Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



May 19, 2009

Members Present: Chairperson Berry Henderson and Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner

Pugh and Councilors R. Gary Allen, Wayne Anthony, Mike Baker, Jerry ?Pops?

Barnes and Glenn Davis, Charles E. McDaniel, Jr. and Evelyn Woodson. Also

present were City Manager Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney Clifton Fay, Deputy City

Managers David Arrington and Lisa Goodwin, Finance Director Pam Hodge, Human

Resources Director Tom Barron and Deputy Clerk of Council Sandra Davis. Mayor

Wetherington was present; however, he was seated in the audience.

Members Absent: Councilor Julius Hunter, Jr. was absent.

Call to Order: Chairman Henderson called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. in

the Council Chambers, Plaza Level, of the Government Center.

Chairman Henderson said this may be the final budget meeting for the FY10

Budget. He then called on City Manager Hugley who immediately called upon

Finance Director Pam Hodge.

The following documents were distributed around the Council table: Preliminary

Report to the Mayor and Council Budget Committee, FY10 Recommended Budget

(One-Time Bonus Options for General Government Employees), FY10 Recommended

Budget ADD/DELETE List and Email correspondence from Municipal Court Judge

Stephen Hyles requesting a reclassification of the Court Coordinator?s position.

Finance Director Pam approached the rostrum to provide the following

budget presentation. She called attention to the budget session agenda and is

listed as follows:


General Fund- Fund Balance Projections

Add/Delete List

Purchasing Authority


Undesignated Fund Balance as of June 30, 2008 $40,735,626 102.11

FY2009 Budget $1,141,527 -2.86

1990 GMA Lease Payoff $1,000,000 -2.51

FY08 Carryovers $1,227,312 -3.08

Flooding Grant Program $760,000 -1.91

FY09 Projected Fund Balance $36,606,787 91.75

FY2010 Budget $3,702,480 -9.16

FY10 Projected Fund Balance $32,904,307 81.86

Factors that Affect Fund Balance and Revenue

Suspension of the homeowners tax relief grant

Reduction in State supported programs

Decline in Local Option Sales Tax (down 7%)

Loss of local jobs and the market instability

9 mill cap

Property tax freeze

Stimulus Grant is a reimbursement grant



Bull Creek

Oxbow Meadows

Growing Pension Requirements

Medical cost for inmates


Councilor Woodson requested that she would like to put on the add/delete

list for the General Government Employees to receive a one-time bonus of

$500.00 with a cost of $1,086,313 to be distributed in December to be paid out

of the Fund Balance.

Chairman Henderson suggested this item be listed as one of the last items

on the add/delete list.

#1: Two Garbage Trucks - $370,000:

Councilor Allen moved approval. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried

unanimously by those nine members present with Councilor Hunter being absent

for this meeting.

#2: Welcome Center Renovations - $100,000:

Chairman Henderson recalled that this structure is on the Historic

Registry and is the old Welcome Center. Councilor Barnes added that this

Welcome Center serves weekly over 200 Veterans coming back from the war

presently, and who have applied for benefits. He then briefly described the

deplorable condition of the facility.

Councilor Woodson requested that we need to find out how many buildings

out there that have structural damage that we have renters that pay $1.00 a


Councilor Barnes moved approval. Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried

unanimously by those nine members present with Councilor Hunter being absent

for this meeting.

#3: Police Department Workout Equipment - $100,000:

Councilor Davis explained that this workout equipment is used by all of

the city government departments. He determined that this equipment is needed

from a physical standpoint and health wise.

Chairman Henderson suggested taking a look at this matter during mid-year;

since, it is at the bottom of the Police Department?s request list. He also

suggested inventorying the equipment and removing the ones that are in such a

state of disrepair that it has become dangerous. Councilor Davis advised that

the equipment that is in disrepair has been removed.

