Meeting for a vote.)


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting that the delegation take

necessary steps to incorporate changes to the 2010 Regional Transportation

Sales Tax as follows: (River Valley Regional Commission Region-Approved by

voters July 31, 2012)

(Requested by Mayor)


?? Oppose any changes to the Transportation Investment Act of 2010 that would

negatively impact the regions that passed the T-SPLOST referendum.

?? Oppose any efforts to redirect transportation funds away from the regions

that passed the T-SPLOST referendum.

(A Resolution would be presented at the December 11, 2012 Council Meeting for a



The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting legislation recommending the

state take necessary steps to fund an adolescent residential treatment facility

in Muscogee County. (Requested by Mary Bode, Juvenile Court).

Explanation: Currently, there is a need in the community for a residential

substance abuse treatment facility for adolescents. In 2006, Alchemy

Residential Treatment Facility operated by New Horizons Community Service Board

was closed. The Muscogee County Juvenile Drug Court participants that are in

need of a higher level of treatment are being placed in DHR facilities

throughout the State of Georgia. Recently, four DHR facilities have closed

limiting placement resources for the Muscogee County Juvenile Drug Court.

These existing DHR placements require transportation and participants receive

minimal family engagement in the treatment process due to the distance of the

placement locations. Drug Court Staff also travel weekly to treatment

facilities to conduct intakes, discharges and treatment progress meetings. A

facility located in Columbus, Georgia would benefit the community by reducing

travel expenses and will assist with staff utilization more efficiently. This

will also enable the youth to remain enrolled in the Muscogee County School

District with less academic disruption. The Muscogee County Juvenile Drug

Court continues to strive to enhance services for substance abusing adolescents

and this need being met will assist in increasing staff and family engagement

both in the treatment and re-entry processes.

City Manager Hugley explained that this is a request of Ms. Mary Bode from

Juvenile Court. After Councilor Thomas asked a question, Ms. Mary Bode came

forward to respond by explaining that after Alchemy Residential Treatment

Facility was closed, there were limited placement options. There were other

DHR facilities that have closed as well due to the lack of State funding. She

further explained that we are asking for State funding. (A Resolution would be

presented at the December 11, 2012 Council Meeting for a vote.)


The Columbus Consolidated Government is requesting legislation to exercise

redevelopment powers under Chapter 44 of Title 36 of the Official Code of

Georgia annotated and authorize that a referendum be held on a date as

determined by the governing authority of Columbus, Georgia. (Requested by

Uptown Columbus and Chamber of Commerce)

Explanation: Approval would allow voters to decide whether Columbus will be

authorized to use this tool to encourage development and financing

redevelopment in redevelopment areas or districts that have not been subject to

growth and development through private enterprise and would not reasonably be

anticipated to be developed without the approval of the redevelopment plan to

improve property values, reduce poverty, reduce unemployment, relieve general

distress and blight, and to relieve a substantial lack of economic

development. Such districts may also include one or more natural, historical,

or cultural assets which have not been adequately preserved, protected, or

improved without the approval of the redevelopment powers tool (the improvement

of the area is likely to enhance the value of a substantial portion of the

other real property in the district).

City Manager Hugley pointed out that the Chamber of Commerce and Richard

Bishop- President of Uptown Columbus, Inc. are present and support this

effort. Mike Gaymon- President of the Chamber of Commerce, approached the

rostrum to speak of the revitalization efforts of other communities, and this

redevelopment powers would assist with encouraging job development and new

capital investment. He spoke of other cities and states where this initiative

has worked.

Mr. Ken Bleakley- President of Bleakley Advisory Group, came forward and

provided a power point presentation that outlined the following topics with Mr.

Bleakley explaining each and are listed below:


How Tax Increment Financing Works

How do TADS Work

Cities/Counties who have approved TAD

The Importance of a Successful Referendum on TADs

A Proposed Timeline of Key Steps

The Referendum only the First Step in Public Input on TADS

What is TAD?s Role in Redevelopment

What are the Benefits of TAD?

In conclusion, Mr. Bleakley responded to questions from the Mayor and

members of Council. Councilor Davis expressed concerns with holding a special

election for the TAD. After some additional discussion, City Attorney Fay

advised that the way this legislative proposal is drafted, the Council would

set the date at their discretion. In response to Mayor Tomlinson, Mr. Bleakley

recalled an instance where the referendum date became an issue. He then

suggested that the Council place a timeframe certain to hold the referendum.

