Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

June 11, 2013 Commissioner?s Meeting Minutes

Commissioners in Attendance: Beverly Kinner, Greg Paul, Eva Smith, Dr. Billy

Kendall, Melba Spurlcok, Becky Basset, Cleo Griswould, Chris Consoletti, Elaine

Tarpley, Elliott Waddell, Stacy Poydasheff, Sue Dalelio, Karon Henderson

KCBC Staff in attendance: Gloria Weston-Smart, Beth Wilson

Excused absences: Kat Cannella, Adele Lindsey, Frazer Loomis, John Brent

CALL TO ODRDER/WELCOME/INTRODUCTION- Chairperson Beverly Kinner called the

meeting to order.


Beverly Kinner called for the approval of the April 9, 2013 meeting minutes.

The motion was made by Elliott Waddell and seconded by Elaine Tarpley. The

minutes were unanimously approved.

TREASURER?S REPORT- Gloria Weston-Smart

Financial Reports

KCGBC Inc. Non-profit Status- Ann McNeer, the KCBC and KCGBC accountant, has

resubmitted 990?s for the years requested by the IRS. Treasurer Frazer Loomis

will follow up.

Mildred Miller Fort Foundation request $25,000 continued support of ?Preserving

Our Legacy? WRBL Campaign- Gloria submitted a request asking for $25,000 to

continue the ?Preserving Our Legacy? campaign. Gloria stated in her request

that the funds were needed to expand the project to include other local

television stations.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT (Election of Officers)- Vice Chairperson Greg Paul

presented the 2013-2014 slate of officers for KCBC. Greg Paul called for any

nominations from the floor for all offices, there were none. Greg Paul called

for the approval of the slate of officers. The motion was made by Elliott

Waddell and seconded by Elaine Tarpley. The slate of officers was unanimously


Chairperson Beverly Kinner

Secretary Cleo Griswould

Treasurer Robert Nobles- pending Council approval


Awards Luncheon May 9, 2013, Cols. Convention & Trade Center- Dr. Billy Kendall

gave an overview of the Awards Luncheon. Overall the event was a great

success. Billy thanked the Commission for their support whether it was

financially, or by their attendance. Billy requested that we submit award

applications to the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation to be recognized at their

awards luncheon in October. The financial report will be available soon. KCB

is expecting a $1,500-$2,000 profit from the Awards Luncheon.

The Tour of Gardens, June 8-9, 2013- Tour of Gardens Chairperson Sue Dalelio

gave a brief overview of the tour. She thanked all of the committee members

and volunteers. The project was an overall success. The official profit and

ticket sales report will be available at a later date. A wrap-up committee

meeting will be scheduled.

August 3, 2013, Household grease, prescription & over-the-counter drugs

recycling project, 10am-2pm. Kmart Macon Road and Wal-Mart Airport Thruway-

KCBC will team with Columbus Water Works for the bi-annual project.

Commissioners were encouraged to volunteer.

Festival of Trees- Commissioners engaged in a lively discussion in regards to

modifying the Festival of Trees. Many valuable suggestions were offered by

Commissioners including having Santa & Mrs. Claus on site for events,

providing table top trees and wreaths for auction, and engaging the Young

Professional?s or the Junior League to assist in planning the project. It was

suggested that KCBC will have 3 major fundraisers, and implement one per year.

Chairperson Karon Henderson suggested a car raffle for a 2013 Nissan Leaf as a

possible fundraiser. The Commissioners decided to feature the next Festival of

Trees in 2014.


The next Commissioners meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 13, 2013, TBA

A tree top tour was available immediately following the meeting at a cost of

$5.00 per person. Beverly, Elaine, Chris, Gloria, and Beth participated.



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