Councilor Woodson asked if this is something that could be funded by the

Local Option Sales Tax, at which time, Chairman Henderson pointed out there are

some specifics comments that the Mayor regarding what would fall under the

Local Option Sales Tax once it is passed; therefore, we want to be careful with


Councilor Davis moved approval. Seconded by Councilor McDaniel.

Councilor Woodson said that she is not going to be able to support the

workout equipment at this time, because right now she wants to have some

funding to do something for the non-public safety employees.

After some additional discussion, Councilor Davis amended his motion that

the $100,000 be approved in the budget but would not be spent until mid-year.

Seconded by Councilor McDaniel and after some further comments was approved by

a vote of seven to one with Chairman Henderson not casting a vote, Councilor

Woodson voting no and all other members present voting yes with Councilor

Hunter being absent for this meeting.

*NOTE: See Below for the final action on this matter. *

#4: Tax Commissioner Reclassification - $5,152:

Councilor McDaniel called attention to the letter from Information

Technology Director Charles Tate. (A copy of the letter was not filed for the

record.) He said according to IT Director Tate, this position is not needed.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh requested that the Administration, the IT staff

and the Tax Commissioner needs to meet before we complete the final vote on the

budget. She then asked that this request be tabled.

Councilor Allen expressed concerns with what could be every department

requesting an IT employee in their office.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked if this job description had been sent to

Dr. Condry at the University of Georgia, at which time, City Manager Hugley

advised that it has been sent to Dr. Condry and he classified it at a Pay Grade

13, which would be in line with the pay that Tax Commissioner Huff is trying to

achieve for this position.

Chairman Henderson maintained that this item has been tabled with no

action taken on it.

#5: Tax Assessor Appraiser - $44,707:

Finance Director Hodge advised that this would be a new position to

reinstate a Tax Assessor Appraiser that was deleted in 2003.

Internal Auditor John Redmond came forward to advise that progress has

been made in the Tax Assessors Office. He said Ms. Betty Middleton really

needs a continuation of a temporary position.

Finance Director Hodge explained that the person in the temporary status

would not have a vacant position to occupy in that office; therefore, she wants

to add this position to retain it.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved approval. Seconded by Councilor Allen and

carried unanimously by those nine members present with Councilor Hunter being

absent from this meeting.

#6: Sheriff - Travel, Registration - $19,171:

Finance Director Hodge asked that this item be removed, because it could

be handled administratively.

#7: Marshal?s Office Bailiff - $19,500:

Finance Director Hodge explained there was an error that was made in the

Finance Department in the preparation of the budget. She said that we included

only one bailiff position; whereas, Council had approved two bailiff positions

in the mid-year for FY08. She explained this would be to reinstate up to the


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved approval. Seconded by Councilor Allen and

carried unanimously by those nine members present with Councilor Hunter being

absent from this meeting.

#8: GIS Supervisor - January 1st ? ($25,492):

Finance Director Hodge said this is to start the GIS Supervisor position

on January 1, 2010; instead of July 1, 2009. She advised this would be a

$25,000 savings to the General Fund.

Chairman Henderson said that for $25,000 we would be six months more

behind in our GIS Department, which does not make financial sense.

Councilor Allen moved approval for the position to stay in the budget to

begin July 1, 2009. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by

those nine members present with Councilor Hunter being absent from this meeting.

#9: Sheriff?s Office Reclassification - $18,122:

Finance Director Hodge said there were four reclassifications and the

Sheriff?s Office has indicated that if the reclassifications are approved that

they could manage the $18,122 within their budget; therefore, the $18,122 would

not be required, but the Council would be required to approve the four


Councilor Allen moved approval. Seconded by Councilor Woodson.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked if the positions have been approved

through Dr. Condry at the University of Georgia, at which time, Finance

Director Hodge said they have not.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then requested an amendment to the motion that

the funds not be expended for the reclassifications and would not take place

until after a review by Dr. Condry. Councilor Allen was agreeable to the


Chairman Henderson suggested that since this matter is revenue neutral, he

does not believe the Council needs to take any action. City Manager Hugley

explained that since it is in our salary and compensation study at those pay

grades; the Council would need to approve the changes by ordinance with the

budget being approved as an ordinance in this case.