Mr. Bleakley also responded to questions from Councilor Allen regarding the

city?s liability with respect to the issuance of bonds. (A Resolution would be

presented at the December 11, 2012 Council Meeting for a vote.)


14. HOTEL TAX: Background from the Lodging Tax Primer developed by The

International Society of Hotel Association Executives (ISHAE) Lodging Tax Task

Force, in collaboration with the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA):

Hotel/motel tax was originally created so that local governments would not have

to bear the full burden of the cost of marketing to attract travelers. Through

their contract with a Convention & Visitors Bureau, Chamber or other non-profit

501c6, a municipality invests in marketing their entire geographic area and all

of its assets as a destination for leisure and business travelers. Hotel/motel

tax revenue should not be diverted to non-tourism related purposes.

Explanation: The Columbus Convention & Visitors Bureau supports monitoring and

oversight of hotel/motel tax law, including changes or modifications to the

existing tax code and the creation of new convention & visitors? bureaus;

continued clarification in the code that defines the acceptable uses of the

Georgia Hotel/Motel Tax and protects funding for destination marketing.

THE LOCAL GROWTH BILL: Background: Enabling legislation that would allow local

communities to pass a fraction of a penny sales tax for economic development

and the arts. The Local Growth Bill is sponsored by Rep. Ron Stephens

(R-Savannah) and many bi-partisan co-sponsors.

Explanation: The Columbus Convention & Visitors Bureau supports the ?Local

Growth Bill.?

Georgia Tourism Development Act: The law allows tax incentives for eligible

tourism development projects. However, no rules have been written addressing

how to designate tourism projects for the tax credit, leaving the state unable

to administer the program. Currently there are several projects on hold until

this tax credit program is implemented.

Explanation: The Columbus Convention & Visitors Bureau supports efforts to

ensure that the Georgia Tourism Development Act is enacted, resulting in

economic growth for our state.

Mr. Peter Bowden- President of the Convention & Visitor?s Bureau, came

forward after City Manager Hugley made some opening statements to further

explain the reasoning for this proposed legislative item. Councilor Thomas

requested that the Administration check with the Georgia Municipal Association

(GMA) and Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG). (A Resolution

would be presented at the December 11, 2012 Council Meeting for a vote.)


The Administrative Office of the Courts has opined that an act of the Georgia

General Assembly is necessary for the creation of a recorder?s court technology

fee. Therefore, this Council desires that the local legislative delegation

introduce local legislation at the 2013 Session of the Georgia General Assembly

to authorize assessment of a technology fee/court cost in the Recorder?s Court

of Columbus, Georgia. (Requested by Recorder?s Court Administrator/Judge


Explanation: Recorder?s Court provides citizens of Muscogee County with fair

and impartial justice, promote public safety, enhance public trust and

confidence, and safeguard the constitutional rights of all who appears in this

court. In accomplishing this mission, a court technology fee is being

requested in order to provide better services by purchasing supplies, equipment

and technology to operate the court such as an Eticketing System, card reader

and creation and operation of an online payment system.

Councilor Allen mentioned that the technology fee for Recorder?s Court is

for technology and equipment but not for personnel. He wanted to ensure that

some language be added for the use of the funds for operational purposes but to

preclude the use of this money for personnel. City Manager Hugley assured that

we would specify that in the resolution because what has been communicated to

us is for equipment and technology. (A Resolution would be presented at the

December 11, 2012 Council Meeting for a vote.)

As a recap, City Manager Hugley advised that on the Mayor?s Agenda for the

regularly scheduled meeting, we would be discussing the remaining items on the

2013 Proposed Legislative Agenda and are listed as follows:

#3 Charter Review Amendment ? Personnel Review Board

#4 2013 Fair Market Value

#6 Driver?s License Renewal

#7 Pretrial Detainee

#8 Specialty Tier Drug Study and Moratorium / Create a Joint Study Committee

*** *** ***

With there being no further business to come before the Council, Councilor

Barnes made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Councilor Huff and carried

unanimously by those seven members present, with Councilor Davis being absent

for the vote and Councilors Henderson and McDaniel being absent for the meeting

with the time being 5:26 p.m.

Sandra T. Davis, DCMC

Deputy Clerk of Council

Council of Columbus, Georgia


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