Chairman Henderson reiterated the amended motion to approve the

reclassifications without additional revenue in the budget with the condition

that the Administration sends it to Dr. Condry for his review. He called

attention to the previous motion made by Councilor Allen. Seconded by

Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those eight members present with

Councilor Davis being absent for this vote and Councilor Hunter being absent

from this meeting.

#10: Reduce E911 Subsidy - ($369,081):

Finance Director Hodge requested that we hold off on taking action on this

matter because it ties to the LOST fund, as well as, the E911 Fund; therefore,

it would be approved all at one time.

#11: Crime Prevention / Intervention Program ? ($931,859):

Finance Director Hodge said this item is the deletion of the Crime

Prevention / Intervention Program. She then recognized Mayor Wetherington for


Mayor Wetherington called attention to the information packet that was

sent to the members of Council over the weekend. He pointed out the his first

priority he had with this Local Option Sales Tax was to put 100 officers on the

streets and to make our streets safer. He said that it is just as important

that we have these crime prevention programs to hopefully keep young people

from entering into that criminal activity. He then recognized the Chairman of

the Crime Prevention Program Mr. Frank Myers who would talk about the process

they went through to come up with these different proposals that we are

recommending the Council approve funding.

Councilor Woodson asked questions regarding the Community Policing part of

the program and if this is in relation to the concept of having police officers

work a certain area to walk the streets and become familiar with the

neighbors. Also, she asked if this program would allow the Columbus Against

Drugs (CAD). Mayor Wetherington explained that he and Chief Ricky Boren want

to do this. He said that we would add ten beats to each shift; currently,

there are 26 and we would be adding ten more. He said that we are going to

encourage officers to be held responsible for what is going on in their area of

responsibility. He added that as a part of that, the officers are going to get

to know the citizens in that area. He pointed out this is going to take some


In response to further questions from Councilor Woodson, Parks and

Recreation Director Tony Adams came forward to advise that Dr. J. A. Hud

continues to run the Project Rebound Program and to speak briefly about the

Midnight Basketball Program.

Chairman of the Crime Prevention Program Mr. Frank Myers said not a penny

is going to be spent without the Council?s consent. He said we could provide

the framework but not a blueprint, because we don?t have all of the details.

Councilor Woodson requested the committee to contact GMA and NLC to see

some of the programs being offered by other cities with respect to crime


Crime Prevention Program Chairman Frank Myers came forward then made

reference to the Preliminary Report for the Crime Prevention / Intervention

Program (A copy is hereby on file and a part of these minutes.) He pointed out

that the commission is recommending that the Mayor set up an Office of Crime

Prevention and hire a director to do that. He also named each member of the

commission. The following power point presentation was outlined and briefly

explained and is listed as follows:

- Five areas of Emphasis:




*Drug and alcohol abuse prevention and treatment

*Community policing

Councilor Woodson moved approval. However, there were some additional

discussions on this matter.

Councilor Davis asked Mr. Myers to talk some about the correlation with

the School District in reference to some of the programs, at which time; Mr.

Myers said the vision is for the City and the School District to work together.

Note: Councilor Allen left the meeting during this portion of the

proceedings with the time being 10:50 a.m.

Mayor Wetherington then called on Ms. Judy Thomas- Executive to the Mayor,

to provide some insight into the discussions of the Mayor?s Commission on Crime

Prevention and Intervention. She said the commission made no promises to any

groups that their program would be funded. She recalled that the commission

wanted to know how the program impact crime prevention. She said we talked

about accountability in the funding that goes out and who makes that final

decision. In conclusion, she explained that Tampa, Florida reduced their crime

by 46% in six years by developing crime prevention programs.

After the conclusion of questions from members of Council, Chairman

Henderson called attention to the motion to approve. Seconded by Councilor

McDaniel and carried unanimously by those eight members present with Councilor

Allen being absent for the vote and Councilor Hunter being absent from this


#12: E911 Communication Tech III - ($369,081):

Finance Director Hodge explained that the recommendation is to move the

E911 Operators into the LOST out of the E911 fund. She said that funding

source for this; since that fund is balance, we would have to reduce a capital

item and our recommendation is from the Fire & EMS Department. She pointed out

it was a reserve account for the Fire & EMS Department for them to be able to

replace equipment. She said this would reduce that allocation from $710,000

down by this $369,081.

Councilor Woodson moved approval. Seconded by Councilor McDaniel and

carried unanimously by those eight members present with Councilor Allen being

absent for the vote and Councilor Hunter being absent from this meeting.

#13: $3,000 Supplement for Public Services/Parks & Recreation Correctional

Officers (45) ($174,353):

Finance Director Hodge explained that this request came from Councilor

Barnes, which is to include those correctional officers that are not a part of

the $3,000 supplement, because they are not in a public safety department.

At the request of Councilor Barnes, City Manager Hugley briefly explained

the reason he believes those correctional officers were not originally

included, by saying the focus was on public safety agencies.

Responding to a question of Chairman Henderson, City Manager Hugley

replied that if this is approved by the Council, because we are dealing with

correctional officers; although, they are not in a public safety department,

the monies would still come from the LOST.

Chairman Henderson then suggested tabling this matter until mid-year to

allow the Mayor to evaluate the specifics.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh requested a list of the 45 officers and provide

the department?s budget they are in. City Manager Hugley said there is one in

the Civic Center, one in Metra, most in Public Services with thirteen in Parks

& Recreation.

City Manager Hugley then explained that these correctional officers are

under the Public Safety Pension Plan, because this Council voted to do that.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said that these correctional should then be receiving

the same benefit as the others.

After consulting with the members, Chairman Henderson said we would wait

to address this matter at mid-year.

#14 & #15: Equipment Operators (2) - ($82,000) and Eductor Trucks (2) -


Finance Director Hodge said these items were discussed at Council last

week. She pointed out that it would be the equipment operators (two new

positions) and then the two eductor trucks to go with the two new positions.

She advised that it would be funded out of the Sewer Fund - Fund Balance.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved approval. Seconded by Councilor Woodson

and carried unanimously by those eight members present with Councilor McDaniel

being absent for the vote and Councilor Allen having left the meeting.

ADD-ON: Bonus for General Government Employees - ($500,000):

Finance Director Hodge made reference to a document that explains three

different bonus amounts for general government employees with the cost. (A

copy of this document is hereby made a part of the record.)

Bonus Cost Fund Balance Number of Days

$300.00 $651,788 1.61

$500.00 $1,086,313 2.69

$1,000.00 $2,172,625 5.38

Councilor Woodson made the motion to allow general government employees to

receive as a bonus on December 1, 2009 an amount of $300.00; $150.00 to

permanent part-time employees and retirees $150.00. She said the total amount

to be expended is $851,788. She said at mid-year, look into increasing the

$300.00 to $500.00 for employees and the part-time and retirees to increase to

$250.00. She explained that in January we would be able to see how the economy

is doing and how the City is financially; then, we could add the additional

$200.00 to the employees in January and the additional $100.00 to the retirees

and permanent part-time employees. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh.

Councilor Anthony asked for the recommendation of staff in this regard,

because employees would prefer to receive a percentage raise, at which time,

City Manager Hugley said that he believes the employees would be grateful if

the bonus is approved, when all around us there are companies closing and

laying off employees.

Chairman Henderson recalled that we adopted a pay plan and was able to

reach the 100% mark in three and a half years. He said we were only going to

lose approximately 1% to the market for this year, according to Dr. Condry?s

estimation. He called attention to items that have been added and pointed out

that this would reduce the fund balance by another 2.2 days. He said that he

opposes it, simply because we have a tight budget this year. He suggesting

waiting until mid-year, if there is an increase in the funding, that we may

even be able to do some kind of salary adjustment or pay plan adjustment.

Mayor Wetherington maintained that he did not recommend a pay raise this

year. He said that during these tough economic times that it would be prudent

to recommend a raise. He pointed out that if the economy does not get better,

we are going to have to start putting more money in the pension plan.

Responding to a question of Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh, Finance Director

advised that the items that have been added prior to this request item would

reduce the fund balance by .66 days, which would take us to 81.20 days. She

said this request for $851,788 is 2.2 day, which would take us down to 79 days.

After a considerable amount of discussion on this matter, Chairman

Henderson called attention to the motion on the floor to approve the bonus for

general government employees. The motion was then defeated by a vote of five

to three with Councilors Woodson, Barnes and Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh voting

in favor and Chairman Henderson, and Councilors Baker, Davis, McDaniel and

Anthony voting no with Councilor Allen having left the meeting and Councilor

Hunter being absent from this meeting.

Councilor Anthony said his concerns with approving the bonus was that we

would not look at this matter again until next year, and he would like to look

at a salary increase at mid-year. Chairman Henderson asked Finance Director

Hodge to make a note for mid-year.

ADD-ON: Municipal Court Office Reclassification - ($369,081):

Chairman Henderson called attention to the request from Municipal Court

Judge Stephen Hyles. He said it is in reference to a stiffen that has been

discontinued for an employee that has reduced her pay. He maintained that

after conferring with City Manager Hugley and Finance Director Hodge, he would

contact Municipal Court Judge Hyles to remind him that he has the authority to

continue to pay the equivalent of the stiffen to this employee, because it

doesn?t affect his budget. He added that as far as the reclassification is

concerned, we would send it to Dr. Condry as we are doing with all of the

others and pick them up at mid-year.

#3: Police Department Workout Equipment - $100,000:

Councilor Woodson asked Finance Director Hodge to look at other resources

that may be available to do the bonus for general government employees at


At this time, Councilor Woodson said since her request was not approved,

she wanted to change her vote for Police Department Workout Equipment to yes.

Chairman Henderson said he would like for his vote to be recorded as no. With

the vote changes, Item Three was approved by a vote of eight to one with

Chairman Henderson voting no and all others present voting yes with Councilor

Hunter being absent from this meeting.

*** *** ***

Municipal Court Clerk?s Office:

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh made reference to an email request from

Municipal Court Clerk Vivian Creighton-Bishop. (A copy of this documentation

was not filed for the record.) She called attention to the portion of the

email dealing with $30,000 in overtime that was cut out of the budget. Finance

Director Hodge replied that we have to verify the amount.

Chairman Henderson advised that the next Budget Review Committee Meeting

is scheduled for next Tuesday, May 9, 2009 directly after the regularly

scheduled Council Meeting.

*** *** ***

Purchasing Authority Change:

Finance Director Hodge explained that one of the items that we had

discussed when we changed the Council Meeting to twice a month was to increase

the purchasing authority. She then provided the purchasing authority of some

of the other counties in Georgia. At this time, she recommended that the

purchasing authority be increased to $25,000 from the $10,000 that requires

Council approval.

Chairman Henderson suggested that we make certain that we put in the

ordinance or on the record that monthly or quarterly, the City Manager presents

an email or documentation outlining all of the expenditures between the $10,000

to $25,000 range to keep the Council informed.

Finance Director Hodge said that we would bring this change back with the

budget ordinance. City Manager Hugley said that he would not suggest this

change be a part of the budget ordinance. He said that Council has asked him

for that and quarterly, he would provide a report.

In response to Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh, City Attorney Fay said the

purchasing authority is part of an ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said

it should not come back as part of the budget, but asked the City Attorney to

bring the change in ordinance form for the next Council Meeting.

*** *** ***

There being no other budget related items to discuss, Councilor McDaniel

moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by

those eight member present with Councilor Allen having left the meeting and

Councilor Hunter being absent from the meeting with the time being 11:53 a.m.


Sandra T. Davis

Deputy Clerk of Council

Council of Columbus, Georgia


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